[unres.git] / scan.f
1       subroutine scan(nvar,x,f0,lprn)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
6       include "COMMON.NAMES"
7       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
8       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
9       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
10       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
11       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
12       include "COMMON.TIME1"
13       integer i,ii,ibatch,j,iww,nweight,iter,nf,nvar
14       integer uiparm(1)
15       logical lprn
16       double precision x(max_paropt)
17       double precision viol,f0,f,tcpu
18       character*32 nazwa
19       integer ilen
20       external ilen
21       external fdum
22 c Systematically scan the weights one by one
23       PREVTIM=tcpu()
24       write (iout,*) "Enter the SCAN procedure"
25       write (iout,*) "Initial weights"
26       write(iout,'(9x,15(2x,a6))')(wname(i),i=1,n_ene)
27       write(iout,40)(ww(i),i=1,n_ene)
28       write(iout,*)'-----------------------------------'
30       call targetfun(nvar,x,nf,f0,uiparm)
31       write (iout,*) "Initial function value:",f0
33       ii=0
34       do i=1,n_ene 
35         if (imask(i).eq.1) then
36           ii=ii+1
37           ww0(i)=x(ii)
38         else
39           ww0(i)=ww(i)
40         endif
41       enddo
43       do iww=1,n_ene
44         if (imask(iww).eq.0) goto 1222
45         if (lprn) then
46           nazwa='scan.'//wname(iww)(:ilen(wname(iww)))
47           open(istat,file=nazwa)
48         endif
49         do i=1,n_ene
50           ww(i)=ww0(i)
51         enddo
52         print *,"maxstep_scan",maxstep_scan," step_scan",step_scan
53         do iter=1,maxstep_scan
54           ww(iww)=iter*step_scan
55           if (ww(iww).lt.ww_low(iww).or.ww(iww).gt.ww_up(iww)) goto 1221
56           ii=0
57           do i=1,n_ene 
58             if (imask(i).eq.1) then
59               ii=ii+1
60               x(ii)=ww(i)
61             endif
62           enddo
63 c          write (*,*) iww,iter,ww(iww)
64           call targetfun(nvar,x,nf,f,uiparm)
65           if (f.lt.f0) then
66             write (iout,'(2a,f10.5,2(1pe15.5))')
67      &       "Lower function value found:",wname(iww),ww(iww),f,f0
68             f0=f
69             do i=1,n_ene
70               ww0(i)=ww(i)
71             enddo
72           endif
73           if (lprn) then
74             write (istat,'(f8.3,5x,$)') ww(iww)
75             write (istat,'(1pe15.5)') f
76           endif
77  1221     continue
78         enddo ! iter
79         close(istat)
80  1222   continue
81       enddo ! iww
83       ii=0
84       do i=1,n_ene 
85         if (imask(i).eq.1) then
86           ii=ii+1
87           x(ii)=ww0(i)
88         endif
89       enddo
90       write (iout,*) "Best function value:",f0
91       write (iout,*)
92       if (lprn) call write_params(nvar,nf,x)
93       return
94 30    format(a2,i5,1x,14(f5.3,1x),a3,100f7.3)
95 40    format(13(f7.4,1x))
96       end