[unres.git] / match_contact.f
1       subroutine match_contact(ishif1,ishif2,nc_match,nc_match1_max,
2      &   ncont_ref,icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,n_shif1,n_shif2,
3      &   nc_frac,nc_req_set,istr,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
4       implicit none
5       include 'DIMENSIONS'
6       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
7       integer ncont_ref,icont_ref(2,maxcont),ncont,icont(2,maxcont),
8      &   ishift,ishif2,nc_match
9       integer i,is,js,ishif1,jfrag,nc_match1_max,n_shif1,n_shif2,
10      &  nc_req_set,istr,nc_match_max,nc_req,nc_match1,ib,iprot
11       double precision nc_frac
12       logical llocal,lprn
13       nc_match_max=0
14       do i=1,ncont_ref
15         nc_match_max=nc_match_max+
16      &   min0(icont_ref(2,i)-icont_ref(1,i)-1,3)
17       enddo
18       if (istr.eq.3) then
19         nc_req=0
20       else if (nc_req_set.eq.0) then
21         nc_req=nc_match_max*nc_frac
22       else
23         nc_req = dmin1(nc_match_max*nc_frac+0.5d0,
24      &    dfloat(nc_req_set)+1.0d-7)
25       endif
26 c      write (iout,*) "match_contact: nc_req:",nc_req
27 c      write (iout,*) "nc_match_max",nc_match_max
28 c      write (iout,*) "jfrag",jfrag," n_shif1",n_shif1,
29 c     &   " n_shif2",n_shif2
30 C Match current contact map against reference contact map; exit, if at least
31 C half of the contacts match
32       call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,0,0,ncont_ref,icont_ref,
33      &    ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
34       nc_match1_max=nc_match1
35       if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
36      &  "Shift:",0,0," nc_match1",nc_match1,
37      &  " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
38       if (nc_req.gt.0 .and. nc_match.ge.nc_req .or.
39      &    nc_req.eq.0 .and. nc_match.eq.1) then
40          ishif1=0
41          ishif2=0
42          return
43       endif
44 C If sufficient matches are not found, try to shift contact maps up to three
45 C positions.
46       if (n_shif1.gt.0) then
47       do is=1,n_shif1
48 C The following four tries help to find shifted beta-sheet patterns
49 C Shift "left" strand backward
50         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,-is,0,ncont_ref,
51      &    icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
52         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
53         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
54      &    "Shift:",-is,0," nc_match1",nc_match1,
55      &    " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
56         if (nc_req.gt.0 .and. nc_match.ge.nc_req .or.
57      &     nc_req.eq.0 .and. nc_match.eq.1) then
58           ishif1=-is
59           ishif2=0
60           return
61         endif
62 C Shift "left" strand forward
63         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,is,0,ncont_ref,
64      &      icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
65         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
66         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
67      &   "Shift:",is,0," nc_match1",nc_match1,
68      &   " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
69         if (nc_req.gt.0 .and. nc_match.ge.nc_req .or.
70      &     nc_req.eq.0 .and. nc_match.eq.1) then
71           ishif1=is
72           ishif2=0
73           return
74         endif
75       enddo
76       if (nc_req.eq.0) return
77 C Shift "right" strand backward
78       do is=1,n_shif1
79         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,0,-is,ncont_ref,
80      &     icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
81         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
82         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
83      &    "Shift:",0,-is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
84      &    " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
85         if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
86           ishif1=0
87           ishif2=-is
88           return
89         endif
90 C Shift "right" strand upward
91         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,0,is,ncont_ref,
92      &    icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
93         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
94         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
95      &    "Shift:",0,is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
96      &    " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
97         if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
98           ishif1=0
99           ishif2=is
100           return
101         endif
102       enddo ! is
103 C Now try to shift both residues in contacts.
104       do is=1,n_shif1
105         do js=1,is
106           if (js.ne.is) then
107             call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,-is,-js,ncont_ref,
108      &        icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
109             if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
110             if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
111      &         "Shift:",-is,-js," nc_match1",nc_match1,
112      &         " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
113             if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
114               ishif1=-is
115               ishif2=-js
116               return
117             endif
118             call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,is,js,ncont_ref,
119      &        icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
120             if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
121             if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
122      &        "Shift:",is,js," nc_match1",nc_match1,
123      &        " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
124             if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
125               ishif1=is
126               ishif2=js
127               return
128             endif
129 c
130             call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,-js,-is,ncont_ref,
131      &        icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
132             if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
133             if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
134      &        "Shift:",-js,-is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
135      &        " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
136             if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
137               ishif1=-js
138               ishif2=-is
139               return
140             endif
141 c
142             call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,js,is,ncont_ref,
143      &        icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
144             if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
145             if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
146      &        "Shift:",js,is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
147      &        " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
148             if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
149               ishif1=js
150               ishif2=is
151               return
152             endif
153           endif
154 c
155           if (is+js.le.n_shif1) then
156           call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,-is,js,ncont_ref,
157      &      icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
158           if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
159           if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
160      &     "Shift:",-is,js," nc_match1",nc_match1,
161      &     " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
162           if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
163             ishif1=-is
164             ishif2=js
165             return
166           endif
167 c
168           call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,js,-is,ncont_ref,
169      &      icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
170           if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
171           if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
172      &     "Shift:",js,-is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
173      &     " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
174           if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
175             ishif1=js
176             ishif2=-is
177             return
178           endif
179           endif
180 c
181         enddo !js
182       enddo !is
183       endif
185       if (n_shif2.gt.0) then
186       do is=1,n_shif2
187         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,-is,-is,ncont_ref,
188      &    icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
189         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
190         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
191      &     "Shift:",-is,-is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
192      &     " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
193         if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
194           ishif1=-is
195           ishif2=-is
196           return
197         endif
198         call ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,is,is,ncont_ref,
199      &    icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
200         if (nc_match1.gt.nc_match1_max) nc_match1_max=nc_match1
201         if (lprn .and. nc_match.gt.0) write (iout,*) 
202      &    "Shift:",is,is," nc_match1",nc_match1,
203      &    " nc_match=",nc_match," req'd",nc_req
204         if (nc_match.ge.nc_req) then
205           ishif1=is
206           ishif2=is
207           return
208         endif
209       enddo
210       endif
211 C If this point is reached, the contact maps are different. 
212       nc_match=0
213       ishif1=0
214       ishif2=0
215       return
216       end
217 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------
218       subroutine ncont_match(nc_match,nc_match1,ishif1,ishif2,
219      &   ncont_ref,icont_ref,ncont,icont,jfrag,llocal,ib,iprot,lprn)
220       implicit none
221       include 'DIMENSIONS'
222       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
223       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
224       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
225       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
226       include 'COMMON.GEO'
227       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
228       integer nc_match,nc_match1,ishif1,jfrag,i,j,ic1,ic2,ib,iprot
229       double precision diffang,fract
230       logical llocal,lprn
231       integer ncont_ref,icont_ref(2,maxcont),ncont,icont(2,maxcont),
232      &   icont_match(2,maxcont),ishift,ishif2,nang_pair,
233      &   iang_pair(2,maxres)
234 C Compare the contact map against the reference contact map; they're stored
235 C in ICONT and ICONT_REF, respectively. The current contact map can be shifted.
236       if (lprn) write (iout,'(80(1h*))')
237       nc_match=0
238       nc_match1=0
239 c Check the local structure by comparing dihedral angles.
240       if (llocal .and. ncont_ref.eq.0) then
241 c If there are no contacts just compare the dihedral angles and exit.
242         call angnorm(jfrag,ishif1,ishif2,ang_cut1(jfrag,ib,iprot),
243      &    diffang,fract,ib,iprot,lprn)
244         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "diffang:",diffang*rad2deg,
245      &   " ang_cut:",ang_cut(jfrag,ib,iprot)*rad2deg," fract",fract
246         if (diffang.le.ang_cut(jfrag,ib,iprot) .and. 
247      &   fract.ge.frac_min(jfrag,ib,iprot)) 
248      &  then
249           nc_match=1
250         else
251           nc_match=0
252         endif
253         return
254       endif
255       nang_pair=0
256       do i=1,ncont
257         ic1=icont(1,i)+ishif1
258         ic2=icont(2,i)+ishif2
259 c        write (iout,*) "i",i," ic1",ic1," ic2",ic2
260         if (ic1.lt.nnt .or. ic2.gt.nct) goto 10
261         do j=1,ncont_ref
262           if (ic1.eq.icont_ref(1,j).and.ic2.eq.icont_ref(2,j)) then
263             nc_match=nc_match+min0(icont_ref(2,j)-icont_ref(1,j)-1,3)
264             nc_match1=nc_match1+1
265             icont_match(1,nc_match1)=ic1
266             icont_match(2,nc_match1)=ic2
267 c            call add_angpair(icont(1,i),icont_ref(1,j),
268 c     &         nang_pair,iang_pair)
269 c            call add_angpair(icont(2,i),icont_ref(2,j),
270 c     &         nang_pair,iang_pair) 
271             if (lprn) write (iout,*) "Contacts:",icont(1,i),icont(2,i),
272      &       " match",icont_ref(1,j),icont_ref(2,j),
273      &       " shifts",ishif1,ishif2
274             goto 10
275           endif
276         enddo 
277    10   continue
278       enddo
279       if (lprn) then
280         write (iout,*) "nc_match",nc_match," nc_match1",nc_match1
281         write (iout,*) "icont_match"
282         do i=1,nc_match1
283           write (iout,*) icont_match(1,i),icont_match(2,i)
284         enddo
285       endif
286       if (llocal .and. nc_match.gt.0) then
287         call angnorm2(jfrag,ishif1,ishif2,nc_match1,icont_match,lprn,
288      &    ang_cut1(jfrag,ib,iprot),diffang,fract,ib,iprot)
289         if (lprn) write (iout,*) "diffang:",diffang*rad2deg,
290      &   " ang_cut:",ang_cut(jfrag,ib,iprot)*rad2deg,
291      &   " ang_cut1",ang_cut1(jfrag,ib,iprot)
292         if (diffang.gt.ang_cut(jfrag,ib,iprot) 
293      &    .or. fract.lt.frac_min(jfrag,ib,iprot)) nc_match=0
294       endif
295 c      if (nc_match.gt.0) then
296 c        diffang = angnorm1(nang_pair,iang_pair,lprn)
297 c        if (diffang.gt.ang_cut(jfrag,ib,iprot)) nc_match=0
298 c      endif
299       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "ishif1",ishif1," ishif2",ishif2,
300      &   " diffang",rad2deg*diffang," nc_match",nc_match
301       return
302       end
303 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304       subroutine match_secondary(jfrag,isecstr,nsec_match,nsec_nomatch,
305      &  avesig,ib,iprot,lprn)
306 c This subroutine compares the secondary structure (isecstr) of fragment jfrag 
307 c conformation considered to that of the reference conformation.
308 c Returns the number of equivalent residues (nsec_match).
309       implicit none
310       include 'DIMENSIONS'
311       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
312       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
313       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
314       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
315       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
316       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
317       logical lprn
318       integer isecstr(maxres)
319       integer i,j,j1,k,jc,jc1,jfrag,nsec_match,nsec_nomatch,ib,iprot,
320      &  npart,nsig
321       double precision sumsig,sumsigs1,sumsigs2,avesig,signature,sig,
322      &  strand_signature
323       external signature,strand_signature
324       npart = npiece(jfrag,1,ib,iprot)
325       nsec_match=0
326       nsec_nomatch=0
327       if (lprn) then
328         write (iout,*) "match_secondary jfrag",jfrag," ifrag",
329      &        (ifrag(1,i,jfrag,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,i,jfrag,ib,iprot),
330      &        i=1,npart)
331         write (iout,'(80i1)') (isec_ref(j,iprot),j=1,nres)
332         write (iout,'(80i1)') (isecstr(j),j=1,nres)
333       endif
334       do i=1,npart
335         do j=ifrag(1,i,jfrag,ib,iprot),ifrag(2,i,jfrag,ib,iprot)
336 c The residue has equivalent conformational state to that of the reference
337 c structure, if:
338 c  a) the conformational states are equal or
339 c  b) the reference state is a coil and that of the conformation considered 
340 c     is a strand or
341 c  c) the conformational state of the conformation considered is a strand
342 c     and that of the reference conformation is a coil.
343 c 10/28/02 - case (b) deleted.
344           if (isecstr(j).eq.isec_ref(j,iprot) .or. 
345 c     &        isecstr(j).eq.0 .and. isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.1 .or.
346      &        isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.0 .and. isecstr(j).eq.1) 
347      &      nsec_match=nsec_match+1 
348 c 8/12/05 Unmatched secondary structure
349           if (isecstr(j).eq.1 .and. isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.2 .or.
350      &        isecstr(j).eq.2 .and. 
351      &        (isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.0 .or. isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.1)
352      &        .or. isecstr(j).eq.3 .and. isec_ref(j,iprot).ne.3)
353      &       nsec_nomatch = nsec_nomatch+1
354         enddo
355       enddo
356       avesig=strand_signature(jfrag,ib,iprot,lprn)
357       return
358       end
359 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
360       double precision function strand_signature(jfrag,ib,iprot,lprn)
361 c This subroutine compares the secondary structure (isecstr) of fragment jfrag 
362 c conformation considered to that of the reference conformation.
363 c Returns the number of equivalent residues (nsec_match).
364       implicit none
365       include 'DIMENSIONS'
366       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
367       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
368       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
369       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
370       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
371       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
372       logical lprn
373       integer isecstr(maxres)
374       integer i,j,j1,k,jc,jc1,jfrag,nsec_match,nsec_nomatch,ib,iprot,
375      &  npart,nsig
376       double precision sumsig,sumsigs1,sumsigs2,avesig,signature,sig
377       external signature
378 c 12/15/07 Compute signature for beta structure
379       nsig=0
380       sumsig=0.0d0
381       sumsigs1=0.0d0
382       sumsigs2=0.0d0
383       npart = npiece(jfrag,1,ib,iprot)
384       do i=1,npart
385         do j=ifrag(1,i,jfrag,ib,iprot)+1,ifrag(2,i,jfrag,ib,iprot)-1
386           if (isec_ref(j,iprot).eq.1) then
387             do k=1,ncont_pept_near(j,ib,iprot)
388               jc=icont_pept_near(k,j,ib,iprot)
389               call find_dir(j,jc,j1,jc1,ib,iprot)
390               sig=signature(j,jc,j1,jc1,.false.)
391               sumsig=sumsig+sig*sig_ref(k,j,ib,iprot)
392               sumsigs1=sumsigs1+sig_ref(k,j,ib,iprot)**2
393               sumsigs2=sumsigs2+sig*sig
394               nsig=nsig+1
395               if (lprn) then
396                 write (iout,*) "j",j," jc",jc," j1",j1," jc1",jc1,
397      &           " isec_ref",isec_ref(j,iprot)," sig",sig,
398      &           " sig_ref",sig_ref(k,j,ib,iprot)," sumsig",sumsig,
399      &           " nsig",nsig
400               endif
401             enddo
402           endif
403         enddo
404       enddo
405       if (nsig.gt.0) then
406         avesig=sumsig/dsqrt(sumsigs1*sumsigs2)
407       else
408         avesig=1.0d0
409       endif
410       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "avesig",avesig
411       strand_signature=avesig
412       return
413       end
414 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
415       double precision function signature(j,jc,j1,jc1,lprn)
416       implicit none
417       include 'DIMENSIONS'
418       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
419       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
420       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
421       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
422       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
423       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
424       integer j,j1,jc,jc1,k
425       double precision u(3),v(3),w(3),z(3),unorm,vnorm,znorm
426       double precision scalar
427       external scalar
428       logical lprn
429 c
430 c This function computes the signature of a residue involved in a beta-sheet;
431 c the signature is defined as the scalar product of a vector normal to the
432 c beta-sheet surface at contact beteen residues j and jc and the unit vector
433 c of the bisector of the CA(j-1)-CA(j)-CA(j+1) angle. 
434 c
435 c A.Liwo 12/15/07
436 c
437 c Compute the unit vectors CA(j)-CA(jc) (u) and CA(j-1)-CA(j+1) (v)
438 c
439       do k=1,3
440         u(k)=c(k,j1)+c(k,j+1)-c(k,jc1)-c(k,jc+1)
441 c        u(k)=c(k,j)+c(k,j+1)-c(k,jc)-c(k,jc+1)
442         v(k)=c(k,j+1)-c(k,j-1)
443       enddo
444       unorm=dsqrt(scalar(u,u))
445       vnorm=dsqrt(scalar(v,v))
446       do k=1,3
447         u(k)=u(k)/unorm
448         v(k)=v(k)/vnorm
449       enddo
450       if (lprn) then
451         write (iout,*) "vector u",(u(k),k=1,3)
452         write (iout,*) "vector v",(v(k),k=1,3)
453       endif
454 c
455 c Compute the normal vector to the beta-sheet at residue j (defined as the
456 c vector product of u and v).
457 c
458       call vecpr(u,v,w)
459       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "vector w",(w(k),k=1,3)
460 c
461 c Compute the unit vector of the CA(j-1)-CA(j)-CA(j+1) bisector (z).
462 c
463       do k=1,3
464         u(k)=c(k,j-1)-c(k,j)
465         v(k)=c(k,j+1)-c(k,j)
466       enddo
467       unorm=dsqrt(scalar(u,u))
468       vnorm=scalar(v,v)
469       do k=1,3
470         u(k)=u(k)/unorm
471         v(k)=v(k)/vnorm
472         z(k)=u(k)+v(k)
473       enddo
474       znorm=dsqrt(scalar(z,z))
475       do k=1,3
476         z(k)=z(k)/znorm
477       enddo
478       if (lprn) write (iout,*) "vector z",(z(k),k=1,3)
479 c
480 c Compute the signature
481 c
482       signature=scalar(w,z)
483       return
484       end
485 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
486       subroutine find_dir(j,jc,j1,jc1,ib,iprot)
487       implicit none
488       include 'DIMENSIONS'
489       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
490       include 'DIMENSIONS.COMPAR'
491       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
492       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
493       include 'COMMON.PEPTCONT'
494       include 'COMMON.COMPAR'
495       integer j,j1,jc,jc1,l,ib,iprot
496       double precision u(3),v(3),w(3),z(3),unorm,vnorm,znorm
497       double precision scalar
498       external scalar
499       logical lprn
500       j1=j
501       jc1=jc 
502       do l=1,ncont_pept_near(j-1,ib,iprot)
503         if (icont_pept_near(l,j-1,ib,iprot).eq.jc-1) then
504           j1=j-1
505           jc1=jc-1
506           return
507         else if (icont_pept_near(l,j-1,ib,iprot).eq.jc+1) then
508           j1=j-1
509           jc1=jc+2
510           return
511         endif
512       enddo
513       return
514       end