5 C Program to carry out conformational search of proteins in an united-residue C
9 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
15 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
17 include 'COMMON.TIME1'
18 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
19 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
21 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
22 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
23 include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
24 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
26 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
27 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
30 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
31 double precision hrtime,mintime,sectime
32 character*64 text_mode_calc(-2:14) /'test',
33 & 'SC rotamer distribution',
34 & 'Energy evaluation or minimization',
35 & 'Regularization of PDB structure',
36 & 'Threading of a sequence on PDB structures',
37 & 'Monte Carlo (with minimization) ',
38 & 'Energy minimization of multiple conformations',
39 & 'Checking energy gradient',
40 & 'Entropic sampling Monte Carlo (with minimization)',
45 & 'Soft regularization of PDB structure',
46 & 'Mesoscopic molecular dynamics (MD) ',
48 & 'Replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD)'/
51 c call memmon_print_usage()
55 & write(iout,*)'### LAST MODIFIED 03/28/12 23:29 by czarek'
56 if (me.eq.king) call cinfo
57 C Read force field parameters and job setup data
61 if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file) then
63 & text_mode_calc(modecalc)(:ilen(text_mode_calc(modecalc))),
65 if (minim) write (iout,'(a)')
66 & 'Conformations will be energy-minimized.'
67 write (iout,'(80(1h*)/)')
71 if (modecalc.eq.-2) then
74 else if (modecalc.eq.-1) then
75 write(iout,*) "call check_sc_map next"
80 if (fg_rank.gt.0) then
81 C Fine-grain slaves just do energy and gradient components.
82 call ergastulum ! slave workhouse in Latin
85 if (modecalc.eq.0) then
86 call exec_eeval_or_minim
87 else if (modecalc.eq.1) then
89 else if (modecalc.eq.2) then
91 else if (modecalc.eq.3 .or. modecalc .eq.6) then
93 else if (modecalc.eq.4) then
94 call exec_mult_eeval_or_minim
95 else if (modecalc.eq.5) then
97 else if (ModeCalc.eq.7) then
99 else if (ModeCalc.eq.8) then
101 else if (modecalc.eq.11) then
103 else if (modecalc.eq.12) then
105 else if (modecalc.eq.14) then
108 write (iout,'(a)') 'This calculation type is not supported',
114 if (fg_rank.eq.0) call finish_task
115 c call memmon_print_usage()
117 call print_detailed_timing
119 call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
122 call dajczas(tcpu(),hrtime,mintime,sectime)
123 stop '********** Program terminated normally.'
126 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
133 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
134 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
135 if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
136 & write (iout,*) "Calling chainbuild"
141 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 subroutine exec_MREMD
146 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
147 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
148 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
149 include 'COMMON.REMD'
150 if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
151 & write (iout,*) "Calling chainbuild"
153 if (me.eq.king .or. .not. out1file)
154 & write (iout,*) "Calling REMD"
164 write (iout,*) "MREMD works on parallel machines only"
168 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 subroutine exec_eeval_or_minim
170 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
175 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
176 include 'COMMON.TIME1'
177 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
178 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
180 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
181 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
182 include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
183 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
185 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
186 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
187 include 'COMMON.REMD'
189 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
191 double precision energy(0:n_ene)
192 double precision energy_long(0:n_ene),energy_short(0:n_ene)
193 double precision varia(maxvar)
194 if (indpdb.eq.0) call chainbuild
202 print *,"Processor",myrank," after chainbuild"
204 call etotal_long(energy_long(0))
205 write (iout,*) "Printing long range energy"
206 call enerprint(energy_long(0))
207 call etotal_short(energy_short(0))
208 write (iout,*) "Printing short range energy"
209 call enerprint(energy_short(0))
211 energy(i)=energy_long(i)+energy_short(i)
212 write (iout,*) i,energy_long(i),energy_short(i),energy(i)
214 write (iout,*) "Printing long+short range energy"
215 call enerprint(energy(0))
217 call etotal(energy(0))
219 time_ene=MPI_Wtime()-time00
221 time_ene=tcpu()-time00
223 write (iout,*) "Time for energy evaluation",time_ene
224 print *,"after etotal"
227 call enerprint(energy(0))
228 call hairpin(.true.,nharp,iharp)
229 call secondary2(.true.)
233 print *, 'Calling OVERLAP_SC'
234 call overlap_sc(fail)
238 call sc_move(2,nres-1,10,1d10,nft_sc,etot)
239 print *,'SC_move',nft_sc,etot
240 write(iout,*) 'SC_move',nft_sc,etot
244 print *, 'Calling MINIM_DC'
250 call minim_dc(etot,iretcode,nfun)
252 if (indpdb.ne.0) then
256 call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
257 print *,'Calling MINIMIZE.'
263 call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
265 print *,'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval ',nfun
267 evals=nfun/(MPI_WTIME()-time1)
269 evals=nfun/(tcpu()-time1)
271 print *,'# eval/s',evals
272 print *,'refstr=',refstr
273 call hairpin(.true.,nharp,iharp)
274 call secondary2(.true.)
275 call etotal(energy(0))
277 call enerprint(energy(0))
280 call briefout(0,etot)
281 if (refstr) call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
282 write (iout,'(a,i3)') 'SUMSL return code:',iretcode
283 write (iout,'(a,i20)') '# of energy evaluations:',nfun+1
284 write (iout,'(a,f16.3)')'# of energy evaluations/sec:',evals
286 print *,'refstr=',refstr
287 if (refstr) call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
288 call briefout(0,etot)
290 if (outpdb) call pdbout(etot,titel(:32),ipdb)
291 if (outmol2) call mol2out(etot,titel(:32))
294 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 subroutine exec_regularize
296 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
301 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
302 include 'COMMON.TIME1'
303 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
304 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
306 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
307 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
308 include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
309 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
311 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
312 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
313 include 'COMMON.REMD'
315 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
316 double precision energy(0:n_ene)
321 call regularize(nct-nnt+1,etot,rms,cref(1,nnt),iretcode)
322 call etotal(energy(0))
323 energy(0)=energy(0)-energy(14)
325 call enerprint(energy(0))
327 call briefout(0,etot)
328 if (outpdb) call pdbout(etot,titel(:32),ipdb)
329 if (outmol2) call mol2out(etot,titel(:32))
330 if (refstr) call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
331 write (iout,'(a,i3)') 'SUMSL return code:',iretcode
334 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 subroutine exec_thread
340 include "COMMON.SETUP"
344 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
348 character*10 nodeinfo
349 double precision varia(maxvar)
353 include "COMMON.SETUP"
354 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
358 if (modecalc.eq.3) then
364 if (modecalc.eq.3) then
375 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 subroutine exec_mult_eeval_or_minim
377 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
381 dimension muster(mpi_status_size)
383 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
384 include 'COMMON.TIME1'
385 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
386 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
388 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
389 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
390 include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
391 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
393 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
394 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
395 include 'COMMON.REMD'
397 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
398 double precision varia(maxvar)
400 double precision energy(0:max_ene)
410 open(intin,file=intinname,status='old')
411 write (istat,'(a5,20a12)')"# ",
412 & (wname(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene)
414 write (istat,'(a5,20a12)')"# ",
415 & (ename(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
416 & "ETOT total","RMSD","nat.contact","nnt.contact"
418 write (istat,'(a5,20a12)')"# ",
419 & (ename(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),"ETOT total"
425 read (intin,'(e15.10,e15.5)',end=1100,err=1100) time,ene
426 call read_x(intin,*11)
428 c Broadcast the order to compute internal coordinates to the slaves.
430 & call MPI_Bcast(6,1,MPI_INTEGER,king,FG_COMM,IERROR)
432 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
434 read (intin,'(i5)',end=1100,err=1100) iconf
435 call read_angles(intin,*11)
436 call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
439 write (iout,'(a,i7)') 'Conformation #',iconf
440 call etotal(energy(0))
441 call briefout(iconf,energy(0))
442 call enerprint(energy(0))
445 call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
446 write (istat,'(i5,20(f12.3))') iconf,
447 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot,
448 & rms,frac,frac_nn,co
451 write (istat,'(i5,16(f12.3))') iconf,
452 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
468 if (mm.lt.nodes) then
470 read (intin,'(e15.10,e15.5)',end=11,err=11) time,ene
471 call read_x(intin,*11)
473 c Broadcast the order to compute internal coordinates to the slaves.
475 & call MPI_Bcast(6,1,MPI_INTEGER,king,FG_COMM,IERROR)
477 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
479 read (intin,'(i5)',end=11,err=11) iconf
480 call read_angles(intin,*11)
481 call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
484 write (iout,'(a,i7)') 'Conformation #',iconf
494 call mpi_send(ind,6,mpi_integer,mm,idint,CG_COMM,
496 call mpi_send(varia,nvar,mpi_double_precision,mm,
497 * idreal,CG_COMM,ierr)
498 call mpi_send(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,mm,
499 * idreal,CG_COMM,ierr)
500 c print *,'task ',n,' sent to worker ',mm,nvar
502 call mpi_recv(ind,6,mpi_integer,mpi_any_source,idint,
503 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
504 man=muster(mpi_source)
505 c print *,'receiving result from worker ',man,' (',iii1,iii,')'
506 call mpi_recv(varia,nvar,mpi_double_precision,
507 * man,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
509 * mpi_double_precision,man,idreal,
510 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
511 call mpi_recv(ene0,1,
512 * mpi_double_precision,man,idreal,
513 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
514 c print *,'result received from worker ',man,' sending now'
516 call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
518 call etotal(energy(0))
522 write (iout,'(a,2i7)') 'Conformation #',iconf,ind(5)
525 call enerprint(energy(0))
526 call briefout(it,etot)
527 c if (minim) call briefout(it,etot)
529 call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
530 write (istat,'(i5,19(f12.3))') iconf,
531 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot,
532 & rms,frac,frac_nn,co
534 write (istat,'(i5,15(f12.3))') iconf,
535 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
540 read (intin,'(e15.10,e15.5)',end=1101,err=1101) time,ene
541 call read_x(intin,*11)
543 c Broadcast the order to compute internal coordinates to the slaves.
545 & call MPI_Bcast(6,1,MPI_INTEGER,king,FG_COMM,IERROR)
547 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
549 read (intin,'(i5)',end=1101,err=1101) iconf
550 call read_angles(intin,*11)
551 call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
562 call mpi_send(ind,6,mpi_integer,man,idint,CG_COMM,
564 call mpi_send(varia,nvar,mpi_double_precision,man,
565 * idreal,CG_COMM,ierr)
566 call mpi_send(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,man,
567 * idreal,CG_COMM,ierr)
568 nf_mcmf=nf_mcmf+ind(4)
574 call mpi_recv(ind,6,mpi_integer,mpi_any_source,idint,
575 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
576 man=muster(mpi_source)
577 call mpi_recv(varia,nvar,mpi_double_precision,
578 * man,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
580 * mpi_double_precision,man,idreal,
581 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
582 call mpi_recv(ene0,1,
583 * mpi_double_precision,man,idreal,
584 * CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
586 call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
588 call etotal(energy(0))
592 write (iout,'(a,2i7)') 'Conformation #',iconf,ind(5)
595 call enerprint(energy(0))
596 call briefout(it,etot)
598 call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
599 write (istat,'(i5,19(f12.3))') iconf,
600 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot,
601 & rms,frac,frac_nn,co
603 write (istat,'(i5,15(f12.3))') iconf,
604 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
616 call mpi_send(ind,6,mpi_integer,i,idint,CG_COMM,
621 open(intin,file=intinname,status='old')
622 write (istat,'(a5,20a12)')"# ",
623 & (wname(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene)
624 write (istat,'("# ",20(1pe12.4))')
625 & (weights(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene)
627 write (istat,'(a5,20a12)')"# ",
628 & (ename(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
629 & "ETOT total","RMSD","nat.contact","nnt.contact"
631 write (istat,'(a5,14a12)')"# ",
632 & (ename(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),"ETOT total"
636 read (intin,'(e15.10,e15.5)',end=1100,err=1100) time,ene
637 call read_x(intin,*11)
639 c Broadcast the order to compute internal coordinates to the slaves.
641 & call MPI_Bcast(6,1,MPI_INTEGER,king,FG_COMM,IERROR)
643 call int_from_cart1(.false.)
645 read (intin,'(i5)',end=1100,err=1100) iconf
646 call read_angles(intin,*11)
647 call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
650 write (iout,'(a,i7)') 'Conformation #',iconf
651 if (minim) call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
652 call etotal(energy(0))
655 call enerprint(energy(0))
656 if (minim) call briefout(it,etot)
658 call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)
659 write (istat,'(i5,18(f12.3))') iconf,
660 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),
661 & etot,rms,frac,frac_nn,co
664 write (istat,'(i5,14(f12.3))') iconf,
665 & (energy(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
673 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 subroutine exec_checkgrad
675 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
680 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
681 include 'COMMON.TIME1'
682 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
683 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
685 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
686 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
687 include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
688 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
690 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
691 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
692 include 'COMMON.REMD'
694 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
696 double precision energy(0:max_ene)
698 c vbld(i)=vbld(i)+ran_number(-0.1d0,0.1d0)
699 c if (itype(i).ne.10)
700 c & vbld(i+nres)=vbld(i+nres)+ran_number(-0.001d0,0.001d0)
702 if (indpdb.eq.0) call chainbuild
705 c dc(j,i)=dc(j,i)+ran_number(-0.2d0,0.2d0)
709 c if (itype(i).ne.10) then
711 c dc(j,i+nres)=dc(j,i+nres)+ran_number(-0.2d0,0.2d0)
716 c dc(j,0)=ran_number(-0.2d0,0.2d0)
723 call rescale_weights(t_bath)
728 call etotal(energy(0))
730 call enerprint(energy(0))
731 write (iout,*) "Uconst",Uconst," Uconst_back",uconst_back
732 print *,'icheckgrad=',icheckgrad
733 goto (10,20,30) icheckgrad
734 10 call check_ecartint
736 20 call check_cartgrad
741 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
748 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
754 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
755 C Conformational Space Annealling programmed by Jooyoung Lee.
756 C This method works only with parallel machines!
759 write (iout,*) "CSA is not supported in this version"
761 csa write (iout,*) "CSA works on parallel machines only"
762 write (iout,*) "CSA is not supported in this version"
766 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
767 subroutine exec_softreg
768 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
770 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
771 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
772 double precision energy(0:max_ene)
773 logical debug /.false./
775 call etotal(energy(0))
776 call enerprint(energy(0))
777 if (.not.lsecondary) then
778 write(iout,*) 'Calling secondary structure recognition'
779 call secondary2(debug)
781 write(iout,*) 'Using secondary structure supplied in pdb'
786 call etotal(energy(0))
788 call enerprint(energy(0))
790 call briefout(0,etot)
791 call secondary2(.true.)
792 if (refstr) call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.true.)