small fixes f90 to F90 correction
[unres4.git] / unres / data / names.f90
1       module names
2 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 ! Number of AA types (at present only natural AA's will be handled
5       integer,parameter :: ntyp=24,ntyp1=ntyp+1
6 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ! common.names
8 !      common /names/
9 !el      character(len=3),dimension(:),allocatable :: restyp    !(-ntyp1:ntyp1)
10 !el      character(len=1),dimension(:),allocatable :: onelet    !(-ntyp1:ntyp1)
11 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 !      block data nazwy
14 !el      allocate(restyp(-ntyp1:ntyp1)) !(-ntyp1:ntyp1)
15         character(len=3),dimension(-ntyp1:ntyp1) :: restyp = &
16         (/'DD ','DAU','DAI','DDB','DSM','DPR','DLY','DAR','DHI','DAS',&
17        'DGL','DSG','DGN','DSN','DTH',&
18        'DYY','DAL','DTY','DTR','DVA','DLE','DIL','DPN','MED','DCY','ZER',&
19        'CYS','MET','PHE','ILE','LEU','VAL','TRP','TYR','ALA','GLY','THR',&
20        'SER','GLN','ASN','GLU','ASP','HIS','ARG','LYS','PRO','SME','DBZ',&
21        'AIB','ABU','D  '/)
22 !el      allocate(onelet(-ntyp1:ntyp1))         !(-ntyp1:ntyp1)
23         character(len=1),dimension(-ntyp1:ntyp1) :: onelet = &
24         (/'z','z','z','z','z','p','k','r','h','d','e','n','q','s',&
25         't','g','a','y','w','v','l','i','f','m','c','x',&
26         'C','M','F','I','L','V','W','Y','A','G','T',&
27         'S','Q','N','E','D','H','R','K','P','z','z','z','z','X'/)
28 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 ! Number of energy components
31       integer,parameter :: n_ene=25
32       integer :: n_ene2=2*n_ene
33 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 ! common.names
35 !#ifndef WHAM_RUN
36 !      common /namterm/
37 !      character(len=10),dimension(n_ene) :: ename = &
38 !      (/"EVDW SC-SC","EVDW2 SC-p","EES p-p   ","ECORR4    ","ECORR5    ",&
39 !        "ECORR6    ","EELLO     ","ETURN3    ","ETURN4    ","ETURN6    ",&
40 !        "EBE bend  ","ESC SCloc ","ETORS     ","ETORSD    ","EHPB      ","EVDWPP    ",&
41 !        "ESTR      ","EVDW2_14  ","UCONST    ","          ","ESCCOR    "/)
42 !      character(len=10),dimension(n_ene) :: wname = &
43 !      (/"WSC       ","WSCP      ","WELEC     ","WCORR     ","WCORR5    ","WCORR6    ","WEL_LOC   ",&
44 !        "WTURN3    ","WTURN4    ","WTURN6    ","WANG      ","WSCLOC    ","WTOR      ","WTORD     ",&
45 !        "WSTRAIN   ","WVDWPP    ","WBOND     ","SCAL14    ","          ","          ","WSCCOR    "/)
46 !      integer :: nprint_ene = 20
47 !      integer,dimension(n_ene) :: print_order = &
48 !         (/1,2,3,11,12,13,14,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,19,18,15,17,16,21,0/)
49 !#else
50       character(len=10),dimension(n_ene) :: ename = &
51       (/"EVDW SC-SC","EVDW2 SC-p","EES p-p   ","ECORR4    ","ECORR5    ",&
52         "ECORR6    ","EELLO     ","ETURN3    ","ETURN4    ","ETURN6    ",&
53         "EBE bend  ","ESC SCloc ","ETORS     ","ETORSD    ","EHPB      ","EVDWPP    ",&
54         "EVDW2_14  ","ESTR      ","ESCCOR    ","EDIHC     ","EVDW_T    ",&
55         "ELT       ","          ","         ","ETUBE      " /)
57       character(len=10),dimension(n_ene) :: wname = &
58       (/"WSC       ","WSCP      ","WELEC"    ,"WCORR      ","WCORR5    ","WCORR6    ","WEL_LOC   ",&
59         "WTURN3    ","WTURN4    ","WTURN6   ","WANG       ","WSCLOC    ","WTOR      ","WTORD     ",&
60         "WHPB      ","WVDWPP    ","WSCP14   ","WBOND      ","WSCCOR    ","WDIHC     ","WSC       ",&
61         "WLT       ","          ","         ","WTUBE      " /)
63       integer :: nprint_ene = 21
64       integer,dimension(n_ene) :: print_order = &
65          (/1,2,3,18,11,12,13,14,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,19,16,15,17,20,21,22,23,24,25/)
66 !#endif
67 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69       end module names