# # CMake project file for UNRES # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(UNRESPACK Fortran C) set(UNRES_MAJOR 4) set(UNRES_MINOR 1) set(UNRES_PATCH 0) set(UNRES_VERSION ${UNRES_MAJOR}.${UNRES_MINOR}.${UNRES_PATCH}) #====================================== # MACROS #====================================== # Get system date MACRO (TODAY RESULT) IF (WIN32) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND "date" "/T" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${RESULT}) string(REGEX REPLACE "(..)/(..)/..(..).*" "\\3\\2\\1" ${RESULT} ${${RESULT}}) ELSEIF(UNIX) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND "date" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${RESULT}) string(REGEX REPLACE "(...) (...) (.+) (..:..:..) (.+) (....).*" "\\1 \\2 \\3 \\4 \\5 \\6" ${RESULT} ${${RESULT}}) ELSE (WIN32) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "date not implemented") SET(${RESULT} 000000) ENDIF (WIN32) ENDMACRO (TODAY) # foramt variables used in cinfo.f MACRO (CINFO_FORMAT FN VN VD) # 50 znakow # 73 w calej linii # write(iout,*)'INSTALL_DIR = /users/software/mpich-1.2.7p1_int...' string(LENGTH "${VN}" VNLEN) string(LENGTH "${VD}" VDLEN) set(STR "${VN} ${VD}") string(LENGTH "${STR}" SUMA) math(EXPR STRLEN 50-${VNLEN}) # message("lancuch=${STRLEN}") # Fit in one line? # No. if(SUMA GREATER 50) string(SUBSTRING "${STR}" 0 50 STR_OUT) # message(" write(iout,*)'${VAR} = ${STR_OUT}'") file(APPEND ${FN} " write(iout,*)'${STR_OUT}'\n") math(EXPR STRLEN ${SUMA}-50) string(SUBSTRING "${STR}" 50 ${STRLEN} STR) string(LENGTH "${STR}" STRLEN) while(STRLEN GREATER 48) # message("Przycinam lancuch") string(SUBSTRING "${STR}" 0 48 STR_OUT) file(APPEND ${FN} " write(iout,*)' ${STR_OUT}'\n") math(EXPR STRLEN ${STRLEN}-49) string(SUBSTRING "${STR}" 49 ${STRLEN} STR) string(LENGTH "${STR}" STRLEN) endwhile(STRLEN GREATER 48) file(APPEND ${FN} " write(iout,*)' ${STR}'\n") # MESSAGE("DLUGOSC = ${VNLEN}; DLUGOSCD = ${VDLEN}; SUMA=${SUMA}; ${VAR} = ${${VAR}} " ) # Yes else(SUMA GREATER 50) file(APPEND ${FN} " write(iout,*)'${STR}'\n") endif(SUMA GREATER 50) ENDMACRO (CINFO_FORMAT) # Some MPI wrappers pass double include paths # This macro fixes broken by semicolon occurence in path MACRO (FIX_DBL_INCLUDE RESULT) string(REPLACE ";" " -I" ${RESULT} "${${RESULT}}") ENDMACRO (FIX_DBL_INCLUDE) #====================================== # CTest stuff #======================================A include(CTest) enable_testing() #====================================== # Fortran compilers stuff #====================================== # Get the compiler name get_filename_component (Fortran_COMPILER_NAME ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER} NAME) # Altough cmake enables you to set some compiler definitions it seems by default they are ignored. # This is a workaround to pass compiler definitions (preprocesor flags) to fortran compilers like ifort SET(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILE_OBJECT " ${CMAKE_START_TEMP_FILE} -c -o ${CMAKE_END_TEMP_FILE}") # make sure that the default is a RELEASE if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo." FORCE) set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "None" "Debug" "Release" "RelWithDebInfo") endif (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") # Set makefile verbosity off for Release builds set( CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 0 ) else() # Set makefile verbosity on for other builds set( CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 1 ) endif (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") # Default Install Path set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin" CACHE PATH "Binary install directory " FORCE) #======================================= # Set the varous build variables #======================================= # Set force field if (NOT UNRES_FF) set(UNRES_MD_FF "GAB" CACHE STRING "Choose the force field, options are: GAB E0LL2Y" ) set_property(CACHE UNRES_MD_FF PROPERTY STRINGS "GAB" "E0LL2Y") endif (NOT UNRES_FF) # Use of MPI library (default ON) option(UNRES_WITH_MPI "Choose whether or not to use MPI library" ON ) option(UNRES_NEWGRAD "Choose whether or not to use NEWGRAD" OFF ) #================================= # MPI stuff #================================= # Note for the future - use find package to get MPI find_package(MPI QUIET) if (MPI_Fortran_FOUND) message("MPI found") FIX_DBL_INCLUDE(MPI_Fortran_INCLUDE_PATH) message(MPI_Fortran_INCLUDE_PATH) message(${MPI_Fortran_INCLUDE_PATH}) message(MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES) message(${MPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES}) option(UNRES_SRUN "Use srun instead of mpiexec ?" OFF ) option(UNRES_MPIRUN "Use mpirun instead of mpiexec ?" OFF ) else() message("MPI not found - disabling MPI compile flags ") set ( UNRES_WITH_MPI "OFF") endif(MPI_Fortran_FOUND) #====================================== # Detect system architecture #======================================= if( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4 ) set(architektura "32") else (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) set(architektura "64") endif( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4 ) message("Detected ${architektura}-bit architecture") #======================================= # Find other libraries #======================================= #======================================= # Add source files #======================================= # order is important # the most independent ones should go first add_subdirectory(source/xdrf) add_subdirectory(source/unres) add_subdirectory(source/wham) add_subdirectory(source/cluster)