program unresag implicit none include '' include '' include '' real*16 :: WEIGHTS(18) integer*4 :: i,j,m,n,iloc,pos,iter,maxiter,numarg,tmplen integer*4 :: WybierzOsobnika,Najlepszy,ZnajdzPodobnego,FindWorst integer*4 :: status integer*4 :: mnoznik = 10 character*16 :: mode,argn,argi,dir_nam character*15 :: filename real*8 :: loc,fc,sumfitness,sump,avrp,maxfc real :: rand, r real*8 :: maxfcever real*8 :: FunkcjaCeluB, FunkcjaCeluB2, FunkcjaCeluR c character*500 :: Weights2Str character(80),dimension(5) :: wagi logical :: searching = .false. logical :: logdata = .true. logical :: fileex = .false. logical :: retry = .false. logical :: dir_ex = .false. logical :: debug = .true. character*200 :: text, tmptext,tmptext2 character(len=*), parameter :: FMT = "(19F10.5,E15.7,F10.5)" c character(len=*), parameter :: FMT = "(F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10& c &.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10& c &.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5)" c ======================================================================= c Main program c ======================================================================= call ReadInput(status) if (( then c Do first score do_fs=.true. endif c Is everything OK? if ( then write(*,*) "There ware input file errors - check log." goto 2010 endif call itime(timeArray) r = rand(timeArray(1)*10000+timeArray(2)*100+timeArray(3)) c Fair enough? c r = 527865426 c------------------------------------------------------- c bank & populacja arrays store this c 1-19 - weights c 20 - energy obtained from zscore c 21 - fittness c------------------------------------------------------- allocate (bank(banksize,21)) allocate (populacja(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize,21)) allocate (pairs(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize)) c c Zero the arrays c do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize do j=1,21 populacja(i,j)=0 enddo pairs(i)=0 enddo do i=1,banksize do j=1,21 bank(i,j)=0 enddo enddo c First time here? inquire(FILE=ostatefn,EXIST=fileex) c No. Prepere next generation if (fileex) then open(ostate,file=ostatefn) read(ostate,'(I4)') generation read(ostate,'(L2)') do_optima read(ostate,'(L2)') do_ga close(ostate) if (do_ga) then call write2log("Doing GA in this step") endif if (.not.do_optima) then maxminstep=0 call write2log("ZSCORE weights minimalization disabled for now") generation=generation+1 endif call ReadOptimaW(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize,populacja) c Yes. Generate random zero-population else call GenPopulation(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize,populacja) if (do_optima) then do_ga=.false. endif c End of "fisrst time here?" code endif c c Do we actual use a Genetic Algorithm? c if (do_ga.eq..true.) then c Yes. This is only done when doing second pass with ZSCORE (without weight minimalizaton) c or with weight minimalization disabled (maxmin=0) just to obtain final score) c \\---//================================================================ c \\-// c "// Genetic Algorithm code starts here c //-\\ c =//---\\=============================================================== call ReadZEnergy(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize,populacja) do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize c populacja(i,20)=FunkcjaCeluR(populacja(i,20)) write(*,*) "Ind ",i,populacja(i,20) enddo call write2log("==[ Doing GA now ]=============================") c c Populate bank depending on algorithm c select case(alg) case('simple') call GetNBest(populacja,bank,banksize) case('better') call GetNBest(populacja,bank,banksize) case('betterv2') call GetNBest(populacja,bank,banksize) case('csa') c --- debug begin --- if (debug) then write(*,*) "generation: ",generation write(*,*) "maxminstep: ",maxminstep write(*,*) "do_ga: ",do_ga write(*,*) "do_optima: ",do_optima write(*,*) "do_fs: ",do_fs write(*,*) "cicutoff: ", cicutoff endif c --- debug end --- csacutoff=cicutoff c c Fill the bank just after the first time we get the score c if (((generation.eq.2).and.(maxminstep.eq.0)).or.((generation.eq& &.2).and.( then c --- debug begin --- if (debug) then write(*,*) "Calling GetNBest..." endif c --- debug end --- call GetNBest(populacja,bank,banksize) c --- debug begin --- if (debug) then do i=1,banksize write(*,FMT) bank(i,:) enddo endif c --- debug end --- call CalcFitness(bank,sumfitness) call WriteBank(bank) c c Do normal CSA c else c --- debug begin --- if (debug) then write(*,*) "Szukam podobnego" endif c --- debug end --- call ReadBank(bank) do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize write(tmptext,'(I4)') i call write2log("Checking ind "//tmptext) j=ZnajdzPodobnego(banksize,bank,populacja(i,:),csacutoff) if ( then if (populacja(i,20),20)) then write(tmptext,'(I4)') j write(tmptext2,'(I4)') i call write2log("Swaping ind"//trim(tmptext)//" from bank to & &ind "//trim(tmptext2)//" from population") bank(j,:)=populacja(i,:) endif else j=FindWorst(banksize,bank) write(tmptext,'(I4)') j write(tmptext2,'(I4)') i if (populacja(i,20),20)) then call write2log("Worst in bank is "//trim(tmptext)) call write2log("Swaping worst ind in bank to "//trim(tmptext& &2)) bank(j,:)=populacja(i,:) endif endif enddo c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calculate fitness for reproduction c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- call CalcFitness(bank,sumfitness) c --- debug begin --- if (debug) then write (*,*) "Dumping bank: " do i=1,banksize write(*,FMT) bank(i,:) enddo write (*,*) "Sumfitness: ", sumfitness endif c --- debug end --- call WriteBank(bank) csacutoff=csacutoff-(cicutoff/maxgen) c csacutoff=cicutoff*(0.8**(iter-1)) write(tmptext,'(F7.5)') csacutoff call write2log("CSA cutoff is now set to "//tmptext) endif case('cluster') write(*,*) "Some stuff here in the future" goto 2010 end select c call WritePopSum() c Have we done last generation ? if (generation.eq.maxgen) then call write2log("Maximum number of genarations reached. QUITING.") goto 2010 endif c Prapering for next generation so increase counter iter=iter+1 c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Reproduction c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- call write2log("==[ Reproducting ]============================") select case(alg) case('simple','csa') do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize m=WybierzOsobnika(banksize,bank) write(tmptext,'(I4)') m write(tmptext2,'(I4)') i call write2log("Reproducting individual "//trim(tmptext)//" from& & bank as new individual "//trim(tmptext2)) populacja(i,:)=bank(m,:) end do case('better','betterv2') populacja(1,:)=bank(1,:) call write2log("Reproducting first (best) individual") do i=2,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize m=WybierzOsobnika(banksize,bank) write(tmptext,'(I4)') m write(tmptext2,'(I4)') i call write2log("Reproducting individual "//trim(tmptext)//" from& & bank as new individual "//trim(tmptext2)) populacja(i,:)=bank(m,:) end do end select c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Pairing c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize pairs(i)=0 end do do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize if (pairs(i).eq.0) then 210 pos=1+int(rand(0)/(1/real(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize))) if (pos.le.i) then goto 210 endif do j=1,(i-1) if (pairs(j).eq.pos) then goto 210 endif end do pairs(i) = pos pairs(pos) = i endif end do call write2log("==[ Pairing ]==============================") do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize write(tmptext,'(A11,I3.3,A5,I3.3,A21)') "Individual ",i," and ",p& &airs(i)," will be crossed over" call write2log(trim(tmptext)) end do c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Crossover c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- call write2log("==[ Crossing ]==============================") do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize if (pairs(i) .gt. i) then call CrossoverS(populacja(i,:),populacja(pairs(i),:)) endif end do call write2log(" WLONG WSCP WELEC WBOND WANG & &WSCLOC WTOR WTORD WCORRH WCORR4 WCORR5 WCORR6 WEL_LOC WT& &URN3 WTURN4 WTURN6 WVDWPP WHPB WSCCOR") do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize tmplen = 9 text = "" write(text,'(A4,I3.3,A2)') "Ind",i,": " do j=1,19 write(tmptext,'(F7.5)') populacja(i,j) text = text(1:tmplen) // tmptext tmplen = tmplen + 8 end do call write2log(trim(text)) end do c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Mutation c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- call write2log("==[ Mutating ]==============================") do i = 1,19 if (IGNORE_WEIGHT(i).eq.1) then write(tmptext,'(I2)') i call write2log("Parameter "//trim(WNAME(i))//" will be ignored") endif end do do i=1,BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize call MutationV(populacja(i,:),i,MUTRATIO) end do c for betterv2 and csa restore best individual select case(alg) case('betterv2','csa') populacja(1,:)=bank(1,:) end select c c Genetic Algorithm blokcode stops here c endif c --------------------------------- c Do some final stuff c --------------------------------- c c Set the variables before writing to state file c if ((.not.do_ga).and.(.not.do_optima)) then if (do_fs) then do_ga=.false. do_optima=.true. else do_ga=.true. do_optima=.false. endif else if (do_fs) then do_optima=.not.do_optima if (generation.eq.1) then do_ga=.false. else do_ga=.not.do_ga endif else do_ga=.true. do_optima=.false. endif endif c c Write te current state and population c call WriteState() c call WritePopSum() c c Create the inputs c write(tmptext,'(I)') generation call write2log("Preparing inputs for generation "//trim(adjustl(tm& &ptext))) call CreateInputs(BANK_MULTIPLIER*banksize,populacja) c c All done? Then let's quit. c goto 2010 c ====================================================================== c c MAIN CODE ENDS HERE c c ====================================================================== 2000 deallocate(populacja) deallocate(pairs) 2010 end program c ====================================================================== c Clustering subroutines c ====================================================================== include '' c ====================================================================== c Write2log subroutine c ====================================================================== c Creates logs c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Write2log(text) include '' include '' character*200 :: tmptext character(len=*) :: text logical :: ex call itime(timeArray) inquire(file=ologfn,exist=ex) if (.not.ex) then open(olog, file=ologfn, access="append") write(olog,"(A)") "==============================================& &==========" tmptext = "= UNRES weights optimizer version "//version write(olog,"(A)") tmptext write(olog,"(A)") info write(olog,"(A)") "==============================================& &==========" close(olog) endif open(olog, file = ologfn , access = "append") write(olog,"(I2.2,A1,I2.2,A1,I2.2,A2,A)") timeArray(1),":",timeAr& &ray(2),":",timeArray(3),": ",text close(olog) end subroutine Write2log c ====================================================================== c GetNBest subroutine c ====================================================================== c Fills up the bank population up to banksize with individuals from c inputpop having the best(lowest) score c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GetNBest(inputpop,bank,banksize) integer*4 :: banksize, i,j,idx real*8 :: inputpop, bank, best, last include '' dimension inputpop(banksize*BANK_MULTIPLIER,21) dimension bank(banksize,21) last=0.0 idx=1 do j=1,banksize best=huge(0.0d0) do i=1,banksize*BANK_MULTIPLIER if ((inputpop(i,20),20).gt.last)) then best=inputpop(i,20) idx=i endif end do bank(j,:)=inputpop(idx,:) last=best end do end subroutine GetNBest c ====================================================================== c FindWorst subroutine c ====================================================================== c Finds the worst (highest score) individual in population c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer*4 function FindWorst(rozmiar,pop) integer*4 :: rozmiar, i, idx real*16 :: pop,last dimension pop(rozmiar,21) last=0.0 idx = 0 do i=1,rozmiar if (pop(i,20).gt.last) then idx = i last=pop(i,20) endif end do FindWorst=idx return end function c ====================================================================== c GenPopulation subroutine c ====================================================================== c Generates a population (pop) of nind individuals with 19 random c wights from a set of ranges (see c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine GenPopulation(nind,pop) integer*4 :: i,j,nind real*8 :: pop dimension pop(nind,21) include '' do j=1,nind do i=1,19 select case(i) case (1) pop(j,1)=WLONG_LOW+(rand(0)*(WLONG_HI-WLONG_LOW)) case (2) pop(j,2)=WSCP_LOW+(rand(0)*(WSCP_HI-WSCP_LOW)) case (3) pop(j,3)=WELEC_LOW+(rand(0)*(WELEC_HI-WELEC_LOW)) case (4) pop(j,4)=WBOND_LOW+(rand(0)*(WBOND_HI-WBOND_LOW)) case (5) pop(j,5)=WANG_LOW+(rand(0)*(WANG_HI-WANG_LOW)) case (6) pop(j,6)=WSCLOC_LOW+(rand(0)*(WSCLOC_HI-WSCLOC_LOW)) case (7) pop(j,7)=WTOR_LOW+(rand(0)*(WTOR_HI-WTOR_LOW)) case (8) pop(j,8)=WTORD_LOW+(rand(0)*(WTORD_HI-WTORD_LOW)) case (9) pop(j,9)=WCORRH_LOW+(rand(0)*(WCORRH_HI-WCORRH_LOW)) case (10) pop(j,10)=WCORR4_LOW+(rand(0)*(WCORR4_HI-WCORR4_LOW)) case (11) pop(j,11)=WCORR5_LOW+(rand(0)*(WCORR5_HI-WCORR5_LOW)) case (12) pop(j,12)=WCORR6_LOW+(rand(0)*(WCORR6_HI-WCORR6_LOW)) case (13) pop(j,13)=WEL_LOC_LOW+(rand(0)*(WEL_LOC_HI-WEL_LOC_LOW)) case (14) pop(j,14)=WTURN3_LOW+(rand(0)*(WTURN3_HI-WTURN3_LOW)) case (15) pop(j,15)=WTURN4_LOW+(rand(0)*(WTURN4_HI-WTURN4_LOW)) case (16) pop(j,16)=WTURN6_LOW+(rand(0)*(WTURN6_HI-WTURN6_LOW)) case (17) pop(j,17)=WVDWPP_LOW+(rand(0)*(WVDWPP_HI-WVDWPP_LOW)) case (18) pop(j,18)=WHPB_LOW+(rand(0)*(WHPB_HI-WHPB_LOW)) case (19) pop(j,19)=WSCCOR_LOW+(rand(0)*(WSCCOR_HI-WSCCOR_LOW)) end select end do end do end subroutine GenPopulation c ====================================================================== c CrossoverS subroutine c ====================================================================== c Does a simple value crossing-over on a pair c of two given individuals, giving two new individuals. c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine CrossoverS(ind1,ind2) real*8 :: ind1(19),ind2(19),temp(19) integer*4 :: loc loc = 1 + int(rand(0)/(1/18.0)) c write (*,*) "Krzyzowanie pomiedzy pozycja ",(loc-1),"a",loc temp = ind2 do i=(loc),19 ind2(i)=ind1(i) ind1(i)=temp(i) end do end subroutine CrossoverS c ====================================================================== c MutationV subroutine c ====================================================================== c Does a value mutation for the given individual (ind) with the c given mutation ratio (mratio). c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine MutationV(ind,id,mratio) include '' c real*8 :: rand real :: mratio real*8 :: ind(19),ti integer*4 :: i,id character*100 :: tmptext character*150 :: logtext do i = 1,19 if (IGNORE_WEIGHT(i).eq.1) then c write(tmptext,'(I2)') i c call write2log("Skipping weight "//trim(tmptext)) goto 2300 endif if (rand(0)