[unres.git] / init_md.f
1 c---------------------------------------------------------
2       subroutine init_MD
3 c  Set up the initial conditions of a MD simulation
4       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
5       include 'DIMENSIONS'
6 #ifdef MP
7       include 'mpif.h'
8       character*16 form
9       integer IERROR,ERRCODE
10 #endif
11       include 'COMMON.SETUP'
12       include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
13       include 'COMMON.VAR'
14       include 'COMMON.MD'
15 #ifndef LANG0
16       include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN'
17 #else
18       include 'COMMON.LANGEVIN.lang0'
19 #endif
20       include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
21       include 'COMMON.DERIV'
22       include 'COMMON.GEO'
23       include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
24       include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
25       include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
26       include 'COMMON.NAMES'
27       include 'COMMON.REMD'
28       real*8 energia_long(0:n_ene),
29      &  energia_short(0:n_ene),vcm(3),incr(3)
30       double precision cm(3),L(3),xv,sigv,lowb,highb
31       double precision varia(maxvar)
32       character*256 qstr
33       integer ilen
34       external ilen
35       character*50 tytul
36       logical file_exist
37       common /gucio/ cm
38       d_time0=d_time
39 c      write(iout,*) "d_time", d_time
40 c Compute the standard deviations of stochastic forces for Langevin dynamics
41 c if the friction coefficients do not depend on surface area
42       if (lang.gt.0 .and. .not.surfarea) then
43         do i=nnt,nct-1
44           stdforcp(i)=stdfp*dsqrt(gamp)
45         enddo
46         do i=nnt,nct
47           stdforcsc(i)=stdfsc(itype(i))*dsqrt(gamsc(itype(i)))
48         enddo
49       endif
50 c Open the pdb file for snapshotshots
51 #ifdef MPI
52       if(mdpdb) then
53         if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0) 
54      &    call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//"_MD"//
55      &      liczba(:ilen(liczba))//".pdb")
56         open(ipdb,
57      &  file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_MD"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
58      &  //".pdb")
59       else
60 #ifdef NOXDR
61         if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0 .and. (me.eq.king .or. .not.traj1file)) 
62      &    call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//"_MD"//
63      &      liczba(:ilen(liczba))//".x")
64         cartname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_MD"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
65      &  //".x"
66 #else
67         if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0 .and. (me.eq.king .or. .not.traj1file)) 
68      &    call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//"_MD"//
69      &      liczba(:ilen(liczba))//".cx")
70         cartname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_MD"//liczba(:ilen(liczba))
71      &  //".cx"
72 #endif
73       endif
74 #else
75       if(mdpdb) then
76          if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0) 
77      &     call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//"_MD.pdb")
78          open(ipdb,file=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_MD.pdb")
79       else
80          if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0) 
81      &     call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//"_MD.cx")
82          cartname=prefix(:ilen(prefix))//"_MD.cx"
83       endif
84 #endif
85       if (usampl) then
86         write (qstr,'(256(1h ))')
87         ipos=1
88         do i=1,nfrag
89           iq = qinfrag(i,iset)*10
90           iw = wfrag(i,iset)/100
91           if (iw.gt.0) then
92             if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
93      &       write (iout,*) "Frag",qinfrag(i,iset),wfrag(i,iset),iq,iw
94             write (qstr(ipos:ipos+6),'(2h_f,i1,1h_,i1,1h_,i1)') i,iq,iw
95             ipos=ipos+7
96           endif
97         enddo
98         do i=1,npair
99           iq = qinpair(i,iset)*10
100           iw = wpair(i,iset)/100
101           if (iw.gt.0) then
102             if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
103      &       write (iout,*) "Pair",i,qinpair(i,iset),wpair(i,iset),iq,iw
104             write (qstr(ipos:ipos+6),'(2h_p,i1,1h_,i1,1h_,i1)') i,iq,iw
105             ipos=ipos+7
106           endif
107         enddo
108 c        pdbname=pdbname(:ilen(pdbname)-4)//qstr(:ipos-1)//'.pdb'
109 #ifdef NOXDR
110 c        cartname=cartname(:ilen(cartname)-2)//qstr(:ipos-1)//'.x'
111 #else
112 c        cartname=cartname(:ilen(cartname)-3)//qstr(:ipos-1)//'.cx'
113 #endif
114 c        statname=statname(:ilen(statname)-5)//qstr(:ipos-1)//'.stat'
115       endif
116       icg=1
117       if (rest) then
118        if (restart1file) then
119          if (me.eq.king)
120      &     inquire(file=mremd_rst_name,exist=file_exist)
121            write (*,*) me," Before broadcast: file_exist",file_exist
122          call MPI_Bcast(file_exist,1,MPI_LOGICAL,king,CG_COMM,
123      &          IERR)
124          write (*,*) me," After broadcast: file_exist",file_exist
125 c        inquire(file=mremd_rst_name,exist=file_exist)
126         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
127      &   write(iout,*) "Initial state read by master and distributed"
128        else
129          if (ilen(tmpdir).gt.0)
130      &     call copy_to_tmp(pref_orig(:ilen(pref_orig))//'_'
131      &      //liczba(:ilen(liczba))//'.rst')
132         inquire(file=rest2name,exist=file_exist)
133        endif
134        if(file_exist) then
135          if(.not.restart1file) then
136            if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
137      &      write(iout,*) "Initial state will be read from file ",
138      &      rest2name(:ilen(rest2name))
139            call readrst
140          endif  
141          call rescale_weights(t_bath)
142        else
143         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
144          if (restart1file) then
145           write(iout,*) "File ",mremd_rst_name(:ilen(mremd_rst_name)),
146      &       " does not exist"
147          else
148           write(iout,*) "File ",rest2name(:ilen(rest2name)),
149      &       " does not exist"
150          endif
151          write(iout,*) "Initial velocities randomly generated"
152         endif
153         call random_vel
154         totT=0.0d0
155        endif
156       else
157 c Generate initial velocities
158         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
159      &   write(iout,*) "Initial velocities randomly generated"
160         call random_vel
161         totT=0.0d0
162       endif
163 c      rest2name = prefix(:ilen(prefix))//'.rst'
164       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
165        write (iout,*) "Initial velocities"
166        do i=0,nres
167          write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(d_t(j,i),j=1,3),
168      &   (d_t(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
169        enddo                     
170 c  Zeroing the total angular momentum of the system
171        write(iout,*) "Calling the zero-angular 
172      & momentum subroutine"
173       endif
174       call inertia_tensor  
175 c  Getting the potential energy and forces and velocities and accelerations
176       call vcm_vel(vcm)
177 c      write (iout,*) "velocity of the center of the mass:"
178 c      write (iout,*) (vcm(j),j=1,3)
179       do j=1,3
180         d_t(j,0)=d_t(j,0)-vcm(j)
181       enddo
182 c Removing the velocity of the center of mass
183       call vcm_vel(vcm)
184       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
185        write (iout,*) "vcm right after adjustment:"
186        write (iout,*) (vcm(j),j=1,3) 
187       endif
188       if (.not.rest) then               
189          call chainbuild
190          if(iranconf.ne.0) then
191           if (overlapsc) then 
192            print *, 'Calling OVERLAP_SC'
193            call overlap_sc(fail)
194           endif 
196           if (searchsc) then 
197            call sc_move(2,nres-1,10,1d10,nft_sc,etot)
198            print *,'SC_move',nft_sc,etot
199            if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
200      &      write(iout,*) 'SC_move',nft_sc,etot
201           endif 
203           if(dccart)then
204            print *, 'Calling MINIM_DC'
205            call minim_dc(etot,iretcode,nfun)
206           else
207            call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
208            print *,'Calling MINIMIZE.'
209            call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
210            call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
211           endif
212           if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
213      &       write(iout,*) 'SUMSL return code is',iretcode,' eval ',nfun
214          endif
215       endif       
216       call chainbuild_cart
217       call kinetic(EK)
218       if (tbf) then
219         call verlet_bath(EK)
220       endif       
221       kinetic_T=2.0d0/(dimen3*Rb)*EK
222       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then
223        call cartprint
224        call intout
225       endif
226 #ifdef MPI
227       tt0=MPI_Wtime()
228 #else
229       tt0=tcpu()
230 #endif
231       call zerograd
232       call etotal(potEcomp)
233 #ifdef TIMING_ENE
234 #ifdef MPI
235       t_etotal=t_etotal+MPI_Wtime()-tt0
236 #else
237       t_etotal=t_etotal+tcpu()-tt0
238 #endif
239 #endif
240       potE=potEcomp(0)
241       call cartgrad
242       call lagrangian
243       call max_accel
244       if (amax*d_time .gt. dvmax) then
245         d_time=d_time*dvmax/amax
246         if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file) write (iout,*) 
247      &   "Time step reduced to",d_time,
248      &   " because of too large initial acceleration."
249       endif
250       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)then 
251        write(iout,*) "Potential energy and its components"
252        call enerprint(potEcomp)
253 c       write(iout,*) (potEcomp(i),i=0,n_ene)
254       endif
255       potE=potEcomp(0)-potEcomp(20)
256       totE=EK+potE
257       itime=0
258       if (ntwe.ne.0) call statout(itime)
259       if(me.eq.king.or..not.out1file)
260      &  write (iout,'(/a/3(a25,1pe14.5/))') "Initial:",
261      &   " Kinetic energy",EK," potential energy",potE, 
262      &   " total energy",totE," maximum acceleration ",
263      &   amax
264       if (large) then
265         write (iout,*) "Initial coordinates"
266         do i=1,nres
267           write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(c(j,i),j=1,3),
268      &    (c(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
269         enddo
270         write (iout,*) "Initial dC"
271         do i=0,nres
272           write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(dc(j,i),j=1,3),
273      &    (dc(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
274         enddo
275         write (iout,*) "Initial velocities"
276         write (iout,"(13x,' backbone ',23x,' side chain')")
277         do i=0,nres
278           write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(d_t(j,i),j=1,3),
279      &    (d_t(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
280         enddo
281         write (iout,*) "Initial accelerations"
282         do i=0,nres
283 c          write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(d_a(j,i),j=1,3),
284           write (iout,'(i3,3f15.10,3x,3f15.10)') i,(d_a(j,i),j=1,3),
285      &    (d_a(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
286         enddo
287       endif
288       do i=0,2*nres
289         do j=1,3
290           dc_old(j,i)=dc(j,i)
291           d_t_old(j,i)=d_t(j,i)
292           d_a_old(j,i)=d_a(j,i)
293         enddo
294 c        write (iout,*) "dc_old",i,(dc_old(j,i),j=1,3)
295       enddo 
296       if (RESPA) then
297 #ifdef MPI
298       tt0 =MPI_Wtime()
299 #else
300       tt0 = tcpu()
301 #endif
302         call zerograd
303         call etotal_short(energia_short)
304 #ifdef TIMING_ENE
305 #ifdef MPI
306         t_eshort=t_eshort+MPI_Wtime()-tt0
307 #else
308         t_eshort=t_eshort+tcpu()-tt0
309 #endif
310 #endif
311         call cartgrad
312         call lagrangian
313         if(.not.out1file .and. large) then
314           write (iout,*) "energia_long",energia_long(0),
315      &     " energia_short",energia_short(0),
316      &     " total",energia_long(0)+energia_short(0)
317           write (iout,*) "Initial fast-force accelerations"
318           do i=0,nres
319             write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(d_a(j,i),j=1,3),
320      &      (d_a(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
321           enddo
322         endif
323 C 7/2/2009 Copy accelerations due to short-lange forces to an auxiliary array
324         do i=0,2*nres
325           do j=1,3
326             d_a_short(j,i)=d_a(j,i)
327           enddo
328         enddo
329 #ifdef MPI
330         tt0=MPI_Wtime()
331 #else
332         tt0=tcpu()
333 #endif
334         call zerograd
335         call etotal_long(energia_long)
336 #ifdef TIMING_ENE
337 #ifdef MPI
338         t_elong=t_elong+MPI_Wtime()-tt0
339 #else
340         t_elong=t_elong+tcpu()-tt0
341 #endif
342 #endif
343         call cartgrad
344         call lagrangian
345         if(.not.out1file .and. large) then
346           write (iout,*) "energia_long",energia_long(0)
347           write (iout,*) "Initial slow-force accelerations"
348           do i=0,nres
349             write (iout,'(i3,3f10.5,3x,3f10.5)') i,(d_a(j,i),j=1,3),
350      &      (d_a(j,i+nres),j=1,3)
351           enddo
352         endif
353 #ifdef MPI
354         t_enegrad=t_enegrad+MPI_Wtime()-tt0
355 #else
356         t_enegrad=t_enegrad+tcpu()-tt0
357 #endif
358       endif
359       return
360       end