Processor 0 out of 1 rank in CG_COMM 0 size of CG_COMM 1 size of FG_COMM 1 rank in FG_COMM1 0 size of FG_COMM1 1 Inside initialize MPI: node= 0 iseed(4)= 0 0 -46 -45086 indpdb= 0 pdbref= T Call Read_Bridge. ns= 0 Processor 0 0 0 ivec_start 1 ivec_end 21 after etotal Calling OVERLAP_SC SC_move 1189 -4.13326717681629 Calling MINIMIZE. SUMSL return code is 4 eval 430 # eval/s 3335.75757575758 refstr= T CG processor 0 is finishing work. -------------------------------------- Running PBS epilogue script Single processor job or ~/.nokill exist, no need to kill processes Done.