1 subroutine pdbout(etot,tytul,iunit)
2 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
7 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
8 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
9 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
10 include 'COMMON.DISTFIT'
14 write (iunit,'(3a,1pe15.5)') 'REMARK ',tytul,' ENERGY ',etot
15 cmodel write (iunit,'(a5,i6)') 'MODEL',1
21 write (iunit,'(a5,i5,1x,a1,i1,2x,a3,i7,2x,a3,i7,i3,t76,i5)')
23 & restyp(iti),hfrag(1,j)-1,
24 & restyp(itj),hfrag(2,j)-1,1,hfrag(2,j)-hfrag(1,j)
26 write (iunit,'(a5,i5,1x,a1,i2,1x,a3,i7,2x,a3,i7,i3)')
28 & restyp(iti),hfrag(1,j)-1,
29 & restyp(itj),hfrag(2,j)-1,1,hfrag(2,j)-hfrag(1,j)
39 itj=itype(bfrag(2,j)-1)
41 write (iunit,'(a5,i5,1x,a1,i1,i3,1x,a3,i6,2x,a3,i6,i3)')
43 & restyp(iti),bfrag(1,j)-1,
44 & restyp(itj),bfrag(2,j)-2,0
46 if (bfrag(3,j).gt.bfrag(4,j)) then
49 itl=itype(bfrag(4,j)+1)
51 write (iunit,'(a5,i5,1x,a1,i1,i3,1x,a3,i6,2x,a3,i6,i3,
52 & 2x,a1,2x,a3,i6,3x,a1,2x,a3,i6)')
54 & restyp(itl),bfrag(4,j),
55 & restyp(itk),bfrag(3,j)-1,-1,
56 & "N",restyp(itk),bfrag(3,j)-1,
57 & "O",restyp(iti),bfrag(1,j)-1
62 itl=itype(bfrag(4,j)-1)
65 write (iunit,'(a5,i5,1x,a1,i1,i3,1x,a3,i6,2x,a3,i6,i3,
66 & 2x,a1,2x,a3,i6,3x,a1,2x,a3,i6)')
68 & restyp(itk),bfrag(3,j)-1,
69 & restyp(itl),bfrag(4,j)-2,1,
70 & "N",restyp(itk),bfrag(3,j)-1,
71 & "O",restyp(iti),bfrag(1,j)-1
83 write(iunit,'(a6,i4,1x,a3,i7,4x,a3,i7)')
84 & 'SSBOND',i,'CYS',idssb(i)-nnt+1,
85 & 'CYS',jdssb(i)-nnt+1
87 write(iunit,'(a6,i4,1x,a3,i7,4x,a3,i7)')
88 & 'SSBOND',i,'CYS',ihpb(i)-nnt+1-nres,
89 & 'CYS',jhpb(i)-nnt+1-nres
100 write (iunit,10) iatom,restyp(iti),ires,(c(j,i),j=1,3),vtot(i)
103 write (iunit,20) iatom,restyp(iti),ires,(c(j,nres+i),j=1,3),
107 write (iunit,'(a)') 'TER'
109 if (itype(i).eq.10) then
110 write (iunit,30) ica(i),ica(i+1)
112 write (iunit,30) ica(i),ica(i+1),ica(i)+1
115 if (itype(nct).ne.10) then
116 write (iunit,30) ica(nct),ica(nct)+1
120 write (iunit,30) ica(idssb(i))+1,ica(jdssb(i))+1
122 write (iunit,30) ica(ihpb(i)-nres)+1,ica(jhpb(i)-nres)+1
125 write (iunit,'(a6)') 'ENDMDL'
126 10 FORMAT ('ATOM',I7,' CA ',A3,I6,4X,3F8.3,f15.3)
127 20 FORMAT ('ATOM',I7,' CB ',A3,I6,4X,3F8.3,f15.3)
128 30 FORMAT ('CONECT',8I5)
131 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 subroutine MOL2out(etot,tytul)
133 C Prints the Cartesian coordinates of the alpha-carbons in the Tripos mol2
135 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
137 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
138 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
139 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
140 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
141 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
142 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
143 character*32 tytul,fd
145 character*6 res_num,pom,ucase
153 write (imol2,'(a)') '#'
155 & '# Creating user name: unres'
156 write (imol2,'(2a)') '# Creation time: ',
158 write (imol2,'(/a)') '\@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE'
159 write (imol2,'(a)') tytul
160 write (imol2,'(5i5)') nct-nnt+1,nct-nnt+nss+1,nct-nnt+nss+1,0,0
161 write (imol2,'(a)') 'SMALL'
162 write (imol2,'(a)') 'USER_CHARGES'
163 write (imol2,'(a)') '\@<TRIPOS>ATOM'
165 write (zahl,'(i3)') i
166 pom=ucase(restyp(itype(i)))
167 res_num = pom(:3)//zahl(2:)
168 write (imol2,10) i,(c(j,i),j=1,3),i,res_num,0.0
170 write (imol2,'(a)') '\@<TRIPOS>BOND'
172 write (imol2,'(i5,2i6,i2)') i-nnt+1,i-nnt+1,i-nnt+2,1
175 write (imol2,'(i5,2i6,i2)') nct-nnt+i,ihpb(i),jhpb(i),1
177 write (imol2,'(a)') '\@<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE'
179 write (zahl,'(i3)') i
180 pom = ucase(restyp(itype(i)))
181 res_num = pom(:3)//zahl(2:)
182 write (imol2,30) i-nnt+1,res_num,i-nnt+1,0
184 10 FORMAT (I7,' CA ',3F10.4,' C.3',I8,1X,A,F11.4,' ****')
185 30 FORMAT (I7,1x,A,I14,' RESIDUE',I13,' **** ****')
188 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
192 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
193 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
195 include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
196 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
197 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
199 write (iout,'(/a)') 'Geometry of the virtual chain.'
200 write (iout,'(7a)') ' Res ',' d',' Theta',
201 & ' Gamma',' Dsc',' Alpha',' Beta '
204 write (iout,'(a3,i4,6f10.3)') restyp(iti),i,vbld(i),
205 & rad2deg*theta(i),rad2deg*phi(i),vbld(nres+i),rad2deg*alph(i),
210 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 subroutine briefout(it,ener)
212 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
214 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
215 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
217 include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
218 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
219 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
221 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
222 c print '(a,i5)',intname,igeom
223 #if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
224 open (igeom,file=intname,position='append')
226 open (igeom,file=intname,access='append')
229 WRITE (igeom,180) IT,ENER,NSS,(IHPB(I),JHPB(I),I=1,NSS)
231 WRITE (igeom,180) IT,ENER,NSS,(IHPB(I),JHPB(I),I=1,9)
232 WRITE (igeom,190) (IHPB(I),JHPB(I),I=10,NSS)
234 c IF (nvar.gt.nphi) WRITE (igeom,200) (RAD2DEG*THETA(I),I=3,NRES)
235 WRITE (igeom,200) (RAD2DEG*THETA(I),I=3,NRES)
236 WRITE (igeom,200) (RAD2DEG*PHI(I),I=4,NRES)
237 c if (nvar.gt.nphi+ntheta) then
238 write (igeom,200) (rad2deg*alph(i),i=2,nres-1)
239 write (igeom,200) (rad2deg*omeg(i),i=2,nres-1)
242 180 format (I5,F12.3,I2,9(1X,2I3))
243 190 format (3X,11(1X,2I3))
254 c----------------------------------------------------------------
256 subroutine cartout(time)
258 subroutine cartoutx(time)
260 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
262 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
263 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
264 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
265 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
266 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
267 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
268 include 'COMMON.DISTFIT'
270 double precision time
271 #if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
272 open(icart,file=cartname,position="append")
274 open(icart,file=cartname,access="append")
276 write (icart,'(e15.8,2e15.5,f12.5,$)') time,potE,uconst,t_bath
278 write (icart,'(i4,$)')
279 & nss,(idssb(j)+nres,jdssb(j)+nres,j=1,nss)
281 write (icart,'(i4,$)')
282 & nss,(ihpb(j),jhpb(j),j=1,nss)
284 write (icart,'(i4,20f7.4)') nfrag+npair+3*nfrag_back,
285 & (qfrag(i),i=1,nfrag),(qpair(i),i=1,npair),
286 & (utheta(i),ugamma(i),uscdiff(i),i=1,nfrag_back)
287 write (icart,'(8f10.5)')
288 & ((c(k,j),k=1,3),j=1,nres),
289 & ((c(k,j+nres),k=1,3),j=nnt,nct)
293 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
295 subroutine cartout(time)
296 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
300 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
304 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
305 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
306 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
307 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
308 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
309 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
310 include 'COMMON.DISTFIT'
312 double precision time
314 real xcoord(3,maxres2+2),prec
317 call xdrfopen_(ixdrf,cartname, "a", iret)
318 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(time), iret)
319 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(potE), iret)
320 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(uconst), iret)
321 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(uconst_back), iret)
322 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(t_bath), iret)
323 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, nss, iret)
326 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, idssb(j)+nres, iret)
327 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, jdssb(j)+nres, iret)
329 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
330 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
333 call xdrfint_(ixdrf, nfrag+npair+3*nfrag_back, iret)
335 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(qfrag(i)), iret)
338 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(qpair(i)), iret)
341 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(utheta(i)), iret)
342 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(ugamma(i)), iret)
343 call xdrffloat_(ixdrf, real(uscdiff(i)), iret)
346 call xdrfopen(ixdrf,cartname, "a", iret)
347 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(time), iret)
348 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(potE), iret)
349 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(uconst), iret)
350 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(uconst_back), iret)
351 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(t_bath), iret)
352 call xdrfint(ixdrf, nss, iret)
355 call xdrfint(ixdrf, idssb(j)+nres, iret)
356 call xdrfint(ixdrf, jdssb(j)+nres, iret)
358 call xdrfint(ixdrf, ihpb(j), iret)
359 call xdrfint(ixdrf, jhpb(j), iret)
362 call xdrfint(ixdrf, nfrag+npair+3*nfrag_back, iret)
364 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(qfrag(i)), iret)
367 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(qpair(i)), iret)
370 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(utheta(i)), iret)
371 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(ugamma(i)), iret)
372 call xdrffloat(ixdrf, real(uscdiff(i)), iret)
383 xcoord(j,nres+i-nnt+1)=c(j,i+nres)
389 call xdrf3dfcoord_(ixdrf, xcoord, itmp, prec, iret)
390 call xdrfclose_(ixdrf, iret)
392 call xdrf3dfcoord(ixdrf, xcoord, itmp, prec, iret)
393 call xdrfclose(ixdrf, iret)
398 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
399 subroutine statout(itime)
400 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
402 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
403 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
404 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
405 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
406 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
407 include 'COMMON.HEADER'
408 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
409 include 'COMMON.DISTFIT'
411 include 'COMMON.REMD'
412 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
414 double precision energia(0:n_ene)
415 double precision gyrate
418 character*256 line1,line2
419 character*4 format1,format2
423 open(istat,file=statname,position="append")
427 open(istat,file=statname,position="append")
429 open(istat,file=statname,access="append")
433 call rms_nac_nnc(rms,frac,frac_nn,co,.false.)
434 if(tnp .or. tnp1 .or. tnh) then
435 write (line1,'(i10,f15.2,3f12.3,f12.6,f7.2,4f6.3,3f12.3,i5,$)')
436 & itime,totT,EK,potE,totE,hhh,
437 & rms,frac,frac_nn,co,amax,kinetic_T,t_bath,gyrate(),me
440 write (line1,'(i10,f15.2,3f12.3,f7.2,4f6.3,3f12.3,i5,$)')
441 & itime,totT,EK,potE,totE,
442 & rms,frac,frac_nn,co,amax,kinetic_T,t_bath,gyrate(),me
446 if(tnp .or. tnp1 .or. tnh) then
447 write (line1,'(i10,f15.2,7f12.3,f12.6,i5,$)')
448 & itime,totT,EK,potE,totE,hhh,
449 & amax,kinetic_T,t_bath,gyrate(),me
452 write (line1,'(i10,f15.2,7f12.3,i5,$)')
453 & itime,totT,EK,potE,totE,
454 & amax,kinetic_T,t_bath,gyrate(),me
458 if(usampl.and.totT.gt.eq_time) then
459 write(line2,'(i5,2f9.4,300f7.4)') iset,uconst,uconst_back,
460 & (qfrag(ii1),ii1=1,nfrag),(qpair(ii2),ii2=1,npair),
461 & (utheta(i),ugamma(i),uscdiff(i),i=1,nfrag_back)
462 write(format2,'(a1,i3.3)') "a",23+7*nfrag+7*npair
464 elseif(hremd.gt.0) then
465 write(line2,'(i5)') iset
471 if (print_compon) then
473 write(format,'(a1,a4,a1,a4,a10)') "(",format1,",",format2,
475 write (istat,format) "#","",
476 & (ename(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene)
478 write(format,'(a1,a4,a1,a4,a10)') "(",format1,",",format2,
480 write (istat,format) line1,line2,
481 & (potEcomp(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene)
483 write(format,'(a1,a4,a1,a4,a1)') "(",format1,",",format2,")"
484 write (istat,format) line1,line2
493 c---------------------------------------------------------------
494 double precision function gyrate()
495 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
497 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
498 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
499 double precision cen(3),rg
511 cen(j)=cen(j)/dble(nct-nnt+1)
516 rg = rg + (c(j,i)-cen(j))**2
519 gyrate = sqrt(rg/dble(nct-nnt+1))