program ENE_OPT c Optimize the UNRES energy function by minimization of a quartic target c function or by the VMC method. implicit none #ifndef ISNAN external proc_proc #endif #ifdef WINPGI cMS$ATTRIBUTES C :: proc_proc #endif include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" #ifdef MPI include "mpif.h" integer IERROR,ERRCODE,kolor,key include "COMMON.MPI" #endif include "COMMON.IOUNITS" include "COMMON.OPTIM" integer nvarr,iparm double precision rr,x(max_paropt) integer idumm integer i c print *,"Starting..." #ifdef MPI c print *,"Initializing MPI..." call MPI_Init( IERROR ) call MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, me, IERROR ) call MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, nprocs, IERROR ) c print *,"Finished initializing MPI..." Master = 0 Master1 = 1 c print *,"Me",me," Master",master," Ierror",ierror if ( then write(iout,*) "SEVERE ERROR - Can't initialize MPI." call mpi_finalize(ierror) stop endif #endif #ifndef ISNAN c NaNQ initialization i=-1 rr=dacos(100.0d0) #ifdef WINPGI idumm=proc_proc(rr,i) #else call proc_proc(rr,i) #endif #endif call initialize c print *,"calling openunits" call openunits c print *,"openunits called" call read_general_data(*10) write (iout,'(80(1h-)/10x, & "Maximum likelihood & force matching optimization", & " of UNRES energy function", & " v. 01/12/20"/80(1h-))') call flush(iout) call cinfo c call promienie(*10) write (iout,*) "Finished READ_GENERAL_DATA" call flush(iout) do iparm=1,nparmset call parmread(iparm,*10) enddo call read_pmf_data(*10) write (iout,*) "Finished parmread" call flush(iout) call read_optim_parm(*10) call print_general_data(*10) call read_protein_data(*10) write (iout,*) "Finished READ_PROTEIN_DATA" call flush(iout) call read_database(*10) write (iout,*) "Finished READ_DATABASE" call flush(iout) #ifdef MPI c write (iout,*) Me,' calling PROC_GROUPS' call proc_groups c write (iout,*) Me,' calling WORK_PARTITION_MAP' c call work_partition_map(nvarr) #endif #ifdef NEWCORR call pmfread(*10) write (iout,*) "Exit pmfread" call flush(iout) #endif c write (iout,*) "calling proc_data" c call flush(iout) call proc_data(nvarr,x,*10) c write (iout,*) "exit proc_data" c call flush(iout) call read_thermal #ifdef MPI if (me.eq.Master) then #endif call maxlikopt(nvarr,x) #ifdef MPI call jebadelko(nvarr) else call jebadelko(nvarr) endif call bilans call MPI_Finalize( IERROR ) #else call bilans #endif stop 10 write (iout,*) "Error termination of the program" call MPI_Finalize( IERROR ) stop end c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine bilans implicit none integer ntasks parameter (ntasks=11) include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" #ifdef MPI include "mpif.h" include "COMMON.MPI" integer IERROR double precision ttask_all(ntasks) integer nctask_all(ntasks) #endif include "COMMON.IOUNITS" integer i double precision ttask integer nctask common /timing/ ttask(ntasks),nctask(ntasks) character*16 tname(ntasks) /"function","gradient",9*''/ write (iout,*) write (iout,'(80(1h-))') #ifdef MPI write (iout,*) "Routine call info from the processor ",me," ..." #else write (iout,*) "Routine call info ..." #endif write (iout,*) write (iout,'(65(1h-))') write (iout,100) "task"," # calls"," total time", & " ave.time/call" write (iout,'(65(1h-))') do i=1,ntasks write (iout,200) tname(i),nctask(i),ttask(i), & ttask(i)/(nctask(i)+1.0d-10) enddo write (iout,*) #ifdef MPI call MPI_Reduce(ttask(1),ttask_all(1),ntasks, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, Master, WHAM_COMM,IERROR) call MPI_Reduce(nctask(1),nctask_all(1),ntasks, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, Master, WHAM_COMM,IERROR) if (Me.eq.Master) then write (iout,'(80(1h-))') write (iout,*) "Routine call info from all processors ..." write (iout,*) write (iout,'(65(1h-))') write (iout,100) "task"," # calls"," total time", & " ave.time/call" write (iout,'(65(1h-))') do i=1,ntasks write (iout,200) tname(i),nctask_all(i),ttask_all(i), & ttask_all(i)/(nctask_all(i)+1.0d-10) enddo write (iout,*) endif #endif return 100 format(a,t21,a,t31,a,t46,a) 200 format(a,t21,i10,f15.2,f15.8) end c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef MPI subroutine proc_groups C Split the processors into the Master and Workers group, if needed. implicit none include "DIMENSIONS" include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" include "mpif.h" include "COMMON.IOUNITS" include "COMMON.MPI" include "COMMON.VMCPAR" integer n,chunk,iprot,i,j,ii,remainder integer kolor,key,ierror,errcode logical lprint lprint=.true. C No secondary structure constraints. Comm1 = WHAM_COMM Me1 = Me Nprocs1 = Nprocs return end c------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine work_partition(lprint) c Split the conformations between processors implicit none include "DIMENSIONS" include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" include "mpif.h" include "COMMON.CLASSES" include "COMMON.IOUNITS" include "COMMON.MPI" include "COMMON.VMCPAR" integer n,chunk,iprot,i,j,ii,remainder integer kolor,key,ierror,errcode logical lprint C C Divide conformations between processors; for each proteins the first and C the last conformation to handle by ith processor is stored in C indstart(i,iprot) and indend(i,iprot), respectively. C C First try to assign equal number of conformations to each processor. C do iprot=1,nprot n=ntot_work(iprot) write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," n=",n indstart(0,iprot)=1 chunk = N/nprocs1 scount(0,iprot) = chunk c print *,"i",0," indstart",indstart(0,iprot)," scount", c & scount(0,iprot) do i=1,nprocs1-1 indstart(i,iprot)=chunk+indstart(i-1,iprot) scount(i,iprot)=scount(i-1,iprot) c print *,"i",i," indstart",indstart(i,iprot)," scount", c & scount(i,iprot) enddo C C Determine how many conformations remained yet unassigned. C remainder=N-(indstart(nprocs1-1,iprot) & +scount(nprocs1-1,iprot)-1) c print *,"remainder",remainder C C Assign the remainder conformations to consecutive processors, starting C from the lowest rank; this continues until the list is exhausted. C if (remainder .gt. 0) then do i=1,remainder scount(i-1,iprot) = scount(i-1,iprot) + 1 indstart(i,iprot) = indstart(i,iprot) + i enddo do i=remainder+1,nprocs1-1 indstart(i,iprot) = indstart(i,iprot) + remainder enddo endif indstart(nprocs1,iprot)=N+1 scount(nprocs1,iprot)=0 do i=0,NProcs1 indend(i,iprot)=indstart(i,iprot)+scount(i,iprot)-1 idispl(i,iprot)=indstart(i,iprot)-1 enddo N=0 do i=0,Nprocs1-1 N=N+indend(i,iprot)-indstart(i,iprot)+1 enddo c print *,"N",n," NTOT",ntot_work(iprot) if ( then write (iout,*) "!!! Checksum error on processor",me call flush(iout) call MPI_Abort( WHAM_COMM, Ierror, Errcode ) endif ii=0 do i=1,ntot_work(iprot) if (,iprot) .and. i.le.indend(me1,iprot)) & then ii=ii+1 i2ii(i,iprot)=ii else i2ii(i,iprot)=0 endif c write (iout,*) "i",i," iprot",iprot," i2ii",i2ii(i,iprot) enddo enddo ! iprot if (lprint) then write (iout,*) "Partition of work between processors" do iprot=1,nprot write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot #ifdef DEBUG write (iout,*) "The i2ii array" do j=1,ntot_work(iprot) write (iout,*) j,i2ii(j,iprot) enddo #endif do i=0,nprocs1-1 write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i7,a,i7,a,i7)') & "Processor",i," indstart",indstart(i,iprot), & " indend",indend(i,iprot)," count",scount(i,iprot) enddo enddo endif return end c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine jebadelko(nvarr) implicit none include "DIMENSIONS" include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT" include "mpif.h" include "COMMON.IOUNITS" include "COMMON.MPI" include "COMMON.VMCPAR" include "COMMON.CLASSES" include "COMMON.OPTIM" include "COMMON.WEIGHTS" include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER" include "COMMON.ENERGIES" include "COMMON.TIME1" include "COMMON.PROTNAME" include "COMMON.PROTFILES" include "COMMON.TORSION" include "COMMON.COMPAR" integer What, TAG, IERROR, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), istop, iprot, & nvarr, nf, errcode, ider integer count double precision x(max_paropt), g(max_paropt), viol integer uiparm,i,j integer ibatch,ib external fdum double precision rdum,rdif,chisquare_force double precision tcpu,t1,t1w,t1_ini,t1w_ini logical lprn,op,lder integer iun lprn=.false. ider=1 write(iout,*) "Processor",me,me1," called JEBADELKO" call flush(iout) if (me.eq.Master) then istop=0 call func1(nvarr,istop,x) else #ifdef DEBUG write (iout,*) "ELOWEST at slave starting JEBADELKO" do iprot=1,nprot do ibatch=1,natlike(iprot)+2 do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot) write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ibatch",ibatch," ib",ib, & " elowest",elowest(ib,ibatch,iprot) enddo enddo enddo #endif istop=1 t1w_ini = MPI_WTIME() t1_ini = tcpu() do while ( #ifdef DEBUG write (iout,*) "ELOWEST at slave calling FUNC1 from JBADELKO" do iprot=1,nprot do ibatch=1,natlike(iprot)+2 do ib=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot) write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," ibatch",ibatch," ib",ib, & " elowest",elowest(ib,ibatch,iprot) enddo enddo enddo #endif call func1(nvarr,istop,x) c write (iout,*) "slave: after func1" c call flush(iout) #ifdef NEWCORR if (istop.eq.1 .and. mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0) then rdum = rdif(nvarr,x,g,ider) c write (iout,*) "slave: after rdif" c call flush(iout) endif #endif if (istop.eq.1 .or. istop.eq.2 .or. istop.eq.3) then c write (iout,*) "slave: calling chisquare_force" rdum = chisquare_force(nvarr,x,g,ider) c write (iout,*) "slave: after chisquare_force" c call flush(iout) endif enddo t1w = mpi_wtime() - t1w_ini t1 = tcpu() - t1_ini write (iout,*) write (iout,*) "CPU time",t1," wall clock time",t1w call flush(iout) endif #ifdef DEBUG write (iout,*) write (iout,*) "Energies of processor",me do j=1,nprot write (iout,*) write (iout,*) "Protein ",protname(iprot) do i=1,ntot_work(j) if (,j).and.i.le.indend(me1,j)) then write(iout,*)i,e_total(i,j),rmstb(i,j),iscore(i,0,j) endif enddo enddo #endif do iprot=1,nprot if (maxlik(iprot)) then write (iout,*) "Deleting scratchfile",bprotfiles(iprot) inquire (file=bprotfiles(iprot),number=iun,opened=op) write (iout,*) "unit",iun," icbase",icbase if (.not. op) then open (icbase,file=bprotfiles(iprot),status="old", & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec(iprot)) close(icbase,status="delete") else close(iun,status="delete") endif call flush(iout) if (.not.mod_other_params) then write (iout,*) "Deleting scratchfile",benefiles(iprot) inquire (file=benefiles(iprot),number=iun,opened=op) write (iout,*) "unit",iun," ientout",icbase if (.not.op) then open (ientout,file=benefiles(iprot),status="old", & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec_ene(iprot)) close(ientout,status="delete") else close (iun,status="delete") endif endif call flush(iout) endif if (fmatch(iprot)) then write (iout,*) "Deleting scratchfile",bprotfiles_MD(iprot) inquire (file=bprotfiles_MD(iprot),number=iun,opened=op) write (iout,*) "unit",iun," icbase",icbase if (.not. op) then open (icbase,file=bprotfiles_MD(iprot),status="old", & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec_MD(iprot)) close(icbase,status="delete") else close(iun,status="delete") endif call flush(iout) if (.not.mod_other_params) then write (iout,*) "Deleting scratchfile",bforcefiles(iprot) inquire (file=bforcefiles(iprot),number=iun,opened=op) write (iout,*) "unit",iun," ientout",icbase if (.not.op) then open (ientout,file=bforcefiles(iprot),status="old", & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec_forces(iprot)) close(ientout,status="delete") else close (iun,status="delete") endif endif call flush(iout) endif enddo write (iout,*) "Processor",me,"leaves JEBADELKO" call flush(iout) return end #endif