correct in cluster (working)
[unres.git] / source / wham / src-M / elecont.f
1       subroutine elecont(lprint,ncont,icont,ist,ien)
2       implicit none
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
8       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
9       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
10       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
11       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
12       logical lprint
13       integer i,j,k,ist,ien,iteli,itelj,ind,i1,i2,it1,it2,ic1,ic2
14       double precision rri,xi,yi,zi,dxi,dyi,dzi,xmedi,ymedi,zmedi,
15      &  xj,yj,zj,dxj,dyj,dzj,aaa,bbb,ael6i,ael3i,rrmij,rmij,r3ij,r6ij,
16      &  vrmij,cosa,cosb,cosg,fac,ev1,ev2,fac3,fac4,evdwij,el1,el2,
17      &  eesij,ees,evdw,ene, rij,zj_temp,xj_temp,yj_temp,
18      & sscale,sscagrad,dist_temp,xj_safe,yj_safe,zj_safe,dist_init
19       double precision elpp6c(2,2),elpp3c(2,2),ael6c(2,2),ael3c(2,2),
20      &  appc(2,2),bppc(2,2)
21       double precision elcutoff,elecutoff_14
22       integer ncont,icont(2,maxcont),xshift,yshift,zshift,isubchap
23       double precision econt(maxcont)
24 *
25 * Load the constants of peptide bond - peptide bond interactions.
26 * Type 1 - ordinary peptide bond, type 2 - alkylated peptide bond (e.g.
27 * proline) - determined by averaging ECEPP energy.      
28 *
29 * as of 7/06/91.
30 *
31 c      data epp    / 0.3045d0, 0.3649d0, 0.3649d0, 0.5743d0/
32 c      data rpp    / 4.5088d0, 4.5395d0, 4.5395d0, 4.4846d0/
33       data elpp6c  /-0.2379d0,-0.2056d0,-0.2056d0,-0.0610d0/
34       data elpp3c  / 0.0503d0, 0.0000d0, 0.0000d0, 0.0692d0/
35       data elcutoff /-0.3d0/,elecutoff_14 /-0.5d0/
36       ees=0.0d0
37       evdw=0.0d0
38       if (lprint) write (iout,'(a)') 
39      &  "Constants of electrostatic interaction energy expression."
40       do i=1,2
41         do j=1,2
42         rri=rpp(i,j)**6
43         appc(i,j)=epp(i,j)*rri*rri 
44         bppc(i,j)=-2.0*epp(i,j)*rri
45         ael6c(i,j)=elpp6c(i,j)*4.2**6
46         ael3c(i,j)=elpp3c(i,j)*4.2**3
47         if (lprint)
48      &  write (iout,'(2i2,4e15.4)') i,j,appc(i,j),bppc(i,j),ael6c(i,j),
49      &                               ael3c(i,j)
50         enddo
51       enddo
52       ncont=0
53       do 1 i=ist,ien-2
54         xi=c(1,i)
55         yi=c(2,i)
56         zi=c(3,i)
57         dxi=c(1,i+1)-c(1,i)
58         dyi=c(2,i+1)-c(2,i)
59         dzi=c(3,i+1)-c(3,i)
60         xmedi=xi+0.5*dxi
61         ymedi=yi+0.5*dyi
62         zmedi=zi+0.5*dzi
63           xmedi=mod(xmedi,boxxsize)
64           if ( xmedi=xmedi+boxxsize
65           ymedi=mod(ymedi,boxysize)
66           if ( ymedi=ymedi+boxysize
67           zmedi=mod(zmedi,boxzsize)
68           if ( zmedi=zmedi+boxzsize
69         do 4 j=i+2,ien-1
70           ind=ind+1
71           iteli=itel(i)
72           itelj=itel(j)
73           if (j.eq.i+2 .and. itelj.eq.2) iteli=2
74           if (iteli.eq.2 .and. itelj.eq.2 
75      &      .or.iteli.eq.0 .or.itelj.eq.0) goto 4
76           aaa=appc(iteli,itelj)
77           bbb=bppc(iteli,itelj)
78           ael6i=ael6c(iteli,itelj)
79           ael3i=ael3c(iteli,itelj) 
80           dxj=c(1,j+1)-c(1,j)
81           dyj=c(2,j+1)-c(2,j)
82           dzj=c(3,j+1)-c(3,j)
83           xj=c(1,j)+0.5*dxj
84           yj=c(2,j)+0.5*dyj
85           zj=c(3,j)+0.5*dzj
86           xj=mod(xj,boxxsize)
87           if ( xj=xj+boxxsize
88           yj=mod(yj,boxysize)
89           if ( yj=yj+boxysize
90           zj=mod(zj,boxzsize)
91           if ( zj=zj+boxzsize
92       dist_init=(xj-xmedi)**2+(yj-ymedi)**2+(zj-zmedi)**2
93       xj_safe=xj
94       yj_safe=yj
95       zj_safe=zj
96       isubchap=0
97       do xshift=-1,1
98       do yshift=-1,1
99       do zshift=-1,1
100           xj=xj_safe+xshift*boxxsize
101           yj=yj_safe+yshift*boxysize
102           zj=zj_safe+zshift*boxzsize
103           dist_temp=(xj-xmedi)**2+(yj-ymedi)**2+(zj-zmedi)**2
104           if( then
105             dist_init=dist_temp
106             xj_temp=xj
107             yj_temp=yj
108             zj_temp=zj
109             isubchap=1
110           endif
111        enddo
112        enddo
113        enddo
114        if (isubchap.eq.1) then
115           xj=xj_temp-xmedi
116           yj=yj_temp-ymedi
117           zj=zj_temp-zmedi
118        else
119           xj=xj_safe-xmedi
120           yj=yj_safe-ymedi
121           zj=zj_safe-zmedi
122        endif
123           rij=xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj
124             sss=sscale(sqrt(rij))
125             sssgrad=sscagrad(sqrt(rij))
126           rrmij=1.0/(xj*xj+yj*yj+zj*zj)
127           rmij=sqrt(rrmij)
128           r3ij=rrmij*rmij
129           r6ij=r3ij*r3ij  
130           vrmij=vblinv*rmij
131           cosa=(dxi*dxj+dyi*dyj+dzi*dzj)*vblinv2      
132           cosb=(xj*dxi+yj*dyi+zj*dzi)*vrmij
133           cosg=(xj*dxj+yj*dyj+zj*dzj)*vrmij
134           fac=cosa-3.0*cosb*cosg
135           ev1=aaa*r6ij*r6ij
136           ev2=bbb*r6ij
137           fac3=ael6i*r6ij
138           fac4=ael3i*r3ij
139           evdwij=ev1+ev2
140           el1=fac3*(4.0+fac*fac-3.0*(cosb*cosb+cosg*cosg))
141           el2=fac4*fac       
142           eesij=el1+el2
143           if ( .and. eesij.le.elcutoff .or.
144      &        j.eq.i+2 .and. eesij.le.elecutoff_14) then
145              ncont=ncont+1
146              icont(1,ncont)=i
147              icont(2,ncont)=j
148              econt(ncont)=eesij
149           endif
150           ees=ees+eesij
151           evdw=evdw+evdwij*sss
152     4   continue
153     1 continue
154       if (lprint) then
155         write (iout,*) 'Total average electrostatic energy: ',ees
156         write (iout,*) 'VDW energy between peptide-group centers: ',evdw
157         write (iout,*)
158         write (iout,*) 'Electrostatic contacts before pruning: '
159         do i=1,ncont
160           i1=icont(1,i)
161           i2=icont(2,i)
162           it1=itype(i1)
163           it2=itype(i2)
164           write (iout,'(i3,2x,a,i4,2x,a,i4,f10.5)')
165      &     i,restyp(it1),i1,restyp(it2),i2,econt(i)
166         enddo
167       endif
168 c For given residues keep only the contacts with the greatest energy.
169       i=0
170       do while (
171         i=i+1
172         ene=econt(i)
173         ic1=icont(1,i)
174         ic2=icont(2,i)
175         j=i
176         do while (
177           j=j+1
178           if (ic1.eq.icont(1,j).and.iabs(icont(2,j)-ic2).le.2 .or.
179      &        ic2.eq.icont(2,j).and.iabs(icont(1,j)-ic1).le.2) then
180 c            write (iout,*) "i",i," j",j," ic1",ic1," ic2",ic2,
181 c     &       " jc1",icont(1,j)," jc2",icont(2,j)," ncont",ncont
182             if (econt(j).lt.ene .and. icont(2,j).ne.icont(1,j)+2) then
183               if (ic1.eq.icont(1,j)) then
184                 do k=1,ncont
185                   if ( .and. .and. icont(2,k).eq.icont(2,j)
186      &               .and. iabs(icont(1,k)-ic1).le.2 .and. 
187      &               econt(k).lt.econt(j) ) goto 21 
188                 enddo
189               else if (ic2.eq.icont(2,j) ) then
190                 do k=1,ncont
191                   if ( .and. .and. icont(1,k).eq.icont(1,j)
192      &               .and. iabs(icont(2,k)-ic2).le.2 .and. 
193      &               econt(k).lt.econt(j) ) goto 21 
194                 enddo
195               endif
196 c Remove ith contact
197               do k=i+1,ncont
198                 icont(1,k-1)=icont(1,k)
199                 icont(2,k-1)=icont(2,k)
200                 econt(k-1)=econt(k) 
201               enddo
202               i=i-1
203               ncont=ncont-1
204 c              write (iout,*) "ncont",ncont
205 c              do k=1,ncont
206 c                write (iout,*) icont(1,k),icont(2,k)
207 c              enddo
208               goto 20
209             else if (econt(j).gt.ene .and. 
210      &      then
211               if (ic1.eq.icont(1,j)) then
212                 do k=1,ncont
213                   if ( .and. .and. icont(2,k).eq.ic2
214      &               .and. iabs(icont(1,k)-icont(1,j)).le.2 .and. 
215      &               econt(k).lt.econt(i) ) goto 21 
216                 enddo
217               else if (ic2.eq.icont(2,j) ) then
218                 do k=1,ncont
219                   if ( .and. .and. icont(1,k).eq.ic1
220      &               .and. iabs(icont(2,k)-icont(2,j)).le.2 .and. 
221      &               econt(k).lt.econt(i) ) goto 21 
222                 enddo
223               endif
224 c Remove jth contact
225               do k=j+1,ncont
226                 icont(1,k-1)=icont(1,k)
227                 icont(2,k-1)=icont(2,k)
228                 econt(k-1)=econt(k) 
229               enddo
230               ncont=ncont-1
231 c              write (iout,*) "ncont",ncont
232 c              do k=1,ncont
233 c                write (iout,*) icont(1,k),icont(2,k)
234 c              enddo
235               j=j-1
236             endif   
237           endif
238    21     continue
239         enddo
240    20   continue
241       enddo
242       if (lprint) then
243         write (iout,*)
244         write (iout,*) 'Electrostatic contacts after pruning: '
245         do i=1,ncont
246           i1=icont(1,i)
247           i2=icont(2,i)
248           it1=itype(i1)
249           it2=itype(i2)
250           write (iout,'(i3,2x,a,i4,2x,a,i4,f10.5)')
251      &     i,restyp(it1),i1,restyp(it2),i2,econt(i)
252         enddo
253       endif
254       return
255       end