3 C Read the parameters of the probability distributions of the virtual-bond
4 C valence angles and the side chains and energy parameters.
6 C Important! Energy-term weights ARE NOT read here; they are read from the
7 C main input file instead, because NO defaults have yet been set for these
10 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
16 include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
17 include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
18 include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
20 include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
21 include 'COMMON.TORSION'
22 include 'COMMON.SCCOR'
23 include 'COMMON.SCROT'
24 include 'COMMON.FFIELD'
25 include 'COMMON.NAMES'
26 include 'COMMON.SBRIDGE'
28 include 'COMMON.SETUP'
29 include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
30 include 'COMMON.SHIELD'
32 character*1 onelett(4) /"G","A","P","D"/
33 character*1 toronelet(-2:2) /"p","a","G","A","P"/
35 dimension blower(3,3,maxlob)
37 character*3 lancuch,ucase
39 C For printing parameters after they are read set the following in the UNRES
42 C setenv PRINT_PARM YES
44 C To print parameters in LaTeX format rather than as ASCII tables:
48 call getenv_loc("PRINT_PARM",lancuch)
49 lprint = (ucase(lancuch).eq."YES" .or. ucase(lancuch).eq."Y")
50 call getenv_loc("LATEX",lancuch)
51 LaTeX = (ucase(lancuch).eq."YES" .or. ucase(lancuch).eq."Y")
53 dwa16=2.0d0**(1.0d0/6.0d0)
55 C Assign virtual-bond length
60 c Read the virtual-bond parameters, masses, and moments of inertia
61 c and Stokes' radii of the peptide group and side chains
64 read (ibond,*) vbldp0,vbldpdum,akp,mp,ip,pstok
67 read (ibond,*) vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i)
72 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
76 read (ibond,*) junk,vbldp0,vbldpdum,akp,rjunk,mp,ip,pstok
79 read (ibond,*) nbondterm(i),(vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i),
80 & j=1,nbondterm(i)),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i)
85 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
90 write(iout,'(/a/)')"Dynamic constants of the interaction sites:"
91 write (iout,'(a10,a3,6a10)') 'Type','N','VBL','K','A0','mass',
93 write(iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') "p",1,vbldp0,akp,0.0d0,mp,ip,pstok
95 write (iout,'(a10,i3,6f10.5)') restyp(i),nbondterm(i),
96 & vbldsc0(1,i),aksc(1,i),abond0(1,i),msc(i),isc(i),restok(i)
98 write (iout,'(13x,3f10.5)')
99 & vbldsc0(j,i),aksc(j,i),abond0(j,i)
103 C reading lipid parameters
104 read(iliptranpar,*) pepliptran
106 read(iliptranpar,*) liptranene(i)
111 C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression
112 C of the virtual-bond valence angles theta
115 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),
116 & (bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2)
117 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (polthet(j,i),j=0,3)
118 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (gthet(j,i),j=1,3)
119 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) theta0(i),sig0(i),sigc0(i)
123 athet(1,i,1,-1)=athet(1,i,1,1)
124 athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,i,1,1)
125 bthet(1,i,1,-1)=-bthet(1,i,1,1)
126 bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,i,1,1)
127 athet(1,i,-1,1)=-athet(1,i,1,1)
128 athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,i,1,1)
129 bthet(1,i,-1,1)=bthet(1,i,1,1)
130 bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,i,1,1)
134 athet(1,i,-1,-1)=athet(1,-i,1,1)
135 athet(2,i,-1,-1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1)
136 bthet(1,i,-1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1)
137 bthet(2,i,-1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1)
138 athet(1,i,-1,1)=athet(1,-i,1,1)
139 athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1)
140 bthet(1,i,-1,1)=-bthet(1,-i,1,1)
141 bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,-i,1,1)
142 athet(1,i,1,-1)=-athet(1,-i,1,1)
143 athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,-i,1,1)
144 bthet(1,i,1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1)
145 bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1)
150 polthet(j,i)=polthet(j,-i)
153 gthet(j,i)=gthet(j,-i)
161 & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:'
162 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))') 'Fourier coefficients:',
163 & ' ATHETA0 ',' A1 ',' A2 ',
166 write(iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,
167 & a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),(bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2)
169 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
170 & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):',
171 & ' ALPH0 ',' ALPH1 ',' ALPH2 ',
172 & ' ALPH3 ',' SIGMA0C '
174 write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,
175 & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i)
177 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
178 & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:',
179 & ' THETA0 ',' SIGMA0 ',' G1 ',
182 write (iout,'(a3,i4,2x,5(1pe14.5))') restyp(i),i,theta0(i),
183 & sig0(i),(gthet(j,i),j=1,3)
187 & 'Parameters of the virtual-bond valence angles:'
188 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
189 & 'Coefficients of expansion',
190 & ' theta0 ',' a1*10^2 ',' a2*10^2 ',
191 & ' b1*10^1 ',' b2*10^1 '
193 write(iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i),
194 & a0thet(i),(100*athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),
195 & (10*bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2)
197 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
198 & 'Parameters of the expression for sigma(theta_c):',
199 & ' alpha0 ',' alph1 ',' alph2 ',
200 & ' alhp3 ',' sigma0c '
202 write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(1pe12.3,1h&))') restyp(i),
203 & (polthet(j,i),j=0,3),sigc0(i)
205 write (iout,'(/a/9x,5a/79(1h-))')
206 & 'Parameters of the second gaussian:',
207 & ' theta0 ',' sigma0*10^2 ',' G1*10^-1',
210 write (iout,'(a3,1h&,2x,5(f8.3,1h&))') restyp(i),theta0(i),
211 & 100*sig0(i),gthet(1,i)*0.1D0,gthet(2,i),gthet(3,i)*10.0D0
217 C Read the parameters of Utheta determined from ab initio surfaces
218 C Kozlowska et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 285203
220 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) nthetyp,ntheterm,ntheterm2,
221 & ntheterm3,nsingle,ndouble
222 nntheterm=max0(ntheterm,ntheterm2,ntheterm3)
223 read (ithep,*,err=111,end=111) (ithetyp(i),i=1,ntyp1)
225 ithetyp(i)=-ithetyp(-i)
228 do i=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp
229 do j=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp
230 do k=-maxthetyp,maxthetyp
231 aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
233 aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
237 bbthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
238 ccthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
239 ddthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
240 eethet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
246 ffthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
247 ggthet(mm,m,l,i,j,k,iblock)=0.0d0
255 c VAR:iblock means terminally blocking group 1=non-proline 2=proline
257 c VAR:ntethtyp is type of theta potentials type currently 0=glycine
258 c VAR:1=non-glicyne non-proline 2=proline
259 c VAR:negative values for D-aminoacid
261 do j=-nthetyp,nthetyp
262 do k=-nthetyp,nthetyp
263 read (ithep,'(6a)',end=111,err=111) res1
264 read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111) aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)
265 c VAR: aa0thet is variable describing the average value of Foureir
266 c VAR: expansion series
267 c VAR: aathet is foureir expansion in theta/2 angle for full formula
268 c VAR: look at the fitting equation in Kozlowska et al., J. Phys.:
269 Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 285203 and Sieradzan et al., unpublished
270 read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111)
271 &(aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,ntheterm)
272 read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111)
273 & ((bbthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle),
274 & (ccthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle),
275 & (ddthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle),
276 & (eethet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),lll=1,nsingle),
278 read (ithep,*,end=111,err=111)
279 & (((ffthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),
280 & ffthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),
281 & ggthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),
282 & ggthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock),
283 & llll=1,lll-1),lll=2,ndouble),ll=1,ntheterm3)
288 C For dummy ends assign glycine-type coefficients of theta-only terms; the
289 C coefficients of theta-and-gamma-dependent terms are zero.
295 c aathet(l,i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aathet(l,i,j,1,iblock)
296 c aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=aathet(l,1,i,j,iblock)
298 c aa0thet(i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aa0thet(i,j,1,iblock)
299 c aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=aa0thet(1,i,j,iblock)
302 c aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aathet(l,1,i,1,iblock)
304 c aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=aa0thet(1,i,1,iblock)
311 aathet(l,i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0
312 aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=0.0d0
314 aa0thet(i,j,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0
315 aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,j,iblock)=0.0d0
318 aathet(l,nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0
320 aa0thet(nthetyp+1,i,nthetyp+1,iblock)=0.0d0
324 C Substitution for D aminoacids from symmetry.
327 do j=-nthetyp,nthetyp
328 do k=-nthetyp,nthetyp
329 aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)=aa0thet(-i,-j,-k,iblock)
331 aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock)=aathet(l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
335 bbthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=bbthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
336 ccthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=-ccthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
337 ddthet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=ddthet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
338 eethet(lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=-eethet(lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
344 ffthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=
345 & ffthet(llll,lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
346 ffthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=
347 & ffthet(lll,llll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
348 ggthet(llll,lll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=
349 & -ggthet(llll,lll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
350 ggthet(lll,llll,ll,i,j,k,iblock)=
351 & -ggthet(lll,llll,ll,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
360 C Control printout of the coefficients of virtual-bond-angle potentials
363 write (iout,'(//a)') 'Parameter of virtual-bond-angle potential'
367 write (iout,'(//4a)')
368 & 'Type ',onelett(i),onelett(j),onelett(k)
369 write (iout,'(//a,10x,a)') " l","a[l]"
370 write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)') 0,aa0thet(i,j,k,iblock)
371 write (iout,'(i2,1pe15.5)')
372 & (l,aathet(l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,ntheterm)
374 write (iout,'(//2h m,4(9x,a,3h[m,,i1,1h]))')
375 & "b",l,"c",l,"d",l,"e",l
377 write (iout,'(i2,4(1pe15.5))') m,
378 & bbthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),ccthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),
379 & ddthet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),eethet(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)
383 write (iout,'(//3hm,n,4(6x,a,5h[m,n,,i1,1h]))')
384 & "f+",l,"f-",l,"g+",l,"g-",l
387 write (iout,'(i1,1x,i1,4(1pe15.5))') n,m,
388 & ffthet(n,m,l,i,j,k,iblock),
389 & ffthet(m,n,l,i,j,k,iblock),
390 & ggthet(n,m,l,i,j,k,iblock),
391 & ggthet(m,n,l,i,j,k,iblock)
400 write (2,*) "Start reading THETA_PDB",ithep_pdb
403 read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111)
404 & a0thet(i),(athet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2),
405 & (bthet(j,i,1,1),j=1,2)
406 read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) (polthet(j,i),j=0,3)
407 read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) (gthet(j,i),j=1,3)
408 read (ithep_pdb,*,err=111,end=111) theta0(i),sig0(i),sigc0(i)
412 athet(1,i,1,-1)=athet(1,i,1,1)
413 athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,i,1,1)
414 bthet(1,i,1,-1)=-bthet(1,i,1,1)
415 bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,i,1,1)
416 athet(1,i,-1,1)=-athet(1,i,1,1)
417 athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,i,1,1)
418 bthet(1,i,-1,1)=bthet(1,i,1,1)
419 bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,i,1,1)
423 athet(1,i,-1,-1)=athet(1,-i,1,1)
424 athet(2,i,-1,-1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1)
425 bthet(1,i,-1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1)
426 bthet(2,i,-1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1)
427 athet(1,i,-1,1)=athet(1,-i,1,1)
428 athet(2,i,-1,1)=-athet(2,-i,1,1)
429 bthet(1,i,-1,1)=-bthet(1,-i,1,1)
430 bthet(2,i,-1,1)=bthet(2,-i,1,1)
431 athet(1,i,1,-1)=-athet(1,-i,1,1)
432 athet(2,i,1,-1)=athet(2,-i,1,1)
433 bthet(1,i,1,-1)=bthet(1,-i,1,1)
434 bthet(2,i,1,-1)=-bthet(2,-i,1,1)
439 polthet(j,i)=polthet(j,-i)
442 gthet(j,i)=gthet(j,-i)
445 write (2,*) "End reading THETA_PDB"
451 C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression
452 C of the side chains.
455 read (irotam,'(3x,i3,f8.3)',end=112,err=112) nlob(i),dsc(i)
459 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
470 read(irotam,*,end=112,err=112)(censc(k,1,i),k=1,3),
471 & ((blower(k,l,1),l=1,k),k=1,3)
472 censc(1,1,-i)=censc(1,1,i)
473 censc(2,1,-i)=censc(2,1,i)
474 censc(3,1,-i)=-censc(3,1,i)
476 read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) bsc(j,i)
477 read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112) (censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),
478 & ((blower(k,l,j),l=1,k),k=1,3)
479 censc(1,j,-i)=censc(1,j,i)
480 censc(2,j,-i)=censc(2,j,i)
481 censc(3,j,-i)=-censc(3,j,i)
482 C BSC is amplitude of Gaussian
489 akl=akl+blower(k,m,j)*blower(l,m,j)
493 if (((k.eq.3).and.(l.ne.3))
494 & .or.((l.eq.3).and.(k.ne.3))) then
495 gaussc(k,l,j,-i)=-akl
496 gaussc(l,k,j,-i)=-akl
508 write (iout,'(/a)') 'Parameters of side-chain local geometry'
513 write (iout,'(/3a,i2,a,f8.3)') 'Residue type: ',restyp(i),
514 & ' # of gaussian lobes:',nlobi,' dsc:',dsc(i)
515 write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(2h&&,f8.3,2h&&))')
516 & 'log h',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi)
517 write (iout,'(1h&,a,3(1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&,f8.3,1h&))')
518 & 'x',((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),j=1,nlobi)
520 write (iout,'(2h& ,5(2x,1h&,3(f7.3,1h&)))')
521 & ((gaussc(k,l,j,i),l=1,3),j=1,nlobi)
524 write (iout,'(/a,8x,i1,4(25x,i1))') 'Lobe:',(j,j=1,nlobi)
525 write (iout,'(a,f10.4,4(16x,f10.4))')
526 & 'Center ',(bsc(j,i),j=1,nlobi)
527 write (iout,'(5(2x,3f8.4))') ((censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),
536 C Read scrot parameters for potentials determined from all-atom AM1 calculations
537 C added by Urszula Kozlowska 07/11/2007
540 read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112)
542 read (irotam,*,end=112,err=112)
545 read(irotam,*,end=112,err=112) sc_parmin(j,i)
550 C Read the parameters of the probability distribution/energy expression
551 C of the side chains.
553 write (2,*) "Start reading ROTAM_PDB"
555 read (irotam_pdb,'(3x,i3,f8.3)',end=112,err=112) nlob(i),dsc(i)
559 dsc_inv(i)=1.0D0/dsc(i)
570 read(irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112)(censc(k,1,i),k=1,3),
571 & ((blower(k,l,1),l=1,k),k=1,3)
573 read (irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112) bsc(j,i)
574 read (irotam_pdb,*,end=112,err=112) (censc(k,j,i),k=1,3),
575 & ((blower(k,l,j),l=1,k),k=1,3)
582 akl=akl+blower(k,m,j)*blower(l,m,j)
592 write (2,*) "End reading ROTAM_PDB"
598 C Read torsional parameters in old format
600 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) ntortyp,nterm_old
601 if (lprint)write (iout,*) 'ntortyp,nterm',ntortyp,nterm_old
602 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
607 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,v1(k,j,i),v2(k,j,i)
613 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
616 write (iout,'(2i3,6f10.5)') i,j,(v1(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old)
617 write (iout,'(6x,6f10.5)') (v2(k,i,j),k=1,nterm_old)
623 C Read torsional parameters
625 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) ntortyp
626 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) (itortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
629 itortyp(i)=-itortyp(-i)
631 write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp
633 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
634 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) nterm(i,j,iblock),
636 nterm(-i,-j,iblock)=nterm(i,j,iblock)
637 nlor(-i,-j,iblock)=nlor(i,j,iblock)
640 do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock)
641 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,v1(k,i,j,iblock),
643 v1(k,-i,-j,iblock)=v1(k,i,j,iblock)
644 v2(k,-i,-j,iblock)=-v2(k,i,j,iblock)
645 v0ij=v0ij+si*v1(k,i,j,iblock)
647 c write(iout,*) i,j,k,iblock,nterm(i,j,iblock)
648 c write(iout,*) v1(k,-i,-j,iblock),v1(k,i,j,iblock),
649 c &v2(k,-i,-j,iblock),v2(k,i,j,iblock)
651 do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock)
652 read (itorp,*,end=113,err=113) kk,vlor1(k,i,j),
653 & vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j)
654 v0ij=v0ij+vlor1(k,i,j)/(1+vlor3(k,i,j)**2)
657 v0(-i,-j,iblock)=v0ij
663 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
666 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j
667 write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants'
668 do k=1,nterm(i,j,iblock)
669 write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1(k,i,j,iblock),
672 write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants'
673 do k=1,nlor(i,j,iblock)
674 write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))')
675 & vlor1(k,i,j),vlor2(k,i,j),vlor3(k,i,j)
682 C 6/23/01 Read parameters for double torsionals
686 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
687 do k=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
688 read (itordp,'(3a1)',end=114,err=114) t1,t2,t3
689 c write (iout,*) "OK onelett",
692 if (t1.ne.toronelet(i) .or. t2.ne.toronelet(j)
693 & .or. t3.ne.toronelet(k)) then
694 write (iout,*) "Error in double torsional parameter file",
697 call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
699 stop "Error in double torsional parameter file"
701 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock),
702 & ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
703 ntermd_1(-i,-j,-k,iblock)=ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)
704 ntermd_2(-i,-j,-k,iblock)=ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
705 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,
706 & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock))
707 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,
708 & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock))
709 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,
710 & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock))
711 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) (v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),l=1,
712 & ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock))
713 C Martix of D parameters for one dimesional foureir series
714 do l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)
715 v1c(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock)
716 v1s(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock)
717 v1c(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock)
718 v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock)
719 c write(iout,*) "whcodze" ,
720 c & v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock),v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock)
722 read (itordp,*,end=114,err=114) ((v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),
723 & v2c(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),
724 & v2s(m,l,i,j,k,iblock),
725 & m=1,l-1),l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock))
726 C Martix of D parameters for two dimesional fourier series
727 do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
729 v2c(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock)
730 v2c(m,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=v2c(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)
731 v2s(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock)
732 v2s(m,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)=-v2s(m,l,i,j,k,iblock)
741 write (iout,*) 'Constants for double torsionals'
744 do j=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
745 do k=-ntortyp+1,ntortyp-1
746 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j,' ktyp',k,
747 & ' nsingle',ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock),
748 & ' ndouble',ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
750 write (iout,*) 'Single angles:'
751 do l=1,ntermd_1(i,j,k,iblock)
752 write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5,5x,2f10.5,5x,2f10.5)') l,
753 & v1c(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),v1s(1,l,i,j,k,iblock),
754 & v1c(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),v1s(2,l,i,j,k,iblock),
755 & v1s(1,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock),v1s(2,l,-i,-j,-k,iblock)
758 write (iout,*) 'Pairs of angles:'
759 write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock))
760 do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
761 write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)')
762 & l,(v2c(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock))
765 write (iout,'(3x,20i10)') (l,l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock))
766 do l=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)
767 write (iout,'(i5,20f10.5)')
768 & l,(v2s(l,m,i,j,k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock)),
769 & (v2s(l,m,-i,-j,-k,iblock),m=1,ntermd_2(i,j,k,iblock))
778 C Read of Side-chain backbone correlation parameters
779 C Modified 11 May 2012 by Adasko
782 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) nsccortyp
784 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
786 isccortyp(i)=-isccortyp(-i)
788 iscprol=isccortyp(20)
789 c write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp
791 cc maxinter is maximum interaction sites
795 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119)
796 &nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j)
802 nterm_sccor(-i,j)=nterm_sccor(i,j)
803 nterm_sccor(-i,-j)=nterm_sccor(i,j)
804 nterm_sccor(i,-j)=nterm_sccor(i,j)
805 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
806 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
808 if (j.eq.iscprol) then
809 if (i.eq.isccortyp(10)) then
810 v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
811 v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
813 v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)*0.5d0
814 & +v2sccor(k,l,i,j)*dsqrt(0.75d0)
815 v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)*0.5d0
816 & +v1sccor(k,l,i,j)*dsqrt(0.75d0)
817 v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
818 v2sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
819 v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)
820 v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)
823 if (i.eq.isccortyp(10)) then
824 v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
825 v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
827 if (j.eq.isccortyp(10)) then
828 v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
829 v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
831 v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
832 v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
833 v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
834 v2sccor(k,l,-i,-j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
835 v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)=v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)
836 v2sccor(k,l,-i,j)=-v2sccor(k,l,i,-j)
840 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
841 v0ijsccor1=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,-i,j)
842 v0ijsccor2=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,-j)
843 v0ijsccor3=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,-i,-j)
846 do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j)
847 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,vlor1sccor(k,i,j),
848 & vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j)
849 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+vlor1sccor(k,i,j)/
850 &(1+vlor3sccor(k,i,j)**2)
852 v0sccor(l,i,j)=v0ijsccor
853 v0sccor(l,-i,j)=v0ijsccor1
854 v0sccor(l,i,-j)=v0ijsccor2
855 v0sccor(l,-i,-j)=v0ijsccor3
861 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) (isccortyp(i),i=1,ntyp)
862 c write (iout,*) 'ntortyp',ntortyp
864 cc maxinter is maximum interaction sites
868 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119)
869 & nterm_sccor(i,j),nlor_sccor(i,j)
873 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
874 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
876 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+si*v1sccor(k,l,i,j)
879 do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j)
880 read (isccor,*,end=119,err=119) kk,vlor1sccor(k,i,j),
881 & vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j)
882 v0ijsccor=v0ijsccor+vlor1sccor(k,i,j)/
883 &(1+vlor3sccor(k,i,j)**2)
885 v0sccor(i,j,iblock)=v0ijsccor
893 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Torsional constants:'
896 write (iout,*) 'ityp',i,' jtyp',j
897 write (iout,*) 'Fourier constants'
898 do k=1,nterm_sccor(i,j)
899 write (iout,'(2(1pe15.5))') v1sccor(k,l,i,j),v2sccor(k,l,i,j)
901 write (iout,*) 'Lorenz constants'
902 do k=1,nlor_sccor(i,j)
903 write (iout,'(3(1pe15.5))')
904 & vlor1sccor(k,i,j),vlor2sccor(k,i,j),vlor3sccor(k,i,j)
911 C 9/18/99 (AL) Read coefficients of the Fourier expansion of the local
912 C interaction energy of the Gly, Ala, and Pro prototypes.
916 write (iout,*) "Coefficients of the cumulants"
918 read (ifourier,*) nloctyp
921 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115)
922 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (b(ii,i),ii=1,13)
924 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew1(ii,1,i),ii=1,3)
925 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew2(ii,1,i),ii=1,3)
926 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew1(ii,2,i),ii=1,1)
927 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (bnew2(ii,2,i),ii=1,1)
928 read (ifourier,*,end=115,err=115) (eenew(ii,i),ii=1,1)
931 write (iout,*) 'Type',i
932 write (iout,'(a,i2,a,f10.5)') ('b(',ii,')=',b(ii,i),ii=1,13)
940 c B1tilde(1,i) = b(3)
941 c B1tilde(2,i) =-b(5)
942 c B1tilde(1,-i) =-b(3)
943 c B1tilde(2,-i) =b(5)
950 B1tilde(1,i) = b(3,i)
951 B1tilde(2,i) =-b(5,i)
952 B1tilde(1,-i) =-b(3,i)
953 B1tilde(2,-i) =b(5,i)
977 Ctilde(2,1,i)=-b(9,i)
979 Ctilde(1,1,-i)=b(7,i)
980 Ctilde(1,2,-i)=-b(9,i)
981 Ctilde(2,1,-i)=b(9,i)
982 Ctilde(2,2,-i)=b(7,i)
984 c Ctilde(1,1,i)=0.0d0
985 c Ctilde(1,2,i)=0.0d0
986 c Ctilde(2,1,i)=0.0d0
987 c Ctilde(2,2,i)=0.0d0
1000 Dtilde(1,1,i)=b(6,i)
1001 Dtilde(1,2,i)=b(8,i)
1002 Dtilde(2,1,i)=-b(8,i)
1003 Dtilde(2,2,i)=b(6,i)
1004 Dtilde(1,1,-i)=b(6,i)
1005 Dtilde(1,2,-i)=-b(8,i)
1006 Dtilde(2,1,-i)=b(8,i)
1007 Dtilde(2,2,-i)=b(6,i)
1009 c Dtilde(1,1,i)=0.0d0
1010 c Dtilde(1,2,i)=0.0d0
1011 c Dtilde(2,1,i)=0.0d0
1012 c Dtilde(2,2,i)=0.0d0
1013 EEold(1,1,i)= b(10,i)+b(11,i)
1014 EEold(2,2,i)=-b(10,i)+b(11,i)
1015 EEold(2,1,i)= b(12,i)-b(13,i)
1016 EEold(1,2,i)= b(12,i)+b(13,i)
1017 EEold(1,1,-i)= b(10,i)+b(11,i)
1018 EEold(2,2,-i)=-b(10,i)+b(11,i)
1019 EEold(2,1,-i)=-b(12,i)+b(13,i)
1020 EEold(1,2,-i)=-b(12,i)-b(13,i)
1021 write(iout,*) "TU DOCHODZE"
1027 c ee(2,1,i)=ee(1,2,i)
1032 write (iout,*) 'Type',i
1034 write(iout,*) B1(1,i),B1(2,i)
1036 write(iout,*) B2(1,i),B2(2,i)
1039 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') CC(j,1,i),CC(j,2,i)
1043 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') DD(j,1,i),DD(j,2,i)
1047 write (iout,'(2f10.5)') EEold(j,1,i),EEold(j,2,i)
1054 C Read electrostatic-interaction parameters
1058 write (iout,'(/a)') 'Electrostatic interaction constants:'
1059 write (iout,'(1x,a,1x,a,10x,a,11x,a,11x,a,11x,a)')
1060 & 'IT','JT','APP','BPP','AEL6','AEL3'
1062 read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((epp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
1063 read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((rpp(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
1064 read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((elpp6(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
1065 read (ielep,*,end=116,err=116) ((elpp3(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,2)
1070 app (i,j)=epp(i,j)*rri*rri
1071 bpp (i,j)=-2.0D0*epp(i,j)*rri
1072 ael6(i,j)=elpp6(i,j)*4.2D0**6
1073 ael3(i,j)=elpp3(i,j)*4.2D0**3
1075 if (lprint) write(iout,'(2i3,4(1pe15.4))')i,j,app(i,j),bpp(i,j),
1076 & ael6(i,j),ael3(i,j)
1081 C Read side-chain interaction parameters.
1083 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117) ipot,expon
1084 if (ipot.lt.1 .or. ipot.gt.5) then
1085 write (iout,'(2a)') 'Error while reading SC interaction',
1086 & 'potential file - unknown potential type.'
1088 call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
1094 & write(iout,'(/3a,2i3)') 'Potential is ',potname(ipot),
1095 & ', exponents are ',expon,2*expon
1096 goto (10,20,30,30,40) ipot
1097 C----------------------- LJ potential ---------------------------------
1098 10 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
1099 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
1101 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJ potential:'
1102 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
1103 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
1104 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
1105 write (iout,'(a,4x,a)') 'residue','sigma'
1106 write (iout,'(a3,6x,f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
1109 C----------------------- LJK potential --------------------------------
1110 20 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
1111 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp)
1113 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the LJK potential:'
1114 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
1115 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
1116 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
1117 write (iout,'(a,4x,2a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 '
1118 write (iout,'(a3,6x,2f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
1122 C---------------------- GB or BP potential -----------------------------
1124 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)(eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp)
1126 read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp)
1127 read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp)
1128 read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(chip(i),i=1,ntyp)
1129 read (isidep,*,end=116,err=116)(alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
1130 C now we start reading lipid
1132 read (isidep,*,end=1161,err=1161)(epslip(i,j),j=i,ntyp)
1135 epslip(i,j)=epslip(i,j)+0.05d0
1138 C For the GB potential convert sigma'**2 into chi'
1141 chip(i)=(chip(i)-1.0D0)/(chip(i)+1.0D0)
1145 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the BP potential:'
1146 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
1147 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
1148 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
1149 write (iout,'(a,4x,4a)') 'residue',' sigma ','s||/s_|_^2',
1151 write (iout,'(a3,6x,4f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),sigii(i),
1152 & chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
1155 C--------------------- GBV potential -----------------------------------
1156 40 read (isidep,*,end=117,err=117)((eps(i,j),j=i,ntyp),i=1,ntyp),
1157 & (sigma0(i),i=1,ntyp),(rr0(i),i=1,ntyp),(sigii(i),i=1,ntyp),
1158 & (chip(i),i=1,ntyp),(alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
1160 write (iout,'(/a/)') 'Parameters of the GBV potential:'
1161 write (iout,'(a/)') 'The epsilon array:'
1162 call printmat(ntyp,ntyp,ntyp,iout,restyp,eps)
1163 write (iout,'(/a)') 'One-body parameters:'
1164 write (iout,'(a,4x,5a)') 'residue',' sigma ',' r0 ',
1165 & 's||/s_|_^2',' chip ',' alph '
1166 write (iout,'(a3,6x,5f10.5)') (restyp(i),sigma0(i),rr0(i),
1167 & sigii(i),chip(i),alp(i),i=1,ntyp)
1171 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1172 C Calculate the "working" parameters of SC interactions.
1176 epslip(i,j)=epslip(j,i)
1181 sigma(i,j)=dsqrt(sigma0(i)**2+sigma0(j)**2)
1182 sigma(j,i)=sigma(i,j)
1183 rs0(i,j)=dwa16*sigma(i,j)
1187 if (lprint) write (iout,'(/a/10x,7a/72(1h-))')
1188 & 'Working parameters of the SC interactions:',
1189 & ' a ',' b ',' augm ',' sigma ',' r0 ',
1194 if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then
1203 sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsij)
1205 aa_aq(i,j)=epsij*rrij*rrij
1206 bb_aq(i,j)=-sigeps*epsij*rrij
1207 aa_aq(j,i)=aa_aq(i,j)
1208 bb_aq(j,i)=bb_aq(i,j)
1209 epsijlip=epslip(i,j)
1210 sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsijlip)
1211 epsijlip=dabs(epsijlip)
1212 aa_lip(i,j)=epsijlip*rrij*rrij
1213 bb_lip(i,j)=-sigeps*epsijlip*rrij
1214 aa_lip(j,i)=aa_lip(i,j)
1215 bb_lip(j,i)=bb_lip(i,j)
1217 sigt1sq=sigma0(i)**2
1218 sigt2sq=sigma0(j)**2
1221 ratsig1=sigt2sq/sigt1sq
1222 ratsig2=1.0D0/ratsig1
1223 chi(i,j)=(sigii1-1.0D0)/(sigii1+ratsig1)
1224 if (j.gt.i) chi(j,i)=(sigii2-1.0D0)/(sigii2+ratsig2)
1225 rsum_max=dsqrt(sigii1*sigt1sq+sigii2*sigt2sq)
1229 c if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then
1230 sigmaii(i,j)=rsum_max
1231 sigmaii(j,i)=rsum_max
1233 c sigmaii(i,j)=r0(i,j)
1234 c sigmaii(j,i)=r0(i,j)
1236 cd write (iout,*) i,j,r0(i,j),sigma(i,j),rsum_max
1237 if ((ipot.eq.2 .or. ipot.eq.5) .and. r0(i,j).gt.rsum_max) then
1238 r_augm=sigma(i,j)*(rrij-sigma(i,j))/rrij
1239 augm(i,j)=epsij*r_augm**(2*expon)
1240 c augm(i,j)=0.5D0**(2*expon)*aa(i,j)
1247 write (iout,'(2(a3,2x),3(1pe10.3),5(0pf8.3))')
1248 & restyp(i),restyp(j),aa_aq(i,j),bb_aq(i,j),augm(i,j),
1249 & sigma(i,j),r0(i,j),chi(i,j),chi(j,i)
1255 C Define the SC-p interaction constants (hard-coded; old style)
1258 C "Soft" SC-p repulsion (causes helices to be too flat, but facilitates
1260 c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**12
1261 C Following line for constants currently implemented
1262 C "Hard" SC-p repulsion (gives correct turn spacing in helices)
1263 aad(i,1)=1.5D0*4.0D0**12
1264 c aad(i,1)=0.17D0*5.6D0**12
1266 C "Soft" SC-p repulsion
1268 C Following line for constants currently implemented
1269 c aad(i,1)=0.3D0*4.0D0**6
1270 C "Hard" SC-p repulsion
1271 bad(i,1)=3.0D0*4.0D0**6
1272 c bad(i,1)=-2.0D0*0.17D0*5.6D0**6
1281 C 8/9/01 Read the SC-p interaction constants from file
1284 read (iscpp,*,end=118,err=118) (eps_scp(i,j),rscp(i,j),j=1,2)
1287 aad(i,1)=dabs(eps_scp(i,1))*rscp(i,1)**12
1288 aad(i,2)=dabs(eps_scp(i,2))*rscp(i,2)**12
1289 bad(i,1)=-2*eps_scp(i,1)*rscp(i,1)**6
1290 bad(i,2)=-2*eps_scp(i,2)*rscp(i,2)**6
1294 write (iout,*) "Parameters of SC-p interactions:"
1296 write (iout,'(4f8.3,4e12.4)') eps_scp(i,1),rscp(i,1),
1297 & eps_scp(i,2),rscp(i,2),aad(i,1),bad(i,1),aad(i,2),bad(i,2)
1303 C Define the constants of the disulfide bridge
1307 c Old arbitrary potential - commented out.
1312 c Constants of the disulfide-bond potential determined based on the RHF/6-31G**
1313 c energy surface of diethyl disulfide.
1314 c A. Liwo and U. Kozlowska, 11/24/03
1330 C if(me.eq.king) then
1331 C write (iout,'(/a)') "Disulfide bridge parameters:"
1332 C write (iout,'(a,f10.2)') 'S-S bridge energy: ',ebr
1333 C write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'd0cm:',d0cm,' akcm:',akcm
1334 C write (iout,'(2(a,f10.2))') 'akth:',akth,' akct:',akct
1335 C write (iout,'(3(a,f10.2))') 'v1ss:',v1ss,' v2ss:',v2ss,
1338 C set the variables used for shielding effect
1339 C write (iout,*) "SHIELD MODE",shield_mode
1340 C if (shield_mode.gt.0) then
1341 C VSolvSphere the volume of solving sphere
1343 C rpp(1,1) is the energy r0 for peptide group contact and will be used for it
1344 C there will be no distinction between proline peptide group and normal peptide
1345 C group in case of shielding parameters
1346 C VSolvSphere=4.0/3.0*pi*rpp(1,1)**3
1347 C VSolvSphere_div=VSolvSphere-4.0/3.0*pi*(rpp(1,1)/2.0)**3
1348 C write (iout,*) VSolvSphere,VSolvSphere_div
1349 C long axis of side chain
1351 C long_r_sidechain(i)=vbldsc0(1,i)
1352 C short_r_sidechain(i)=sigma0(i)
1354 C lets set the buffor value
1358 111 write (iout,*) "Error reading bending energy parameters."
1360 112 write (iout,*) "Error reading rotamer energy parameters."
1362 113 write (iout,*) "Error reading torsional energy parameters."
1364 114 write (iout,*) "Error reading double torsional energy parameters."
1367 & "Error reading cumulant (multibody energy) parameters."
1369 116 write (iout,*) "Error reading electrostatic energy parameters."
1371 1161 write (iout,*) "Error reading electrostatic energy parameters.Lip"
1373 117 write (iout,*) "Error reading side chain interaction parameters."
1375 118 write (iout,*) "Error reading SCp interaction parameters."
1377 119 write (iout,*) "Error reading SCCOR parameters"
1380 call MPI_Finalize(Ierror)
1387 subroutine getenv_loc(var, val)
1388 character(*) var, val
1391 character(2000) line
1394 open (196,file='env',status='old',readonly,shared)
1396 c write(*,*)'looking for ',var
1397 10 read(196,*,err=11,end=11)line
1398 iread=index(line,var)
1399 c write(*,*)iread,' ',var,' ',line
1400 if (iread.eq.0) go to 10
1401 c write(*,*)'---> ',line
1407 iread=iread+ilen(var)+1
1408 read (line(iread:),*,err=12,end=12) val
1409 c write(*,*)'OK: ',var,' = ',val
1415 #elif (defined CRAY)
1416 integer lennam,lenval,ierror
1418 c getenv using a POSIX call, useful on the T3D
1419 c Sept 1996, comment out error check on advice of H. Pritchard
1422 if(lennam.le.0) stop '--error calling getenv--'
1423 call pxfgetenv(var,lennam,val,lenval,ierror)
1424 c-HP- if(ierror.ne.0) stop '--error returned by pxfgetenv--'
1426 call getenv(var,val)
1428 C set the variables used for shielding effect
1429 C if (shield_mode.gt.0) then
1430 C VSolvSphere the volume of solving sphere
1432 C rpp(1,1) is the energy r0 for peptide group contact and will be used for it
1433 C there will be no distinction between proline peptide group and normal peptide
1434 C group in case of shielding parameters
1435 C VSolvSphere=4.0/3.0*pi*rpp(1,1)**3
1436 C VSolvSphere_div=VSolvSphere-4.0/3.0*pi*(rpp(1,1)/2.0)**3
1437 C long axis of side chain
1439 C long_r_sidechain(i)=vbldsc0(1,i)
1440 C short_r_sidechain(i)=sigma0(i)
1442 C lets set the buffor value