1 subroutine enecalc(islice,*)
11 include "COMMON.CHAIN"
12 include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
14 include "COMMON.NAMES"
16 include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
18 include "COMMON.FFIELD"
19 include "COMMON.ENEPS"
20 include "COMMON.LOCAL"
21 include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
22 include "COMMON.INTERACT"
24 include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
25 include "COMMON.CONTROL"
26 include "COMMON.TORCNSTR"
30 double precision qwolynes
32 integer errmsg_count,maxerrmsg_count /100/
33 double precision rmsnat,gyrate
34 external rmsnat,gyrate
35 double precision tole /1.0d-1/
36 integer i,itj,ii,iii,j,k,l,licz,scme,itmp
38 integer ir,ib,ipar,iparm
40 real*4 csingle(3,maxres2)
41 double precision energ
44 double precision energia(0:max_ene),rmsdev,efree,eini
45 double precision fT(6),quot,quotl,kfacl,kfac /2.4d0/,T0 /3.0d2/
47 integer snk_p(MaxR,MaxT_h,Max_parm)
49 character*128 bprotfile_temp
50 integer scount_t(0:maxprocs-1)
51 call opentmp(islice,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
55 write (iout,*) "enecalc: nparmset ",nparmset
64 do i=indstart(me1),indend(me1)
75 read(ientout,rec=i,err=101)
76 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
77 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
78 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
79 & eini,efree,rmsdev,(q(j,iii+1),j=1,nQ),iR,ib,ipar
81 write (iout,*) "homol_nset",homol_nset,
82 & " i",i," iR",iR," ib",ib," iset",iset
84 if (homol_nset.gt.1) iset=iR
86 write (iout,*) "homol_nset",homol_nset,
87 & " i",i," iR",iR," ib",ib," iset",iset
89 cc write(iout,*), 'NAWEJ',i,eini
98 c(l,k+nres)=csingle(l,k+nres)
101 q(nQ+1,iii+1)=rmsnat(iii+1)
103 q(nQ+2,iii+1)=gyrate(iii+1)
104 c fT=T0*beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3
105 c ft=2.0d0/(1.0d0+1.0d0/(T0*beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3))
106 if (rescale_mode.eq.1) then
107 quot=1.0d0/(T0*beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3)
109 tt = 1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3)
110 ft(6)=(320.0+80.0*dtanh((tt-320.0)/80.0))/320.0
121 fT(l)=kfacl/(kfacl-1.0d0+quotl)
123 else if (rescale_mode.eq.2) then
124 quot=1.0d0/(T0*beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3)
126 tt = 1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3)
127 ft(6)=(320.0+80.0*dtanh((tt-320.0)/80.0))/320.0
136 fT(l)=1.12692801104297249644d0/
137 & dlog(dexp(quotl)+dexp(-quotl))
139 else if (rescale_mode.eq.0) then
144 write (iout,*) "Error in ECECALC: wrong RESCALE_MODE",
150 c write (iout,*) "T",1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3)," T0",T0,
151 c & " kfac",kfac,"quot",quot," fT",fT
157 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
161 call restore_parm(iparm)
163 write (iout,*) wsc,wscp,welec,wvdwpp,wang,wtor,wscloc,
164 & wcorr,wcorr5,wcorr6,wturn4,wturn3,wturn6,wel_loc,
165 & wtor_d,wsccor,wbond
167 call etotal(energia(0),fT)
168 if (constr_homology.gt.0) energia(0)=energia(0)+
169 & waga_homology(iset)*energia(22)
170 c write (iout,*) "constr_homology",constr_homology," iset",iset,
171 c & " waga_homology",waga_homology(iset)
173 write (iout,*) "Conformation",i
174 call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
175 c write (iout,'(2i5,21f8.2)') i,iparm,(energia(k),k=1,21)
176 c write (iout,*) "ftors",ftors
177 c write (iout,'(a,3(3x,a5),5x,3(3x,a5))')
178 c & "Residue","X(CA)","Y(CA)","Z(CA)","X(SC)","Y(SC)","Z(SC)"
180 c write (iout,'(a3,1x,i3,3f8.3,5x,3f8.3)')
181 c & restyp(itype(ires)),ires,(c(j,ires),j=1,3),
182 c & (c(j,ires+nres),j=1,3)
186 if (energia(0).ge.1.0d20) then
187 write (iout,*) "NaNs detected in some of the energy",
188 & " components for conformation",ii+1
189 write (iout,*) "The Cartesian geometry is:"
190 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
191 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
192 write (iout,*) "The internal geometry is:"
194 c call pdbout(ii+1,beta_h(ib,ipar),efree,energia(0),0.0d0,rmsdev)
195 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
196 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
197 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
198 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
199 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
200 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
201 write (iout,*) "The components of the energy are:"
202 call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
204 & "This conformation WILL NOT be added to the database."
209 if (ipar.eq.iparm) write (iout,*) i,iparm,
210 & 1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3),eini,energia(0)
212 if (ipar.eq.iparm .and. einicheck.gt.0 .and.
213 & dabs(eini-energia(0)).gt.tole) then
214 if (errmsg_count.le.maxerrmsg_count) then
215 write (iout,'(2a,2e15.5,a,2i8,a,f8.1)')
216 & "Warning: energy differs remarkably from ",
217 & " the value read in: ",energia(0),eini," point",
218 & iii+1,indstart(me1)+iii," T",
219 & 1.0d0/(1.987D-3*beta_h(ib,ipar))
222 call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
226 write (iout,'(4f10.5,2i5)') 0.0,energia(0),0.0,
227 & 1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3),
229 write(iout,'(8f10.5)')
230 & ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
231 & ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
234 call pdbout(iii+1,beta_h(ib,ipar),
235 & eini,energia(0),0.0d0,rmsdev)
239 errmsg_count=errmsg_count+1
240 if (errmsg_count.gt.maxerrmsg_count)
241 & write (iout,*) "Too many warning messages"
242 if (einicheck.gt.1) then
243 write (iout,*) "Calculation stopped."
253 potE(iii+1,iparm)=energia(0)
255 enetb(k,iii+1,iparm)=energia(k)
257 c write(iout,*) "iCHUJ TU STRZELI",i,iii,entfac(i)
258 c call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
260 write (iout,'(2i5,f10.1,3e15.5)') i,iii,
261 & 1.0d0/(beta_h(ib,ipar)*1.987D-3),energia(0),eini,efree
262 call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
263 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
264 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
265 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
266 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
267 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
268 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
269 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
270 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
271 write (iout,'(16i5)') nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss)
272 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') (q(k,iii+1),k=1,nQ)
273 write (iout,'(f10.5,i10)') rmsdev,iscor
274 call enerprint(energia(0),fT)
275 write(liczba,'(bz,i3.3)') me
276 nazwa="test"//liczba//".pdb"
277 write (iout,*) "pdb file",nazwa
278 open (ipdb,file=nazwa,position="append")
279 call pdbout(ii+1,beta_h(ib,ipar),efree,energia(0),0.0d0,rmsdev)
287 if (q(1,iii).le.0.0d0 .and. indpdb.gt.0) q(1,iii)=qwolynes(0,0)
288 write (ientout,rec=iii)
289 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
290 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
291 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
292 & potE(iii,ipar),efree,rmsdev,(q(k,iii),k=1,nQ),iR,ib,ipar
293 c write (iout,'(2i5,2e15.5)') ii,iii,potE(iii,ipar),efree
295 if (separate_parset) then
296 snk_p(iR,ib,1)=snk_p(iR,ib,1)+1
298 snk_p(iR,ib,ipar)=snk_p(iR,ib,ipar)+1
300 c write (iout,*) "iii",iii," iR",iR," ib",ib," ipar",ipar,
301 c & " snk",snk_p(iR,ib,ipar)
303 snk(iR,ib,ipar,islice)=snk(iR,ib,ipar,islice)+1
309 write (iout,*) "Me",me," scount",scount(me)
311 c Master gathers updated numbers of conformations written by all procs.
313 call MPI_AllGather( scount(me), 1, MPI_INTEGER, scount_t(0), 1,
316 scount(k) = scount_t(k)
321 indstart(i)=indend(i-1)+1
322 indend(i)=indstart(i)+scount(i)-1
325 write (iout,*) "Revised conformation counts"
327 write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i7,a,i7,a,i7)')
328 & "Processor",i," indstart",indstart(i),
329 & " indend",indend(i)," count",scount(i)
332 call MPI_AllReduce(snk_p(1,1,1),snk(1,1,1,islice),
333 & MaxR*MaxT_h*nParmSet,
340 stot(islice)=stot(islice)+snk(i,ib,iparm,islice)
344 write (iout,*) "Revised SNK"
347 write (iout,'("Param",i3," Temp",f6.1,3x,32i8)')
348 & iparm,1.0d0/(1.987D-3*beta_h(ib,iparm)),
349 & (snk(i,ib,iparm,islice),i=1,nR(ib,iparm))
350 write (iout,*) "snk_p",(snk_p(i,ib,iparm),i=1,nR(ib,iparm))
353 write (iout,'("Total",i10)') stot(islice)
356 101 write (iout,*) "Error in scratchfile."
360 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 subroutine write_dbase(islice,*)
365 include "DIMENSIONS.FREE"
372 include "COMMON.CONTROL"
373 include "COMMON.CHAIN"
374 include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
375 include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
376 include "COMMON.NAMES"
378 include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
380 include "COMMON.FFIELD"
381 include "COMMON.ENEPS"
382 include "COMMON.LOCAL"
383 include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
384 include "COMMON.INTERACT"
385 include "COMMON.FREE"
386 include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
387 include "COMMON.COMPAR"
388 include "COMMON.PROT"
390 character*80 bxname,cxname
391 character*128 bprotfile_temp
392 character*3 liczba,licz
394 integer i,itj,ii,iii,j,k,l
397 double precision rmsdev,efree,eini
398 real*4 csingle(3,maxres2)
399 double precision energ
403 write (licz2,'(bz,i2.2)') islice
404 call opentmp(islice,ientout,bprotfile_temp)
405 write (iout,*) "bprotfile_temp ",bprotfile_temp
407 if (.not.bxfile .and. .not. cxfile .and. indpdb.eq.0
408 & .and. ensembles.eq.0) then
409 close(ientout,status="delete")
413 write (liczba,'(bz,i3.3)') me
414 if (bxfile .or. cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) then
415 if (.not.separate_parset) then
416 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//liczba//".bx"
418 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
419 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//liczba//"_par"//licz//".bx"
421 open (ientin,file=bxname,status="unknown",
422 & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec1)
425 if (bxfile .or. cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) then
426 if (nslice.eq.1) then
427 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//".bx"
429 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
430 & "_slice_"//licz2//".bx"
432 open (ientin,file=bxname,status="unknown",
433 & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec1)
434 write (iout,*) "Calculating energies; writing geometry",
435 & " and energy components to ",bxname(:ilen(bxname))
437 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
438 call xdrfopen_(ixdrf,cxname, "w", iret)
440 call xdrfopen(ixdrf,cxname, "w", iret)
443 write (iout,*) "Error opening cxfile ",cxname(:ilen(cxname))
448 if (indpdb.gt.0) then
449 if (nslice.eq.1) then
451 if (.not.separate_parset) then
452 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_'//pot(:ilen(pot))
455 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
456 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_par'//licz//'_'//
457 & pot(:ilen(pot))//liczba//'.stat'
461 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_'//pot(:ilen(pot))//'.stat'
465 if (.not.separate_parset) then
466 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_'//pot(:ilen(pot))//
467 & "_slice_"//licz2//liczba//'.stat'
469 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
470 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_'//pot(:ilen(pot))//
471 & '_par'//licz//"_slice_"//licz2//liczba//'.stat'
474 statname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'_'//pot(:ilen(pot))
475 & //"_slice_"//licz2//'.stat'
478 open(istat,file=statname,status="unknown")
487 cc read(ientout,rec=i,err=101)
488 cc & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
489 cc & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
490 cc & nss,(idssb(k),jdssb(k),k=1,nss),
491 cc & eini,efree,rmsdev,(q(k,i),k=1,nQ),iR,ib,iparm
492 cc idssb(k)=idssb(k)-nres
493 cc jdssb(k)=jdssb(k)-nres
495 read(ientout,rec=i,err=101)
496 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
497 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
498 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
499 & eini,efree,rmsdev,(q(k,i),k=1,nQ),iR,ib,iparm
501 cc write (iout,*) 'CC', iR,ib,iparm,eini,efree
507 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
509 if (indpdb.gt.0) then
510 call conf_compar(i,.false.,.true.)
513 if (bxfile .or.cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) write (ientin,rec=i)
514 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
515 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
516 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
517 c & potE(i,iparm),-entfac(i),rms_nat,iscore
518 & potE(i,nparmset),-entfac(i),rms_nat,iscore
520 if (bxfile .or.cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) write
522 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
523 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
524 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
525 c & potE(i,iparm),-entfac(i),rms_nat,iscore
526 & potE(i,nparmset),-entfac(i),rms_nat,iscore
528 c write (iout,'(2i5,3e15.5)') i,me,potE(i,iparm),-entfac(i)
530 if (cxfile) call cxwrite(ixdrf,csingle,potE(i,nparmset),
531 & -entfac(i),rms_nat,iscore)
534 close(ientout,status="delete")
536 if (bxfile .or. cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) close(ientin)
538 call MPI_Barrier(WHAM_COMM,IERROR)
539 if (me.ne.Master .or. .not.bxfile .and. .not. cxfile
540 & .and. ensembles.eq.0) return
542 if (bxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) then
543 if (nslice.eq.1) then
544 if (.not.separate_parset) then
545 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//".bx"
547 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
548 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_par"//licz//".bx"
551 if (.not.separate_parset) then
552 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_slice_"//licz2//".bx"
554 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
555 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"par_"//licz//
556 & "_slice_"//licz2//".bx"
559 open (ientout,file=bxname,status="unknown",
560 & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec1)
561 write (iout,*) "Master is creating binary database ",
562 & bxname(:ilen(bxname))
565 if (nslice.eq.1) then
566 if (.not.separate_parset) then
567 cxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//".cx"
569 cxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_par"//licz//".cx"
572 if (.not.separate_parset) then
573 cxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//
574 & "_slice_"//licz2//".cx"
576 cxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_par"//licz//
577 & "_slice_"//licz2//".cx"
580 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
581 call xdrfopen_(ixdrf,cxname, "w", iret)
583 call xdrfopen(ixdrf,cxname, "w", iret)
586 write (iout,*) "Error opening cxfile ",cxname(:ilen(cxname))
591 write (liczba,'(bz,i3.3)') j
592 if (separate_parset) then
593 write (licz,'(bz,i3.3)') myparm
594 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//liczba//"_par"//licz//".bx"
596 bxname = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//liczba//".bx"
598 open (ientin,file=bxname,status="unknown",
599 & form="unformatted",access="direct",recl=lenrec1)
600 write (iout,*) "Master is reading conformations from ",
601 & bxname(:ilen(bxname))
603 c write (iout,*) "j",j," indstart",indstart(j)," indend",indend(j)
605 do i=indstart(j),indend(j)
608 cc read(ientin,rec=iii,err=101)
609 cc & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
610 cc & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
611 cc & nss,(idssb(k),jdssb(k),k=1,nss),
612 cc & eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor
613 cc idssb(k)=idssb(k)-nres
614 cc jdssb(k)=jdssb(k)-nres
616 read(ientin,rec=iii,err=101)
617 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
618 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
619 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
620 & eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor
622 if (bxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) then
624 cc write (ientout,rec=i)
625 cc & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
626 cc & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
627 cc & nss,(idssb(k)+nres,jdssb(k)+nres,k=1,nss),
628 cc & eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor
630 write (ientout,rec=i)
631 & ((csingle(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres),
632 & ((csingle(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct),
633 & nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss),
634 & eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor
635 cc write(iout,*) "W poszukiwaniu zlotych galotow"
636 cc write(iout,*) "efree=",efree,iii
639 if(cxfile)call cxwrite(ixdrf,csingle,eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor)
646 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
647 write (iout,'(2i5,3e15.5)') i,iii,eini,efree
648 write (iout,*) "The Cartesian geometry is:"
649 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
650 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
651 write (iout,*) "The internal geometry is:"
652 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
653 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
654 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
655 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
656 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
657 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
658 write (iout,'(16i5)') nss,(ihpb(k),jhpb(k),k=1,nss)
659 write (iout,'(f10.5,i5)') rmsdev,iscor
662 write (iout,*) iii," conformations (from",indstart(j)," to",
663 & indend(j),") read from ",
664 & bxname(:ilen(bxname))
665 close (ientin,status="delete")
667 if (bxfile .or. cxfile .or. ensembles.gt.0) close (ientout)
668 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
669 if (cxfile) call xdrfclose_(ixdrf,cxname,iret)
671 if (cxfile) call xdrfclose(ixdrf,cxname,iret)
675 101 write (iout,*) "Error in scratchfile."
679 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
680 subroutine cxwrite(ixdrf,csingle,eini,efree,rmsdev,iscor)
684 include "DIMENSIONS.FREE"
691 include "COMMON.CONTROL"
692 include "COMMON.CHAIN"
693 include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
694 include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
695 include "COMMON.NAMES"
697 include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
699 include "COMMON.FFIELD"
700 include "COMMON.ENEPS"
701 include "COMMON.LOCAL"
702 include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
703 include "COMMON.INTERACT"
704 include "COMMON.FREE"
705 include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
706 include "COMMON.COMPAR"
707 include "COMMON.PROT"
708 integer i,j,itmp,iscor,iret,ixdrf
709 double precision rmsdev,efree,eini
710 real*4 csingle(3,maxres2),xoord(3,maxres2+2)
713 c write (iout,*) "cxwrite"
718 xoord(j,i)=csingle(j,i)
723 xoord(j,nres+i-nnt+1)=csingle(j,i+nres)
729 c write (iout,*) "itmp",itmp
731 c write (iout,*) "CNZ",eini,dyn_ss
732 #if (defined(AIX) && !defined(JUBL))
733 call xdrf3dfcoord_(ixdrf, xoord, itmp, prec, iret)
735 c write (iout,*) "xdrf3dfcoord"
737 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, nss, iret)
740 cc call xdrfint_(ixdrf, idssb(j)+nres, iret)
741 cc call xdrfint_(ixdrf, jdssb(j)+nres, iret)
743 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
744 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
747 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf,real(eini),iret)
748 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf,real(efree),iret)
749 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf,real(rmsdev),iret)
750 call xdrfint_(ixdrf,iscor,iret)
752 call xdrf3dfcoord(ixdrf, xoord, itmp, prec, iret)
754 call xdrfint(ixdrf, nss, iret)
757 cc call xdrfint(ixdrf, idssb(j), iret)
758 cc call xdrfint(ixdrf, jdssb(j), iret)
759 cc idssb(j)=idssb(j)-nres
760 cc jdssb(j)=jdssb(j)-nres
762 call xdrfint(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
763 call xdrfint(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
766 call xdrffloat(ixdrf,real(eini),iret)
767 call xdrffloat(ixdrf,real(efree),iret)
768 call xdrffloat(ixdrf,real(rmsdev),iret)
769 call xdrfint(ixdrf,iscor,iret)
774 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
775 logical function conf_check(ii,iprint)
779 include "DIMENSIONS.FREE"
785 include "COMMON.CHAIN"
786 include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
787 include "COMMON.PROTFILES"
788 include "COMMON.NAMES"
790 include "COMMON.SBRIDGE"
792 include "COMMON.FFIELD"
793 include "COMMON.ENEPS"
794 include "COMMON.LOCAL"
795 include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
796 include "COMMON.INTERACT"
797 include "COMMON.FREE"
798 include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
799 include "COMMON.CONTROL"
800 include "COMMON.TORCNSTR"
801 integer j,k,l,ii,itj,iprint
802 if (.not.check_conf) then
806 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
808 if (vbld(j).lt.2.0d0 .or. vbld(j).gt.5.0d0) then
810 & write (iout,*) "Bad CA-CA bond length",j," ",vbld(j),
811 & " for conformation",ii
812 if (iprint.gt.1) then
813 write (iout,*) "The Cartesian geometry is:"
814 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
815 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
816 write (iout,*) "The internal geometry is:"
817 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
818 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
819 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
820 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
821 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
822 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
824 if (iprint.gt.0) write (iout,*)
825 & "This conformation WILL NOT be added to the database."
832 if (itype(j).ne.10 .and. (vbld(nres+j)-dsc(itj)).gt.2.0d0) then
834 & write (iout,*) "Bad CA-SC bond length",j," ",vbld(nres+j),
835 & " for conformation",ii
836 if (iprint.gt.1) then
837 write (iout,*) "The Cartesian geometry is:"
838 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
839 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
840 write (iout,*) "The internal geometry is:"
841 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
842 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
843 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
844 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
845 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
846 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
848 if (iprint.gt.0) write (iout,*)
849 & "This conformation WILL NOT be added to the database."
855 if (theta(j).le.0.0d0) then
857 & write (iout,*) "Zero theta angle(s) in conformation",ii
858 if (iprint.gt.1) then
859 write (iout,*) "The Cartesian geometry is:"
860 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k),l=1,3),k=1,nres)
861 write (iout,'(8f10.5)') ((c(l,k+nres),l=1,3),k=nnt,nct)
862 write (iout,*) "The internal geometry is:"
863 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nnt+1,nct)
864 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (vbld(k),k=nres+nnt,nres+nct)
865 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*theta(k),k=3,nres)
866 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*phi(k),k=4,nres)
867 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*alph(k),k=2,nres-1)
868 write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*omeg(k),k=2,nres-1)
870 if (iprint.gt.0) write (iout,*)
871 & "This conformation WILL NOT be added to the database."
875 if (theta(j).gt.179.97*deg2rad) theta(j)=179.97*deg2rad
878 c write (iout,*) "conf_check passed",ii