[unres.git] / dfp.f
1       subroutine dfp(inp,iout,nfile,nsave,maxit,tolx,tolg,tolrec,qua,   
2      1               rest,iest,lint,n,*)
3 c                                  
4 c this subroutine performs minimization of a certain objective function,
5 c f, by the davidon-fletcher-powell method. diagonal and upper-diagonal 
6 c elements of the matrix v are stored in the vector v. linesearch is    
7 c included in the subroutine dirmin. the variables are converted into   
8 c their working form (vector x), and vice-versa by the subroutine convrt
9 c calculation terminates normally if both tests on delta(x) and delta(g)
10 c are satisfied. maximum number of cycles is maxit.
11 c
12 c ************** written by a.liwo, institute of chemistry
13 c **************                    university of gdansk
14 c **************                    ul.sobieskiego 18
15 c **************                    80952 gdansk, poland
16 c
17 c ************** first r-32 version (fortran iv):   august 1986
18 c ************** ibm pc adaptation  (fortran 77):   may 1988
19 c ************** unix version       (fortran 77):   november 1990
21       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
22       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
23       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
24       parameter (maxvdim=maxdim*(maxdim+1)/2)
25       logical fail,init,qua,rest,lint                                   
26       common/bigmat/ v(maxvdim),s(maxdim),x(maxdim),y(maxdim),d(maxdim),
27      1               vy(maxdim),g(maxdim)
28       common /dirit/ nprint             
30       print *,"DFP n",n
31       call convrt(n,x,.true.)                                           
32       nvdim=n*(n+1)/2                                                   
33       isave=nsave                                                       
34       kkk=1                                                             
35       if (.not.rest) goto 20
37       print *,'reading restart information from the restart file'                                         
38       rewind nfile                                                      
39       nstep=nvdim/100
40       nstep1=nstep
41       if (nstep*100.lt.nvdim) nstep1=nstep+1    
42       read(nfile) kkk,f,dftau0
43       do 222 i=1,n
44   222 read (nfile) g(i),y(i),x(i),s(i)
45       do 111 i=1,nstep1
46       ns=(i-1)*100+1
47       ne=i*100
48       if (ne.gt.nvdim) ne=nvdim
49   111 read (nfile) (v(j),j=ns,ne)
50       endfile nfile
51       print *,'restart information has been read in'
52       if (kkk.gt.1) kk1=kkk                                             
53       goto 21                                                           
54    20 f=fun(n,x,nfun)                                                   
55       call grad(n,iest,g,x)
56       do 201 i=1,n
57   201 y(i)=g(i)                                            
58    21 n1=n+1                                                            
59       nfun=0                                                            
60       do 2 it=1,maxit                                                   
61       if (kkk.gt.1) goto 17                                             
62       kk1=2                                                             
63       ind=0                                                             
64       do 3 i=1,n                                                        
65       i1=i+1                                                            
66       ind=ind+1                                                         
67       v(ind)=1.                                                         
68       if (i1.gt.n) goto 3                                               
69       do 4 j=i1,n                                                       
70       ind=ind+1                                                         
71     4 v(ind)=0                                                          
72     3 continue                                                          
73       do 5 i=1,n                                                        
74     5 d(i)=-g(i)                                                        
75       dftau0=dirder(n,g,d)                                              
76       call dirmin(iout,iest,nfun,n,f,dftau0,d,y,x,s,fail,init,qua)      
77       if (nprint.gt.2) write (iout,1040) (i,x(i),i=1,n)                 
78       if (fail) return 1                                                
79       if (.not.init) goto 1                                             
80       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1100) it,nfun       
81       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n)       
82  1100 format (//1x,' * * * * * * * * no point remarkably lower in ene', 
83      1     'rgy can be found.'/1x,'calculation terminated in cycle',i3, 
84      2     ' after',i6,' function & gradient evaluations')              
85       call convrt(n,x,.false.)                                          
86 *     nprint=2                                                          
87       call csave(lint)                                                  
88       return                                                            
89     1 if (n.eq.1) return                                                
90       xnorm=0.0d0
91       gnorm=0.0d0
92       xmax=0.0d0
93       gmax=0.0d0
94       do 163 i=1,n                                                      
95       dxi=dabs(s(i))                                                     
96       gi=dabs(y(i))                                                      
97       if (dxi.gt.xmax) xmax=dxi                                         
98       if (gi.gt.gmax) gmax=gi                                           
99       xnorm=xnorm+dxi*dxi                                               
100   163 gnorm=gnorm+gi*gi                                                 
101       xnorm=dsqrt(xnorm/n)                                               
102       gnorm=dsqrt(gnorm/n)                                               
103       kk=1                                                              
104       if(nprint.gt.0)write(iout,1000)it,kk,xmax,xnorm,gmax,gnorm,f,nfun 
105       if (nprint.gt.2) write (iout,1070) (i,y(i),i=1,n)                 
106  1070 format (/5x,' * * * * gradients'/100(1x,i5,5x,1pe12.4/))          
107       if (nfun.lt.isave) goto 23                                        
108       call convrt (n,x,.false.)                                         
109       call psave(n,nvdim,nfun,nfile,kk,it,f,dftau0)           
110       call csave(lint)                                                  
111       isave=isave+nsave                                                 
112    23 if (xmax.gt.tolx.or.gmax.gt.tolg) goto 17                         
113       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1010) it,nfun    
114       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,y(i),i=1,n) 
115       return                                                            
116    17 do 6 kk=kk1,n1                                                    
117       do 7 k=1,n                                                        
118       gk=y(k)                                                           
119       y(k)=gk-g(k)                                                      
120     7 g(k)=gk                                                           
121       sy=0.                                                             
122       do 8 k=1,n                                                        
123     8 sy=sy+s(k)*y(k)                                                   
124       if (dabs(sy).gt.tolrec) goto 162                                   
125       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1030)
126  1030 format (//' * * * delta(x) is perpendicular to delta(g). ',       
127      1       'the program will try gradient direction * * *')           
128       goto 2                                                            
129   162 do 9 i=1,n                                                        
130       vyi=0.                                                            
131       do 10 j=1,i                                                       
132       ind=(2*n-j)*(j-1)/2+i                                             
133    10 vyi=vyi+v(ind)*y(j)                                               
134       i1=i+1                                                            
135       if (i1.gt.n) goto 9                                               
136       do 11 j=i1,n                                                      
137       ind=(2*n-i)*(i-1)/2+j                                             
138    11 vyi=vyi+v(ind)*y(j)                                               
139     9 vy(i)=vyi                                                         
140       yvy=0.                                                            
141       do 12 i=1,n                                                       
142    12 yvy=yvy+y(i)*vy(i)                                                
143       ind=0                                                             
144       do 13 i=1,n                                                       
145       si=s(i)/sy                                                        
146       vyi=vy(i)/yvy                                                     
147       do 13 j=i,n                                                       
148       ind=ind+1                                                         
149       v(ind)=v(ind)+si*s(j)-vyi*vy(j)                                   
150    13 continue                                                          
151       if (nprint.gt.4) call matout(nvdim,n)                           
152       do 18 i=1,n                                                       
153       if (v((2*n-i)*(i-1)/2+i).gt.0.) goto 18                           
154       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1080) i 
155       goto 2                                                            
156    18 continue                                                          
157  1080 format (/1x,i3,'-th diagonal element of the matrix v is negative.'
158      1      ,' restart with gradient direction follows.')               
159       do 14 i=1,n                                                       
160       di=0.                                                             
161       do 15 j=1,i                                                       
162       ind=(2*n-j)*(j-1)/2+i                                             
163    15 di=di-v(ind)*g(j)                                                 
164       i1=i+1                                                            
165       if (i1.gt.n) goto 14                                              
166       do 16 j=i1,n                                                      
167       ind=(2*n-i)*(i-1)/2+j                                             
168    16 di=di-v(ind)*g(j)                                                 
169    14 d(i)=di                                                           
170       dftau0=dirder(n,g,d)
171       do 202 i=1,n
172   202 y(i)=g(i)
173       call dirmin(iout,iest,nfun,n,f,dftau0,d,y,x,s,fail,init,qua)      
174       if (fail) return 1                                                
175       if (.not.init) goto 19                                            
176       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1110) 
177  1110 format (/1x,'energy from dirmin differs but slightly from the'    
178      1 ,' initial value. restart with gradient direction follows.')     
179       goto 2                                                            
180    19 xnorm=0.0d0
181       gnorm=0.0d0
182       xmax=0.0d0
183       gmax=0.0d0
184       do 161 i=1,n                                                      
185       dxi=dabs(s(i))                                                     
186       gi=dabs(y(i))                                                      
187       if (xmax.lt.dxi) xmax=dxi                                         
188       if (gmax.lt.gi) gmax=gi                                           
189       xnorm=xnorm+dxi*dxi                                               
190   161 gnorm=gnorm+gi*gi                                                 
191       xnorm=dsqrt(xnorm/n)                                               
192       gnorm=dsqrt(gnorm/n)                                               
193       if (nprint.gt.0) write (iout,1000) it,kk,xmax,xnorm,gmax,gnorm,f, 
194      1                                   nfun                           
195       if (nprint.gt.2) write (iout,1040) (i,x(i),i=1,n)                 
196  1040 format (/1x,' * * * * parameters:'/100(1x,i5,5x,1pe14.6/))         
197       if (nprint.gt.2) write (iout,1070) (i,y(i),i=1,n)                 
198  1000 format (/1x,'iteration:',i4,' direction:',i4,'  max. element of ',
199      1 'delta(x): ',1pe14.6,' rms of delta(x): ',1pe14.6/' maximum ',   
200      2 'element of gradient: ',1pe14.6,' rms of gradient: ',1pe14.6,    
201      3 ' energy: ',1pe14.6,' fun. eval:',i6)                            
202 c                                                                       
203       if (nfun.lt.isave) goto 22                                        
204       call convrt(n,x,.false.)                                          
205       call psave(n,nvdim,nfun,nfile,kk,it,f,dftau0)           
206       call csave(lint)                                                  
207       isave=isave+nsave                                                 
208    22 if (xmax.gt.tolx.or.gmax.gt.tolg) goto 6                          
209       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1010) it,nfun  
210       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,y(i),i=1,n)
211       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1111) 
212  1111 format (//11x,'matrix v')                                         
213       if (nprint.gt.-1) call matout(nvdim,n)  
214  1010 format (//1x,'* * * * * * convergence has been achieved in ',     
215      1 'cycle',i4,' after',i6,' function & gradient evaluations')       
216       call convrt(n,x,.false.)                                          
217 *     nprint=2                                                          
218       call csave(lint)                                                  
219       return                                                            
220     6 continue                                                          
221     2 kkk=1                                                             
222 c if this point is reached, convergence hasn't been achieved.           
223       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1020) maxit,nfun 
224       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,y(i),i=1,n)  
225       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1111)
226       if (nprint.gt.-1) call matout(nvdim,n)      
227       call convrt(n,x,.false.)                                          
228 *     nprint=2                                                          
229       call csave(lint)                                                  
230  1020 format (//1x,' * * * * * * * convergence has not been achieved',  
231      1 ' * * * * * * * '/1x,'number of cycles done:',i3,' number of ',  
232      2 'function & gradient evaluations:',i6)                           
233       return                                                            
234       end
235 *******************************************************************************
236       subroutine grad(n,iest,g,x)                                       
237       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
238       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
239       dimension g(max_paropt),x(max_paropt)
240       integer uiparm,nf,iest
241       external fdum
242       double precision obg(max_paropt)
243       call targetgrad(n,x,nf,g,uiparm,obg,fdum)
244       return                                                            
245       end
246 *******************************************************************************
247       subroutine dirmin(iout,iest,nfun,n,f,dftau0,d,g,x,s,fail,init,qua)
248       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
249       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
250       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
251       logical fail,init,qua,weiter                                      
252       common /dirit/ nprint,maxexp,maxlin,maxd,expand,tolqu,dermin,amov,
253      1               xmin                                               
254       dimension x(n),s(n),d(n),g(n),z(maxdim),h(maxdim)
255 *     write (2,*) 'dirmin has been called'                      
256       fail=.false.                                                      
257       init=.true.                                                       
258       weiter=.false.                                                    
259       amx=dabs(d(1))                                                     
260       do 22 i=2,n                                                       
261       pom=dabs(d(i))                                                     
262       if (pom.gt.amx) amx=pom                                           
263    22 continue                                                          
264       tau=dmin1(1.0d0,amov/amx)                                            
265       do 1 i=1,n                                                        
266       s(i)=x(i)                                                         
267       h(i)=g(i)                                                         
268     1 z(i)=x(i)  
269 *     write (2,'(2hh:/(i3,1pe15.5))' ) (i,h(i),i=1,n)
270       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1020) dftau0                         
271       do 2 ilin=1,maxlin                                                
272 *     write (2,'(2hh:/(i3,1pe15.5))' ) (i,h(i),i=1,n)
273       if (weiter) goto 10                                               
274       do 3 id=1,maxd                                                    
275       do 4 iexp=1,maxexp                                                
276       do 5 i=1,n                                                        
277     5 x(i)=s(i)+tau*d(i)                                                
278       f1=fun(n,x,nfun)                                                  
279       call grad(n,iest,g,x)                                             
280       dftau=dirder(n,g,d)                                               
281       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1000) ilin,tau,iexp,f1,f,dftau       
282  1000 format (1x,'dirmin iter: ',i4,' tau=',1pe12.4,                    
283      1 '  contr. step:',i4/' actual f value: ',1pe14.6,' old value: ',  
284      2 1pe14.6,' derivative: ',1pe14.6)                                 
285       if (nprint.gt.4) write (iout,1080) (i,x(i),i=1,n)                 
286       if (nprint.gt.5) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n)                 
287       if (dabs(f1-f).gt.tolqu.and.amx*tau.ge.xmin) goto 21               
288       if (f1.lt.f) goto 14                                              
289       do 24 i=1,n                                                       
290       x(i)=s(i)                                                         
291       g(i)=h(i)                                                         
292    24 s(i)=x(i)-z(i)                                                    
293       return                                                            
294    21 if (f1.lt.f.or.dftau.gt.0.) goto 6                                
295     4 tau=tau/expand                                                    
296       if (nprint.gt.-1) write(iout,1010) f  
297       do 25 i=1,n                                                       
298       g(i)=h(i)                                                         
299    25 x(i)=s(i)                                                         
300       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n)
301       fail=.true.                                                       
302       return                                                            
303  1010 format (//' * * * * * dirmin failed. least function value is: ',  
304      1        1pe14.6,' * * * * *')                                     
305  1080 format (/' * * * * parameters:'/100(1x,i5,5x,1pe14.6/))           
306  1070 format (/' * * * * gradients:'/100(1x,i5,5x,1pe14.6/))            
307  1020 format (/1x,'initial value of directional derivative: ',1pe14.6)  
308     6 if (dftau.gt.0.) goto 10                                          
309       init=.false.                                                      
310       if (dabs(dftau/amx).le.dermin) goto 14                             
311       dftau0=dftau                                                      
312       do 9 i=1,n                                                        
313       h(i)=g(i)                                                         
314     9 s(i)=x(i)                                                         
315       tau=tau*expand                                                    
316       f=f1                                                              
317     3 continue                                                          
318       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1030)   
319  1030 format (//1x,' * * * * * error in dirmin. positive directional ', 
320      1  'derivative cannot be found * * * * *')                         
321       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n) 
322       fail=.true.                                                       
323       return                                                            
324    10 term=f1-f-dftau0*tau                                              
325       if (qua.or.dabs(dftau0/amx).lt.0.01.and.dabs(dftau/amx).lt.0.01)    
326      1 goto 30                                                          
327       difd=tau*(dftau-dftau0)                                           
328       tt=tau*tau                                                        
329       ttt=tt*tau                                                        
330       aa=(tau*difd-2.*term)/ttt                                         
331       if (aa.eq.0.) goto 30                                             
332       bb=(3.*term-difd)/tt                                              
333       delta=4.*bb*bb-12.*aa*dftau0                                      
334       if (delta.lt.0.) goto 30                                          
335       delta=dsqrt(delta)                                                 
336       tau1=(-2.*bb-delta)/(6.*aa)                                       
337       tau2=(-2.*bb+delta)/(6.*aa)                                       
338       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1113) ilin,tau1,tau2                 
339  1113 format (/1x,'dirmin iter.:',i3,' cubic interpolation',            
340      1 '  tau1=',1pe12.4,'  tau2= ',1pe12.4)                            
341       if (tau1.gt.0.0d0.and.tau1.le.tau) goto 16                           
342       if (tau2.le.0.0d0.or.tau2.gt.tau) goto 30                            
343       tau1=tau2                                                         
344       goto 16                                                           
345    30 tau1=-dftau0*tau*tau/(2.*term)                                    
346       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1040) ilin,tau1                      
347       if (tau1.lt.tau.and.tau1.gt.0.) goto 16                           
348       if (dabs(amx*tau1).lt.xmin) goto 145                               
349       weiter=.false.                                                    
350       tau=tau/expand                                                    
351       if (f1.gt.f) goto 2                                               
352       do 17 i=1,n                                                       
353       s(i)=x(i)                                                         
354       h(i)=g(i)                                                         
355    17 d(i)=-d(i)                                                        
356       f=f1                                                              
357       dftau0=-dftau                                                     
358       goto 2                                                            
359  1040 format (/1x,'dirmin iteration:',i4,' tau after quadr. interpo',   
360      1   'lation: ',1pe12.4)                                            
361    16 do 11 i=1,n                                                       
362    11 x(i)=s(i)+tau1*d(i)                                               
363       if (nprint.gt.4) write (iout,1080) (i,x(i),i=1,n)                 
364       if (nprint.gt.5) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n)                 
365       f2=fun(n,x,nfun)                                                  
366       call grad(n,iest,g,x)                                             
367       dftau1=dirder(n,g,d)                                              
368       dftn=dabs(dftau1/amx)                                              
369       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1112) f2,dftau1                      
370  1112 format (1x,'function value: ',1pe14.6,' derivative: ',1pe14.6)    
371       if (f2.lt.f.or.dftau1.gt.0.) goto 20                              
372       if (dabs(f2-f).gt.tolqu.and.dabs(amx*tau1).gt.xmin.and.dftn.ge.     
373      1 dermin) goto 27                                                  
374       do 28 i=1,n                                                       
375       x(i)=s(i)                                                         
376       g(i)=h(i)                                                         
377    28 s(i)=x(i)-z(i)                                                    
378       goto 18                                                           
379    27 weiter=.false.                                                    
380       tau=tau1/expand                                                   
381       goto 2                                                            
382    20 weiter=.true.                                                     
383       if (f2.lt.f) init=.false.                                         
384       if (f2.lt.f) goto 26                                              
385       if (dabs(f2-f).gt.tolqu.and.dabs(amx*tau1).ge.xmin.and.dftn.ge.     
386      1 dermin) goto 31                                                  
387       do 32 i=1,n                                                       
388       x(i)=s(i)                                                         
389       s(i)=x(i)-z(i)                                                    
390    32 g(i)=h(i)                                                         
391       goto 18                                                           
392    31 f1=f2                                                             
393       dftau=dftau1                                                      
394       tau=tau1                                                          
395       goto 2                                                            
396    26 taudf=tau1*dftau1                                                 
397       if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1111) taudf                          
398  1111 format (/1x,'difference: ',1pe10.2)                               
399       if (dabs(taudf).lt.tolqu.or.dftn.lt.dermin) goto 144               
400       if (dftau1.lt.0.) goto 13                                         
401       do 12 i=1,n                                                       
402       d(i)=-d(i)                                                        
403       h(i)=g(i)                                                         
404    12 s(i)=x(i)                                                         
405       dftau=-dftau0                                                     
406       dftau0=-dftau1                                                    
407       f1=f                                                              
408       f=f2                                                              
409       tau=tau1                                                          
410       goto 2                                                            
411    13 continue                                                          
412       do 19 i=1,n                                                       
413       h(i)=g(i)                                                         
414    19 s(i)=x(i)                                                         
415       dftau0=dftau1                                                     
416       f=f2                                                              
417       tau=tau-tau1                                                      
418     2 continue                                                          
419       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1050)     
420  1050 format (//1x,' * * * * nonconvergence in dirmin, calculation ',   
421      1 'terminated. * * * *')                                           
422       fail=.true.                                                       
423       if (nprint.gt.-1) write (iout,1070) (i,g(i),i=1,n)    
424       return                                                            
425   144 f=f2                                                              
426       goto 145                                                          
427    14 f=f1                                                              
428   145 do 15 i=1,n                                                       
429    15 s(i)=x(i)-z(i)                                                    
430    18 if (nprint.gt.1) write (iout,1060) ilin                           
431  1060 format (/1x,'dirmin converged in',i3,' iterations')               
432       return                                                            
433       end                              
434 *******************************************************************************
435       double precision function dirder(n,g,d)
436       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
437       dimension d(n),g(n)                                               
438 c calculates the directional derivative. d is the direction vector,     
439 c g - gradient vector                                                   
440       yy=0.0d0
441       do 1 i=1,n                                                        
442       yy=yy+d(i)*g(i)                                                   
443     1 continue                                                          
444       dirder=yy                                                         
445       return                                                            
446       end
447 *******************************************************************************
448       double precision function fun(n,x,nfun)
449       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
450       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
451       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
452       dimension x(max_paropt)
453       external fdum
454       integer uiparm
455       double precision f,obf
456       print *,"FUN: n=",n
457       nfun=nfun+1                                                       
458       call targetfun(n,x,nfun,f,uiparm,obf,fdum)
459       fun=f
460       return                                                            
461       end
462 *******************************************************************************
463       subroutine convrt(n,x,dir)
464       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
465       dimension x(n)
466       return
467       end
468 *******************************************************************************
469       subroutine dfpopt(inp,iout,ifirst,n,xopt)
470       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
471 c                                         
472 c  this subroutine reads in the iteration parameters, calls 
473 c  the minimization procedures (davejr or dfp or both of them one by 
474 c  one) and writes the final coordinates to file ares.xyz.                                               
475 c                                           
476       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
477       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
478       parameter (maxvdim=maxdim*(maxdim+1)/2)
479       common/bigmat/ v(maxvdim),s(maxdim),x(maxdim),y(maxdim),d(maxdim),
480      1               vy(maxdim),g(maxdim)
481       logical conv,qua,rest,lint                                        
482       common /dirit/ nprint,maxexp,maxlin,maxd,expand,tolqu,dermin,amov,
483      1               xmin                                               
484 c                                                                       
485       integer option,odfp,onr                                           
486       dimension xopt(maxdim)
487       data odfp /4h dfp/,onr /4h  nr/, ncu /4h cub/,nrest /4hrest/      
488       print *,'ce2 has been called'
489       print *,"DFPOPT: n",n
490 c    
491 c      if (ifirst.eq.0) goto 1                                      
492 c      read (inp,1001) option,icub,irest                                 
493 c      rest=.false.                                                      
494 c      if (irest.eq.nrest) rest=.true.                                   
495 c      qua=.true.                                                        
496 c      if (icub.eq.ncu) qua=.false.                                      
497 c      read (inp,1010) maxit,itolx,itolg,maxlin,maxexp,maxd,itolq,itolr, 
498 c     1                iderm,nprint,ixmin,nsave,nfile,iest               
499 c      read (inp,1030) expand,amov                                       
500 c      if (nsave.eq.0) nsave=10000                                       
501 c      nfile=4                                           
502 c      if (itolx.eq.0) itolx=3                                           
503 c      if (itolg.eq.0) itolg=1                                           
504 c      if (itolr.eq.0) itolr=6                                           
505 c      if (iderm.eq.0) iderm=7                                           
506 c      if (itolq.eq.0) itolq=4                                           
507 c      if (ixmin.eq.0) ixmin=5                                           
508 c      if (maxit.eq.0) maxit=5                                           
509 c      if (maxlin.eq.0) maxlin=10                                        
510 c      if (maxd.eq.0) maxd=10                                            
511 c      if (maxexp.eq.0) maxexp=10                                        
512 c      if (expand.eq.0.) expand=2.0d0
513 c      if (amov.eq.0.) amov=.25d0
514 c      tolx=10.0d0**(-itolx)                                                
515 c      tolg=10.0d0**(-itolg)                                                
516 c      xmin=10.0d0**(-ixmin)                                                
517 c      tolqu=10.0d0**(-itolq)                                               
518 c      dermin=10.0d0**(-iderm)                                              
519 c      tolrec=10.0d0**(-itolr)                                              
520 c      if (option.eq.odfp) goto 4                                        
521       do i=1,n
522         x(i)=xopt(i)
523       enddo
524       nprint=2
525       nsave=100000
526       nfile=89
527       maxit=100
528       maxlin=10
529       maxd=10
530       maxexp=10
531       expand=2.0d0
532       amov=.25d0
533       tolx=1.0d-3
534       tolg=1.0d-1
535       xmin=1.0d-5
536       tolqu=1.0d-3
537       dermin=1.0d-7
538       tolrec=1.0d-6
539       iest=0
540       qua=.false.
541       rest=.false.
543     4 write (iout,2000) maxit,tolx,tolg,maxlin,maxexp,maxd,tolqu       
544       write (iout,2002) expand,amov,xmin,dermin,tolrec                  
545       if (iest.gt.0) write (iout,2060)                                  
546       write (iout,2040) nsave,nfile                                     
547       if (rest) write (iout,2050) nfile                                 
548       if (qua) write (iout,2020)                                        
549       if (.not.qua) write (iout,2030)                  
550     1 call dfp(inp,iout,nfile,nsave,maxit,tolx,tolg,tolrec,qua,rest,    
551      1         iest,lint,n,*2)   
552       do 300 i=1,n
553   300   xopt(i)=x(i)
554       return
555     2 write (iout,2003)                                            
556       do 301 i=1,n
557   301   xopt(i)=x(i)
558  1001 format (3a4)                                                      
559  1030 format (8f10.5)                                                   
560  1010 format (14i5)                                                     
561  2000 format (//'welcome to dfp routine'//'the following ',     
562      1 'options are used:'//                                        
563      2 'maximum number of cycles:',i4/'tolerance on coordinates:',  
564      3 1pe10.2/'tolerance on gradient:',1pe10.2/                
565      4 'maximum number of iterations in linesearch:',i4/            
566      5 'maximum number of unsuccesful function evaluations:',i4/    
567      6 'maximum number of steps in positive derivative search:',i4/ 
568      7 'tolerance in linesearch:',1pe10.2)                          
569  2002 format ('expansion coefficient in linesearch:',1pe10.2/              
570      9 'maximum movement of atoms:',1pe10.2/                        
571      a 'minimum change of coordinates considered significant:',1pe10.2/ 
572      c 'minimum value of directional derivative considered different ', 
573      d 'from zero:',1pe10.2/                                        
574      e 'lower bound of the scalar product (delta(x),delta(g)):',        
575      f 1pe10.2)
576  2003 format (/'not quite succesful... perhaps you will have a '
577      1         'better time'/)
578 c                                                                       
579  2060 format (/'estimated partials used.')                          
580  2020 format (/'quadratic interpolation will be used in line',      
581      1 ' minimization')                                                 
582  2030 format (/'cubic or quadratic interpolation will be used ',    
583      1 'in line minimization')                                          
584  2040 format (/'coordinates, gradients, and matrix v will be saved',
585      1 ' appr. every',i4,' energy and gradient evaluations on file',i3) 
586  2050 format (//'restart to be done using information saved ',      
587      1 'on file',i3/)                                                   
588       return                                                            
589       end                                                               
590 *******************************************************************************
591       subroutine csave(lint)                                            
592       logical lint                                                      
593       return                                                            
594       end
595 *******************************************************************************
596       subroutine psave(n,nvdim,nfun,nfile,kk,it,f,dftau0)           
597       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
598       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
599       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
600       parameter (maxvdim=maxdim*(maxdim+1)/2)
601       logical fail,init,qua,rest,lint                                   
602       common/bigmat/ v(maxvdim),s(maxdim),x(maxdim),y(maxdim),d(maxdim),
603      1               vy(maxdim),g(maxdim)
604       common /dirit/ nprint  
605       common /restart/ restfile
606       character*16 restfile                                           
607       common inp,iout,ipn,iprint
608       rewind nfile                                                      
609       nstep=nvdim/100
610       nstep1=nstep
611       if (nstep*100.lt.nvdim) nstep1=nstep+1    
612       write (nfile) kk,f,dftau0
613       do 222 i=1,n
614   222 write (nfile) g(i),y(i),x(i),s(i)
615       do 111 i=1,nstep1
616       ns=(i-1)*100+1
617       ne=i*100
618       if (ne.gt.nvdim) ne=nvdim
619   111 write (nfile) (v(j),j=ns,ne)
620       endfile nfile
621       write (*,1010) it,nfun,f,restfile
622  1010 format (/1x,'cycle: ',i2,' energy evaluations: ',i5,' value:',
623      1 f20.10,'.'/' information for restart saved on file ',a16)
624       return
625       end
626 *******************************************************************************
627       subroutine matout(ndim,n)                                       
628       implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
629       include 'DIMENSIONS.ZSCOPT'
630       parameter (maxdim=max_paropt)
631       parameter (maxvdim=maxdim*(maxdim+1)/2)
632       logical fail,init,qua,rest,lint                                   
633       common/bigmat/ a(maxvdim),s(maxdim),x(maxdim),y(maxdim),d(maxdim),
634      1               vy(maxdim),g(maxdim)
635       character*6 line6 / '------' /
636       character*12 line12 / '------------' /
637       dimension b(8) 
638       data iout /2/                                           
639       do 1 i=1,n,6                                                      
640       nlim=min0(i+5,n)                                                  
641       write (iout,1000) (k,k=i,nlim)                                    
642       write (iout,1020) line6,(line12,k=i,nlim) 
643  1000 format (/7x,6(i7,5x))                                             
644  1020 format (a6,6a12)                                             
645       do 2 j=i,n                                                        
646       jlim=min0(j,nlim)                                                 
647       jlim1=jlim-i+1                                                    
648       do 3 k=i,jlim                                                     
649     3 b(k-i+1)=a(n*(k-1)-k*(k-1)/2+j)                                   
650       write (iout,1010) j,(b(k),k=1,jlim1)                              
651     2 continue                                                          
652     1 continue                                                          
653  1010 format (i3,3x,6(1pe11.4,1x))                                      
654       return                                                            
655       end