[unres.git] / proc_cont.F
1       subroutine proc_cont(iprot,nn,*)
2       implicit none
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       include 'COMMON.TIME1'
8       include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
9       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
10       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
11       include 'COMMON.HEADER'
12       include 'COMMON.CONTACTS1'
13       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
14       include 'COMMON.GEO'
15       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
16       include 'COMMON.PROTNAME'
17       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
18       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
19       integer i,j,k,ib,iprot,nn,ind,icant,length_frag,ndigit,len_cut,
20      &  it1,it2,if1,if2
21       integer ilen
22       external ilen
23       character*3 strstr(0:4) /'und','hel','har','std','stp'/
24 #ifdef DEBUG
25       write (iout,*) "proc_cont: nlevel",nlevel(iprot)
26 #endif
27       if (nlevel(iprot).lt.0) then
28 #ifdef DEBUG
29         write (iout,*) "call define_fragments"
30 #endif
31         call define_fragments(iprot)
32       else
33 #ifdef DEBUG
34         write (iout,*) "call secondary2"
35 #endif
36         call secondary2(.true.,print_secondary,ncont_pept_ref(iprot),
37      &    icont_pept_ref(1,1,iprot),isec_ref(1,iprot),iprot)
38       endif
39       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
40         if (print_contact) then
41           write (iout,'(a,i2)') "Structural level",ib+1
42           write (iout,'(80(1h=))')
43           write (iout,*) "Electrostatic contacts"
44         endif
45         call contacts_between_fragments(print_contact,0,
46      &   ncont_pept_ref(iprot),
47      &   icont_pept_ref(1,1,iprot),ncont_frag_ref(1,ib,iprot),
48      &   icont_frag_ref(1,1,1,ib,iprot),mask_p(1,ib,iprot),ib,iprot)
49         if (print_contact) then
50           write (iout,'(80(1h=))')
51           write (iout,*) "Side chain contacts"
52         endif
53         call contacts_between_fragments(print_contact,0,
54      &   ncont_ref(iprot),
55      &   icont_ref(1,1,iprot),nsccont_frag_ref(1,ib,iprot),
56      &   isccont_frag_ref(1,1,1,ib,iprot),mask_sc(1,ib,iprot),ib,iprot)
57       enddo
58       if (nlevel(iprot).lt.0) then
59 #ifdef DEBUG
60         write(iout,*) "rmscut_base_up",
61      & (rmscut_base_up(ib),ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1),
62      & " rmscut_base_low",(rmscut_base_low(ib),ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1),
63      & " rmsup_lim",(rmsup_lim(ib),ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1)
64 #endif
65         do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
66         do i=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
67           ind=icant(i,i)
68           len_cut=1000
69           if (istruct(i,ib,iprot).le.1) then
70             len_cut=max0(len_frag(i,1,ib,iprot)*4/5,3)
71           else if (istruct(i,ib,iprot).eq.2.or.istruct(i,ib,iprot).eq.4) 
72      &    then
73             len_cut=max0(len_frag(i,1,ib,iprot)*2/5,3)
74           endif
75 #ifdef DEBUG
76           write (iout,*) "i",i," istruct",istruct(i,ib,iprot),
77      &      " ncont_frag",ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot)," len_cut",
78      &      len_cut,
79      &      " icont_single",icont_single(ib)," iloc_single",
80      &      iloc_single(ib)," isig_match_single",isig_match_single(ib)
81 #endif
82           iloc(i,ib,iprot)=iloc_single(ib)
83           if (istruct(i,ib,iprot).eq.1) 
84      &       isig_match(i,ib,iprot)=isig_match_single(ib)
85 #ifdef DEBUG
86           if (iloc(i,ib,iprot).gt.0) write (iout,*)
87      &     "Local structure used to compare structure of fragment",i,
88      &     " of protein",iprot," to native."
89 #endif
90           if (istruct(i,ib,iprot).ne.3 .and. istruct(i,ib,iprot).ne.0
91      &        .and. icont_single(ib).gt.0 .and. icontsc_single(ib).eq.0 
92      &        .and. ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot).ge.len_cut .or.
93      &        icontp_single(ib).gt.0 .and. ncont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot)
94      &        .gt.0) then
95 #ifdef DEBUG
96             write (iout,*) "Electrostatic contacts used to compare",
97      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
98 #endif
99             ielecont(i,1,ib,iprot)=1
100             isccont(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
101           else if (icont_single(ib).gt.0 .and. 
102      &      nsccont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot).ge.len_cut .or.
103      &      icontsc_single(ib).gt.0 .and. 
104      &      nsccont_frag_ref(ind,ib,iprot).gt.0) then
105 #ifdef DEBUG
106             write (iout,*) "Side chain contacts used to compare",
107      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
108 #endif
109             isccont(i,1,ib,iprot)=1
110             ielecont(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
111           else
112 #ifdef DEBUG
113             write (iout,*) "Contacts not used to compare",
114      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
115 #endif
116             ielecont(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
117             isccont(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
118             nc_req_setf(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
119           endif
120           if (iqwol_single(ib).gt.0 .or. isccont(i,1,ib,iprot).eq.0
121      &         .and. ielecont(i,1,ib,iprot).eq.0) then
122 #ifdef DEBUG
123             write (iout,*) "Q used to compare",
124      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
125 #endif
126             iqwol(i,1,ib,iprot)=1
127             qcutfrag(i,1,ib,iprot)=qcut_single(ib)
128             write (iout,*) "qcut_single",qcut_single(ib),
129      &       "qcutfrag",qcutfrag(i,1,ib,iprot)
130           else
131 #ifdef DEBUG
132             write (iout,*) "Q not used to compare",
133      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
134 #endif
135             iqwol(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
136           endif
137           if (irms_single(ib).gt.0 .or. isccont(i,1,ib,iprot).eq.0
138      &         .and. ielecont(i,1,ib,iprot).eq.0 .and.
139      &         iqwol_single(ib).eq.0) then
140 #ifdef DEBUG
141             write (iout,*) "RMSD used to compare",
142      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
143 #endif
144             irms(i,1,ib,iprot)=1
145           else
146 #ifdef DEBUG
147             write (iout,*) "RMSD not used to compare",
148      &     " structure of fragment",i," of protein",iprot," to native."
149 #endif
150             irms(i,1,ib,iprot)=0
151           endif
152         enddo
153         enddo
154       endif
155       if (nlevel(iprot).lt.-1) then
156         call define_pairs(iprot)
157         nlevel(iprot) = -nlevel(iprot)
158         if (nlevel(iprot).gt.3) nlevel(iprot)=3
159         if (nlevel(iprot).eq.3) then
160           nfrag(3,iprot)=1
161           do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
162           npiece(1,3,ib,iprot)=nfrag(1,iprot)
163           do i=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
164             ipiece(i,1,3,ib,iprot)=i
165           enddo
166           ielecont(1,3,ib,iprot)=0
167           isccont(1,3,ib,iprot)=0
168           irms(1,3,ib,iprot)=1
169           n_shift(1,1,3,ib,iprot)=0
170           n_shift(2,1,3,ib,iprot)=0
171           enddo
172         endif 
173       else if (nlevel(iprot).eq.-1) then
174         nlevel(iprot)=1
175       endif
176       isnfrag(1,iprot)=0
177       do i=1,nlevel(iprot)
178         isnfrag(i+1,iprot)=isnfrag(i,iprot)+nfrag(i,iprot)
179       enddo
180 #ifdef DEBUG
181       write (iout,*) "nfrag",(nfrag(i,iprot),i=1,nlevel(iprot))
182       write (iout,*) "isnfrag",(isnfrag(i,iprot),i=1,nlevel(iprot)+1)
183 #endif
184       ndigit=3*nfrag(1,iprot)
185       do i=2,nlevel(iprot)
186         ndigit=ndigit+2*nfrag(i,iprot)
187       enddo
188 #ifdef DEBUG
189       write (iout,*) "ndigit",ndigit
190 #endif
191       if (ndigit.ne.nn) then
192         write (iout,*) "Error - length of the class mask of protein",
193      &  iprot," is ",nn," but",ndigit,
194      &  " fields found in the class template."
195         return1
196       endif
197       if (.not.binary(iprot) .and. ndigit.gt.30) then
198         write (iout,*) "Highest class too large for protein",iprot,
199      &    " ; switching to binary representation."
200         binary(iprot)=.true.
201       endif
203       write (iout,'(/80(1h=)/a,i3,1h(,1x,a,2h)./80(1h-))') 
204      &  "Specification of fragments and cut-off criteria of protein",
205      &  iprot,protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot)))
206       write (iout,"(a)") "Secondary-structure codes are as follows:"
207       write (iout,'(a)') 
208      &  "und - undefined; hel - helix; har - beta-hairpin;"
209       write (iout,'(a)') "std - single strand; stp - pair of strands."
210       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
211       write (iout,'(80(1h-)/a,i3)') "Structural level",ib
212       do i=1,nlevel(iprot)
213         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
214           length_frag = 0
215           if (i.eq.1) then
216             do k=1,npiece(j,i,ib,iprot)
217               length_frag=length_frag+ifrag(2,k,j,ib,iprot)
218      &          -ifrag(1,k,j,ib,iprot)+1
219             enddo
220           else
221             do k=1,npiece(j,i,ib,iprot)
222               length_frag=length_frag
223      &         +len_frag(ipiece(k,j,i,ib,iprot),1,ib,iprot)
224             enddo
225           endif
226           len_frag(j,i,ib,iprot)=length_frag
227           rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)=rmscut_base_up(ib)*length_frag
228           rmscutfrag(2,j,i,ib,iprot)=rmscut_base_low(ib)*length_frag
229           if (rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot).lt.rmsup_lim(ib)) 
230      &      rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)=rmsup_lim(ib)
231           if (rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot).gt.rmsupup_lim(ib)) 
232      &      rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot)=rmsupup_lim(ib)
233         enddo
234       enddo
235       write (iout,'(80(1h-)/a,i3,a,i3/)') 
236      &   "Level",1," number of fragments:",nfrag(1,iprot)
237       write (iout,'(2a5,6a4,a5,a7,a7,a12,2a5,a5,a4,a4,2x,a)')
238      &  'frag','len','loc','sig','eC','scC','Q','rms','qcut','rmscut',
239      &  'shifts','angcut','frS','frC','nC','str',
240      &  'np','specification' 
241       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
242         write (iout,'(2i5,6i4,1x,3f4.1,2i3,2f6.1,2f5.2,i5,a4,i4,$)') j,
243      &    len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot),iloc(j,ib,iprot),
244      &    isig_match(j,ib,iprot),ielecont(j,1,ib,iprot),
245      &    isccont(j,1,ib,iprot),iqwol(j,1,ib,iprot),irms(j,1,ib,iprot),
246      &    qcutfrag(j,1,ib,iprot),rmscutfrag(1,j,1,ib,iprot),
247      &    rmscutfrag(2,j,1,ib,iprot),n_shift(1,j,1,ib,iprot),
248      &    n_shift(2,j,1,ib,iprot),ang_cut(j,ib,iprot)*rad2deg,
249      &    ang_cut1(j,ib,iprot)*rad2deg,frac_min(j,ib,iprot),
250      &    nc_fragm(j,1,ib,iprot),nc_req_setf(j,1,ib,iprot),
251      &    strstr(istruct(j,ib,iprot)),npiece(j,1,ib,iprot)
252         do k=1,npiece(j,1,ib,iprot)
253           if1=ifrag(1,k,j,ib,iprot)
254           it1=itype(if1)
255           if2=ifrag(2,k,j,ib,iprot)
256           it2=itype(if2)
257           write (iout,'(2x,a1,i3,1h-,a1,i3,$)') onelet(it1),if1,
258      &      onelet(it2),if2
259         enddo
260         write (iout,*)
261       enddo
262       do i=2,nlevel(iprot)
263         write (iout,'(80(1h-)/a,i3,a,i3/)') 
264      &   "Level",i," number of fragments:",nfrag(i,iprot)
265         write (iout,'(2a5,4a4,a5,a7,a7,2a5,a4,2x,a)')
266      &  'frag','len','eC','scC','Q','rms','Qcut','rmscut','shifts',
267      &  'frC','nC','np','specification' 
268         do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
269           write (iout,'(2i5,4i4,1x,3f4.1,2i3,f5.2,i5,i4,$)') 
270      &      j,len_frag(j,i,ib,iprot),ielecont(j,i,ib,iprot),
271      &      isccont(j,i,ib,iprot),iqwol(j,i,ib,iprot),
272      &      irms(j,i,ib,iprot),qcutfrag(j,i,ib,iprot),
273      &      rmscutfrag(1,j,i,ib,iprot),rmscutfrag(2,j,i,ib,iprot),
274      &      n_shift(1,j,i,ib,iprot),n_shift(2,j,i,ib,iprot),
275      &      nc_fragm(j,i,ib,iprot),nc_req_setf(j,i,ib,iprot),
276      &      npiece(j,i,ib,iprot)
277           do k=1,npiece(j,i,ib,iprot)
278             write (iout,'(i3,$)') ipiece(k,j,i,ib,iprot)
279           enddo
280           write (iout,*) 
281         enddo
282       enddo
283       enddo
284       write (iout,'(80(1h=))')
285       return
286       end