[unres.git] / readrtns_compar.F.org
1       subroutine read_ref_structure(iprot,*)
2 C
3 C Read the reference structure from the PDB file or from a PDB file or in the form of the dihedral
4 C angles.
5 C
6       implicit none
7       include 'DIMENSIONS'
8       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
9       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
10       include 'COMMON.GEO'
11       include 'COMMON.VAR'
12       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
13       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
14       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
15       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
16       include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
17       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
18       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
19       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
20       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
21       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
22       include 'COMMON.VMCPAR'
23       character*4 sequence(maxres)
24       integer rescode
25       double precision x(maxvar)
26       integer itype_pdb(maxres)
27       logical seq_comp
28       integer i,j,k,ib,iref,iprot,nres_pdb
29       double precision ddsc,dist
30       integer ilen
31       external ilen
32 C
33       write (2,*) "PDBREF ",pdbref
34       nres0=nres
35       DO IB=1,NBETA(1,iprot)
36       if (pdbref) then
37         iref=0
38         write (iout,'(2a,1h.)') 'PDB data will be read from file ',
39      &    pdbfile(ib,iprot)(:ilen(pdbfile(ib,iprot)))
40         open(ipdbin,file=pdbfile(ib,iprot),status='old',err=33)
41         goto 34 
42   33    write (iout,'(a)') 'Error opening PDB file.'
43         return1
44   34    continue
45         nres_pdb=nres
46         DO IREF=1,MAXREF
47         write (2,*) "Reading reference structure",iref
48         call readpdb(print_refstr,iprot)
49         write (2,*) "After readpdb"
50         call flush(iout)
51         if (nres_pdb.eq.0) then
52           exit
53         endif
54 C Copy the coordinates to reference coordinates
55         do i=1,2*nres
56           do j=1,3
57             cref(j,i,iref,ib,iprot)=c(j,i)
58           enddo
59         enddo
60         do i=1,nres
61           itype_pdb(i)=itype(i)
62         enddo
63         nres_pdb=nres
64         nres=nres0
65         nstart_seq=nnt
66         if (nsup(iprot).le.(nct-nnt+1)) then
67           do i=0,nct-nnt+1-nsup(iprot)
68             if (seq_comp(itype(nnt+i),itype_pdb(nstart_sup(iprot)),
69      &        nsup(iprot))) then
70               do j=nnt+nsup(iprot)-1,nnt,-1
71                 do k=1,3
72                   cref(k,j+i,iref,ib,iprot)=cref(k,j,iref,ib,iprot)
73                   cref(k,nres+j+i,iref,ib,iprot)=
74      &                             cref(k,nres_pdb+j,iref,ib,iprot)
75                 enddo
76 c                phi_ref(j+i,iprot)=phi_ref(j,iprot)
77 c                theta_ref(j+i,iprot)=theta_ref(j,iprot)
78 c                alph_ref(j+i,iprot)=alph_ref(j,iprot)
79 c                omeg_ref(j+i,iprot)=omeg_ref(j,iprot)
80               enddo
81 #define DEBUG
82 #ifdef DEBUG
83               do j=nnt,nct
84                 write (iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)') 
85      &            j,(cref(k,j,iref,ib,iprot),k=1,3),
86      &              (cref(k,j+nres,iref,ib,iprot),k=1,3)
87               enddo
88 #endif
89 #undef DEBUG
90               nstart_seq=nnt+i
91               nstart_sup(iprot)=nnt+i
92               goto 111
93             endif
94           enddo
95           write (iout,'(a)') 
96      &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
97           return1
98         else
99           do i=0,nsup(iprot)-(nct-nnt+1)
100             if (seq_comp(itype(nnt),itype_pdb(nstart_sup(iprot)+i),
101      &        nct-nnt+1)) 
102      &      then
103               nstart_sup(iprot)=nstart_sup(iprot)+i
104               nsup(iprot)=nct-nnt+1
105               goto 111
106             endif
107           enddo 
108           write (iout,'(a)') 
109      &            'Error - sequences to be superposed do not match.'
110         endif
111   111   continue
112         write (iout,'(a,i5)') 
113      &   'Experimental structure begins at residue',nstart_seq
114         ENDDO ! IREF
115         nref(ib,iprot)=iref-1
116         write (iout,*) "NREF",ib,iprot,nref(ib,iprot)
117         call flush(iout)
118       else
119         DO IREF=1,MAXREF
120         call read_angles(inp,*38)
121         goto 39
122    38   nref(ib,iprot)=iref-1
123         exit
124    39   call chainbuild     
125         nstart_sup(iprot)=nnt
126         nstart_seq=nnt
127         nsup(iprot)=nct-nnt+1
128         do i=1,2*nres
129           do j=1,3
130             cref(j,i,iref,ib,iprot)=c(j,i)
131           enddo
132         enddo
133         ENDDO ! IREF
134         nref(ib,iprot)=iref-1
135       endif
136       nend_sup(iprot)=nstart_sup(iprot)+nsup(iprot)-1
137 c      do i=1,2*nres
138 c        do j=1,3
139 c         c(j,i)=cref(j,i,iprot)
140 c        enddo
141 c      enddo
142       do i=1,nres
143 c        do j=1,3
144 c          dc(j,nres+i)=cref(j,nres+i,iprot)-cref(j,i,iprot)
145 c        enddo
146 c        if (itype(i).ne.10) then
147 c          ddsc = dist(i,nres+i)
148 c          do j=1,3
149 c            dc_norm(j,nres+i)=dc(j,nres+i)/ddsc
150 c          enddo
151 c        else
152 c          do j=1,3
153 c            dc_norm(j,nres+i)=0.0d0
154 c          enddo
155 c        endif
156 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," dc_norm",(dc_norm(k,nres+i),k=1,3),
157 c         " norm",dc_norm(1,nres+i)**2+dc_norm(2,nres+i)**2+
158 c         dc_norm(3,nres+i)**2
159         do j=1,3
160           dc(j,i)=c(j,i+1)-c(j,i)
161         enddo
162         ddsc = dist(i,i+1)
163         do j=1,3
164           dc_norm(j,i)=dc(j,i)/ddsc
165         enddo
166       enddo
167 c      print *,"Calling contact"
168 c      call contact(print_contact,ncont_ref(iprot),icont_ref(1,1,iprot),
169 c     &  nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot))
170 c      print *,"Calling elecont"
171 c      call elecont(print_contact,ncont_pept_ref(iprot),
172 c     &   icont_pept_ref(1,1,iprot),
173 c     &   nstart_sup(iprot),nend_sup(iprot))
174 c       write (iout,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a)')
175 c     &    'Number of residues to be superposed:',nsup(iprot),
176 c     &    ' (from residue',nstart_sup(iprot),' to residue',
177 c     &    nend_sup(iprot),').'
178       ENDDO ! IB
179       close (ipdbin)
180       return
181       end