cmake for unres4 cluster
[unres4.git] / source / unres / regularize.f90
1       module regularize_
2       use names
3       use io_units
4       use geometry_data
5       use energy_data
6 #if .not. defined WHAM_RUN && .not. defined CLUSTER
7       use minim_data, only: maxfun,rtolf
8 #endif
9       implicit none
10       contains
11 #if .not. defined WHAM_RUN && .not. defined CLUSTER
12 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 ! regularize.F
14 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15       subroutine regularize(ncart,etot,rms,cref0,iretcode)
17       use geometry, only: geom_to_var,chainbuild,var_to_geom
18       use energy, only: etotal,enerprint
19       use minimm, only: minimize
20 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
21 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
22 !      include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
23 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
24 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
25 !      include 'COMMON.HEADER'
26 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
27 !      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
28       integer :: ncart
29       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obrot(3,3)
30       real(kind=8),dimension((nres-1)*(nres-2)/2) :: fhpb0      !(maxdim) (maxdim=(maxres-1)*(maxres-2)/2)
31       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia   !(maxvar)(maxvar=6*maxres)
32       real(kind=8),dimension(3,ncart) :: cref0
33       real(kind=8),dimension(0:n_ene) :: energia
34       logical :: non_conv
35       integer :: link_end0,i,maxit_reg,it
36       real(kind=8) :: etot,rms,rtolf0
37       integer :: iretcode,maxit,maxit0,maxfun0,nfun
39       link_end0=link_end
40       do i=1,nhpb
41         fhpb0(i)=forcon(i)
42       enddo
43       maxit_reg=2
44       print *,'Enter REGULARIZE: nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct,' nsup=',nsup,&
45        ' nstart_seq=',nstart_seq,' nstart_sup',nstart_sup
46       write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Initial energies:'
47       call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
48       call chainbuild
49       call etotal(energia)
50       etot=energia(0)
51       call enerprint(energia)
52       call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref0(1,nstart_sup-1),&
53         nsup,przes,obrot,non_conv)
54       write (iout,'(a,f10.5)') &
55        'Enter REGULARIZE: Initial RMS deviation:',dsqrt(dabs(rms))
56       write (*,'(a,f10.5)') &
57        'Enter REGULARIZE: Initial RMS deviation:',dsqrt(dabs(rms))
58       maxit0=maxit
59       maxfun0=maxfun
60       rtolf0=rtolf
61       maxit=100
62       maxfun=200
63       rtolf=1.0D-2
64       do it=1,maxit_reg
65         print *,'Regularization: pass:',it
66 ! Minimize with distance constraints, gradually relieving the weight.
67         call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
68         print *,'Etot=',Etot
69         if (iretcode.eq.11) return
70         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref0(1,nstart_sup-1),&
71          nsup,przes,obrot,non_conv)
72         rms=dsqrt(rms)
73         write (iout,'(a,i2,a,f10.5,a,1pe14.5,a,i3/)') &
74          'Finish pass',it,', RMS deviation:',rms,', energy',etot,&
75          ' SUMSL convergence',iretcode
76         do i=nss+1,nhpb
77           forcon(i)=0.1D0*forcon(i)
78         enddo
79       enddo
80 ! Turn off the distance constraints and re-minimize energy.
81       print *,'Final minimization ... '
82       maxit=maxit0
83       maxfun=maxfun0
84       rtolf=rtolf0
85       link_end=min0(link_end,nss)
86       call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
87       print *,'Etot=',Etot
88       call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref0(1,nstart_sup-1),nsup,&
89         przes,obrot,non_conv)
90       rms=dsqrt(rms)
91       write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,1pe14.5,a,i3/)') &
92        'Final RMS deviation:',rms,' energy',etot,' SUMSL convergence',&
93        iretcode
94       link_end=link_end0
95       do i=nss+1,nhpb
96         forcon(i)=fhpb0(i)
97       enddo
98       call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
99       call chainbuild
100       return
101       end subroutine regularize
102 #endif
103 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 ! fitsq.f
105 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106       subroutine fitsq(rms,x,y,nn,t,b,non_conv)
108 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
109 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
110 !  x and y are the vectors of coordinates (dimensioned (3,n)) of the two
111 !  structures to be superimposed.  nn is 3*n, where n is the number of  
112 !  points.   t and b are respectively the translation vector and the    
113 !  rotation matrix that transforms the second set of coordinates to the 
114 !  frame of the first set.                                              
115 !  eta =  machine-specific variable                                     
116       integer :: nn,i,n,j,nc
117       real(kind=8),dimension(3*nn) :: x,y                              
118       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: b,q,r,c
119       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: t,v,xav,yav,e
120       logical :: non_conv
122 !el local variables
123      real(kind=8) :: rms,fn,d,sn3
125 !      eta = z00100000                                                   
126 !     small=25.0*rmdcon(3)                                              
127 !     small=25.0*eta                                                    
128 !     small=25.0*10.e-10                                                
129 ! the following is a very lenient value for 'small'                     
130       real(kind=8) :: small = 0.0001D0                                                  
131       non_conv=.false.
132       fn=nn                                                             
133       do 10 i=1,3                                                       
134       xav(i)=0.0D0                                                      
135       yav(i)=0.0D0                                                      
136       do 10 j=1,3                                                       
137    10 b(j,i)=0.0D0                                                      
138       nc=0                                                              
139 !                                                                       
140       do 30 n=1,nn                                                      
141       do 20 i=1,3                                                       
142 !      write(iout,*)'x = ',x(nc+i),'  y = ',y(nc+i)                           
143       xav(i)=xav(i)+x(nc+i)/fn                                          
144    20 yav(i)=yav(i)+y(nc+i)/fn                                          
145    30 nc=nc+3                                                           
146 !                                                                       
147       do i=1,3
148         t(i)=yav(i)-xav(i)
149       enddo
151       rms=0.0d0
152       do n=1,nn
153         do i=1,3
154           rms=rms+(y(3*(n-1)+i)-x(3*(n-1)+i)-t(i))**2
155         enddo
156       enddo
157       rms=dabs(rms/fn)
159 !      write(iout,*)'xav = ',(xav(j),j=1,3)                                    
160 !      write(iout,*)'yav = ',(yav(j),j=1,3)                                    
161 !      write(iout,*)'t   = ',(t(j),j=1,3)
162 !      write(iout,*)'rms=',rms
163       if ( return
166       nc=0                                                              
167       rms=0.0D0                                                         
168       do 50 n=1,nn                                                      
169       do 40 i=1,3                                                       
170       rms=rms+((x(nc+i)-xav(i))**2+(y(nc+i)-yav(i))**2)/fn              
171       do 40 j=1,3                                                       
172       b(j,i)=b(j,i)+(x(nc+i)-xav(i))*(y(nc+j)-yav(j))/fn                
173    40 c(j,i)=b(j,i)                                                     
174    50 nc=nc+3                                                           
175       call sivade(b,q,r,d,non_conv)
176       sn3=dsign(1.0d0,d)                                                   
177       do 120 i=1,3                                                      
178       do 120 j=1,3                                                      
179   120 b(j,i)=-q(j,1)*r(i,1)-q(j,2)*r(i,2)-sn3*q(j,3)*r(i,3)             
180       call mvvad(b,xav,yav,t)                                           
181       do 130 i=1,3                                                      
182       do 130 j=1,3                                                      
183       rms=rms+2.0*c(j,i)*b(j,i)                                         
184   130 b(j,i)=-b(j,i)                                                    
185       if (dabs(rms).gt.small) go to 140                                  
186 !     write (6,301)                                                     
187       return                                                            
188   140 if ( go to 150                                         
189 !     write (iout,303) rms                                                 
190       rms=0.0d0
191 !     stop                                                              
192 ! 150 write (iout,302) dsqrt(rms)                                           
193   150 continue
194       return                                                            
195   301 format (5x,'rms deviation negligible')                            
196   302 format (5x,'rms deviation ',f14.6)                                
197   303 format (//,5x,'negative ms deviation - ',f14.6)                   
198       end subroutine fitsq
199 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
200       subroutine sivade(x,q,r,dt,non_conv)
202 !      implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
203 !  computes q,e and r such that q(t)xr = diag(e)                        
204       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: x,q,r
205       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: e                               
206       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: h,p,u
207       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: d
208       logical :: non_conv
210 !el local variables
211       integer :: nit,i,j,n,np,nq,npq,n0,nn
212       real(kind=8) :: dt,small,xnrm,xmax,a,den,s,b,c,dd,xn2,y,z,rt,t,v,w
214 !      eta = z00100000                                                   
215 !      write (2,*) "SIVADE"
216       nit = 0
217       small=25.0*10.d-10                                                
218 !     small=25.0*eta                                                    
219 !     small=2.0*rmdcon(3)                                               
220       xnrm=0.0d0                                                          
221       do 20 i=1,3                                                       
222       do 10 j=1,3                                                       
223       xnrm=xnrm+x(j,i)*x(j,i)                                           
224       u(j,i)=0.0d0                                                        
225       r(j,i)=0.0d0                                                        
226    10 h(j,i)=0.0d0                                                        
227       u(i,i)=1.0                                                        
228    20 r(i,i)=1.0                                                        
229       xnrm=dsqrt(xnrm)                                                   
230       do 110 n=1,2                                                      
231       xmax=0.0d0                                                          
232       do 30 j=n,3                                                       
233    30 if (dabs(x(j,n)).gt.xmax) xmax=dabs(x(j,n))                         
234       a=0.0d0                                                             
235       do 40 j=n,3                                                       
236       h(j,n)=x(j,n)/xmax                                                
237    40 a=a+h(j,n)*h(j,n)                                                 
238       a=dsqrt(a)                                                         
239       den=a*(a+dabs(h(n,n)))                                             
240       d(n)=1.0/den                                                      
241       h(n,n)=h(n,n)+dsign(a,h(n,n))                                      
242       do 70 i=n,3                                                       
243       s=0.0d0                                                             
244       do 50 j=n,3                                                       
245    50 s=s+h(j,n)*x(j,i)                                                 
246       s=d(n)*s                                                          
247       do 60 j=n,3                                                       
248    60 x(j,i)=x(j,i)-s*h(j,n)                                            
249    70 continue                                                          
250       if ( go to 110                                             
251       xmax=dmax1(dabs(x(1,2)),dabs(x(1,3)))                               
252       h(2,3)=x(1,2)/xmax                                                
253       h(3,3)=x(1,3)/xmax                                                
254       a=dsqrt(h(2,3)*h(2,3)+h(3,3)*h(3,3))                               
255       den=a*(a+dabs(h(2,3)))                                             
256       d(3)=1.0/den                                                      
257       h(2,3)=h(2,3)+sign(a,h(2,3))                                      
258       do 100 i=1,3                                                      
259       s=0.0d0                                                             
260       do 80 j=2,3                                                       
261    80 s=s+h(j,3)*x(i,j)                                                 
262       s=d(3)*s                                                          
263       do 90 j=2,3                                                       
264    90 x(i,j)=x(i,j)-s*h(j,3)                                            
265   100 continue                                                          
266   110 continue                                                          
267       do 130 i=1,3                                                      
268       do 120 j=1,3                                                      
269   120 p(j,i)=-d(1)*h(j,1)*h(i,1)                                        
270   130 p(i,i)=1.0+p(i,i)                                                 
271       do 140 i=2,3                                                      
272       do 140 j=2,3                                                      
273       u(j,i)=u(j,i)-d(2)*h(j,2)*h(i,2)                                  
274   140 r(j,i)=r(j,i)-d(3)*h(j,3)*h(i,3)                                  
275       call mmmul(p,u,q)                                                 
276   150 np=1                                                              
277       nq=1                                                              
278       nit=nit+1
279 !      write (2,*) "nit",nit," e",(x(i,i),i=1,3)
280       if ( then
281         print '(a)','!!!! Over 10000 iterations in SIVADE!!!!!'
282         non_conv=.true.
283         return
284       endif
285       if (dabs(x(2,3)).gt.small*(dabs(x(2,2))+abs(x(3,3)))) go to 160     
286       x(2,3)=0.0d0                                                        
287       nq=nq+1                                                           
288   160 if (dabs(x(1,2)).gt.small*(dabs(x(1,1))+dabs(x(2,2)))) go to 180     
289       x(1,2)=0.0d0                                                        
290       if (x(2,3).ne.0.0d0) go to 170                                      
291       nq=nq+1                                                           
292       go to 180                                                         
293   170 np=np+1                                                           
294   180 if (nq.eq.3) go to 310                                            
295       npq=4-np-nq                                                       
296 !      write (2,*) "np",np," npq",npq
297       if ( go to 230                                          
298       n0=0                                                              
299       do 220 n=np,npq                                                   
300       nn=n+np-1                                                         
301 !      write (2,*) "nn",nn
302       if (dabs(x(nn,nn)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 220                        
303       x(nn,nn)=0.0d0                                                      
304       if (x(nn,nn+1).eq.0.0d0) go to 220                                  
305       n0=n0+1                                                           
306 !      write (2,*) "nn",nn
307       go to (190,210,220),nn                                            
308   190 do 200 j=2,3                                                      
309   200 call givns(x,q,1,j)                                               
310       go to 220                                                         
311   210 call givns(x,q,2,3)                                               
312   220 continue                                                          
313 !      write (2,*) "nn",nn," np",np," nq",nq," n0",n0
314 !      write (2,*) "x",(x(i,i),i=1,3)
315       if ( go to 150                                            
316   230 nn=3-nq                                                           
317       a=x(nn,nn)*x(nn,nn)                                               
318       if ( a=a+x(nn-1,nn)*x(nn-1,nn)                            
319       b=x(nn+1,nn+1)*x(nn+1,nn+1)+x(nn,nn+1)*x(nn,nn+1)                 
320       c=x(nn,nn)*x(nn,nn+1)                                             
321       dd=0.5*(a-b)                                                      
322       xn2=c*c                                                           
323       rt=b-xn2/(dd+sign(dsqrt(dd*dd+xn2),dd))                            
324       y=x(np,np)*x(np,np)-rt                                            
325       z=x(np,np)*x(np,np+1)                                             
326       do 300 n=np,nn                                                    
327 !      write (2,*) "n",n," a",a," b",b," c",c," y",y," z",z
328       if (dabs(y).lt.dabs(z)) go to 240                                   
329       t=z/y                                                             
330       c=1.0/dsqrt(1.0d0+t*t)                                               
331       s=c*t                                                             
332       go to 250                                                         
333   240 t=y/z                                                             
334       s=1.0/dsqrt(1.0d0+t*t)                                               
335       c=s*t                                                             
336   250 do 260 j=1,3                                                      
337       v=x(j,n)                                                          
338       w=x(j,n+1)                                                        
339       x(j,n)=c*v+s*w                                                    
340       x(j,n+1)=-s*v+c*w                                                 
341       a=r(j,n)                                                          
342       b=r(j,n+1)                                                        
343       r(j,n)=c*a+s*b                                                    
344   260 r(j,n+1)=-s*a+c*b                                                 
345       y=x(n,n)                                                          
346       z=x(n+1,n)                                                        
347       if (dabs(y).lt.dabs(z)) go to 270                                   
348       t=z/y                                                             
349       c=1.0/dsqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
350       s=c*t                                                             
351       go to 280                                                         
352   270 t=y/z                                                             
353       s=1.0/dsqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
354       c=s*t                                                             
355   280 do 290 j=1,3                                                      
356       v=x(n,j)                                                          
357       w=x(n+1,j)                                                        
358       a=q(j,n)                                                          
359       b=q(j,n+1)                                                        
360       x(n,j)=c*v+s*w                                                    
361       x(n+1,j)=-s*v+c*w                                                 
362       q(j,n)=c*a+s*b                                                    
363   290 q(j,n+1)=-s*a+c*b                                                 
364       if ( go to 300                                          
365       y=x(n,n+1)                                                        
366       z=x(n,n+2)                                                        
367   300 continue                                                          
368       go to 150                                                         
369   310 do 320 i=1,3                                                      
370   320 e(i)=x(i,i)                                                       
371       nit=0
372   330 n0=0                                                              
373       nit=nit+1
374       if ( then
375         print '(a)','!!!! Over 10000 iterations in SIVADE!!!!!'
376         non_conv=.true.
377         return
378       endif
379 !      write (2,*) "e",(e(i),i=1,3)
380       do 360 i=1,3                                                      
381       if (e(i).ge.0.0d0) go to 350                                        
382       e(i)=-e(i)                                                        
383       do 340 j=1,3                                                      
384   340 q(j,i)=-q(j,i)                                                    
385   350 if (i.eq.1) go to 360                                             
386       if (dabs(e(i)).lt.dabs(e(i-1))) go to 360                           
387       call switch(i,1,q,r,e)                                            
388       n0=n0+1                                                           
389   360 continue                                                          
390       if ( go to 330                                            
391 !      write (2,*) "e",(e(i),i=1,3)
392       if (dabs(e(3)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 370                            
393       e(3)=0.0d0                                                          
394       if (dabs(e(2)).gt.small*xnrm) go to 370                            
395       e(2)=0.0d0                                                          
396   370 dt=det(q(1,1),q(1,2),q(1,3))*det(r(1,1),r(1,2),r(1,3))            
397 !      write (2,*) "nit",nit
398 !      write (2,501) (e(i),i=1,3)                                        
399       return                                                            
400   501 format (/,5x,'singular values - ',3e15.5)                         
401       end subroutine sivade
402 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
403       subroutine givns(a,b,m,n) 
405 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
406       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: a,b                                          
407       integer :: m,n,j
408       real(kind=8) :: t,c,s,v,w,x,y
410       if (dabs(a(m,n)).lt.dabs(a(n,n))) go to 10                          
411       t=a(n,n)/a(m,n)                                                   
412       s=1.0/dsqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
413       c=s*t                                                             
414       go to 20                                                          
415    10 t=a(m,n)/a(n,n)                                                   
416       c=1.0/dsqrt(1.0+t*t)                                               
417       s=c*t                                                             
418    20 do 30 j=1,3                                                       
419       v=a(m,j)                                                          
420       w=a(n,j)                                                          
421       x=b(j,m)                                                          
422       y=b(j,n)                                                          
423       a(m,j)=c*v-s*w                                                    
424       a(n,j)=s*v+c*w                                                    
425       b(j,m)=c*x-s*y                                                    
426    30 b(j,n)=s*x+c*y                                                                               
427       return
428       end subroutine givns
429 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
430       subroutine switch(n,m,u,v,d)
432 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
433       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: u,v
434       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: d                                      
435       integer :: n,m,i
436       real(kind=8) :: tem
437       do 10 i=1,3                                                       
438       tem=u(i,n)                                                        
439       u(i,n)=u(i,n-1)                                                   
440       u(i,n-1)=tem                                                      
441       if (m.eq.0) go to 10                                              
442       tem=v(i,n)                                                        
443       v(i,n)=v(i,n-1)                                                   
444       v(i,n-1)=tem                                                      
445    10 continue                                                          
446       tem=d(n)                                                          
447       d(n)=d(n-1)                                                       
448       d(n-1)=tem                                                        
449       return
450       end subroutine switch
451 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
452       subroutine mvvad(b,xav,yav,t)
454 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
455       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: b
456       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: xav,yav,t                               
457       integer :: i,j
458 !     dimension a(3,3),b(3),c(3),d(3)                                   
459 !     do 10 j=1,3                                                       
460 !     d(j)=c(j)                                                         
461 !     do 10 i=1,3                                                       
462 !  10 d(j)=d(j)+a(j,i)*b(i)                                             
463       do 10 j=1,3                                                       
464       t(j)=yav(j)                                                       
465       do 10 i=1,3                                                       
466    10 t(j)=t(j)+b(j,i)*xav(i)                                           
467       return
468       end subroutine mvvad
469 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
470       real(kind=8) function det(a,b,c)
471 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
472       real(kind=8),dimension(3) :: a,b,c
473       det=a(1)*(b(2)*c(3)-b(3)*c(2))+a(2)*(b(3)*c(1)-b(1)*c(3)) &
474         +a(3)*(b(1)*c(2)-b(2)*c(1))                                     
475       return                                                            
476       end function det
477 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
478       subroutine mmmul(a,b,c)
480 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
481       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: a,b,c
482       integer :: i,j,k
483       do 10 i=1,3                                                       
484       do 10 j=1,3                                                       
485       c(i,j)=0.0d0                                                        
486       do 10 k=1,3                                                       
487    10 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(i,k)*b(k,j)                                        
488       return
489       end subroutine mmmul
490 #if .not. defined WHAM_RUN || .not. defined CLUSTER
491 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
492       subroutine matvec(uvec,tmat,pvec,nback)
494 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
495       real(kind=8),dimension(3,3) :: tmat
496       real(kind=8),dimension(3,nback) :: uvec,pvec
497       integer :: nback,i,j,k
498 !                                                                       
499       do 2 j=1,nback                                                    
500          do 1 i=1,3                                                     
501          uvec(i,j) = 0.0d0                                                
502          do 1 k=1,3                                                     
503     1    uvec(i,j)=uvec(i,j)+tmat(i,k)*pvec(k,j)                        
504     2 continue                                                          
505       return
506       end subroutine matvec
507 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 #endif
509 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
510       end module regularize_