[unres.git] / natsimil.f
1       subroutine natsimil(jcon,iii,iprot,lprn)
2       implicit none
3       include 'DIMENSIONS'
4       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
5       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
8       include 'COMMON.CHAIN' 
9       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
10       include 'COMMON.VAR'
11       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
12       include 'COMMON.VMCPAR'
13       logical lprn
14       integer jcon,iprot,ib
15       integer i,iii,j,k,ik,kk,inat,lat,jfrag
16       double precision fract
17       double precision rmscalc,rms,rmsnat,qwolynes,gyrate,
18      &  strand_signature
19       character*4 liczba
20       character*64 sbin
21       ib = kbatch(jcon,iprot)
22       if (lprn) then
23         write(iout,*) "Protein",iprot," batch",ib," conformation",jcon,
24      &    " nlevel",nlevel(iprot)
25       endif
26 c      if (lprn) then
27 c        write (iout,*) "NATSIMIL: Complete reference structure"
28 c        do i=1,nres
29 c          write(iout,'(i4,3f10.5)') i,(cref(j,i,iprot),j=1,3)
30 c        enddo
31 c      endif
32       inat=0
33       ik = iscore(jcon,1,iprot)
34       if (nlevel(iprot).gt.0) then
35 c Level 1: local structure, Q value, and rmsd
36         do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
37 c Calculate the difference between the angles of the target structure and those of the native structure
38           call angnorm(j,0,0,ang_cut1(j,ik,iprot),
39      &    nu(inat+1,iii,iprot),fract,ib,iprot,.false.)
40           nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)=qwolynes(1,j,ib,iprot)
41           nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)=rmscalc(0,1,j,jcon,ib,iprot,.false.)
42           nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)=nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)/
43      &      len_frag(j,1,ib,iprot)
44           nu(inat+4,iii,iprot)=gyrate(1,j,ib,iprot)
45          nu(inat+5,iii,iprot)=1.0d0-strand_signature(j,ib,iprot,.false.)
46           if (lprn) write (iout,'(a,i2,a,i2,a,f8.3,a,f10.5,a,f10.5,
47      &      a,f10.5)') 
48      &      "i",1," j",j,
49      &      " rms",nu(inat+3,iii,iprot),
50      &      " diffang",nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)," Q",nu(inat+2,iii,iprot),
51      &      " signature",nu(inat+5,iii,iprot)
52 c Calculate fragment RMSD
53           inat=inat+5
54         enddo
55 c Level 2: Q value and rmsd
56         do j=1,nfrag(2,iprot)
57           nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)=qwolynes(2,j,ib,iprot)
58           nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)=rmscalc(0,2,j,jcon,ib,iprot,.false.)
59           nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)=nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)/
60      &      len_frag(j,2,ib,iprot)
61           nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)=gyrate(2,j,ib,iprot)
62           if (lprn) write (iout,'(a,i2,a,i2,a,f8.3,a,f10.5)') 
63      &       "i",2," j",j," rms",
64      &       nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)," Q",nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)
65           inat=inat+3
66         enddo
67 c Next levels: rmsd only
68         do i=3,nlevel(iprot)
69           do j=1,nfrag(i,iprot)
70             nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)=rmscalc(0,i,j,jcon,ib,iprot,.false.)
71             nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)=nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)
72      &       /len_frag(j,i,ib,iprot)
73             nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)=gyrate(i,j,ib,iprot)
74             if (lprn) write (iout,'(a,i2,a,i2,a,f8.3)') 
75      &        "i",i," j",j," rms",nu(inat+1,iii,iprot)
76             inat=inat+2
77           enddo
78         enddo
79       endif
80       call angnorm12(nu(inat+1,iii,iprot),iprot)
81       nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)=qwolynes(0,1,ib,iprot)
82       nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)=rmsnat(jcon,iprot)
83       nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)=nu(inat+3,iii,iprot)/(nct-nnt+1)
84       nu(inat+4,iii,iprot)=gyrate(0,1,ib,iprot)
85       if (lprn) write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 
86      & "angnorm_nat",nu(inat+1,iii,iprot),
87      & " qnat",nu(inat+2,iii,iprot)," rmsnat",nu(inat+3,iii,iprot),
88      & " rgy",nu(inat+4,iii,iprot)
89       inat=inat+4
90       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "inat",inat," natlike",natlike(iprot)
91       RETURN
92       END
93 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94       subroutine fragment_list(iprot)
95       implicit none
96       include 'DIMENSIONS'
97       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
98       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
99       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
100       include 'COMMON.ALLPROT'
101       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
102       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
103       logical lprn /.false./
104       integer ib,iprot
105       integer i,ilevel,j,k,jfrag
106       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
107       do jfrag=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
108         nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot)=0
109         do i=1,npiece(jfrag,1,ib,iprot)
110           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," batch",ib,
111      &      " jfrag=",jfrag,
112      &      "i=",i," fragment",ifrag(1,i,jfrag,ib,iprot),
113      &      ifrag(2,i,jfrag,ib,iprot)
114           do j=ifrag(1,i,jfrag,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,i,jfrag,ib,iprot)
115             do k=1,nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot)
116               if (list_frag(k,jfrag,ib,iprot).eq.j) goto 10
117             enddo
118             nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot)=nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot)+1
119             list_frag(nlist_frag(jfrag,ib,iprot),jfrag,ib,iprot)=j
120           enddo
121   10      continue
122         enddo
123       enddo
124       if (lprn) then
125       write (iout,*) "Fragment list for protein",iprot," batch",ib
126       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
127         write (iout,*)"Fragment",j," list",(list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot),
128      &   k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot))
129       enddo
130       endif
131       enddo
132       return
133       end
134 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
135       subroutine find_near_pept_cont(iprot)
136       implicit none
137       include 'DIMENSIONS'
138       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
139       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
140       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
141       include 'COMMON.ALLPROT'
142       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
143       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
144       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
145       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
146       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
147       logical lprn /.false./
148       integer ib,iprot
149       integer i,ii,ilevel,j,lj,k,k1,k2,l
150       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
151       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
152           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," batch",ib,
153      &      " jfrag=",j," list",(list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot),
154      &       k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot))
155         do k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot)
156           ii=0
157           lj=list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot)
158 c          write (iout,*) "j",j," k",k," lj",lj," sec",isec_ref(lj,iprot)
159           if (isec_ref(lj,iprot).eq.1) then
160             do l=1,ncont_pept_ref(iprot)
161               k1 = icont_pept_ref(1,l,iprot)
162               k2 = icont_pept_ref(2,l,iprot)
163               if (k1.eq.lj .and. isec_ref(k2,iprot).eq.1 
164 c     &          .and. k2-lj.gt.3 ) then
165      &          .and. iabs(k2-lj).gt.3 ) then
166 c                write (iout,*) "k2",k2," sec",isec_ref(k2,iprot)
167                 if (ii.lt.2) then
168                   ii=ii+1
169                   icont_pept_near(ii,lj,ib,iprot)=k2
170                 else
171                   write (iout,*) 
172      &             "Warning number of near contacts for beta fragment",
173      &             j," residue",lj," exceeds 2, truncated."
174                   goto 10
175                 endif
176               endif
177               if (k2.eq.lj .and. isec_ref(k1,iprot).eq.1 
178 c     &          .and. k1-lj.gt.3) then
179      &          .and. iabs(k1-lj).gt.3) then
180 c                write (iout,*) "k1",k1," sec",isec_ref(k1,iprot)
181                 if (ii.lt.2) then
182                   ii=ii+1
183                   icont_pept_near(ii,lj,ib,iprot)=k1
184                 else
185                   write (iout,*) 
186      &             "Warning number of near contacts for beta fragment",
187      &             j," residue",lj," exceeds 2, truncated."
188                   goto 10
189                 endif
190               endif
191             enddo
192           endif
193           ncont_pept_near(lj,ib,iprot)=ii
194         enddo
195    10   continue
196       enddo
197       write (iout,*) 
198      &   "Near peptide group contacts for beta sheet fragments ",
199      &   "protein",iprot," class",ib
200       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
201         write (iout,*) "fragment",j
202         do k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot)
203           lj=list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot)
204           write (iout,'(a4,1h(,i2,1h),2i5)') restyp(itype(lj)),lj,
205      &      (icont_pept_near(ii,lj,ib,iprot),
206      &       ii=1,ncont_pept_near(lj,ib,iprot))
207         enddo
208       enddo
209       call flush(iout)
210       enddo 
211       return
212       end
213 c---------------------------------------------------------------
214       subroutine calc_ref_beta_signatures(iprot)
215       implicit none
216       include 'DIMENSIONS'
217       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
218       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
219       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
220       include 'COMMON.ALLPROT'
221       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
222       include 'COMMON.CLASSES'
223       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
224       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
225       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
226       logical lprn /.false./
227       integer ib,iprot
228       integer i,ii,ilevel,j,lj,lj1,jc,jc1,k,k1,k2,l
229       double precision signature
230       external signature
231       do ib=1,nclass(iprot)-1
232       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
233           if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot," batch",ib,
234      &      " jfrag=",j," list",(list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot),
235      &       k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot))
236         ii=0
237         do k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot)
238           lj=list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot)
239           if (isec_ref(lj,iprot).eq.1) then
240             do l=1,ncont_pept_near(lj,ib,iprot)
241               jc=icont_pept_near(l,lj,ib,iprot)
242               call find_dir(lj,jc,lj1,jc1,ib,iprot)
243               sig_ref(l,lj,ib,iprot)=signature(lj,jc,lj1,jc1,lprn)
244 c              write (iout,*) "lj",lj," jc",jc," lj1",lj1," jc1",jc1,
245 c     &         " sig_ref",sig_ref(l,lj,ib,iprot)
246             enddo
247           endif
248         enddo
249       enddo
250       write (iout,*) 
251      &   "Reference signatures protein",iprot," class",ib
252       do j=1,nfrag(1,iprot)
253         write (iout,*) "fragment",j
254         do k=1,nlist_frag(j,ib,iprot)
255           lj=list_frag(k,j,ib,iprot)
256           write (iout,'(a4,1h(,i2,1h),8f10.5)') restyp(itype(lj)),lj,
257      &      (sig_ref(ii,lj,ib,iprot),ii=1,ncont_pept_near(lj,ib,iprot))
258         enddo
259       enddo
260       call flush(iout)
261       enddo 
263       return
264       end
265 c---------------------------------------------------------------
266       double precision function gyrate(ilevel,jfrag,ib,iprot)
267       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
268       include 'DIMENSIONS'
269       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
270       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
271       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
272       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
273       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
274       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
275       include 'COMMON.VAR'
277       double precision cen(3),rg
278       logical iadded(maxres),lprn /.false./
279       double precision creff(3,maxres2),cc(3,maxres2)
280       integer inumber(2,maxres)
281       common /ccc/ creff,cc,iadded,inumber
283       IF (ilevel.eq.0) then
285       do j=1,3
286        cen(j)=0.0d0
287       enddo
289       do i=nnt,nct
290           do j=1,3
291             cen(j)=cen(j)+c(j,i)
292           enddo
293       enddo
294       do j=1,3
295             cen(j)=cen(j)/dble(nct-nnt+1)
296       enddo
297       rg = 0.0d0
298       do i = nnt, nct
299         do j=1,3
300          rg = rg + (c(j,i)-cen(j))**2
301         enddo
302       end do
304       gyrate = dsqrt(rg/dble(nct-nnt+1))
306       ELSE
308       ii=0
309       do l=1,nres
310         iadded(l)=.false.
311       enddo
312       do k=1,npiece(jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot)
313         if (ilevel.eq.1) then
314           if (lprn)
315      &    write (iout,*) "Level 1: jfrag=",jfrag,"k=",k,
316      &      " adding fragment",
317      &     ifrag(1,k,jfrag,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,k,jfrag,ib,iprot)
318           call cprep(ifrag(1,k,jfrag,ib,iprot),
319      &     ifrag(2,k,jfrag,ib,iprot),0,ii,iprot)
320         else
321           kk = ipiece(k,jfrag,ilevel,ib,iprot)
322           do l=1,npiece(kk,1,ib,iprot)
323             if (lprn)
324      &      write (iout,*) "Level",i,": jfrag=",jfrag,"k=",k," kk=",kk,
325      &       " l=",l," adding fragment",
326      &       ifrag(1,l,kk,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,l,kk,ib,iprot)
327             call cprep(ifrag(1,l,kk,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,l,kk,ib,iprot),
328      &       0,ii,iprot)
329           enddo
330         endif
331       enddo
332       if (lprn) then
333         do k=1,ii
334           write(iout,'(5i4,2(3f10.5,5x))') ilevel,jfrag,k,inumber(1,k),
335      &         inumber(2,k),(creff(l,k),l=1,3),(cc(l,k),l=1,3)
336         enddo
337       endif
339       do j=1,3
340        cen(j)=0.0d0
341       enddo
343       do i=1,ii
344           do j=1,3
345             cen(j)=cen(j)+cc(j,i)
346           enddo
347       enddo
348       do j=1,3
349             cen(j)=cen(j)/dble(ii)
350       enddo
351       rg = 0.0d0
352       do i = 1, ii
353         do j=1,3
354          rg = rg + (cc(j,i)-cen(j))**2
355         enddo
356       end do
358       gyrate = dsqrt(rg/dble(ii))
360       ENDIF
362       return
364       end