[unres.git] / source / unres / src-HCD-5D / minim_mcmf.F
1       subroutine minim_mcmf
2 #ifdef LBFGS
3       use minima
4       use inform
5       use output
6       use iounit
7       use scales
8 #endif
9       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
10       include 'DIMENSIONS'
11 #ifndef LBFGS
12       parameter (liv=60,lv=(77+maxvar*(maxvar+17)/2)) 
13 #endif
14       include 'COMMON.VAR'
15       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
16       include 'COMMON.MINIM'
17       include 'mpif.h'
18 #ifdef LBFGS
19       double precision grdmin
20       external funcgrad
21       external optsave
22 #else
23       double precision v(1:lv+1)
24       common /przechowalnia/ v
25       external func,gradient,fdum
26       dimension iv(liv)                                               
27 #endif
28       common /gacia/ nf
29       real ran1,ran2,ran3
30       include 'COMMON.SETUP'
31       include 'COMMON.GEO'
32       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
33       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
34       dimension muster(mpi_status_size)
35       dimension var(maxvar),erg(mxch*(mxch+1)/2+1)
36       double precision d(maxvar),garbage(maxvar)                     
37       dimension indx(6)
38       dimension idum(1),rdum(1)
39       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3)
40       logical non_conv
41       data rad /1.745329252d-2/
43       ichuj=0
44    10 continue
45       ichuj = ichuj + 1
46       call mpi_recv(indx,6,mpi_integer,king,idint,CG_COMM,
47      *              muster,ierr)
48       if (indx(1).eq.0) return
49 c      print *, 'worker ',me,' received order ',n,ichuj
50       call mpi_recv(var,nvar,mpi_double_precision,
51      *              king,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
52       call mpi_recv(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,
53      *              king,idreal,CG_COMM,muster,ierr)
54 c      print *, 'worker ',me,' var read '
56 #ifdef LBFGS
57       maxiter=maxmin
58       coordtype='RIGIDBODY'
59       grdmin=tolf
60       jout=iout
61       jprint=print_min_stat
62       iwrite=0
63       if (.not. allocated(scale))  allocate (scale(nvar))
64 c
65 c     set scaling parameter for function and derivative values;
66 c     use square root of median eigenvalue of typical Hessian
67 c
68       set_scale = .true.
69 c      nvar = 0
70       do i = 1, nvar
71 c         if (use(i)) then
72 c            do j = 1, 3
73 c               nvar = nvar + 1
74                scale(i) = 12.0d0
75 c            end do
76 c         end if
77       end do
78       eee=funcgrad(var,g)
79       if(eee.gt.1.0d18) then
80 c       print *,'MINIM_JLEE: ',me,' CHUJ NASTAPIL'
81 c       print *,' energy before SUMSL =',eee
82 c       print *,' aborting local minimization'
83        nf=-1
84        go to 201
85       endif
86 c      write (iout,*) "Calling lbfgs"
87       call lbfgs (nvar,x,eee,grdmin,funcgrad,optsave)
88       nf=nf+1
89       deallocate(scale)
90 #else
91       call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v)                                         
92 * 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt                                 
93       iv(1)=12                                                          
94 * max num of fun calls                                                  
95       if (maxfun.eq.0) maxfun=500
96       iv(17)=maxfun
97 * max num of iterations                                                 
98       if (maxmin.eq.0) maxmin=1000
99       iv(18)=maxmin
100 * controls output                                                       
101       iv(19)=2                                                          
102 * selects output unit                                                   
103 c      iv(21)=iout                                                       
104       iv(21)=0
105 * 1 means to print out result                                           
106       iv(22)=0                                                          
107 * 1 means to print out summary stats                                    
108       iv(23)=0                                                          
109 * 1 means to print initial x and d                                      
110       iv(24)=0                                                          
111 * min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1                                  
112       v(24)=0.1D0                                                       
113 * max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0                                  
114       v(25)=2.0D0                                                       
115 * check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease)    
116 * the sumsl default is 0.1                                              
117       v(26)=0.1D0
118 * false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34)                         
119 * the sumsl default is 100*machep                                       
120       v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0                                               
121 * absolute convergence                                                  
122       if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-4
123       v(31)=tolf
124 * relative convergence                                                  
125       if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-4
126       v(32)=rtolf
127 * controls initial step size                                            
128        v(35)=1.0D-1                                                    
129 * large vals of d correspond to small components of step                
130       do i=1,nphi
131         d(i)=1.0D-1
132       enddo
133       do i=nphi+1,nvar
134         d(i)=1.0D-1
135       enddo
136 c  minimize energy
138       call func(nvar,var,nf,eee,idum,rdum,fdum)
139       if(eee.gt.1.0d18) then
140 c       print *,'MINIM_JLEE: ',me,' CHUJ NASTAPIL'
141 c       print *,' energy before SUMSL =',eee
142 c       print *,' aborting local minimization'
143        iv(1)=-1
144        v(10)=eee
145        nf=1
146        go to 201
147       endif
149       call sumsl(nvar,d,var,func,gradient,iv,liv,lv,v,idum,rdum,fdum)
150 c  find which conformation was returned from sumsl
151         nf=iv(7)+1
152 #endif
153   201  continue
154 c total # of ftn evaluations (for iwf=0, it includes all minimizations).
155         indx(4)=nf
156 #ifdef LBFGS
157         indx(5)=0
158 #else
159         indx(5)=iv(1)
160         eee=v(10)
161 #endif
163         call mpi_send(indx,6,mpi_integer,king,idint,CG_COMM,
164      *                 ierr)
165 c       print '(a5,i3,15f10.5)', 'ENEX0',indx(1),v(10)
166         call mpi_send(var,nvar,mpi_double_precision,
167      *               king,idreal,CG_COMM,ierr)
168         call mpi_send(eee,1,mpi_double_precision,king,idreal,
169      *                 CG_COMM,ierr)
170         call mpi_send(ene0,1,mpi_double_precision,king,idreal,
171      *                 CG_COMM,ierr)
172         go to 10
174       return
175       end