update 5D
[unres.git] / source / unres / src_MD-M-SAXS / thermo_length.f
1       subroutine thermo_length
2 c Integrating |PMF| to claculate thermodynamic length
3       implicit none
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.PMF'
5       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
6       include 'COMMON.MD'
7       include 'COMMON.PMF'
8       double precision aL(0:maxHdim,maxT_h)
9       double precision aLdelta,qdelta,qtemp,
10       integer nT,tmin,tmax,i,j,t,tlow,tup,nW
11       qdelta=(qmax-qmin)/(nW-1)
12       do j=1,nT
13         do t=tmin,tmax
14           aL(t,j)=0.0d0
15         enddo
16         dH=hfin(tmin+1,j)-hfin(tmin,j)
17         print *,"tmin",tmin,hfin(tmin+1,j),hfin(tmin,j)," dH",dH
18         do t=tmin-1,0,-1
19           hfin(t,j)=hfin(t+1,j)-dH
20         enddo
21         aL(0,j)=0.5d0*(dabs(hfin(0,j))+dabs(hfin(1,j)))
22         do t=1,tmax-1
23           aL(t,j)=aL(t-1,j)+0.5d0*(dabs(hfin(t,j))+dabs(hfin(t+1,j)))
24         enddo
25         aL(tmax,j)=aL(tmax-1,j)
26         do t=0,tmax
27          aL(t,j)=(aL(t,j)-0.5d0*(dabs(hfin(0,j))+dabs(hfin(1,j))))*delta
28         enddo
29         write (*,*) "T=",1.0d0/(1.987D-3*beta_h(j))," PMF and L"
30         do t=0,tmax 
31           write (*,'(f5.2,2f10.5)') t*delta,hfin(t,j),aL(t,j)
32         enddo
33 c Determining window centers
34         tlow=(qmin+1.0d-4)/delta
35         tup=(qmax+1.0d-4)/delta
36         aLspan=aL(tup,j)-aL(tlow,j)
37         aLdelta=aLspan/(nW-1)
38         print *,"tlow",tlow," tup",tup," aLspan",aLspan,
39      &   " aLdelta",aLdelta
40         q0(1,j)=qmin
41         q0(nW,j)=qmax
42         do i=2,nW
43           aLw=aLdelta*(i-1)
44           print *,"i",i," aLw",aLw
45           do t=tlow,tup-1
46             if (aLw.ge.aL(t,j).and.aLw.le.aL(t+1,j)) then
47               print *,"i",i," t",t," aLw",aLw,aL(t,j),aL(t+1,j)
48               q0(i,j)=t*delta+delta*(aLw-aL(t,j))/(aL(t+1,j)-aL(t,j))
49               exit
50             endif
51           enddo
52         enddo
53         write (*,*) "q0"
54         write (*,'(20f10.5)') (q0(i,j),i=1,nW)
55         return
56         end
57 c Force constants
58         do t=1,tmax-1
59           Wprim=(hfin(t+1,j)-hfin(t-1,j))/(2*delta)
60           Wbis=(hfin(t+1,j)+hfin(t-1,j)-2*hfin(t,j))/delta**2
61           keff=0.5d0*Wprim**2+dabs(Wbis)
62      &    +dsqrt((0.5d0*Wprim**2+dabs(Wbis))**2-Wbis**2)
63           write (*,'(f5.2,3f10.1)') t*delta,Wprim,Wbis,keff
64         enddo
65       enddo ! j
66       end