[unres.git] / minimize.F
1       subroutine minimize_init(n,iv,v,d)
2       implicit none
3       include "DIMENSIONS"
4       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
5       integer liv,lv
6       parameter (liv=60,lv=(77+max_paropt*(max_paropt+17)/2)) 
7       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
8       include "COMMON.MINPAR"
9       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
10       include "COMMON.TIME1"
11       integer n,iv(liv)                                               
12       double precision d(max_paropt),v(1:lv)
13       integer i
15       llocal=.false.
16       call deflt(2,iv,liv,lv,v)                                         
17 * 12 means fresh start, dont call deflt                                 
18       iv(1)=12                                                          
19 * max num of fun calls                                                  
20       iv(17)=maxfun
21 * max num of iterations                                                 
22       iv(18)=maxmin
23 * controls output                                                       
24       iv(19)=1
25 * selects output unit                                                   
26       iv(21)=out_minim
27 * 1 means to print out result                                           
28       iv(22)=print_fin
29 * 1 means to print out summary stats                                    
30       iv(23)=print_stat
31 * 1 means to print initial x and d                                      
32       iv(24)=print_ini
33 * min val for v(radfac) default is 0.1                                  
34       v(24)=0.1D0                                                       
35 * max val for v(radfac) default is 4.0                                  
36       v(25)=2.0D0                                                       
37 c     v(25)=4.0D0                                                       
38 * check false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(26)*(exp decrease)    
39 * the sumsl default is 0.1                                              
40       v(26)=0.1D0
41 * false conv if (act fnctn decrease) .lt. v(34)                         
42 * the sumsl default is 100*machep                                       
43       v(34)=v(34)/100.0D0                                               
44 * absolute convergence                                                  
45       if (tolf.eq.0.0D0) tolf=1.0D-6
46       v(31)=tolf
47 * relative convergence                                                  
48       if (rtolf.eq.0.0D0) rtolf=1.0D-6
49       v(32)=rtolf
50 * controls initial step size                                            
51        v(35)=1.0D-2                                                    
52 * large vals of d correspond to small components of step                
53       do i=1,n
54         d(i)=1.0D0
55       enddo
56       return
57       end
58 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59       subroutine minimize(n,x,f)
60       implicit none
61       include "DIMENSIONS"
62       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
63       integer liv,lv
64       parameter (liv=60,lv=(77+max_paropt*(max_paropt+17)/2)) 
65 *********************************************************************
66 * OPTIMIZE sets up SUMSL or DFP and provides a simple interface for *
67 * the calling subprogram.                                           *     
68 * when d(i)=1.0, then v(35) is the length of the initial step,      *     
69 * calculated in the usual pythagorean way.                          *     
70 * absolute convergence occurs when the function is within v(31) of  *     
71 * zero. unless you know the minimum value in advance, abs convg     *     
72 * is probably not useful.                                           *     
73 * relative convergence is when the model predicts that the function *   
74 * will decrease by less than v(32)*abs(fun).                        *   
75 *********************************************************************
76 #ifdef MPI
77       include "mpif.h"
78       integer IERROR
79       include "COMMON.MPI"
80       integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
81 #endif
82       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
83       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
84       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
85       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
86       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
87       include "COMMON.MINPAR"
88       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
89       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
90       include "COMMON.TIME1"
91       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
92       include "COMMON.PROTNAME"
93       include "COMMON.THERMAL"
94       integer nn
95       common /cc/ nn
96       integer ilen 
97       external ilen
98       integer iv(liv)                                               
99       double precision x(max_paropt),d(max_paropt),v(1:lv),g(max_paropt)
100       real p(max_paropt+1,max_paropt),y(max_paropt+1),pb(max_paropt),
101      &  pom(max_paropt),yb,y1,y2,pomi,ftol,temptr
102       real funk
103       external funk
104       external targetfun,targetgrad,fdum
105       integer uiparm,i,ii,j,k,nf,nfun,ngrad,iretcode,ianneal,maxanneal
106       double precision urparm,penalty
107       double precision f,f0,obf,obg(max_paropt),tcpu
108       double precision Evarmax(maxprot),aux
109       integer iscan,iprot,ibatch,niter
110       integer n
111       logical lprn
112       lprn=.true.
113       write (iout,*) "Minimizing with ",MINIMIZER
115         maxanneal=5
116         nn=n
117         do i=1,n
118           do j=1,n+1
119             p(j,i)=x(i)
120           enddo
121         enddo
122         do j=1,n
123           pom(j)=p(1,j)
124         enddo
125         y(1)=funk(pom)
126         do i=2,n+1
127           do j=1,n
128             pom(j)=p(i,j)
129           enddo
130           pom(i-1)=p(i,i-1)-0.2
131           pomi=pom(i-1)
132           if (pom(i-1).lt.x_low(i-1)) pom(i-1)=x_low(i-1)
133           y1=funk(pom)  
134           pom(i-1)=p(i,i-1)+0.2
135           if (pom(i-1).gt.x_up(i-1)) pom(i-1)=x_up(i-1)
136           y2=funk(pom)
137           if (y2.lt.y1) then
138             p(i,i-1)=pom(i-1)
139             y(i)=y2
140           else
141             p(i,i-1)=pomi
142             y(i)=y1
143           endif 
144         enddo
145         yb=1.0e20
146         write (iout,*) "p and y"
147         do i=1,n+1
148           write (iout,'(20e15.5)') (p(i,j),j=1,n),y(i)
149         enddo
150         ftol=rtolf
151         do ianneal=1,maxanneal
152           iretcode=maxmin
153           temptr=5.0/ianneal
154           write (iout,*) "ianneal",ianneal," temptr",temptr
155           call amebsa(p,y,max_paropt+1,max_paropt,n,pb,yb,ftol,funk,
156      &      iretcode,temptr)
157           write (iout,*) "Optimized P (PB)"
158           do i=1,n
159             write (iout,'(i5,f10.5)') i,pb(i)
160           enddo
161           write (iout,*) "Optimal function value",yb
162           write(iout,*) "AMEBSA return code:",iretcode
163         enddo
164         do i=1,n
165           x(i)=pb(i)
166         enddo
167         call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
168         write (iout,*)
169         write(iout,*) "Final function value:",f,f
170         write(iout,*) "Final value of the object function:",obf
171         write(iout,*) "Number of target function evaluations:",nfun
172         write (iout,*)
173         call x2w(n,x)
174         do i=1, n
175           xm(i)=x(i)
176         enddo
177         open (88,file=restartname,status="unknown")
178         do i=1,n
179           write (88,*) x(i)
180         enddo
181         close(88)
183       nf=0
184       nfun=0
185       ngrad=0
186       niter=0
187       call minimize_init(n,iv,v,d)
188 #ifdef CHECKGRAD
189       write (iout,*) "Initial checkgrad:"
190       call checkgrad(n,x)
191 c      write (iout,*) "Second checkgrad"
192 c      call checkgrad(n,x)
193 #endif
194       write (iout,*) "Calling SUMSL"
195       iscan=0
196       call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
197       write (iout,*) "Initial function value",f
198       f0=f
199       f=-1.0d20
200       do while ( iscan.lt.maxscan .and. (f0-f)/(f0+1.0d0).gt.0.2d0 )
201         f0=f
202         call scan(n,x,f,.false.)
203         iscan=iscan+1
204       enddo
205       PREVTIM=tcpu()
206       f0=f
207       f=-1.0d20
208       if (maxscan.gt.0) then
209         iscan=0
210         do while ( iscan.lt.maxscan .and. (f0-f)/(f0+1.0d0).gt.0.2d0 )
211   101     continue
212           cutoffviol=.false.
213           call sumsl(n,d,x,targetfun,targetgrad,iv,liv,lv,v,uiparm,
214      &       urparm, fdum)      
215           write (iout,*) "Left SUMSL"
216           penalty=v(10)
217           iretcode=iv(1)
218           nfun=iv(6)
219           ngrad=iv(30)
220           call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
221           f0=f
222           call scan(n,x,f,.false.)
223           iscan=iscan+1
224           if (iv(1).eq.11 .and. cutoffviol) then
225             write (iout,*)
226             write (iout,'(a)') 
227      &"Revising the list of conformations because of cut-off violation."
228             do iprot=1,nprot
229               write (iout,'(a,f7.1)')
230      &          protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),enecut(iprot)
231               do j=1,natlike(iprot)+2
232                 write (iout,'(5(f7.1,f9.1,2x))') 
233      &           (1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(k,ibatch,iprot)),
234      &            Evar(j,k,iprot),k=1,nbeta(j,iprot))
235               enddo
236             enddo
237 #ifdef MPI
238             cutoffeval=.false.
239             call func1(n,5,x)
240 #else
241             call make_list(.true.,.false.,n,x)
242 #endif
243             goto 101
244           else if (iv(1).eq.11 .and. WhatsUp.eq.1) then
245             write (iout,*) "Time up, terminating."
246             goto 121
247           endif
248         enddo
249       else
250   102   continue
251         cutoffviol=.false.
252         cutoffeval=.false.
253         write (iout,*) "MAXMIN",maxmin
254         if (maxmin.gt.0) 
255      &  call sumsl(n,d,x,targetfun,targetgrad,iv,liv,lv,v,uiparm,
256      &   urparm, fdum)
257         write (iout,*) "Left SUMSL"
258         penalty=v(10)
259         iretcode=iv(1)
260         nfun=nfun+iv(6)
261         ngrad=ngrad+iv(30)
262         niter=niter+iv(31)
263         write (iout,*) "iretcode",iv(1)," cutoffviol",cutoffviol
264         if (iv(1).eq.11 .and. cutoffviol) then
265           write (iout,'(a)') 
266      &"Revising the list of conformations because of cut-off violation."
267           do iprot=1,nprot
268             write (iout,'(a,f7.1)')
269      &        protname(iprot)(:ilen(protname(iprot))),enecut(iprot)
270             do j=1,natlike(iprot)+2
271               write (iout,'(5(f7.1,f9.1,2x))') 
272      &         (1.0d0/(Rgas*betaT(k,ibatch,iprot)),
273      &          Evar(j,k,iprot),k=1,nbeta(j,iprot))
274             enddo
275           enddo
276           write (iout,'(a)') 
277           do iprot=1,nprot
278             Evarmax(iprot)=Evar(1,1,iprot)*betaT(1,1,iprot)
279             do ibatch=2,natlike(iprot)+2
280               do k=1,nbeta(ibatch,iprot)
281                 aux = Evar(k,ibatch,iprot)*betaT(k,ibatch,iprot)
282                 if (aux.gt.Evarmax(iprot)) Evarmax(iprot)=aux 
283               enddo
284             enddo
285           enddo
286           do iprot=1,nprot
287             aux=dmin1(0.5d0*enecut_min(iprot)+1.25d0*Evarmax(iprot)
288      &        ,enecut_max(iprot))
289             enecut(iprot)=dmax1(aux,enecut_min(iprot))
290           enddo
291           write (iout,*) "Revised energy cutoffs"
292           do iprot=1,nprot
293             write (iout,*) "Protein",iprot,":",enecut(iprot)
294           enddo
295           call flush(iout)
296 #ifdef MPI
297 c
298 c Send the order to the second master to revise the list of conformations.
299 c
300           cutoffeval=.false.
301           call func1(n,5,x)
302 #else
303           call make_list(.true.,.false.,n,x)
304 #endif
305           call minimize_init(n,iv,v,d)
306           iv(17)=iv(17)-nfun
307           iv(18)=iv(18)-niter
308           write (iout,*) "Diminishing IV(17) to",iv(17)
309           write (iout,*) "Diminishing IV(18) to",iv(18)
310           goto 102
311         else if (iv(1).eq.11 .and. WhatsUp.eq.1) then
312           write (iout,*) "Time up, terminating."
313           goto 121
314         endif
315       endif
316   121 continue
317       call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
318       write (iout,*)
319       write(iout,*) "Final function value:",f,v(10)
320       write(iout,*) "Final value of the object function:",obf
321       write(iout,*) "Number of target function evaluations:",nfun
322       write(iout,*) "Number of target gradient evaluations:",ngrad
323       write(iout,*) "SUMSL return code:",iretcode
324       write(*,*) "Final function value:",f,v(10)
325       write(*,*) "Final value of the object function:",obf
326       write(*,*) "Number of target function evaluations:",nfun
327       write(*,*) "Number of target gradient evaluations:",ngrad
328       write(*,*) "SUMSL return code:",iretcode
329       write (iout,*)
330       call x2w(n,x)
331       do i=1, n
332         xm(i)=x(i)
333       enddo
334       open (88,file=restartname,status="unknown")
335       do i=1,n
336         write (88,*) x(i)
337       enddo
338       close(88)
339 #ifdef CHECKGRAD
340       write (iout,*) "Final checkgrad:"
341       call checkgrad(n,x)
342 #endif
343       ELSE 
344         write (iout,*) "Unknown minimizer."
345       ENDIF
346       return  
347       end  
348 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349       real function funk(p)
350       implicit none
351       include "DIMENSIONS"
352       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
353       real p(max_paropt)
354       double precision x(max_paropt)
355       double precision f
356       integer uiparm
357       double precision obf
358       double precision ufparm
359       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
360       integer n,nf
361       common /cc/ n
362       integer i
363       external fdum
364       nf=nf+1
365       write (iout,*) "funk n",n," p",(p(i),i=1,n)
366       do i=1,n
367         x(i)=p(i)
368       enddo
369 c      write (iout,*) "funk n",n," x",(x(i),i=1,n)
370       call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
371       funk=f
372       return
373       end
374 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 c      logical function stopx(idum)
376 c      integer idum
377 c      stopx=.false.
378 c      return
379 c      end
380 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
381       subroutine checkgrad(n,x)
382       implicit none
383       include "DIMENSIONS"
384       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
385 #ifdef MPI
386       include "mpif.h"
387       include "COMMON.MPI"
388       integer ierror
389       integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
390 #endif
391       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
392       include "COMMON.VMCPAR"
393       include "COMMON.OPTIM"
394       include "COMMON.TIME1"
395       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
396       include "COMMON.WEIGHTDER"
397       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
398       include "COMMON.CLASSES"
399       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
400       include "COMMON.NAMES"
401       include "COMMON.VAR"
402       include "COMMON.COMPAR"
403       include "COMMON.TORSION"
404       double precision energia(0:max_ene),epskl,eneps_num
405       double precision f,fplus,fminus,fpot,fpotplus,xi,delta /5.0d-5/,
406      & g(max_paropt),gnum(max_paropt),gfpot(max_paropt),gg(max_paropt),
407      & rdum,zscder,pom,sumlikder1(maxvar,maxT,maxprot)
408       integer n
409       double precision x(n)
410       integer uiparm,maxfun,i,ibatch,iprot,j,nf,k,kk,l,ii,iti,itj,ib,
411      &  l1,l2,jj,inat
412       double precision nuave_orig(maxdimnat,maxT,maxnatlike,maxprot)
413 #ifdef EPSCHECK
414       double precision enetb_orig1(maxstr_proc,max_ene,maxprot)
415 #endif
416       integer icant
417       external icant
418       double precision rdif
419       double precision urparm,aux,fac,eoldsc
420       double precision 
421      & rder_num,
422      & rder_all(max_paropt,maxdimnat,maxT,maxnatlike,maxprot),
423      & zvtot_orig(maxT,maxprot),sumlik_orig(maxT,maxprot)
424       external fdum
425       integer ind_shield /25/
427       write (iout,*) "Entered CHECKGRAD"
428       call flush(iout)
430       call targetfun(n,x,nf,f,uiparm,fdum)
431       call targetgrad(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,rdum,fdum)
432       write (iout,*) "Initial function & gradient evaluation completed."
433       call flush(iout)
434 #ifdef EPSCHECK
435       if (mod_side) then
436       do iprot=1,nprot
437         do i=1,ntot(iprot)
438           jj = i2ii(i,iprot)
439           if (jj.gt.0) then
440           do j=1,n_ene
441             enetb_orig1(jj,j,iprot)=enetb(jj,j,iprot)
442           enddo
443 c          write (iout,*) i,enetb_orig1(jj,1,iprot)
444           endif
445         enddo
446       enddo
448       write (iout,*) "Derivatives in epsilons"
449       DO iprot=1,nprot
451       call restore_molinfo(iprot)
452       do i=1,ntot(iprot)
453         jj = i2ii(i,iprot)
454         if (jj.gt.0) then
455         kk=0
456 c         write (iout,*) "iprot",iprot," i",i
457         call etotal(energia(0))
458         eoldsc=energia(1)
459         do k=1,ntyp
460           do l=1,k 
461             epskl=eps(k,l)
462             eps(k,l)=eps(k,l)+delta
463             eps(l,k)=eps(k,l)
464 c            write (iout,*) "***",k,l,epskl
465             call prepare_sc
466             kk=kk+1
467             call restore_ccoords(iprot,i)
468             call etotal(energia(0))
469             eneps_num=(energia(1)-eoldsc)
470      &        /delta
471 c            write (iout,*) energia(1),enetb_orig1(jj,1,iprot)
472             eps(k,l)=epskl
473             eps(l,k)=epskl
474 c            write (iout,*) "---",k,l,epskl
475             write(iout,'(2a4,3e20.10)') restyp(k),restyp(l),
476      &        eneps(kk,i,iprot),eneps_num,
477      &        (eneps_num-eneps(kk,i,iprot))*100
478           enddo
479         enddo
480         endif
481       enddo
483       ENDDO
485       call prepare_sc
487       endif
488 #endif
489       write (iout,*) "calling func1 0"
490       call flush(iout)
491       call func1(n,1,x)
492 #ifdef NEWCORR
493 c AL 2/10/2018 Add PMF gradient
494       if (mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0) then
495         fpot = rdif(n,x,gfpot,2)
496       endif
497 #endif
498       do iprot=1,nprot
499         do inat=1,natlike(iprot)
500           do ib=1,nbeta(inat+2,iprot)
501             do i=1,natdim(inat,iprot)
502               nuave_orig(i,ib,inat,iprot)=nuave(i,ib,inat,iprot)
503             enddo
504           enddo
505         enddo
506       enddo
507       do iprot=1,nprot
508         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
509           sumlik_orig(ib,iprot)=sumlik(ib,iprot)
510         enddo
511       enddo  
512       do iprot=1,nprot
513         do ib=1,nbeta(2,iprot)
514           zvtot_orig(ib,iprot)=zvtot(ib,iprot)
515         enddo
516       enddo  
517       write(iout,*) "exit func1 0"
518       do iprot=1,nprot
519         do ib=1,nbeta(2,iprot)
520           do i=1,n
521             zvdertot(i,ib,iprot)=0.0d0
522           enddo
523         enddo
524       enddo
525       call zderiv
526       ii=0
527       do k=1,n_ene
528         if (imask(k).gt.0 .and. k.ne.ind_shield) ii=ii+1
529       enddo
530       do iprot=1,nprot
531         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
532           do k=1,ii
533             sumlikder1(k,ib,iprot)=sumlikder(k,ib,iprot)
534 c            write (iout,*) "ib",ib," k",k," sumlikder",
535 c     &            sumlikder1(k,ib,iprot)
536           enddo
537         enddo
538       enddo
539 #ifdef NEWCORR
540 c AL 2/10/2018 Add PMF gradient
541       if (mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0 .and. torsion_pmf) then
542         do i=1,nloctyp*(2*nloctyp-1)
543           ii=ii+1
544           sumlikder1(ii,ib,iprot)=0.0d0
545         enddo
546       endif
547 #endif
548       do iprot=1,nprot
549 c Maximum likelihood terms
550         do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
551           kk=ii
552           do i=1,nsingle_sc
553             kk=kk+1
554             iti=ityp_ssc(i)
555             sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)=
556      &       sumlikeps(icant(iti,iti),ib,iprot)
557             do j=1,ntyp
558               sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)=
559      &         sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)+
560      &         sumlikeps(icant(iti,itj),ib,iprot)
561             enddo
562           enddo
563           do i=1,npair_sc
564             kk=kk+1
565             iti=ityp_psc(1,i)
566             itj=ityp_psc(2,i)
567             sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)=
568      &        sumlikeps(icant(iti,itj),ib,iprot)
569 c            write (iout,*) "kk",kk," iprot",iprot," ib",ib,
570 c     &       " iti",iti," itj",itj,
571 c     &       " ind",icant(iti,itj)," sumlikeps",
572 c     &       sumlikeps(icant(iti,itj),ib,iprot)
573           enddo
574           do i=1,ntor_var
575             kk=kk+1
576             sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)=sumliktor(i,ib,iprot)
577           enddo
578           do i=1,nang_var
579             kk=kk+1
580             sumlikder1(kk,ib,iprot)=sumlikang(i,ib,iprot)
581           enddo
582         enddo
583 c Heat capacity terms
584         do ib=1,nbeta(2,iprot)
585           kk=ii
586           do i=1,nsingle_sc
587             kk=kk+1
588             iti=ityp_ssc(i)
589             zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)=
590      &       zvepstot(icant(iti,iti),ib,iprot)
591             do j=1,ntyp
592               zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)=
593      &         zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)+
594      &         zvepstot(icant(iti,j),ib,iprot)
595             enddo
596           enddo
597           do i=1,npair_sc
598             kk=kk+1
599             iti=ityp_psc(1,i)
600             itj=ityp_psc(2,i)
601             zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)=
602      &        zvepstot(icant(iti,itj),ib,iprot)
603           enddo
604           do i=1,ntor_var
605             kk=kk+1
606             zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)=zvtortot(i,ib,iprot)
607           enddo
608           do i=1,nang_var
609             kk=kk+1
610             zvdertot(kk,ib,iprot)=zvangtot(i,ib,iprot)
611           enddo
612         enddo
613       enddo
614 c Molecular properties
615       do iprot=1,nprot
616         do inat=1,natlike(iprot)
617           do ib=1,nbeta(inat+2,iprot)
618             call propderiv(ib,inat,iprot)
619             do k=1,natdim(inat,iprot)
620               do kk=1,ii
621                 rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=rder(kk,k)
622               enddo
623               kk=ii
624               do i=1,nsingle_sc
625                 kk=kk+1
626                 iti=ityp_ssc(i)
627                 rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=
628      &           reps(icant(iti,iti),k)
629                 do j=1,ntyp
630                   rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=
631      &             rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)+
632      &             reps(icant(iti,j),k)
633                 enddo
634               enddo
635               do i=1,npair_sc
636                 kk=kk+1
637                 iti=ityp_psc(1,i)
638                 itj=ityp_psc(2,i)
639                 rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=
640      &           reps(icant(iti,itj),k)
641               enddo
642               kk=ii
643               do i=1,ntor_var
644                 kk=kk+1
645                 rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=rtor(i,k)
646               enddo
647               do i=1,nang_var
648                 kk=kk+1
649                 rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot)=rang(i,k)
650               enddo
651             enddo
652           enddo
653         enddo
654       enddo
655 c Calculate numerical derivatives and compare with analytical derivatives
656       do i=1,kk
657         xi=x(i)
658         x(i)=xi+xi*delta
659 c        write (iout,*) (x(k),k=1,kk)
660         call func1(n,1,x)
661 c        write (iout,*) "after func1"
662 c        call flush(iout)
663 #ifdef NEWCORR
664 c AL 2/10/2018 Add PMF gradient
665         if (mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0) then
666           fpotplus = rdif(n,x,gfpot,1)
667           write (iout,*) "after rdif"
668           call flush(iout)
669         endif
670 #endif
671         write (iout,*) "Variable",i
672 c Maximum likelihood
673         do iprot=1,nprot
674           write (iout,*) "Derivatives of maximum likelihood"
675           do ib=1,nbeta(1,iprot)
676 c            write (iout,*) sumlik_orig(ib,iprot),sumlik(ib,iprot)
677             pom=(sumlik(ib,iprot)-sumlik_orig(ib,iprot))/(xi*delta) 
678             write (iout,'(2i5,3e14.5)') iprot,ib,
679      &        sumlikder1(i,ib,iprot),pom,(pom-sumlikder1(i,ib,iprot))
680      &        /(dabs(sumlikder1(i,ib,iprot))+1.0d-10)
681 c            write (iout,*) sumlik(ib,iprot),
682 c     &        sumlik_orig(ib,iprot)
683           enddo
684         enddo
685 c Heat capacity
686         do iprot=1,nprot
687           write (iout,*) "Derivatives of heat capacity"
688           do ib=1,nbeta(2,iprot)
689             pom=(zvtot(ib,iprot)-zvtot_orig(ib,iprot))/(xi*delta)
690             write (iout,'(2i5,3e14.5)') iprot,ib,
691      &        zvdertot(i,ib,iprot),pom,(pom-zvdertot(i,ib,iprot))
692      &        /(dabs(zvdertot(i,ib,iprot))+1.0d-10)
693 c            write (iout,*) zvtot(ib,ibatch,iprot),
694 c     &        zvtot_orig(ib,ibatch,iprot)
695           enddo
696         enddo
697 c Numerical derivatives of natlike properties
698         write (iout,*) "Derivatives of molecular properties"
699         do iprot=1,nprot
700           do inat=1,natlike(iprot)
701             do ib=1,nbeta(inat+2,iprot)
702               do k=1,natdim(inat,iprot)
703                 rder_num=(nuave(k,ib,inat,iprot)
704      &                   -nuave_orig(k,ib,inat,iprot))/(xi*delta)
705                 write (iout,'(4i3,2e14.5,f5.1)') iprot,inat,ib,k,
706      &             rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot),
707      &             rder_num,(rder_num-rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot))/
708      &             (dabs(rder_all(kk,k,ib,inat,iprot))+1.0d-10)*100
709               enddo
710             enddo
711           enddo
712         enddo
713 #ifdef NEWCORR
714 c AL 2/10/2018 Add PMF gradient
715         if (mod_fourier(nloctyp).gt.0) then
716           write(iout,*)"Derivative of fpot",(-fpotplus+fpot)/(xi*delta),
717      &      gfpot(i),(gfpot(i)-(-fpotplus+fpot)/(xi*delta))/gfpot(i)
718         endif
719 #endif
720         x(i)=xi
721       enddo
722       write (iout,*)
723       do i=1,n
724         xi=x(i)
725         x(i)=xi+xi*delta
726 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," xplus ",x(i),xi
727         call targetfun(n,x,nf,fplus,uiparm,fdum)
728         x(i)=xi-xi*delta
729 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," xminus",x(i),xi
730         call targetfun(n,x,nf,fminus,uiparm,fdum) 
731         x(i)=xi
732 c        write (iout,*) "x",i,x(i)," fplus",fplus," fminus",fminus,
733 c     &   "obfplus",obfplus," obfminus",obfminus
734         gnum(i)=0.5d0*(fplus-fminus)/(xi*delta)
735       enddo
736       write (iout,*) "Comparison of analytical and numerical gradient"
737       do i=1,n
738         write (iout,'(i5,2e15.7,f10.2)') i,g(i),gnum(i),
739      &    1.0d2*(g(i)-gnum(i))/(dabs(g(i))+1.0d-10)
740       enddo
741       write (iout,*)
742       return
743       end
744 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
745       subroutine prepare_sc
746       implicit none
747       include "DIMENSIONS"
748       include "DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT"
749       include "COMMON.NAMES"
750       include "COMMON.WEIGHTS"
751       include "COMMON.INTERACT"
752       include "COMMON.ENERGIES"
753       include "COMMON.FFIELD"
754       include "COMMON.TORSION"
755       include "COMMON.IOUNITS"
756       logical lprint
757       integer i,j,ii,nvarr,iti,itj
758       double precision rri
759       double precision epsij,rrij,sigeps,sigt1sq,sigt2sq,sigii1,sigii2,
760      &  ratsig1,ratsig2,rsum_max,dwa16,r_augm
762       lprint=.false.
764         if (lprint) write(iout,'(/3a,2i3)') 'Potential is ',
765      &    potname(ipot),', exponents are ',expon,2*expon 
766 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
767 C Calculate the "working" parameters of SC interactions.
768         dwa16=2.0d0**(1.0d0/6.0d0)
769         do i=1,ntyp
770           do j=i,ntyp
771             sigma(i,j)=dsqrt(sigma0(i)**2+sigma0(j)**2)
772             sigma(j,i)=sigma(i,j)
773             rs0(i,j)=dwa16*sigma(i,j)
774             rs0(j,i)=rs0(i,j)
775           enddo
776         enddo
777         if (lprint) write (iout,'(/a/10x,7a/72(1h-))') 
778      &   'Working parameters of the SC interactions:',
779      &   '     a    ','     b    ','   augm   ','  sigma ','   r0   ',
780      &   '  chi1   ','   chi2   ' 
781         do i=1,ntyp
782           do j=i,ntyp
783             epsij=eps(i,j)
784             if (ipot.eq.1 .or. ipot.eq.3 .or. ipot.eq.4) then
785               rrij=sigma(i,j)
786             else
787               rrij=rr0(i)+rr0(j)
788             endif
789             r0(i,j)=rrij
790             r0(j,i)=rrij
791             rrij=rrij**expon
792             epsij=eps(i,j)
793             sigeps=dsign(1.0D0,epsij)
794             epsij=dabs(epsij)
795             aa(i,j)=epsij*rrij*rrij
796             bb(i,j)=-sigeps*epsij*rrij
797             aa(j,i)=aa(i,j)
798             bb(j,i)=bb(i,j)
799             if (ipot.gt.2) then
800               sigt1sq=sigma0(i)**2
801               sigt2sq=sigma0(j)**2
802               sigii1=sigii(i)
803               sigii2=sigii(j)
804               ratsig1=sigt2sq/sigt1sq
805               ratsig2=1.0D0/ratsig1
806               chi(i,j)=(sigii1-1.0D0)/(sigii1+ratsig1)
807               if (j.gt.i) chi(j,i)=(sigii2-1.0D0)/(sigii2+ratsig2)
808               rsum_max=dsqrt(sigii1*sigt1sq+sigii2*sigt2sq)
809             else
810               rsum_max=sigma(i,j)
811             endif
812             sigmaii(i,j)=rsum_max
813             sigmaii(j,i)=rsum_max 
814             if ((ipot.eq.2 .or. ipot.eq.5) .and. r0(i,j).gt.rsum_max) 
815      &      then
816               r_augm=sigma(i,j)*(rrij-sigma(i,j))/rrij
817               augm(i,j)=epsij*r_augm**(2*expon)
818 c             augm(i,j)=0.5D0**(2*expon)*aa(i,j)
819               augm(j,i)=augm(i,j)
820             else
821               augm(i,j)=0.0D0
822               augm(j,i)=0.0D0
823             endif
824             if (lprint) then
825               write (iout,'(2(a3,2x),3(1pe10.3),5(0pf8.3))') 
826      &        restyp(i),restyp(j),aa(i,j),bb(i,j),augm(i,j),
827      &        sigma(i,j),r0(i,j),chi(i,j),chi(j,i)
828             endif
829           enddo
830         enddo
831       return
832       end