cmake readpdb_mult.F
[unres.git] / source / cluster / wham / src-M / wrtclust.f
2       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'sizesclu.dat'
5       parameter (num_in_line=5)
6       LOGICAL PRINTANG(max_cut)
7       integer PRINTPDB(max_cut),printmol2(max_cut)
8       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
9       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
10       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
11       include 'COMMON.VAR'
12       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
13       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
14       include 'COMMON.GEO'
15       include 'COMMON.FREE'
16       include 'COMMON.TEMPFAC'
17       CHARACTER*64 prefixp,NUMM,MUMM,EXTEN,extmol
18       character*80 cfname
19       character*8 ctemper
20       DATA EXTEN /'.pdb'/,extmol /'.mol2'/,NUMM /'000'/,MUMM /'000'/
21       external ilen
22       integer ib
24       do i=1,64
25         cfname(i:i)=" "
26       enddo
27 c      print *,"calling WRTCLUST",ncon
28 c      write (iout,*) "ICUT",icut," PRINTPDB ",PRINTPDB(icut)
29       rewind 80
30       call flush(iout)
31       temper=1.0d0/(beta_h(ib)*1.987d-3)
32       if ( then
33         write(ctemper,'(f3.0)') temper
34         ctemper(3:3)=" "
35       else if ( then
36         write (ctemper,'(f4.0)') temper
37         ctemper(4:4)=" "
38       else
39         write (ctemper,'(f5.0)') temper
40         ctemper(5:5)=" "
41       endif
43       do i=1,ncon*(ncon-1)/2
44         read (80) diss(i)
45       enddo
46       close(80,status='delete')
47 C
49 C
50       ii1= index(intinname,'/')
51       ii2=ii1
52       ii1=ii1+1
53       do while ( 
54         ii1=ii1+ii2
55         ii2=index(intinname(ii1:),'/')
56       enddo 
57       ii = ii1+index(intinname(ii1:),'.')-1
58       if (ii.eq.0) then
59         ii=ilen(intinname)
60       else
61         ii=ii-1
62       endif
63       prefixp=intinname(ii1:ii)
64 cd    print *,icut,printang(icut),printpdb(icut),printmol2(icut)
65 cd    print *,'ecut=',ecut
66       WRITE (iout,100) NGR
67       DO 19 IGR=1,NGR
68       WRITE (iout,200) IGR,totfree_gr(igr)/beta_h(ib),LICZ(IGR)
69       NRECORD=LICZ(IGR)/num_in_line
70       IND1=1
71       DO 63 IRECORD=1,NRECORD
72       IND2=IND1+num_in_line-1
73       WRITE (iout,300) (list_conf(NCONF(IGR,ICO)),
74      &    totfree(NCONF(IGR,ICO))/beta_h(ib),ICO=IND1,IND2)
75       IND1=IND2+1
76    63 CONTINUE
77       WRITE (iout,300) (list_conf(NCONF(IGR,ICO)),
78      &   totfree(NCONF(IGR,ICO))/beta_h(ib),ICO=IND1,LICZ(IGR))
79       IND1=1
80       ICON=list_conf(NCONF(IGR,1))
81 c      WRITE (iout,'(16F5.0)') (rad2deg*phiall(IND,icon),IND=4,nphi+3)
82 C 12/8/93 Estimation of "diameters" of the subsequent families.
83       ave_dim=0.0
84       amax_dim=0.0
85 c      write (iout,*) "ecut",ecut
86       emin=totfree(nconf(igr,1))
87       do i=2,licz(igr)
88         ii=nconf(igr,i)
89         if (totfree(ii)-emin .gt. ecut) goto 10
90         do j=1,i-1
91           jj=nconf(igr,j)
92           if (jj.eq.1) exit
93           if ( then
94             ind=ioffset(ncon,ii,jj)
95           else
96             ind=ioffset(ncon,jj,ii)
97           endif
98 c          write (iout,*) " ncon",ncon,"i",i," j",j," ii",ii," jj",jj,
99 c     &     " ind",ind
100           call flush(iout)
101           curr_dist=dabs(diss(ind)+0.0d0)
102 c          write(iout,'(i10,4i4,f12.4)') ind,ii,jj,list_conf(ii),
103 c     &      list_conf(jj),curr_dist
104           if (curr_dist .gt. amax_dim) amax_dim=curr_dist
105           ave_dim=ave_dim+curr_dist**2
106         enddo
107       enddo   
108    10 if (licz(igr) .gt. 1) 
109      & ave_dim=sqrt(ave_dim/(licz(igr)*(licz(igr)-1)/2)) 
110       write (iout,'(/A,F8.1,A,F8.1)')
111      & 'Max. distance in the family:',amax_dim,
112      & '; average distance in the family:',ave_dim 
113       rmsave(igr)=0.0d0
114       gdt_ts_ave(igr)=0.0d0
115       gdt_ha_ave(igr)=0.0d0
116       tmscore_ave(igr)=0.0d0
117       qpart=0.0d0
118       e1=totfree(nconf(igr,1))
119       do i=1,licz(igr)
120         icon=nconf(igr,i)
121         boltz=dexp(-(totfree(icon)-e1))
122         rmsave(igr)=rmsave(igr)+boltz*rmstb(icon)
123         gdt_ts_ave(igr)=gdt_ts_ave(igr)+boltz*gdt_ts_tb(icon)
124         gdt_ha_ave(igr)=gdt_ha_ave(igr)+boltz*gdt_ha_tb(icon)
125         tmscore_ave(igr)=tmscore_ave(igr)+boltz*tmscore_tb(icon)
126         qpart=qpart+boltz
127       enddo
128       rmsave(igr)=rmsave(igr)/qpart
129       gdt_ts_ave(igr)=gdt_ts_ave(igr)/qpart
130       gdt_ha_ave(igr)=gdt_ha_ave(igr)/qpart
131       tmscore_ave(igr)=tmscore_ave(igr)/qpart
132       write (iout,'(a,f5.2,a,3(a,f7.4))') "Cluster averages: RMSD",
133      & rmsave(igr)," A, ",
134      & "TMscore",tmscore_ave(igr),
135      & ", GDT_TS",gdt_ts_ave(igr),", GDT_HA",
136      & gdt_ha_ave(igr)
137    19 CONTINUE
138       WRITE (iout,400)
139       WRITE (iout,500) (list_conf(I),IASS(I),I=1,NCON)
140 c      print *,icut,printang(icut)
141       IF (PRINTANG(ICUT) .and. (lprint_cart .or. lprint_int)) then
142         emin=totfree_gr(1)
143 c        print *,'emin',emin,' ngr',ngr
144         if (lprint_cart) then
145           cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
146      &      //"K"//".x"
147         else
148           cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
149      &      //"K"//".int"
150         endif
151         do igr=1,ngr
152           icon=nconf(igr,1)
153           if (totfree_gr(igr)-emin.le.ecut) then
154             if (lprint_cart) then
155               call cartout(igr,icon,totfree(icon)/beta_h(ib),
156      &          totfree_gr(igr)/beta_h(ib),
157      &          rmstb(icon),cfname)
158             else 
159 c              print '(a)','calling briefout'
160               do i=1,2*nres
161                 do j=1,3
162                   c(j,i)=allcart(j,i,icon)
163                 enddo
164               enddo
165               call int_from_cart1(.false.)
166               call briefout(igr,iscore(icon),totfree(icon)/beta_h(ib),
167      &          totfree_gr(igr),nss_all(icon),ihpb_all(1,icon),
168      &          jhpb_all(1,icon),cfname)
169 c              print '(a)','exit briefout'
170             endif
171           endif
172         enddo
173         close(igeom)
174       ENDIF
175       IF (PRINTPDB(ICUT).gt.0) THEN
176 c Write out a number of conformations from each family in PDB format and
177 c create InsightII command file for their displaying in different colors
178         cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
179      &    //"K_"//'ave'//exten
180         write (iout,*) "cfname",cfname
182         write (ipdb,'(a,f8.2)') 
184         close (ipdb)
185         I=1
186         ICON=NCONF(1,1)
187         EMIN=totfree_gr(I)
188         emin1=totfree(icon)
189         DO WHILE(I.LE.NGR .AND. totfree_gr(i)-EMIN.LE.ECUT)
190 c          write (iout,*) "i",i," ngr",ngr,totfree_gr(I),EMIN,ecut
191           write (NUMM,'(bz,i4.4)') i
192           ncon_lim=min0(licz(i),printpdb(icut))
193           cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
194      &      //"K_"//numm(:ilen(numm))//exten
196           write (ipdb,'("REMARK CLUSTER",i5," FREE ENERGY",1pe14.5,
197      &     " AVE RMSD",0pf5.2)')
198      &     i,totfree_gr(i)/beta_h(ib),rmsave(i)
199 c Write conformations of the family i to PDB files
200           ncon_out=1
201           do while ( .and.
202      &
203      &     totfree(nconf(i,ncon_out+1))-EMIN1.LE.ECUT)
204             ncon_out=ncon_out+1
205 c            write (iout,*) i,ncon_out,nconf(i,ncon_out),
206 c     &        totfree(nconf(i,ncon_out)),emin1,ecut
207           enddo
208 c          write (iout,*) "ncon_out",ncon_out
209           call flush(iout)
210           do j=1,nres
211             tempfac(1,j)=5.0d0
212             tempfac(2,j)=5.0d0
213           enddo
214           do j=1,ncon_out
215             icon=nconf(i,j)
216             do ii=1,2*nres
217               do k=1,3
218                 c(k,ii)=allcart(k,ii,icon)
219               enddo
220             enddo
221             call center
222             call pdbout(totfree(icon)/beta_h(ib),rmstb(icon),titel)
223             write (ipdb,'("TER")')
224           enddo
225           close(ipdb)
226 c Average structures and structures closest to average
227           cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
228      &    //"K_"//'ave'//exten
230      &     position="APPEND")
231           call ave_coord(i)
232           write (ipdb,'(a,i5)') "REMARK CLUSTER",i
233           call center
234           call pdbout(totfree_gr(i)/beta_h(ib),rmsave(i),titel)
235           write (ipdb,'("TER")')
236           call closest_coord(i)
237 c          write (iout,*) "Calling rmsnat"
238           rms_closest(i) = rmsnat(i)
239           call TMscore_sub(rmsd,gdt_ts_closest(i),gdt_ha_closest(i),
240      &      tmscore_closest(i),cfname,.true.)
241 c          write (iout,*) "Family",i," rmsd",rmsd,"gdt_ts",
242 c     &      gdt_ts_closest(i)," gdt_ha",gdt_ha_closest(i),
243 c     &      "tmscore",tmscore_closest(i)
244           call center
245           call pdbout(totfree_gr(i)/beta_h(ib),rms_closest(i),titel)
246           write (ipdb,'("TER")')
247           close (ipdb)
248           I=I+1
249           ICON=NCONF(I,1)
250           emin1=totfree(icon)
251         ENDDO
252       ENDIF 
253       IF (printmol2(icut).gt.0) THEN
254 c Write out a number of conformations from each family in PDB format and
255 c create InsightII command file for their displaying in different colors
256         I=1
257         ICON=NCONF(1,1)
258         EMIN=ENERGY(ICON)
259         emin1=emin
260         DO WHILE(I.LE.NGR .AND. totfree_gr(i)-EMIN.LE.ECUT)
261           write (NUMM,'(bz,i4.4)') i
262           cfname=prefixp(:ilen(prefixp))//"_T"//ctemper(:ilen(ctemper))
263      &      //"K_"//numm(:ilen(numm))//extmol
265           ncon_out=1
266           do while ( .and.
267      &
268      &     totfree(nconf(i,ncon_out+1))-EMIN1.LE.ECUT)
269             ncon_out=ncon_out+1
270           enddo
271           do j=1,ncon_out
272             icon=nconf(i,j)
273             do ii=1,2*nres
274               do k=1,3
275                 c(k,ii)=allcart(k,ii,icon)
276               enddo
277             enddo
278             CALL MOL2OUT(totfree(icon)/beta_h(ib),'STRUCTURE'//numm)
279           enddo
280           CLOSE(imol2)
281           I=I+1
282           ICON=NCONF(I,1)
283           emin1=totfree(icon)
284         ENDDO
285       ENDIF 
286       call WRITE_STATS(ICUT,NCON,IB)
288   200 FORMAT (/'FAMILY ',I4,' WITH TOTAL FREE ENERGY',1pE15.5,
289      & ' CONTAINS ',I4,' CONFORMATION(S): ')
290 c 300 FORMAT ( 8(I4,F6.1))
291   300 FORMAT (5(I4,1pe12.3))
293   500 FORMAT (8(2I4,2X)) 
295       RETURN
296       END
297 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
298       subroutine ave_coord(igr)
299       implicit none
300       include 'DIMENSIONS'
301       include 'sizesclu.dat'
302       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
303       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
304       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
305       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
306       include 'COMMON.VAR'
307       include 'COMMON.TEMPFAC'
308       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
309       logical non_conv
310       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3)
311       double precision xx(3,maxres2),yy(3,maxres2),csq(3,maxres2)
312       double precision eref
313       integer i,ii,j,k,icon,jcon,igr
314       double precision rms,boltz,qpart,cwork(3,maxres2),cref1(3,maxres2)
315 c      write (iout,*) "AVE_COORD: igr",igr
316       jcon=nconf(igr,1)
317       eref=totfree(jcon)
318       boltz = dexp(-totfree(jcon)+eref)
319       qpart=boltz
320       do i=1,2*nres
321         do j=1,3
322           c(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)*boltz
323           cref1(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
324           csq(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)**2*boltz
325         enddo
326       enddo
327       DO K=2,LICZ(IGR)
328       jcon=nconf(igr,k)
329       if (lside) then 
330         ii=0
331         do i=nnt,nct
332           ii=ii+1
333           do j=1,3
334             xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
335             yy(j,ii)=cref1(j,i)
336           enddo
337         enddo
338         do i=nnt,nct
339 c          if (itype(i).ne.10) then
340             ii=ii+1
341             do j=1,3
342               xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i+nres,jcon)
343               yy(j,ii)=cref1(j,i+nres)
344             enddo
345 c          endif
346         enddo
347         call fitsq(rms,xx(1,1),yy(1,1),ii,przes,obrot,non_conv)
348       else
349         do i=nnt,nct
350           do j=1,3
351             cwork(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
352           enddo
353         enddo
354         call fitsq(rms,cwork(1,nnt),cref1(1,nnt),nct-nnt+1,przes,obrot
355      &       ,non_conv)
356       endif
357 c      write (iout,*) "rms",rms
358 c      do i=1,3
359 c        write (iout,'(i3,f10.5,5x,3f10.5)')i,przes(i),(obrot(i,j),j=1,3)
360 c      enddo
361       if ( then
362         print *,'error, rms^2 = ',rms,icon,jcon
363         stop
364       endif
365       if (non_conv) print *,non_conv,icon,jcon
366       boltz=dexp(-totfree(jcon)+eref)
367       qpart = qpart + boltz
368       do i=1,2*nres
369         do j=1,3
370           xx(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
371         enddo
372       enddo
373       call matvec(cwork,obrot,xx,2*nres)
374       do i=1,2*nres
375 c        write (iout,'(i5,2(3f10.5,5x))') i,(cwork(j,i),j=1,3),
376 c     &    (allcart(j,i,jcon),j=1,3)
377         do j=1,3
378           cwork(j,i)=cwork(j,i)+przes(j)
379           c(j,i)=c(j,i)+cwork(j,i)*boltz
380           csq(j,i)=csq(j,i)+cwork(j,i)**2*boltz 
381         enddo
382       enddo
383       ENDDO ! K
384       do i=1,2*nres
385         do j=1,3
386           c(j,i)=c(j,i)/qpart
387           csq(j,i)=csq(j,i)/qpart-c(j,i)**2
388         enddo
389 c        write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5)') i,(csq(j,i),j=1,3)
390       enddo
391       do i=nnt,nct
392         tempfac(1,i)=0.0d0
393         tempfac(2,i)=0.0d0
394         do j=1,3
395           tempfac(1,i)=tempfac(1,i)+csq(j,i)
396           tempfac(2,i)=tempfac(2,i)+csq(j,i+nres)
397         enddo
398         tempfac(1,i)=dsqrt(tempfac(1,i))
399         tempfac(2,i)=dsqrt(tempfac(2,i))
400       enddo
401       return
402       end
403 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
404       subroutine closest_coord(igr)
405       implicit none
406       include 'DIMENSIONS'
407       include 'sizesclu.dat'
408       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
409       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
410       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
411       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
412       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
413       include 'COMMON.VAR'
414       logical non_conv
415       double precision przes(3),obrot(3,3)
416       double precision xx(3,maxres2),yy(3,maxres2)
417       integer i,ii,j,k,icon,jcon,jconmin,igr
418       double precision rms,rmsmin,cwork(3,maxres2)
419       rmsmin=1.0d10
420       jconmin=nconf(igr,1)
421       DO K=1,LICZ(IGR)
422       jcon=nconf(igr,k)
423       if (lside) then 
424         ii=0
425         do i=nnt,nct
426           ii=ii+1
427           do j=1,3
428             xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
429             yy(j,ii)=c(j,i)
430           enddo
431         enddo
432         do i=nnt,nct
433 c          if (itype(i).ne.10) then
434             ii=ii+1
435             do j=1,3
436               xx(j,ii)=allcart(j,i+nres,jcon)
437               yy(j,ii)=c(j,i+nres)
438             enddo
439 c          endif
440         enddo
441         call fitsq(rms,xx(1,1),yy(1,1),ii,przes,obrot,non_conv)
442       else
443         do i=nnt,nct
444           do j=1,3
445             cwork(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jcon)
446           enddo
447         enddo
448         call fitsq(rms,cwork(1,nnt),c(1,nnt),nct-nnt+1,przes,obrot
449      &       ,non_conv)
450       endif
451       if ( then
452         print *,'error, rms^2 = ',rms,icon,jcon
453         stop
454       endif
455 c      write (iout,*) "jcon",jcon," rms",rms," rmsmin",rmsmin
456       if (non_conv) print *,non_conv,icon,jcon
457       if ( then
458         rmsmin=rms
459         jconmin=jcon
460       endif
461       ENDDO ! K
462 c      write (iout,*) "rmsmin",rmsmin," rms",rms
463       call flush(iout)
464       do i=1,2*nres
465         do j=1,3
466           c(j,i)=allcart(j,i,jconmin)
467         enddo
468       enddo
469       return
470       end
471 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
472       subroutine center
473       implicit none
474       include 'DIMENSIONS'
475       include 'sizesclu.dat'
476       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
477       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
478       include 'COMMON.CLUSTER'
479       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
480       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
481       include 'COMMON.VAR'
482       double precision przes(3)
483       integer i,ii,j,k,icon,jcon,jconmin,igr
484       przes=0.0d0
485       do j=1,3
486         do i=1,nres
487           przes(j)=przes(j)+c(j,i)
488         enddo
489       enddo
490       do j=1,3
491         przes(j)=przes(j)/nres
492       enddo
493       do i=1,2*nres
494         do j=1,3
495           c(j,i)=c(j,i)-przes(j)  
496         enddo
497       enddo
498       return
499       end