subroutine scan(nvar,x,f0,lprn) implicit none include "DIMENSIONS" include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" include "COMMON.WEIGHTS" include "COMMON.NAMES" include "COMMON.VMCPAR" include "COMMON.IOUNITS" include "COMMON.CLASSES" include "COMMON.OPTIM" include "COMMON.ENERGIES" include "COMMON.TIME1" integer i,ii,ibatch,j,iww,nweight,iter,nf,nvar,icycle integer uiparm(1) logical lprn double precision x(max_paropt) double precision viol,f0,f,tcpu,sstep character*32 nazwa integer ilen external ilen external fdum c Systematically scan the weights one by one PREVTIM=tcpu() write (iout,*) "Enter the SCAN procedure" write (iout,*) "Initial weights" write(iout,'(9x,15(2x,a6))')(wname(i),i=1,n_ene) write(iout,40)(ww(i),i=1,n_ene) write(iout,*)'-----------------------------------' call targetfun(nvar,x,nf,f0,uiparm) write (iout,*) "Initial function value:",f0 ii=0 do i=1,n_ene if (imask(i).eq.1) then ii=ii+1 ww0(i)=x(ii) else ww0(i)=ww(i) endif enddo write (iout,*) "maxstep_scan",maxstep_scan," step_scan",step_scan DO ICYCLE = 1,NSCANCYCLE write (iout,*) "========== Scan cycle",ICYCLE do iww=1,n_ene if (imask(iww).eq.0) goto 1222 if (lprn) then nazwa='scan.'//wname(iww)(:ilen(wname(iww))) open(istat,file=nazwa) endif do i=1,n_ene ww(i)=ww0(i) enddo if ( then sstep = (ww_up(iww)-ww_low(iww))/maxstep_scan else sstep = step_scan endif write(iout,*) "Variable",iww,"maxstep_scan",maxstep_scan, & " sstep",sstep do iter=1,maxstep_scan ww(iww)=ww_low(iww)+iter*sstep if (ww(iww).lt.ww_low(iww).or.ww(iww).gt.ww_up(iww)) goto 1221 ii=0 do i=1,n_ene if (imask(i).eq.1) then ii=ii+1 x(ii)=ww(i) endif enddo c write (*,*) iww,iter,ww(iww) call targetfun(nvar,x,nf,f,uiparm) if ( then write (iout,'(2a,f10.5,2(1pe15.5))') & "Lower function value found:",wname(iww),ww(iww),f,f0 f0=f do i=1,n_ene ww0(i)=ww(i) enddo endif if (lprn) then write (istat,'(f8.3,5x,$)') ww(iww) write (istat,'(1pe15.5)') f endif 1221 continue enddo ! iter close(istat) 1222 continue enddo ! iww ENDDO ! ICYCLE ii=0 do i=1,n_ene if (imask(i).eq.1) then ii=ii+1 x(ii)=ww0(i) ww(i)=ww0(i) endif enddo write (iout,*) "Best function value:",f0 write (iout,*) call targetfun(nvar,x,nf,f,uiparm) if (lprn) call write_params(nvar,nf,x) return 30 format(a2,i5,1x,14(f5.3,1x),a3,100f7.3) 40 format(13(f7.4,1x)) end