cluster correction
[unres.git] / source / unres / src_MD-M / mc.F
1       subroutine monte_carlo
2 C Does Boltzmann and entropic sampling without energy minimization
3       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
4       include 'DIMENSIONS'
5       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
6 #ifdef MPL
7       include 'COMMON.INFO'
8 #endif
9       include 'COMMON.GEO'
10       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
11       include 'COMMON.MCM'
12       include 'COMMON.MCE'
13       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
14       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
15       include 'COMMON.VAR'
16       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
17       include 'COMMON.THREAD'
18       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
19       logical accepted,not_done,over,ovrtim,error,lprint
20       integer MoveType,nbond,nbins
21       integer conf_comp
22       double precision RandOrPert
23       double precision varia(maxvar),elowest,elowest1,
24      &                 ehighest,ehighest1,eold
25       double precision przes(3),obr(3,3)
26       double precision varold(maxvar)
27       logical non_conv
28       integer moves1(-1:MaxMoveType+1,0:MaxProcs-1),
29      &        moves_acc1(-1:MaxMoveType+1,0:MaxProcs-1)
30 #ifdef MPL
31       double precision etot_temp,etot_all(0:MaxProcs)
32       external d_vadd,d_vmin,d_vmax
33       double precision entropy1(-max_ene:max_ene),
34      &                 nhist1(-max_ene:max_ene)
35       integer nbond_move1(maxres*(MaxProcs+1)),
36      &   nbond_acc1(maxres*(MaxProcs+1)),itemp(2)
37 #endif
38       double precision var_lowest(maxvar)
39       double precision energia(0:n_ene),energia_ave(0:n_ene)
40 C
41       write(iout,'(a,i8,2x,a,f10.5)')
42      & 'pool_read_freq=',pool_read_freq,' pool_fraction=',pool_fraction
43       open (istat,file=statname)
44       WhatsUp=0
45       indminn=-max_ene
46       indmaxx=max_ene
47       facee=1.0D0/(maxacc*delte)
48 C Number of bins in energy histogram
49       nbins=e_up/delte-1
50       write (iout,*) 'NBINS=',nbins
51       conste=dlog(facee)
52 C Read entropy from previous simulations. 
53       if (ent_read) then
54         read (ientin,*) indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax 
55         print *,'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' emin=',emin,
56      &          ' emax=',emax
57         do i=-max_ene,max_ene
58           entropy(i)=0.0D0
59         enddo
60         read (ientin,*) (ijunk,ejunk,entropy(i),i=indminn,indmaxx)
61         indmin=indminn
62         indmax=indmaxx
63         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,
64      &                 ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
65         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
66         do i=indminn,indmaxx
67           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
68         enddo
69       endif ! ent_read
70 C Read the pool of conformations
71       call read_pool
72       elowest=1.0D+10
73       ehighest=-1.0D+10
74 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 C Entropy-sampling simulations with continually updated entropy;
76 C set NSWEEP=1 for Boltzmann sampling.
77 C Loop thru simulations
78 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 C
81 C Initialize the IFINISH array.
82 C
83 #ifdef MPL
84         do i=1,nctasks
85           ifinish(i)=0
86         enddo
87 #endif
88 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 C Initialize counters.
90 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 C Total number of generated confs.
92         ngen=0
93 C Total number of moves. In general this won't be equal to the number of
94 C attempted moves, because we may want to reject some "bad" confs just by
95 C overlap check.
96         nmove=0
97 C Total number of shift (nbond_move(1)), spike, crankshaft, three-bond,...
98 C motions.
99         do i=1,nres
100           nbond_move(i)=0
101           nbond_acc(i)=0
102         enddo
103 C Initialize total and accepted number of moves of various kind.
104         do i=-1,MaxMoveType
105           moves(i)=0
106           moves_acc(i)=0
107         enddo
108 C Total number of energy evaluations.
109         neneval=0
110         nfun=0
111 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 C Take a conformation from the pool
113 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
114       rewind(istat)
115       write (iout,*) 'emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
116       if ( then
117         ii=iran_num(1,npool)
118         do i=1,nvar
119           varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
120         enddo
121         write (iout,*) 'Took conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',
122      &               epool(ii)
123         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
124 C Print internal coordinates of the initial conformation
125         call intout
126       else if ( then
127         if ( then
128         do i=1,nvar
129           varia(i)=varold(i)
130         enddo
131         else
132         do i=1,nvar
133           varia(i)=var_lowest(i)
134         enddo
135         endif
136         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
137       endif
138 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 C Compute and print initial energies.
140 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141       nsave=0
142       Kwita=0
143       WhatsUp=0
144       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') 'MCE iteration #',isweep
145       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a)') 'Initial energies:'
146       call chainbuild
147       call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
148       call etotal(energia(0))
149       etot = energia(0)
150       call enerprint(energia(0))
151       if (refstr) then
152         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),nsup,przes,
153      &             obr,non_conv)
154         rms=dsqrt(rms)
155         call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
156         frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
157         write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') 
158      &    'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,
159      &    ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order',co
160         write (istat,'(i10,16(1pe14.5))') 0,
161      &   (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
162      &   etot,rms,frac,co
163       else
164         write (istat,'(i10,14(1pe14.5))') 0,
165      &   (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
166       endif
167 c     close(istat)
168       neneval=neneval+1
169       if (.not. ent_read) then
170 C Initialize the entropy array
171 #ifdef MPL
172 C Collect total energies from other processors.
173         etot_temp=etot
174         etot_all(0)=etot
175         call mp_gather(etot_temp,etot_all,8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
176         if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
177 C Get the lowest and the highest energy. 
178           print *,'MASTER: etot_temp: ',(etot_all(i),i=0,nprocs-1),
179      &     ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
180           emin=1.0D10
181           emax=-1.0D10
182           do i=0,nprocs
183             if ( emin=etot_all(i)
184             if ( emax=etot_all(i)
185           enddo
186           emax=emin+e_up
187         endif ! MyID.eq.MasterID
188         etot_all(1)=emin
189         etot_all(2)=emax
190         print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_BCAST to send/recv etot_all'
191         call mp_bcast(etot_all(1),16,MasterID,cgGroupID)
192         print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_BCAST to send/recv etot_all ended'
193         if ( then
194           print *,'Processor:',MyID,etot_all(1),etot_all(2),
195      &          etot_all(1),etot_all(2)
196           emin=etot_all(1)
197           emax=etot_all(2)
198         endif !
199         write (iout,*) 'After MP_GATHER etot_temp=',
200      &                 etot_temp,' emin=',emin
201 #else
202         emin=etot
203         emax=emin+e_up
204         indminn=0
205         indmin=0
206 #endif
207         IF (MULTICAN) THEN
208 C Multicanonical sampling - start from Boltzmann distribution
209           do i=-max_ene,max_ene
210             entropy(i)=(emin+i*delte)*betbol 
211           enddo
212         ELSE
213 C Entropic sampling - start from uniform distribution of the density of states
214           do i=-max_ene,max_ene
215             entropy(i)=0.0D0
216           enddo
217         ENDIF ! MULTICAN
218         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
219         do i=indminn,indmaxx
220           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
221         enddo
222         if (isweep.eq.1) then
223           emax=emin+e_up
224           indminn=0
225           indmin=0
226           indmaxx=indminn+nbins
227           indmax=indmaxx
228         endif ! isweep.eq.1
229       endif ! .not. ent_read
230 #ifdef MPL
231       call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
232       if (whatsup.eq.1) then
233         call send_stop_sig(-2)
234         not_done=.false.
235       else if (whatsup.le.-2) then
236         not_done=.false.
237       else if (whatsup.eq.2) then
238         not_done=.false.
239       else 
240         not_done=.true.
241       endif
242 #else
243       not_done=.true.
244 #endif 
245       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))')
246      &    'Enter Monte Carlo procedure.'
247       close(igeom)
248       call briefout(0,etot)
249       do i=1,nvar
250         varold(i)=varia(i)
251       enddo
252       eold=etot
253       call entropia(eold,sold,indeold)
254 C NACC is the counter for the accepted conformations of a given processor
255       nacc=0
256 C NACC_TOT counts the total number of accepted conformations
257       nacc_tot=0
258 C Main loop.
259 c----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 C Zero out average energies
261       do i=0,n_ene
262         energia_ave(i)=0.0d0
263       enddo
264 C Initialize energy histogram
265       do i=-max_ene,max_ene
266         nhist(i)=0.0D0
267       enddo   ! i
268 C Zero out iteration counter.
269       it=0
270       do j=1,nvar
271         varold(j)=varia(j)
272        enddo
273 C Begin MC iteration loop.
274       do while (not_done)
275         it=it+1
276 C Initialize local counter.
277         ntrial=0 ! # of generated non-overlapping confs.
278         noverlap=0 ! # of overlapping confs.
279         accepted=.false.
280         do while (.not. accepted .and. WhatsUp.eq.0 .and. Kwita.eq.0)
281           ntrial=ntrial+1
282 C Retrieve the angles of previously accepted conformation
283           do j=1,nvar
284             varia(j)=varold(j)
285           enddo
286           call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
287 C Rebuild the chain.
288           call chainbuild
289           MoveType=0
290           nbond=0
291           lprint=.true.
292 C Decide whether to take a conformation from the pool or generate/perturb one
293 C randomly
294           from_pool=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
295           if ( .and. then
296 C Throw a dice to choose the conformation from the pool
297             ii=iran_num(1,npool)
298             do i=1,nvar
299               varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
300             enddo
301             call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
302             call chainbuild  
303 cd          call intout
304 cd          write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
305             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)*
306      &        write (iout,'(a,i3,a,f10.5)') 
307      &     'Try conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',epool(ii)
308             MoveType=-1
309             moves(-1)=moves(-1)+1
310           else
311 C Decide whether to generate a random conformation or perturb the old one
312           RandOrPert=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
313           if ( then
314             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
315      &        write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation-generated conformation.'
316             call perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,0.1D0)
317             if (error) goto 20
318             if ( .or. then
319               write (iout,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',
320      &           MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
321               goto 20
322             endif
323             call chainbuild
324           else
325             MoveType=0
326             moves(0)=moves(0)+1
327             nstart_grow=iran_num(3,nres)
328             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
329      &        write (iout,'(2a,i3)') 'Random-generated conformation',
330      &        ' - chain regrown from residue',nstart_grow
331             nrestmp=nres
332             call gen_rand_conf(nstart_grow,nrestmp,*30)
333           endif
334           call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
335           endif ! pool
336 Cd        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
337           ngen=ngen+1
338           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
339      &      write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') 
340      &   'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
341           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
342      &      write (*,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') 
343      &   'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
344           call etotal(energia(0))
345           etot = energia(0)
346           neneval=neneval+1 
347 cd        call enerprint(energia(0))
348 cd        write(iout,*)'it=',it,' etot=',etot
349           if ( then
350             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
351      &        write (iout,'(a,i5,a,1pe14.5)')  'Iteration',it,
352      &       ' Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
353             accepted=.false.
354             noverlap=noverlap+1
355             if ( then
356               write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many overlapping confs.'
357               goto 20
358             endif
359           else
360 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 C... Acceptance test
362 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
363             accepted=.false.
364             if (WhatsUp.eq.0) 
365      &      call accept_mc(it,etot,eold,scur,sold,varia,varold,accepted)
366             if (accepted) then
367               nacc=nacc+1
368               nacc_tot=nacc_tot+1
369               if ( then
370                 elowest=etot
371                 do i=1,nvar
372                   var_lowest(i)=varia(i)
373                 enddo
374               endif
375               if ( ehighest=etot
376               moves_acc(MoveType)=moves_acc(MoveType)+1
377               if (MoveType.eq.1) then
378                 nbond_acc(nbond)=nbond_acc(nbond)+1
379               endif
380 C Compare with reference structure.
381               if (refstr) then
382                 call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),
383      &                      nsup,przes,obr,non_conv)
384                 rms=dsqrt(rms)
385                 call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
386                 frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
387               endif ! refstr
388 C
389 C Periodically save average energies and confs.
390 C
391               do i=0,n_ene
392                 energia_ave(i)=energia_ave(i)+energia(i)
393               enddo
394               moves(MaxMoveType+1)=nmove
395               moves_acc(MaxMoveType+1)=nacc
396               IF ((it/save_frequency)* THEN
397                 do i=0,n_ene
398                   energia_ave(i)=energia_ave(i)/save_frequency
399                 enddo
400                 etot_ave=energia_ave(0)
401 C#ifdef AIX
402 C                open (istat,file=statname,position='append')
403 C#else
404 C                open (istat,file=statname,access='append')
405 Cendif
406                 if ( 
407      &            write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a,i20)')
408      &                             'Iteration #',it
409                 if (refstr .and.  then
410                   write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') 
411      &            'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,
412      &            ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
413                 endif
414                 if (print_stat) then
415                   if (refstr) then
416                     write (istat,'(i10,10(1pe14.5))') it,
417      &              (energia_ave(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
418      &                etot_ave,rms_ave,frac_ave
419                   else
420                     write (istat,'(i10,10(1pe14.5))') it,
421      &              (energia_ave(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
422      &               etot_ave
423                   endif
424                 endif 
425 c               close(istat)
426                 if ( 
427      &            call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
428 C Print internal coordinates.
429                 if (print_int) call briefout(nacc,etot)
430                 do i=0,n_ene
431                   energia_ave(i)=0.0d0
432                 enddo
433               ENDIF ! ( (it/save_frequency)*
434 C Update histogram
435               inde=icialosc((etot-emin)/delte)
436               nhist(inde)=nhist(inde)+1.0D0
437 #ifdef MPL
438               if ( (it/message_frequency)*
439      &                              .and. ( ) then
440                 call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
441                 call send_MCM_info(message_frequency)
442               endif
443 #endif
444 C Store the accepted conf. and its energy.
445               eold=etot
446               sold=scur
447               do i=1,nvar
448                 varold(i)=varia(i)
449               enddo
450 #ifdef MPL
451               if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
452 #endif
453             endif ! accepted
454           endif ! overlap
455 #ifdef MPL
456           if (MyID.eq.MasterID .and. 
457      &        (it/message_frequency)* then
458             call receive_MC_info
459             if ( accepted=.true.
460           endif
461 #endif
462 C         if (( 
463 C    &       .or. (it/pool_read_freq)* 
464 C    &       .and. then
465 C Take a conformation from the pool
466 C           ii=iran_num(1,npool)
467 C           do i=1,nvar
468 C             varold(i)=xpool(i,ii)
469 C           enddo
470 C           if ( 
471 C    &      write (iout,*) 'Iteration',it,' max. # of trials exceeded.'
472 C           write (iout,*) 
473 C    &     'Take conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',epool(ii)
474 C           if (
475 C    &      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*varold(i),i=1,nvar)
476 C           ntrial=0
477 C           eold=epool(ii)
478 C           call entropia(eold,sold,indeold)
479 C           accepted=.true.
480 C        endif ! ( .and.
481    30    continue
482         enddo ! accepted
483 #ifdef MPL
484         if (MyID.eq.MasterID .and.
485      &      (it/message_frequency)* then
486           call receive_MC_info
487         endif
488         if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
489 #endif
490         if (ovrtim()) WhatsUp=-1
491 cd      write (iout,*) 'WhatsUp=',WhatsUp,' Kwita=',Kwita
492         not_done = ( .and. (WhatsUp.eq.0) 
493      &         .and. (Kwita.eq.0)
494 cd      write (iout,*) 'not_done=',not_done
495 #ifdef MPL
496         if ( then
497           print *,'Processor',MyID,
498      &    ' has received STOP signal =',Kwita,' in EntSamp.'
499 cd        print *,'not_done=',not_done
500           if ( WhatsUp=Kwita
501           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
502         else if ( then
503           print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls send_stop_sig,',
504      &     ' because a sufficient # of confs. have been collected.'
505 cd        print *,'not_done=',not_done
506           call send_stop_sig(-1)
507           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
508         else if (WhatsUp.eq.-1) then
509           print *,'Processor',MyID,
510      &               ' calls send_stop_sig because of timeout.'
511 cd        print *,'not_done=',not_done
512           call send_stop_sig(-2)
513           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
514         endif
515 #endif
516       enddo ! not_done
518 C-----------------------------------------------------------------
519 C... Construct energy histogram & update entropy
520 C-----------------------------------------------------------------
521       go to 21
522    20 WhatsUp=-3
523 #ifdef MPL
524       write (iout,*) 'Processor',MyID,
525      &       ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
526       write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,
527      &       ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
528       call send_stop_sig(-3)
529       if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
530 #endif
531    21 continue
532       write (iout,'(/a)') 'Energy histogram'
533       do i=-100,100
534         write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,nhist(i)
535       enddo
536 #ifdef MPL
537 C Wait until every processor has sent complete MC info.
538       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
539         not_done=.true.
540         do while (not_done)
541 C         write (*,*) 'The IFINISH array:'
542 C         write (*,*) (ifinish(i),i=1,nctasks)
543           not_done=.false.
544           do i=2,nctasks
545             not_done=not_done.or.(ifinish(i).ge.0)
546           enddo
547           if (not_done) call receive_MC_info
548         enddo
549       endif
550 C Make collective histogram from the work of all processors.
551       msglen=(2*max_ene+1)*8
552       print *,
553      & 'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_REDUCE to send/receive histograms',
554      & ' msglen=',msglen
555       call mp_reduce(nhist,nhist1,msglen,MasterID,d_vadd,
556      &               cgGroupID)
557       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_REDUCE accomplished for histogr.'
558       do i=-max_ene,max_ene
559         nhist(i)=nhist1(i)
560       enddo
561 C Collect min. and max. energy
562       print *,
563      &'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_REDUCE to send/receive energy borders'
564       call mp_reduce(elowest,elowest1,8,MasterID,d_vmin,cgGroupID)
565       call mp_reduce(ehighest,ehighest1,8,MasterID,d_vmax,cgGroupID)
566       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_REDUCE accomplished for energies.'
567       IF (MyID.eq.MasterID) THEN
568         elowest=elowest1
569         ehighest=ehighest1
570 #endif
571         write (iout,'(a,i10)') '# of accepted confs:',nacc_tot
572         write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Lowest energy:',elowest,
573      & ' Highest energy',ehighest
574         indmin=icialosc((elowest-emin)/delte)
575         imdmax=icialosc((ehighest-emin)/delte)
576         if ( then 
577           emax=emin+indmin*delte+e_up
578           indmaxx=indmin+nbins
579           indminn=indmin
580         endif
581         if (.not.ent_read) ent_read=.true.
582         write(iout,*)'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx
583 C Update entropy (density of states)
584         do i=indmin,indmax
585           if (nhist(i).gt.0) then
586             entropy(i)=entropy(i)+dlog(nhist(i)+0.0D0)
587           endif
588         enddo
589         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') 
590      &        'End of macroiteration',isweep
591         write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Elowest=',elowest,
592      &      ' Ehighest=',ehighest
593         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Energy histogram'
594         do i=indminn,indmaxx
595           write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,nhist(i)
596         enddo
597         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
598         do i=indminn,indmaxx
599           write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
600         enddo
601 C-----------------------------------------------------------------
602 C... End of energy histogram construction
603 C-----------------------------------------------------------------
604 #ifdef MPL
605       ELSE
606         if (.not. ent_read) ent_read=.true.
607       ENDIF ! MyID .eq. MaterID
608       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
609         itemp(1)=indminn
610         itemp(2)=indmaxx
611       endif
612       print *,'before mp_bcast processor',MyID,' indminn=',indminn,
613      & ' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' itemp=',itemp(1),itemp(2)
614       call mp_bcast(itemp(1),8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
615       call mp_bcast(emax,8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
616       print *,'after mp_bcast processor',MyID,' indminn=',indminn,
617      & ' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' itemp=',itemp(1),itemp(2)
618       if (MyID .ne. MasterID) then
619         indminn=itemp(1)
620         indmaxx=itemp(2)
621       endif
622       msglen=(indmaxx-indminn+1)*8
623       print *,'processor',MyID,' calling mp_bcast msglen=',msglen,
624      & ' indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' isweep=',isweep
625       call mp_bcast(entropy(indminn),msglen,MasterID,cgGroupID)
626       IF(MyID.eq.MasterID .and. .not. ovrtim() .and.
627         open (ientout,file=entname,status='unknown')
628         write (ientout,'(2i5,2e25.17)') indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax
629         do i=indminn,indmaxx
630           write (ientout,'(i5,f10.5,f20.15)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
631         enddo
632         close(ientout)
633       ELSE
634         write (iout,*) 'Received from master:'
635         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,
636      &                 ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
637         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
638         do i=indminn,indmaxx
639            write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
640         enddo
641       ENDIF ! MyID.eq.MasterID
642       print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_GATHER'
643       call mp_gather(nbond_move,nbond_move1,4*Nbm,MasterID,
644      &               cgGroupID)
645       call mp_gather(nbond_acc,nbond_acc1,4*Nbm,MasterID,
646      &               cgGroupID)
647       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_GATHER call accomplished'
648       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
650         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
651         call statprint(nacc_tot,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
652         write (iout,'(a)') 
653      &   'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
654         write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
655         write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
656         write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
658         write (iout,'(a)') 
659      & 'Statistics of multi-bond moves of respective processors:'
660         do iproc=1,Nprocs-1
661           do i=1,Nbm
662             ind=iproc*nbm+i
663             nbond_move(i)=nbond_move(i)+nbond_move1(ind)
664             nbond_acc(i)=nbond_acc(i)+nbond_acc1(ind)
665           enddo
666         enddo
667         do iproc=0,NProcs-1
668           write (iout,*) 'Processor',iproc,' nbond_move:', 
669      &        (nbond_move1(iproc*nbm+i),i=1,Nbm),
670      &        ' nbond_acc:',(nbond_acc1(iproc*nbm+i),i=1,Nbm)
671         enddo
672       endif
673       call mp_gather(moves,moves1,4*(MaxMoveType+3),MasterID,
674      &               cgGroupID)
675       call mp_gather(moves_acc,moves_acc1,4*(MaxMoveType+3),
676      &               MasterID,cgGroupID)
677       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
678         do iproc=1,Nprocs-1 
679           do i=-1,MaxMoveType+1
680             moves(i)=moves(i)+moves1(i,iproc)
681             moves_acc(i)=moves_acc(i)+moves_acc1(i,iproc)
682           enddo
683         enddo
684         nmove=0
685         do i=0,MaxMoveType+1
686           nmove=nmove+moves(i)
687         enddo
688         do iproc=0,NProcs-1
689           write (iout,*) 'Processor',iproc,' moves',
690      &     (moves1(i,iproc),i=0,MaxMoveType+1),
691      &    ' moves_acc:',(moves_acc1(i,iproc),i=0,MaxMoveType+1)
692         enddo   
693       endif
694 #else
695       open (ientout,file=entname,status='unknown')
696       write (ientout,'(2i5,2e25.17)') indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax
697       do i=indminn,indmaxx
698         write (ientout,'(i5,f10.5,f20.15)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
699       enddo
700       close(ientout)
701 #endif
702       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
703       call statprint(nacc_tot,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
704       write (iout,'(a)') 
705      & 'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
706       write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
707       write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
708       write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
709       if (ovrtim() .or. return
711 C---------------------------------------------------------------------------
712       ENDDO ! ISWEEP
713 C---------------------------------------------------------------------------
715       runtime=tcpu()
717       if (isweep.eq.nsweep .and.
718      &write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*)/)') 'All iterations done.'
719       return
720       end
721 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
722       subroutine accept_mc(it,ecur,eold,scur,sold,x,xold,accepted)
723       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
724       include 'DIMENSIONS'
725       include 'COMMON.MCM'
726       include 'COMMON.MCE'
727       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
728       include 'COMMON.VAR'
729 #ifdef MPL
730       include 'COMMON.INFO'
731 #endif
732       include 'COMMON.GEO'
733       double precision ecur,eold,xx,ran_number,bol
734       double precision x(maxvar),xold(maxvar)
735       logical accepted
736 C Check if the conformation is similar.
737 cd    write (iout,*) 'Enter ACCEPTING'
738 cd    write (iout,*) 'Old PHI angles:'
739 cd    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*xold(i),i=1,nphi)
740 cd    write (iout,*) 'Current angles'
741 cd    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,nphi)
742 cd    ddif=dif_ang(nphi,x,xold)
743 cd    write (iout,*) 'Angle norm:',ddif
744 cd    write (iout,*) 'ecur=',ecur,' emax=',emax
745       if ( then
746         accepted=.false.
747         if ( .and. (it/print_freq)*
748      & write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected as too high in energy'
749         return
750       endif
751 C Else evaluate the entropy of the conf and compare it with that of the previous
752 C one.
753       call entropia(ecur,scur,indecur)
754 cd    print *,'Processor',MyID,' ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,
755 cd   & ' scur=',scur,' eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
756 cd    print *,'deix=',deix,' dent=',dent,' delte=',delte
757       if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* then
758         write(iout,*)'it=',it,'ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,
759      &   ' scur=',scur
760         write(iout,*)'eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
761       endif
762       if (scur.le.sold) then
763         accepted=.true.
764       else
765 C Else carry out acceptance test
766         xx=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) 
767         xxh=scur-sold
768         if ( then
769           bol=0.0D0
770         else
771           bol=exp(-xxh)
772         endif
773         if ( then
774           accepted=.true. 
775           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
776      &       write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation accepted.'
777         else
778           accepted=.false.
779           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
780      &       write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected.'
781         endif
782       endif
783       return
784       end 
785 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
786       integer function icialosc(x)
787       double precision x
788       if ( then
789         icialosc=dint(x)-1
790       else
791         icialosc=dint(x)
792       endif
793       return
794       end 
795 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
796       subroutine entropia(ecur,scur,indecur)
797       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
798       include 'DIMENSIONS'
799       include 'COMMON.MCM'
800       include 'COMMON.MCE'
801       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
802       double precision ecur,scur
803       integer indecur
804       indecur=icialosc((ecur-emin)/delte)
805       if (iabs(indecur).gt.max_ene) then
806         if ((it/print_freq)* write (iout,'(a,2i5)') 
807      &   'Accepting: Index out of range:',indecur
808         scur=1000.0D0 
809       else if ( then
810         scur=entropy(indecur)
811         if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* 
812      &    write (iout,*)'Energy boundary reached',
813      &            indmaxx,indecur,entropy(indecur)
814       else
815         deix=ecur-(emin+indecur*delte)
816         dent=entropy(indecur+1)-entropy(indecur)
817         scur=entropy(indecur)+(dent/delte)*deix
818       endif
819       return
820       end