[unres4.git] / MCM_MD.F90
1       module mcm_md
2 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3       use io_units
4       use names
5       use math
6       use geometry_data, only: nres,nvar,rad2deg
7       use random, only: iran_num,ran_number
8       use MD_data
9       use MCM_data
10       use geometry
11       use energy
13       implicit none
14 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 ! Max. number of move types in MCM
16 !      integer,parameter :: maxmovetype=4
17 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 ! Max. number of conformations in Master's cache array
19       integer,parameter :: max_cache=10
20 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 ! Max. number of stored confs. in MC/MCM simulation
22 !      integer,parameter :: maxsave=20
23 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ! Number of threads in deformation
25       integer,parameter :: max_thread=4, max_thread2=2*max_thread    
26 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 ! Number of structures to compare at t=0
28       integer,parameter :: max_threadss=8,max_threadss2=2*max_threadss
29 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 ! Max. number of conformations in the pool
31       integer,parameter :: max_pool=10
32 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 ! commom.cache
35 !      common /cache/
36       integer :: ncache
37 !      integer,dimension(max_cache) :: CachSrc  nie używane
38 !      integer,dimension(max_cache) :: isent,iused
39 !      logical :: cache_update
40 !      real(kind=8),dimension(max_cache) :: ecache
41 !      real(kind=8),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: xcache !(maxvar,max_cache)
42 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 ! common.mce
44 !      common /mce/
45 !      real(kind=8) :: emin,emax
46       real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: entropy !(-max_ene-4:max_ene)
47       real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: nhist !(-max_ene:max_ene)
48       real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: nminima !(maxsave)
49 !      logical :: ent_read
50       logical :: multican
51       integer :: indminn,indmaxx
52 !      common /pool/
53       integer :: npool
54 !      real(kind=8) :: pool_fraction
55       real(kind=8),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: xpool !(maxvar,max_pool)
56       real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: epool !(max_pool)
57 !      common /mce_counters/
58 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 !... Following COMMON block contains variables controlling motion.
60 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 !      common /move/
62 !      real(kind=8),dimension(0:MaxMoveType) :: sumpro_type !(0:MaxMoveType)
63       real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: sumpro_bond !(0:maxres)
64       integer :: koniecl,Nbm,MaxSideMove!,nmove
65       integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: nbond_move,nbond_acc !(maxres)
66 !      integer,dimension(-1:MaxMoveType+1) :: moves,moves_acc !(-1:MaxMoveType+1)
67 !      common /accept_stats/
68 !      integer :: nacc_tot
69       integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: nacc_part !(0:MaxProcs) !el nie uzywane???
70 !      common /windows/
71 !      integer :: nwindow
72 !      integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: winstart,winend,winlen !(maxres)
73 !      common /moveID/
74 !      character(len=16),dimension(-1:MaxMoveType+1) :: MovTypID !(-1:MaxMoveType+1)
75 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 !... koniecl - the number of bonds to be considered "end bonds" subjected to
77 !...          end moves;
78 !... Nbm - The maximum length of N-bond segment to be moved;
79 !... MaxSideMove - maximum number of side chains subjected to local moves
80 !...               simultaneously;
81 !... nmove - the current number of attempted moves;
82 !... nbond_move(*) array that stores the total numbers of 2-bond,3-bond,...
83 !...            moves; 
84 !... nendmove - number of endmoves;
85 !... nbackmove - number of backbone moves;
86 !... nsidemove - number of local side chain moves;
87 !... sumpro_type(*) - array that stores the lower and upper boundary of the
88 !...                  random-number range that determines the type of move
89 !...                  (N-bond, backbone or side chain);
90 !... sumpro_bond(*) - array that stores the probabilities to perform bond
91 !...                  moves of consecutive segment length. 
92 !... winstart(*) - the starting position of the perturbation window;
93 !... winend(*) -  the end position of the perturbation window;
94 !... winlen(*) - length of the perturbation window;
95 !... nwindow - the number of perturbation windows (0 - entire chain).
96 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 !
98 !
99 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100       contains
101 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 ! compare_s1.F
103 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104       subroutine compare_s1(n_thr,num_thread_save,energyx,x,icomp,enetbss,&
105                              coordss,rms_d,modif,iprint)
107 ! This subroutine compares the new conformation, whose variables are in X
108 ! with the previously accumulated conformations whose energies and variables
109 ! are stored in ENETBSS and COORDSS, respectively. The meaning of other 
110 ! variables is as follows:
112 ! N_THR - on input the previous # of accumulated confs, on output the current
113 !         # of accumulated confs.
114 ! N_REPEAT - an array that indicates how many times the structure has already
115 !         been used to start the reversed-reversing procedure. Addition of 
116 !         a new structure replacement of a structure with a similar, but 
117 !         lower-energy structure resets the respective entry in N_REPEAT to zero
118 ! I9   -  output unit
119 ! ENERGYX,X - the energy and variables of the new conformations.
120 ! ICOMP - comparison result: 
121 !         0 - the new structure is similar to one of the previous ones and does
122 !             not have a remarkably lower energy and is therefore rejected;
123 !         1 - the new structure is different and is added to the set, because
124 !             there is still room in the COORDSS and ENETBSS arrays; 
125 !         2 - the new structure is different, but higher in energy than any 
126 !             previous one and is therefore rejected
127 !         3 - there is no more room in the COORDSS and ENETBSS arrays, but 
128 !             the new structure is lower in energy than at least the highest-
129 !             energy previous structure and therefore replaces it.
130 !         9 - the new structure is similar to a number of previous structures,
131 !             but has a remarkably lower energy than any of them; therefore
132 !             replaces all these structures;
133 ! MODIF - a logical variable that shows whether to include the new structure
134 !         in the set of accumulated structures
136 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
137       use geometry_data
138       use regularize_, only:fitsq
139 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
140 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
141 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
142 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM'
143 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
144 !el#ifdef UNRES
145 !el      use geometry_data      !include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
146 !el#endif
148       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,x1    !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
149       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obrot(3,3)
150       integer :: list(max_thread)
151       logical :: non_conv,modif
152       real(kind=8) :: enetbss(max_threadss)
153       real(kind=8) :: coordss(6*nres,max_threadss)
155 !!! local variables - el     
156       integer :: n_thr,num_thread_save,icomp,minimize_s_flag,iprint
157       real(kind=8) :: energyx,energyy,rms_d
158       integer :: nlist,k,kk,j,i,iresult
159       real(kind=8) :: enex_jp,roznica
161       nlist=0
162 #ifdef UNRES
163       call var_to_geom(nvar,x)
164       call chainbuild
165       do k=1,2*nres
166        do kk=1,3
167          cref(kk,k,1)=c(kk,k)
168        enddo
169       enddo 
170 #endif
171 !      write(iout,*)'*ene=',energyx
172       j=0
173       enex_jp=-1.0d+99
174       do i=1,n_thr
175        do k=1,nvar
176         x1(k)=coordss(k,i)
177        enddo
178        if ( then
179        write (iout,*) 'Compare_ss, i=',i
180        write (iout,*) 'New structure Energy:',energyx
181        write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*x(k),k=1,nvar)
182        write (iout,*) 'Template structure Energy:',enetbss(i)
183        write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*x1(k),k=1,nvar)
184        endif
186 #ifdef UNRES
187        call var_to_geom(nvar,x1)
188        call chainbuild
189 !d     write(iout,*)'C and CREF'
190 !d     write(iout,'(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)')(k,(c(j,k),j=1,3),
191 !d   &           (cref(j,k),j=1,3),k=1,nres)
192        call fitsq(roznica,c(1,1),cref(1,1,1),nres,przes,obrot,non_conv)
193        if (non_conv) then
194          print *,'Problems in FITSQ!!!'
195          print *,'X'
196          print '(10f8.3)',(x(k),k=1,nvar)
197          print *,'X1'
198          print '(10f8.3)',(x1(k),k=1,nvar)
199          print *,'C and CREF'
200          print '(i5,3f10.5,5x,3f10.5)',(k,(c(j,k),j=1,3),&
201                  (cref(j,k,1),j=1,3),k=1,nres)
202        endif
203        roznica=dsqrt(dabs(roznica))
204        iresult = 1
205        if ( iresult = 0 
206 #else
207        energyy=enetbss(i)
208 !el       call cmprs(x,x1,roznica,energyx,energyy,iresult)
209 #endif
210        if ( write(iout,'(i5,f10.6,$)') i,roznica
211 !       print '(i5,f8.3)',i,roznica
212        if(iresult.eq.0) then
213         nlist = nlist + 1
214         list(nlist)=i
215         if ( write(iout,*)
216         if( then
217          if ( &
218             write(iout,*)'s*>> structure rejected - same as nr ',i, &
219         ' RMS',roznica
220          minimize_s_flag=0
221          icomp=0
222          go to 1106
223         endif
224        endif
225        if(
226         j=i
227         enex_jp=enetbss(i)
228        endif
229       enddo
230       if ( write(iout,*)
231       if( then
232        if (modif) then
233          if ( &
234           write(iout,'(a,i3,$)')'s*>> structure accepted1 - repl nr ',&
235          list(1) 
236        else
237          if ( &
238           write(iout,'(a,i3)') &
239           's*>> structure accepted1 - would repl nr ',list(1) 
240        endif
241        icomp=9
242        if (.not. modif) goto 1106
243        j=list(1)
244        enetbss(j)=energyx
245        do i=1,nvar
246         coordss(i,j)=x(i)
247        enddo
248        do j=2,nlist
249         if ( write(iout,'(i3,$)')list(j)
250         do kk=list(j)+1,nlist
251          enetbss(kk-1)=enetbss(kk) 
252          do i=1,nvar
253           coordss(i,kk-1)=coordss(i,kk)
254          enddo
255        enddo
256        enddo
257        if ( write(iout,*)
258        go to 1106 
259       endif
260       if( then
261        icomp=1
262        if (modif) then
263          if ( &
264           write(iout,*)'s*>> structure accepted - add with nr ',n_thr+1
265        else 
266          if ( &
267           write(iout,*)'s*>> structure accepted - would add with nr ',&
268             n_thr+1
269          goto 1106
270        endif
271        n_thr=n_thr+1
272        enetbss(n_thr)=energyx
273        do i=1,nvar
274         coordss(i,n_thr)=x(i)
275        enddo
276       else
277        if(j.eq.0) then
278         if ( &
279          write(iout,*)'s*>> structure rejected - too high energy'
280         icomp=2
281         go to 1106
282        end if
283        icomp=3
284        if (modif) then
285          if ( &
286            write(iout,*)'s*>> structure accepted - repl nr ',j
287        else
288          if ( &
289            write(iout,*)'s*>> structure accepted - would repl nr ',j
290          goto 1106
291        endif
292        enetbss(j)=energyx
293        do i=1,nvar
294         coordss(i,j)=x(i)
295        enddo
296       end if
298 1106  continue
299       return
300       end subroutine compare_s1
301 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 ! entmcm.F
303 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
304       subroutine entmcm
306       use energy_data
307       use geometry_data
308       use MPI_data, only:WhatsUp,MyID
309       use compare_data, only: ener
310       use control_data, only: minim,refstr
311       use io_base
312       use regularize_, only:fitsq
313       use control, only: tcpu,ovrtim
314       use compare
315       use minimm, only:minimize
316 ! Does modified entropic sampling in the space of minima.
317 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
318 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
319 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
320 #ifdef MPL
321       use MPI_data      !include 'COMMON.INFO'
322 #endif
323 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
324 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
325 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
326 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
327 !      include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
328 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
329 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
330 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
331 !      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
332 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
333       logical :: accepted,not_done,over,error,lprint    !,ovrtim
334       integer :: MoveType,nbond
335 !      integer :: conf_comp
336       real(kind=8) :: RandOrPert
337       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia   !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
338       real(kind=8) :: elowest,ehighest,eold
339       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obr(3,3)
340       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varold  !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
341       logical :: non_conv
342       real(kind=8),dimension(0:n_ene) :: energia,energia_ave
344 !!! local variables -el
345       integer :: i,ii,kkk,it,j,nacc,nfun,ijunk,indmin,indmax,&
346             ISWEEP,Kwita,iretcode,indeold,iene,noverlap,&
347             irep,nstart_grow,inde
348       real(kind=8) :: facee,conste,ejunk,etot,rms,co,frac,&
349        deix,dent,sold,scur,runtime
350 !
352 !      if(.not.allocated(varsave)) allocate(varsave(maxvar,maxsave)) !(maxvar,maxsave)
353 !d    write (iout,*) 'print_mc=',print_mc
354       WhatsUp=0
355       maxtrial_iter=50
356 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 ! Initialize counters.
358 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 ! Total number of generated confs.
360       ngen=0
361 ! Total number of moves. In general this won't be equal to the number of
362 ! attempted moves, because we may want to reject some "bad" confs just by
363 ! overlap check.
364       nmove=0
365 ! Total number of shift (nbond_move(1)), spike, crankshaft, three-bond,...
366 ! motions.
367 !el      allocate(nbond_move(nres)) !(maxres)
369       do i=1,nres
370         nbond_move(i)=0
371       enddo
372 ! Initialize total and accepted number of moves of various kind.
373       do i=0,MaxMoveType
374         moves(i)=0
375         moves_acc(i)=0
376       enddo
377 ! Total number of energy evaluations.
378       neneval=0
379       nfun=0
380       indminn=-max_ene
381       indmaxx=max_ene
382       delte=0.5D0
383       facee=1.0D0/(maxacc*delte)
384       conste=dlog(facee)
385 ! Read entropy from previous simulations. 
386       if (ent_read) then
387         read (ientin,*) indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax 
388         print *,'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' emin=',emin,&
389                 ' emax=',emax
390         do i=-max_ene,max_ene
391           entropy(i)=(emin+i*delte)*betbol
392         enddo
393         read (ientin,*) (ijunk,ejunk,entropy(i),i=indminn,indmaxx)
394         indmin=indminn
395         indmax=indmaxx
396         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,&
397                        ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
398         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
399         do i=indminn,indmaxx
400           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
401         enddo
402       endif ! ent_read
403 ! Read the pool of conformations
404       call read_pool
405 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 ! Entropy-sampling simulations with continually updated entropy
407 ! Loop thru simulations
408 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
409       DO ISWEEP=1,NSWEEP
410 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 ! Take a conformation from the pool
412 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
413       if ( then
414         ii=iran_num(1,npool)
415         do i=1,nvar
416           varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
417         enddo
418         write (iout,*) 'Took conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',&
419                      epool(ii)
420         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
421 ! Print internal coordinates of the initial conformation
422         call intout
423       else
424         call gen_rand_conf(1,*20)
425       endif
426 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 ! Compute and print initial energies.
428 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
429       nsave=0
430 #ifdef MPL
431       allocate(nsave_part(nctasks))
432       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
433         do i=1,nctasks
434           nsave_part(i)=0
435         enddo
436       endif
437 #endif
438       Kwita=0
439       WhatsUp=0
440       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') 'MCE iteration #',isweep
441       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a)') 'Initial energies:'
442       call chainbuild
443       call etotal(energia)
444       etot = energia(0)
445       call enerprint(energia)
446 ! Minimize the energy of the first conformation.
447       if (minim) then
448         call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
449         call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
450         call etotal(energia)
451         etot = energia(0)
452         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a/80(1h*))') &
453           'Results of the first energy minimization:'
454         call enerprint(energia)
455       endif
456       if (refstr) then
457        kkk=1
458         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,kkk),&
459          nsup,przes,&
460                    obr,non_conv)
461         rms=dsqrt(rms)
462         call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
463         frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
464         write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
465           'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
466           ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
467         write (istat,'(i5,11(1pe14.5))') 0,&
468          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot,rms,frac,co
469       else
470         write (istat,'(i5,9(1pe14.5))') 0,&
471          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
472       endif
473       close(istat)
474       neneval=neneval+nfun+1
475       if (.not. ent_read) then
476 ! Initialize the entropy array
477         do i=-max_ene,max_ene
478          emin=etot
479 ! Uncomment the line below for actual entropic sampling (start with uniform
480 ! energy distribution).
481 !        entropy(i)=0.0D0
482 ! Uncomment the line below for multicanonical sampling (start with Boltzmann
483 ! distribution).
484          entropy(i)=(emin+i*delte)*betbol 
485         enddo
486         emax=10000000.0D0
487         emin=etot
488         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
489         do i=indminn,indmaxx
490           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
491         enddo
492       endif ! ent_read
493 #ifdef MPL
494       call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
495       if (whatsup.eq.1) then
496         call send_stop_sig(-2)
497         not_done=.false.
498       else if (whatsup.le.-2) then
499         not_done=.false.
500       else if (whatsup.eq.2) then
501         not_done=.false.
502       else 
503         not_done=.true.
504       endif
505 #else
506       not_done = (
507 #endif 
508       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') &
509           'Enter Monte Carlo procedure.'
510       close(igeom)
511       call briefout(0,etot)
512       do i=1,nvar
513         varold(i)=varia(i)
514       enddo
515       eold=etot
516       indeold=(eold-emin)/delte
517       deix=eold-(emin+indeold*delte)
518       dent=entropy(indeold+1)-entropy(indeold)
519 !d    write (iout,*) 'indeold=',indeold,' deix=',deix,' dent=',dent
520 !d    write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,' indeold=',indeold,' deix=',deix,
521 !d   & ' dent=',dent
522       sold=entropy(indeold)+(dent/delte)*deix
523       elowest=etot
524       write (iout,*) 'eold=',eold,' sold=',sold,' elowest=',etot
525       write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,' eold=',eold,' sold=',sold,&
526        ' elowest=',etot
527       if (minim) call zapis(varia,etot)
528       nminima(1)=1.0D0
529 ! NACC is the counter for the accepted conformations of a given processor
530       nacc=0
531 ! NACC_TOT counts the total number of accepted conformations
532       nacc_tot=0
533 #ifdef MPL
534       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
535         call receive_MCM_info
536       else
537         call send_MCM_info(2)
538       endif
539 #endif
540       do iene=indminn,indmaxx
541         nhist(iene)=0.0D0
542       enddo
543       do i=2,maxsave
544         nminima(i)=0.0D0
545       enddo
546 ! Main loop.
547 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
548       elowest=1.0D10
549       ehighest=-1.0D10
550       it=0
551       do while (not_done)
552         it=it+1
553         if ( write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a,i7)') &
554                                    'Beginning iteration #',it
555 ! Initialize local counter.
556         ntrial=0 ! # of generated non-overlapping confs.
557         noverlap=0 ! # of overlapping confs.
558         accepted=.false.
559         do while (.not. accepted .and. WhatsUp.eq.0 .and. Kwita.eq.0)
560           ntrial=ntrial+1
561 ! Retrieve the angles of previously accepted conformation
562           do j=1,nvar
563             varia(j)=varold(j)
564           enddo
565 !d        write (iout,'(a)') 'Old variables:'
566 !d        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
567           call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
568 ! Rebuild the chain.
569           call chainbuild
570           MoveType=0
571           nbond=0
572           lprint=.true.
573 ! Decide whether to generate a random conformation or perturb the old one
574           RandOrPert=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
575           if ( then
576             if ( &
577               write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation-generated conformation.'
578             call perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,1.0D0)
579             if (error) goto 20
580             if ( .or. then
581               write (iout,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',&
582                  MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
583               goto 20
584             endif
585             call chainbuild
586           else
587             MoveType=0
588             moves(0)=moves(0)+1
589             nstart_grow=iran_num(3,nres)
590             if ( &
591               write (iout,'(2a,i3)') 'Random-generated conformation',&
592               ' - chain regrown from residue',nstart_grow
593             call gen_rand_conf(nstart_grow,*30)
594           endif
595           call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
596 !d        write (iout,'(a)') 'New variables:'
597 !d        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
598           ngen=ngen+1
599           if ( write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') &
600          'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
601           if ( write (*,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') &
602          'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
603           call etotal(energia)
604           etot = energia(0)
605 !         call enerprint(energia(0))
606 !         write (iout,'(2(a,1pe14.5))') 'Etot=',Etot,' Elowest=',Elowest
607           if ( then
608             write (iout,'(a,i5,a,1pe14.5)')  'Iteration',it,&
609             ' Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
610             neneval=neneval+1 
611             accepted=.false.
612             noverlap=noverlap+1
613             if ( then
614               write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many overlapping confs.'
615               goto 20
616             endif
617           else
618             if (minim) then
619               call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
620 !d            write (iout,'(a)') 'Variables after minimization:'
621 !d            write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
622               call etotal(energia)
623               etot = energia(0)
624               neneval=neneval+nfun+1
625             endif
626             if ( then
627               write (iout,'(a)') 'Total energies of trial conf:'
628               call enerprint(energia)
629             else if (print_mc.eq.1) then
630                write (iout,'(a,i6,a,1pe16.6)') & 
631                'Trial conformation:',ngen,' energy:',etot
632             endif 
633 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
634 !... Acceptance test
635 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
636             accepted=.false.
637             if (WhatsUp.eq.0) &
638               call accepting(etot,eold,scur,sold,varia,varold,&
639                              accepted)
640             if (accepted) then
641               nacc=nacc+1
642               nacc_tot=nacc_tot+1
643               if ( elowest=etot
644               if ( ehighest=etot
645               moves_acc(MoveType)=moves_acc(MoveType)+1
646               if (MoveType.eq.1) then
647                 nbond_acc(nbond)=nbond_acc(nbond)+1
648               endif
649 ! Check against conformation repetitions.
650               irep=conf_comp(varia,etot)
651 #if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
652               open (istat,file=statname,position='append')
653 #else
654               open (istat,file=statname,access='append')
655 #endif
656               if (refstr) then
657                 kkk=1
658                 call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,kkk),&
659                            nsup,&
660                             przes,obr,non_conv)
661                 rms=dsqrt(rms)
662                 call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
663                 frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
664                 if ( &
665                 write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
666                 'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
667                 ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
668                 if (print_stat) &
669                 write (istat,'(i5,11(1pe14.5))') it,&
670                  (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot,&
671                  rms,frac,co
672               elseif (print_stat) then
673                 write (istat,'(i5,10(1pe14.5))') it,&
674                    (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
675               endif  
676               close(istat)
677               if ( &
678                 call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
679 ! Print internal coordinates.
680               if (print_int) call briefout(nacc,etot)
681 #ifdef MPL
682               if ( then
683                 call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
684 !d              print *,'Processor:',MyID,' STOP=',Kwita
685                 if (irep.eq.0) then
686                   call send_MCM_info(2)
687                 else
688                   call send_MCM_info(1)
689                 endif
690               endif
691 #endif
692 ! Store the accepted conf. and its energy.
693               eold=etot
694               sold=scur
695               do i=1,nvar
696                 varold(i)=varia(i)
697               enddo
698               if (irep.eq.0) then
699                 irep=nsave+1
700 !d              write (iout,*) 'Accepted conformation:'
701 !d              write (iout,*) (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nphi)
702                 if (minim) call zapis(varia,etot)
703                 do i=1,n_ene
704                   ener(i,nsave)=energia(i)
705                 enddo
706                 ener(n_ene+1,nsave)=etot
707                 ener(n_ene+2,nsave)=frac
708               endif
709               nminima(irep)=nminima(irep)+1.0D0
710 !             print *,'irep=',irep,' nminima=',nminima(irep)
711 #ifdef MPL
712               if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
713 #endif
714             endif ! accepted
715           endif ! overlap
716 #ifdef MPL
717           if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
718             call receive_MCM_info
719             if ( accepted=.true.
720           endif
721 #endif
722           if ( .and. then
723 ! Take a conformation from the pool
724             ii=iran_num(1,npool)
725             do i=1,nvar
726               varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
727             enddo
728             write (iout,*) 'Iteration',it,' max. # of trials exceeded.'
729             write (iout,*) &
730            'Take conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',epool(ii)
731             if ( &
732             write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
733             ntrial=0
734          endif ! ( .and.
735    30    continue
736         enddo ! accepted
737 #ifdef MPL
738         if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
739           call receive_MCM_info
740         endif
741         if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
742 #endif
743         if (ovrtim()) WhatsUp=-1
744 !d      write (iout,*) 'WhatsUp=',WhatsUp,' Kwita=',Kwita
745         not_done = ( .and. (WhatsUp.eq.0) &
746                .and. (Kwita.eq.0)
747 !d      write (iout,*) 'not_done=',not_done
748 #ifdef MPL
749         if ( then
750           print *,'Processor',MyID,&
751           ' has received STOP signal =',Kwita,' in EntSamp.'
752 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
753           if ( WhatsUp=Kwita
754         else if ( then
755           print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls send_stop_sig,',&
756            ' because a sufficient # of confs. have been collected.'
757 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
758           call send_stop_sig(-1)
759         else if (WhatsUp.eq.-1) then
760           print *,'Processor',MyID,&
761                      ' calls send_stop_sig because of timeout.'
762 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
763           call send_stop_sig(-2)
764         endif
765 #endif
766       enddo ! not_done
768 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
769 !... Construct energy histogram & update entropy
770 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
771       go to 21
772    20 WhatsUp=-3
773 #ifdef MPL
774       write (iout,*) 'Processor',MyID,&
775              ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
776       write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,&
777              ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
778       call send_stop_sig(-3)
779 #endif
780    21 continue
781 #ifdef MPL
782       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
783 !       call receive_MCM_results
784         call receive_energies
785 #endif
786       do i=1,nsave
787         if (esave(i).lt.elowest) elowest=esave(i)
788         if (esave(i).gt.ehighest) ehighest=esave(i)
789       enddo
790       write (iout,'(a,i10)') '# of accepted confs:',nacc_tot
791       write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Lowest energy:',elowest,&
792        ' Highest energy',ehighest
793       if (isweep.eq.1 .and. .not.ent_read) then
794         emin=elowest
795         emax=ehighest
796         write (iout,*) 'EMAX=',emax
797         indminn=0
798         indmaxx=(ehighest-emin)/delte
799         indmin=indminn
800         indmax=indmaxx
801         do i=-max_ene,max_ene
802           entropy(i)=(emin+i*delte)*betbol
803         enddo
804         ent_read=.true.
805       else
806         indmin=(elowest-emin)/delte
807         indmax=(ehighest-emin)/delte
808         if ( indminn=indmin
809         if ( indmaxx=indmax
810       endif
811       write(iout,*)'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx
812 ! Construct energy histogram
813       do i=1,nsave
814         inde=(esave(i)-emin)/delte
815         nhist(inde)=nhist(inde)+nminima(i)
816       enddo
817 ! Update entropy (density of states)
818       do i=indmin,indmax
819         if (nhist(i).gt.0) then
820           entropy(i)=entropy(i)+dlog(nhist(i)+0.0D0)
821         endif
822       enddo
823 !d    do i=indmaxx+1
824 !d      entropy(i)=1.0D+10
825 !d    enddo
826       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') &
827             'End of macroiteration',isweep
828       write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Elowest=',elowest,&
829             ' Ehighest=',ehighest
830       write (iout,'(a)') 'Frequecies of minima'
831       do i=1,nsave
832         write (iout,'(i5,f5.0,f10.5)') i,nminima(i),esave(i)
833       enddo
834       write (iout,'(/a)') 'Energy histogram'
835       do i=indminn,indmaxx
836         write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,nhist(i)
837       enddo
838       write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
839       do i=indminn,indmaxx
840         write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
841       enddo
842 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
843 !... End of energy histogram construction
844 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
845 #ifdef MPL
846         entropy(-max_ene-4)=dfloat(indminn)
847         entropy(-max_ene-3)=dfloat(indmaxx)
848         entropy(-max_ene-2)=emin
849         entropy(-max_ene-1)=emax
850         call send_MCM_update
851 !d      print *,entname,ientout
852         open (ientout,file=entname,status='unknown')
853         write (ientout,'(2i5,2e25.17)') indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax
854         do i=indminn,indmaxx
855           write (ientout,'(i5,f10.5,f20.15)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
856         enddo
857         close(ientout)
858       else
859         write (iout,'(a)') 'Frequecies of minima'
860         do i=1,nsave
861           write (iout,'(i5,f5.0,f10.5)') i,nminima(i),esave(i)
862         enddo
863 !       call send_MCM_results
864         call send_energies
865         call receive_MCM_update
866         indminn=entropy(-max_ene-4)
867         indmaxx=entropy(-max_ene-3)
868         emin=entropy(-max_ene-2)
869         emax=entropy(-max_ene-1)
870         write (iout,*) 'Received from master:'
871         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,&
872                        ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
873         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
874         do i=indminn,indmaxx
875           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
876         enddo
877       endif
878       if ( return
879 #else
880       if (ovrtim() .or. return
881 #endif
883       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
884       call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
885       write (iout,'(a)') &
886        'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
887       write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
888       write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
889       write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
890 !el      write (iout,'(a,i10)') 'Number of chain regrowths:',nregrow
891 !el      write (iout,'(a,i10)') 'Accepted chain regrowths:',nregrow_acc
893 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
894       ENDDO ! ISWEEP
895 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
897       runtime=tcpu()
899       if (isweep.eq.nsweep .and. &
900        write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*)/)') 'All iterations done.'
901       return
902       end subroutine entmcm
903 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
904       subroutine accepting(ecur,eold,scur,sold,x,xold,accepted)
906       use geometry_data, only: nphi
907       use energy_data, only: max_ene
908 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
909 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
910 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
911 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
912 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
913 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
914 #ifdef MPL
915       use MPI_data      !include 'COMMON.INFO'
916 #endif
917 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
918       real(kind=8) :: ecur,eold,xx,bol  !,ran_number
919       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,xold  !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
920       real(kind=8) :: tole=1.0D-1, tola=5.0D0
921       logical :: accepted
923 !!! local variables - el
924       integer :: indecur
925       real(kind=8) :: scur,sold,xxh,deix,dent
927 ! Check if the conformation is similar.
928 !d    write (iout,*) 'Enter ACCEPTING'
929 !d    write (iout,*) 'Old PHI angles:'
930 !d    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*xold(i),i=1,nphi)
931 !d    write (iout,*) 'Current angles'
932 !d    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,nphi)
933 !d    ddif=dif_ang(nphi,x,xold)
934 !d    write (iout,*) 'Angle norm:',ddif
935 !d    write (iout,*) 'ecur=',ecur,' emax=',emax
936       if ( then
937         accepted=.false.
938         if ( &
939        write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected as too high in energy'
940         return
941       else if (dabs(ecur-eold).lt.tole .and. &
942              dif_ang(nphi,x,xold).lt.tola) then
943         accepted=.false.
944         if ( &
945        write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected as too similar'
946         return
947       endif
948 ! Else evaluate the entropy of the conf and compare it with that of the previous
949 ! one.
950       indecur=(ecur-emin)/delte
951       if (iabs(indecur).gt.max_ene) then
952         write (iout,'(a,2i5)') &
953          'Accepting: Index out of range:',indecur
954         scur=1000.0D0 
955       else if (indecur.eq.indmaxx) then
956         scur=entropy(indecur)
957         if ( write (iout,*)'Energy boundary reached',&
958                   indmaxx,indecur,entropy(indecur)
959       else
960         deix=ecur-(emin+indecur*delte)
961         dent=entropy(indecur+1)-entropy(indecur)
962         scur=entropy(indecur)+(dent/delte)*deix
963       endif
964 !d    print *,'Processor',MyID,' ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,
965 !d   & ' scur=',scur,' eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
966 !d    print *,'deix=',deix,' dent=',dent,' delte=',delte
967       if ( then
968         write(iout,*)'ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,' scur=',scur
969         write(iout,*)'eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
970       endif
971       if (scur.le.sold) then
972         accepted=.true.
973       else
974 ! Else carry out acceptance test
975         xx=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) 
976         xxh=scur-sold
977         if ( then
978           bol=0.0D0
979         else
980           bol=exp(-xxh)
981         endif
982         if ( then
983           accepted=.true. 
984           if ( write (iout,'(a)') &
985           'Conformation accepted.'
986         else
987           accepted=.false.
988           if ( write (iout,'(a)') &
989        'Conformation rejected.'
990         endif
991       endif
992       return
993       end subroutine accepting
994 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
995       subroutine read_pool
997       use io_base, only:read_angles
998 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
999 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1000 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1001 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1002 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1003 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
1004 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1005       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia   !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
1007 !!! local variables - el
1008       integer :: j,i,iconf
1010       print '(a)','Call READ_POOL'
1011       do npool=1,max_pool
1012         print *,'i=',i
1013         read (intin,'(i5,f10.5)',end=10,err=10) iconf,epool(npool)
1014         if (epool(npool).eq.0.0D0) goto 10
1015         call read_angles(intin,*10)
1016         call geom_to_var(nvar,xpool(1,npool))
1017       enddo
1018       goto 11
1019    10 npool=npool-1
1020    11 write (iout,'(a,i5)') 'Number of pool conformations:',npool
1021       if ( then
1022       do i=1,npool
1023         write (iout,'(a,i5,a,1pe14.5)') 'Pool conformation',i,' energy',&
1024           epool(i)
1025         write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xpool(j,i),j=1,nvar)
1026       enddo
1027       endif ! (
1028       return
1029       end subroutine read_pool
1030 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1031 ! mc.F
1032 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1033       subroutine monte_carlo
1035       use energy_data
1036       use geometry_data
1037       use MPI_data, only:ifinish,nctasks,WhatsUp,MyID
1038       use control_data, only:refstr,MaxProcs
1039       use io_base
1040       use control, only:tcpu,ovrtim
1041       use regularize_, only:fitsq
1042       use compare
1043 !      use control
1044 ! Does Boltzmann and entropic sampling without energy minimization
1045 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1046 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1047 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1048 #ifdef MPL
1049       use MPI_data      !include 'COMMON.INFO'
1050 #endif
1051 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1052 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1053 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1054 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
1055 !      include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
1056 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1057 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1058 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1059 !      include 'COMMON.THREAD'
1060 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
1061       logical :: accepted,not_done,over,error,lprint    !,ovrtim
1062       integer :: MoveType,nbond,nbins
1063 !      integer :: conf_comp
1064       real(kind=8) :: RandOrPert
1065       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia   !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
1066       real(kind=8) :: elowest,elowest1,ehighest,ehighest1,eold
1067       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obr(3,3)
1068       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varold  !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
1069       logical :: non_conv
1070       integer,dimension(-1:MaxMoveType+1,0:MaxProcs-1) :: moves1,moves_acc1     !(-1:MaxMoveType+1,0:MaxProcs-1)
1071 #ifdef MPL
1072       real(kind=8) :: etot_temp,etot_all(0:MaxProcs)
1073       external d_vadd,d_vmin,d_vmax
1074       real(kind=8),dimension(-max_ene:max_ene) :: entropy1,nhist1
1075       integer,dimension(nres*(MaxProcs+1)) :: nbond_move1,nbond_acc1
1076       integer,dimension(2) :: itemp
1077 #endif
1078       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: var_lowest      !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
1079       real(kind=8),dimension(0:n_ene) :: energia,energia_ave
1080 !
1081 !!! local variables - el
1082       integer :: i,j,it,ii,iproc,nacc,ISWEEP,nfun,indmax,indmin,ijunk,&
1083             Kwita,indeold,imdmax,inde,iretcode,nstart_grow,noverlap
1084       real(kind=8) :: facee,conste,ejunk,etot,sold,frac,runtime,&
1085                  frac_ave,rms_ave,etot_ave,scur,from_pool,co,rms
1087       write(iout,'(a,i8,2x,a,f10.5)') &
1088        'pool_read_freq=',pool_read_freq,' pool_fraction=',pool_fraction
1089       open (istat,file=statname)
1090       WhatsUp=0
1091       indminn=-max_ene
1092       indmaxx=max_ene
1093       facee=1.0D0/(maxacc*delte)
1094 ! Number of bins in energy histogram
1095       nbins=e_up/delte-1
1096       write (iout,*) 'NBINS=',nbins
1097       conste=dlog(facee)
1098 ! Read entropy from previous simulations. 
1099       if (ent_read) then
1100         read (ientin,*) indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax 
1101         print *,'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' emin=',emin,&
1102                 ' emax=',emax
1103         do i=-max_ene,max_ene
1104           entropy(i)=0.0D0
1105         enddo
1106         read (ientin,*) (ijunk,ejunk,entropy(i),i=indminn,indmaxx)
1107         indmin=indminn
1108         indmax=indmaxx
1109         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,&
1110                        ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
1111         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
1112         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1113           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1114         enddo
1115       endif ! ent_read
1116 ! Read the pool of conformations
1117       call read_pool
1118       elowest=1.0D+10
1119       ehighest=-1.0D+10
1120 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1121 ! Entropy-sampling simulations with continually updated entropy;
1122 ! set NSWEEP=1 for Boltzmann sampling.
1123 ! Loop thru simulations
1124 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1125       allocate(ifinish(nctasks))
1126       DO ISWEEP=1,NSWEEP
1127 !
1128 ! Initialize the IFINISH array.
1129 !
1130 #ifdef MPL
1131         do i=1,nctasks
1132           ifinish(i)=0
1133         enddo
1134 #endif
1135 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1136 ! Initialize counters.
1137 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1138 ! Total number of generated confs.
1139         ngen=0
1140 ! Total number of moves. In general this won't be equal to the number of
1141 ! attempted moves, because we may want to reject some "bad" confs just by
1142 ! overlap check.
1143         nmove=0
1144 ! Total number of shift (nbond_move(1)), spike, crankshaft, three-bond,...
1145 ! motions.
1146 !el      allocate(nbond_move(nres)) !(maxres)
1147 !el      allocate(nbond_acc(nres)) !(maxres)
1149         do i=1,nres
1150           nbond_move(i)=0
1151           nbond_acc(i)=0
1152         enddo
1153 ! Initialize total and accepted number of moves of various kind.
1154         do i=-1,MaxMoveType
1155           moves(i)=0
1156           moves_acc(i)=0
1157         enddo
1158 ! Total number of energy evaluations.
1159         neneval=0
1160         nfun=0
1161 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1162 ! Take a conformation from the pool
1163 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1164       rewind(istat)
1165       write (iout,*) 'emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
1166       if ( then
1167         ii=iran_num(1,npool)
1168         do i=1,nvar
1169           varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
1170         enddo
1171         write (iout,*) 'Took conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',&
1172                      epool(ii)
1173         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
1174 ! Print internal coordinates of the initial conformation
1175         call intout
1176       else if ( then
1177         if ( then
1178         do i=1,nvar
1179           varia(i)=varold(i)
1180         enddo
1181         else
1182         do i=1,nvar
1183           varia(i)=var_lowest(i)
1184         enddo
1185         endif
1186         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
1187       endif
1188 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1189 ! Compute and print initial energies.
1190 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1191       nsave=0
1192       Kwita=0
1193       WhatsUp=0
1194       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') 'MCE iteration #',isweep
1195       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a)') 'Initial energies:'
1196       call chainbuild
1197       call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
1198       call etotal(energia)
1199       etot = energia(0)
1200       call enerprint(energia)
1201       if (refstr) then
1202         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),nsup,przes,&
1203                    obr,non_conv)
1204         rms=dsqrt(rms)
1205         call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
1206         frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
1207         write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
1208           'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
1209           ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order',co
1210         write (istat,'(i10,16(1pe14.5))') 0,&
1211          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
1212          etot,rms,frac,co
1213       else
1214         write (istat,'(i10,14(1pe14.5))') 0,&
1215          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
1216       endif
1217 !     close(istat)
1218       neneval=neneval+1
1219       if (.not. ent_read) then
1220 ! Initialize the entropy array
1221 #ifdef MPL
1222 ! Collect total energies from other processors.
1223         etot_temp=etot
1224         etot_all(0)=etot
1225         call mp_gather(etot_temp,etot_all,8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
1226         if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
1227 ! Get the lowest and the highest energy. 
1228           print *,'MASTER: etot_temp: ',(etot_all(i),i=0,nprocs-1),&
1229            ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
1230           emin=1.0D10
1231           emax=-1.0D10
1232           do i=0,nprocs
1233             if ( emin=etot_all(i)
1234             if ( emax=etot_all(i)
1235           enddo
1236           emax=emin+e_up
1237         endif ! MyID.eq.MasterID
1238         etot_all(1)=emin
1239         etot_all(2)=emax
1240         print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_BCAST to send/recv etot_all'
1241         call mp_bcast(etot_all(1),16,MasterID,cgGroupID)
1242         print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_BCAST to send/recv etot_all ended'
1243         if ( then
1244           print *,'Processor:',MyID,etot_all(1),etot_all(2),&
1245                 etot_all(1),etot_all(2)
1246           emin=etot_all(1)
1247           emax=etot_all(2)
1248         endif !
1249         write (iout,*) 'After MP_GATHER etot_temp=',&
1250                        etot_temp,' emin=',emin
1251 #else
1252         emin=etot
1253         emax=emin+e_up
1254         indminn=0
1255         indmin=0
1256 #endif
1257         IF (MULTICAN) THEN
1258 ! Multicanonical sampling - start from Boltzmann distribution
1259           do i=-max_ene,max_ene
1260             entropy(i)=(emin+i*delte)*betbol 
1261           enddo
1262         ELSE
1263 ! Entropic sampling - start from uniform distribution of the density of states
1264           do i=-max_ene,max_ene
1265             entropy(i)=0.0D0
1266           enddo
1267         ENDIF ! MULTICAN
1268         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Initial entropy'
1269         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1270           write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1271         enddo
1272         if (isweep.eq.1) then
1273           emax=emin+e_up
1274           indminn=0
1275           indmin=0
1276           indmaxx=indminn+nbins
1277           indmax=indmaxx
1278         endif ! isweep.eq.1
1279       endif ! .not. ent_read
1280 #ifdef MPL
1281       call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
1282       if (whatsup.eq.1) then
1283         call send_stop_sig(-2)
1284         not_done=.false.
1285       else if (whatsup.le.-2) then
1286         not_done=.false.
1287       else if (whatsup.eq.2) then
1288         not_done=.false.
1289       else 
1290         not_done=.true.
1291       endif
1292 #else
1293       not_done=.true.
1294 #endif 
1295       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') &
1296           'Enter Monte Carlo procedure.'
1297       close(igeom)
1298       call briefout(0,etot)
1299       do i=1,nvar
1300         varold(i)=varia(i)
1301       enddo
1302       eold=etot
1303       call entropia(eold,sold,indeold)
1304 ! NACC is the counter for the accepted conformations of a given processor
1305       nacc=0
1306 ! NACC_TOT counts the total number of accepted conformations
1307       nacc_tot=0
1308 ! Main loop.
1309 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1310 ! Zero out average energies
1311       do i=0,n_ene
1312         energia_ave(i)=0.0d0
1313       enddo
1314 ! Initialize energy histogram
1315       do i=-max_ene,max_ene
1316         nhist(i)=0.0D0
1317       enddo   ! i
1318 ! Zero out iteration counter.
1319       it=0
1320       do j=1,nvar
1321         varold(j)=varia(j)
1322        enddo
1323 ! Begin MC iteration loop.
1324       do while (not_done)
1325         it=it+1
1326 ! Initialize local counter.
1327         ntrial=0 ! # of generated non-overlapping confs.
1328         noverlap=0 ! # of overlapping confs.
1329         accepted=.false.
1330         do while (.not. accepted .and. WhatsUp.eq.0 .and. Kwita.eq.0)
1331           ntrial=ntrial+1
1332 ! Retrieve the angles of previously accepted conformation
1333           do j=1,nvar
1334             varia(j)=varold(j)
1335           enddo
1336           call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
1337 ! Rebuild the chain.
1338           call chainbuild
1339           MoveType=0
1340           nbond=0
1341           lprint=.true.
1342 ! Decide whether to take a conformation from the pool or generate/perturb one
1343 ! randomly
1344           from_pool=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
1345           if ( .and. then
1346 ! Throw a dice to choose the conformation from the pool
1347             ii=iran_num(1,npool)
1348             do i=1,nvar
1349               varia(i)=xpool(i,ii)
1350             enddo
1351             call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
1352             call chainbuild  
1353 !d          call intout
1354 !d          write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
1355             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1356               write (iout,'(a,i3,a,f10.5)') &
1357            'Try conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',epool(ii)
1358             MoveType=-1
1359             moves(-1)=moves(-1)+1
1360           else
1361 ! Decide whether to generate a random conformation or perturb the old one
1362           RandOrPert=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
1363           if ( then
1364             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1365               write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation-generated conformation.'
1366             call perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,0.1D0)
1367             if (error) goto 20
1368             if ( .or. then
1369               write (iout,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',&
1370                  MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
1371               goto 20
1372             endif
1373             call chainbuild
1374           else
1375             MoveType=0
1376             moves(0)=moves(0)+1
1377             nstart_grow=iran_num(3,nres)
1378             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1379               write (iout,'(2a,i3)') 'Random-generated conformation',&
1380               ' - chain regrown from residue',nstart_grow
1381             call gen_rand_conf(nstart_grow,*30)
1382           endif
1383           call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
1384           endif ! pool
1385 !d        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
1386           ngen=ngen+1
1387           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1388             write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') &
1389          'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
1390           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1391             write (*,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,i10)') &
1392          'Processor',MyId,' trial move',ntrial,' total generated:',ngen
1393           call etotal(energia)
1394           etot = energia(0)
1395           neneval=neneval+1 
1396 !d        call enerprint(energia(0))
1397 !d        write(iout,*)'it=',it,' etot=',etot
1398           if ( then
1399             if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1400               write (iout,'(a,i5,a,1pe14.5)')  'Iteration',it,&
1401              ' Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
1402             accepted=.false.
1403             noverlap=noverlap+1
1404             if ( then
1405               write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many overlapping confs.'
1406               goto 20
1407             endif
1408           else
1409 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1410 !... Acceptance test
1411 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1412             accepted=.false.
1413             if (WhatsUp.eq.0) &
1414             call accept_mc(it,etot,eold,scur,sold,varia,varold,accepted)
1415             if (accepted) then
1416               nacc=nacc+1
1417               nacc_tot=nacc_tot+1
1418               if ( then
1419                 elowest=etot
1420                 do i=1,nvar
1421                   var_lowest(i)=varia(i)
1422                 enddo
1423               endif
1424               if ( ehighest=etot
1425               moves_acc(MoveType)=moves_acc(MoveType)+1
1426               if (MoveType.eq.1) then
1427                 nbond_acc(nbond)=nbond_acc(nbond)+1
1428               endif
1429 ! Compare with reference structure.
1430               if (refstr) then
1431                 call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),&
1432                             nsup,przes,obr,non_conv)
1433                 rms=dsqrt(rms)
1434                 call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
1435                 frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
1436               endif ! refstr
1437 !
1438 ! Periodically save average energies and confs.
1439 !
1440               do i=0,n_ene
1441                 energia_ave(i)=energia_ave(i)+energia(i)
1442               enddo
1443               moves(MaxMoveType+1)=nmove
1444               moves_acc(MaxMoveType+1)=nacc
1445               IF ((it/save_frequency)* THEN
1446                 do i=0,n_ene
1447                   energia_ave(i)=energia_ave(i)/save_frequency
1448                 enddo
1449                 etot_ave=energia_ave(0)
1450 !#ifdef AIX
1451 !                open (istat,file=statname,position='append')
1452 !#else
1453 !                open (istat,file=statname,access='append')
1454 !endif
1455                 if ( &
1456                   write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a,i20)') &
1457                                    'Iteration #',it
1458                 if (refstr .and.  then
1459                   write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
1460                   'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
1461                   ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
1462                 endif
1463                 if (print_stat) then
1464                   if (refstr) then
1465                     write (istat,'(i10,10(1pe14.5))') it,&
1466                     (energia_ave(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
1467                       etot_ave,rms_ave,frac_ave
1468                   else
1469                     write (istat,'(i10,10(1pe14.5))') it,&
1470                     (energia_ave(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
1471                      etot_ave
1472                   endif
1473                 endif 
1474 !               close(istat)
1475                 if ( &
1476                   call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
1477 ! Print internal coordinates.
1478                 if (print_int) call briefout(nacc,etot)
1479                 do i=0,n_ene
1480                   energia_ave(i)=0.0d0
1481                 enddo
1482               ENDIF ! ( (it/save_frequency)*
1483 ! Update histogram
1484               inde=icialosc((etot-emin)/delte)
1485               nhist(inde)=nhist(inde)+1.0D0
1486 #ifdef MPL
1487               if ( (it/message_frequency)* &
1488                                     .and. ( ) then
1489                 call recv_stop_sig(Kwita)
1490                 call send_MCM_info(message_frequency)
1491               endif
1492 #endif
1493 ! Store the accepted conf. and its energy.
1494               eold=etot
1495               sold=scur
1496               do i=1,nvar
1497                 varold(i)=varia(i)
1498               enddo
1499 #ifdef MPL
1500               if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
1501 #endif
1502             endif ! accepted
1503           endif ! overlap
1504 #ifdef MPL
1505           if (MyID.eq.MasterID .and. &
1506               (it/message_frequency)* then
1507             call receive_MC_info
1508             if ( accepted=.true.
1509           endif
1510 #endif
1511 !         if (( 
1512 !    &       .or. (it/pool_read_freq)* 
1513 !    &       .and. then
1514 ! Take a conformation from the pool
1515 !           ii=iran_num(1,npool)
1516 !           do i=1,nvar
1517 !             varold(i)=xpool(i,ii)
1518 !           enddo
1519 !           if ( 
1520 !    &      write (iout,*) 'Iteration',it,' max. # of trials exceeded.'
1521 !           write (iout,*) 
1522 !    &     'Take conformation',ii,' from the pool energy=',epool(ii)
1523 !           if (
1524 !    &      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*varold(i),i=1,nvar)
1525 !           ntrial=0
1526 !           eold=epool(ii)
1527 !           call entropia(eold,sold,indeold)
1528 !           accepted=.true.
1529 !        endif ! ( .and.
1530    30    continue
1531         enddo ! accepted
1532 #ifdef MPL
1533         if (MyID.eq.MasterID .and. &
1534             (it/message_frequency)* then
1535           call receive_MC_info
1536         endif
1537         if (Kwita.eq.0) call recv_stop_sig(kwita)
1538 #endif
1539         if (ovrtim()) WhatsUp=-1
1540 !d      write (iout,*) 'WhatsUp=',WhatsUp,' Kwita=',Kwita
1541         not_done = ( .and. (WhatsUp.eq.0) &
1542                .and. (Kwita.eq.0)
1543 !d      write (iout,*) 'not_done=',not_done
1544 #ifdef MPL
1545         if ( then
1546           print *,'Processor',MyID,&
1547           ' has received STOP signal =',Kwita,' in EntSamp.'
1548 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
1549           if ( WhatsUp=Kwita
1550           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
1551         else if ( then
1552           print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls send_stop_sig,',&
1553            ' because a sufficient # of confs. have been collected.'
1554 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
1555           call send_stop_sig(-1)
1556           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
1557         else if (WhatsUp.eq.-1) then
1558           print *,'Processor',MyID,&
1559                      ' calls send_stop_sig because of timeout.'
1560 !d        print *,'not_done=',not_done
1561           call send_stop_sig(-2)
1562           if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
1563         endif
1564 #endif
1565       enddo ! not_done
1567 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1568 !... Construct energy histogram & update entropy
1569 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1570       go to 21
1571    20 WhatsUp=-3
1572 #ifdef MPL
1573       write (iout,*) 'Processor',MyID,&
1574              ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
1575       write (*,*) 'Processor',MyID,&
1576              ' is broadcasting ERROR-STOP signal.'
1577       call send_stop_sig(-3)
1578       if ( call send_MCM_info(-1)
1579 #endif
1580    21 continue
1581       write (iout,'(/a)') 'Energy histogram'
1582       do i=-100,100
1583         write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,nhist(i)
1584       enddo
1585 #ifdef MPL
1586 ! Wait until every processor has sent complete MC info.
1587       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
1588         not_done=.true.
1589         do while (not_done)
1590 !         write (*,*) 'The IFINISH array:'
1591 !         write (*,*) (ifinish(i),i=1,nctasks)
1592           not_done=.false.
1593           do i=2,nctasks
1594             not_done=not_done.or.(ifinish(i).ge.0)
1595           enddo
1596           if (not_done) call receive_MC_info
1597         enddo
1598       endif
1599 ! Make collective histogram from the work of all processors.
1600       msglen=(2*max_ene+1)*8
1601       print *,&
1602        'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_REDUCE to send/receive histograms',&
1603        ' msglen=',msglen
1604       call mp_reduce(nhist,nhist1,msglen,MasterID,d_vadd,&
1605                      cgGroupID)
1606       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_REDUCE accomplished for histogr.'
1607       do i=-max_ene,max_ene
1608         nhist(i)=nhist1(i)
1609       enddo
1610 ! Collect min. and max. energy
1611       print *, &
1612       'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_REDUCE to send/receive energy borders'
1613       call mp_reduce(elowest,elowest1,8,MasterID,d_vmin,cgGroupID)
1614       call mp_reduce(ehighest,ehighest1,8,MasterID,d_vmax,cgGroupID)
1615       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_REDUCE accomplished for energies.'
1616       IF (MyID.eq.MasterID) THEN
1617         elowest=elowest1
1618         ehighest=ehighest1
1619 #endif
1620         write (iout,'(a,i10)') '# of accepted confs:',nacc_tot
1621         write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Lowest energy:',elowest,&
1622        ' Highest energy',ehighest
1623         indmin=icialosc((elowest-emin)/delte)
1624         imdmax=icialosc((ehighest-emin)/delte)
1625         if ( then 
1626           emax=emin+indmin*delte+e_up
1627           indmaxx=indmin+nbins
1628           indminn=indmin
1629         endif
1630         if (.not.ent_read) ent_read=.true.
1631         write(iout,*)'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx
1632 ! Update entropy (density of states)
1633         do i=indmin,indmax
1634           if (nhist(i).gt.0) then
1635             entropy(i)=entropy(i)+dlog(nhist(i)+0.0D0)
1636           endif
1637         enddo
1638         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,i2/80(1h*)/)') &
1639               'End of macroiteration',isweep
1640         write (iout,'(a,f10.5,a,f10.5)') 'Elowest=',elowest,&
1641             ' Ehighest=',ehighest
1642         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Energy histogram'
1643         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1644           write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,nhist(i)
1645         enddo
1646         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
1647         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1648           write (iout,'(i5,2f20.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1649         enddo
1650 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1651 !... End of energy histogram construction
1652 !-----------------------------------------------------------------
1653 #ifdef MPL
1654       ELSE
1655         if (.not. ent_read) ent_read=.true.
1656       ENDIF ! MyID .eq. MaterID
1657       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
1658         itemp(1)=indminn
1659         itemp(2)=indmaxx
1660       endif
1661       print *,'before mp_bcast processor',MyID,' indminn=',indminn,&
1662        ' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' itemp=',itemp(1),itemp(2)
1663       call mp_bcast(itemp(1),8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
1664       call mp_bcast(emax,8,MasterID,cgGroupID)
1665       print *,'after mp_bcast processor',MyID,' indminn=',indminn,&
1666        ' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' itemp=',itemp(1),itemp(2)
1667       if (MyID .ne. MasterID) then
1668         indminn=itemp(1)
1669         indmaxx=itemp(2)
1670       endif
1671       msglen=(indmaxx-indminn+1)*8
1672       print *,'processor',MyID,' calling mp_bcast msglen=',msglen,&
1673        ' indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,' isweep=',isweep
1674       call mp_bcast(entropy(indminn),msglen,MasterID,cgGroupID)
1675       IF(MyID.eq.MasterID .and. .not. ovrtim() .and.
1676         open (ientout,file=entname,status='unknown')
1677         write (ientout,'(2i5,2e25.17)') indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax
1678         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1679           write (ientout,'(i5,f10.5,f20.15)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1680         enddo
1681         close(ientout)
1682       ELSE
1683         write (iout,*) 'Received from master:'
1684         write (iout,*) 'indminn=',indminn,' indmaxx=',indmaxx,&
1685                        ' emin=',emin,' emax=',emax
1686         write (iout,'(/a)') 'Entropy'
1687         do i=indminn,indmaxx
1688            write (iout,'(i5,2f10.5)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1689         enddo
1690       ENDIF ! MyID.eq.MasterID
1691       print *,'Processor',MyID,' calls MP_GATHER'
1692       call mp_gather(nbond_move,nbond_move1,4*Nbm,MasterID,&
1693                      cgGroupID)
1694       call mp_gather(nbond_acc,nbond_acc1,4*Nbm,MasterID,&
1695                      cgGroupID)
1696       print *,'Processor',MyID,' MP_GATHER call accomplished'
1697       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
1699         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
1700         call statprint(nacc_tot,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
1701         write (iout,'(a)') &
1702          'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
1703         write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
1704         write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
1705         write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
1707         write (iout,'(a)') &
1708        'Statistics of multi-bond moves of respective processors:'
1709         do iproc=1,Nprocs-1
1710           do i=1,Nbm
1711             ind=iproc*nbm+i
1712             nbond_move(i)=nbond_move(i)+nbond_move1(ind)
1713             nbond_acc(i)=nbond_acc(i)+nbond_acc1(ind)
1714           enddo
1715         enddo
1716         do iproc=0,NProcs-1
1717           write (iout,*) 'Processor',iproc,' nbond_move:', &
1718               (nbond_move1(iproc*nbm+i),i=1,Nbm),&
1719               ' nbond_acc:',(nbond_acc1(iproc*nbm+i),i=1,Nbm)
1720         enddo
1721       endif
1722       call mp_gather(moves,moves1,4*(MaxMoveType+3),MasterID,&
1723                      cgGroupID)
1724       call mp_gather(moves_acc,moves_acc1,4*(MaxMoveType+3),&
1725                      MasterID,cgGroupID)
1726       if (MyID.eq.MasterID) then
1727         do iproc=1,Nprocs-1 
1728           do i=-1,MaxMoveType+1
1729             moves(i)=moves(i)+moves1(i,iproc)
1730             moves_acc(i)=moves_acc(i)+moves_acc1(i,iproc)
1731           enddo
1732         enddo
1733         nmove=0
1734         do i=0,MaxMoveType+1
1735           nmove=nmove+moves(i)
1736         enddo
1737         do iproc=0,NProcs-1
1738           write (iout,*) 'Processor',iproc,' moves',&
1739            (moves1(i,iproc),i=0,MaxMoveType+1),&
1740           ' moves_acc:',(moves_acc1(i,iproc),i=0,MaxMoveType+1)
1741         enddo   
1742       endif
1743 #else
1744       open (ientout,file=entname,status='unknown')
1745       write (ientout,'(2i5,2e25.17)') indminn,indmaxx,emin,emax
1746       do i=indminn,indmaxx
1747         write (ientout,'(i5,f10.5,f20.15)') i,emin+i*delte,entropy(i)
1748       enddo
1749       close(ientout)
1750 #endif
1751       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
1752       call statprint(nacc_tot,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
1753       write (iout,'(a)') &
1754        'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
1755       write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
1756       write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
1757       write (iout,'(8i10)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
1758       if (ovrtim() .or. return
1760 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1761       ENDDO ! ISWEEP
1762 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1764       runtime=tcpu()
1766       if (isweep.eq.nsweep .and. &
1767        write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*)/)') 'All iterations done.'
1768       return
1769       end subroutine monte_carlo
1770 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1771       subroutine accept_mc(it,ecur,eold,scur,sold,x,xold,accepted)
1773 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1774 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1775 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1776 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
1777 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1778 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1779 #ifdef MPL
1780       use MPI_data      !include 'COMMON.INFO'
1781 #endif
1782 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1783       real(kind=8) :: ecur,eold,xx,bol
1784       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,xold  !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
1785       logical :: accepted
1787 !el local variables
1788       integer :: it,indecur
1789       real(kind=8) :: scur,sold,xxh
1790 ! Check if the conformation is similar.
1791 !d    write (iout,*) 'Enter ACCEPTING'
1792 !d    write (iout,*) 'Old PHI angles:'
1793 !d    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*xold(i),i=1,nphi)
1794 !d    write (iout,*) 'Current angles'
1795 !d    write (iout,*) (rad2deg*x(i),i=1,nphi)
1796 !d    ddif=dif_ang(nphi,x,xold)
1797 !d    write (iout,*) 'Angle norm:',ddif
1798 !d    write (iout,*) 'ecur=',ecur,' emax=',emax
1799       if ( then
1800         accepted=.false.
1801         if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1802        write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected as too high in energy'
1803         return
1804       endif
1805 ! Else evaluate the entropy of the conf and compare it with that of the previous
1806 ! one.
1807       call entropia(ecur,scur,indecur)
1808 !d    print *,'Processor',MyID,' ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,
1809 !d   & ' scur=',scur,' eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
1810 !d    print *,'deix=',deix,' dent=',dent,' delte=',delte
1811       if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* then
1812         write(iout,*)'it=',it,'ecur=',ecur,' indecur=',indecur,&
1813          ' scur=',scur
1814         write(iout,*)'eold=',eold,' sold=',sold
1815       endif
1816       if (scur.le.sold) then
1817         accepted=.true.
1818       else
1819 ! Else carry out acceptance test
1820         xx=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) 
1821         xxh=scur-sold
1822         if ( then
1823           bol=0.0D0
1824         else
1825           bol=exp(-xxh)
1826         endif
1827         if ( then
1828           accepted=.true. 
1829           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1830              write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation accepted.'
1831         else
1832           accepted=.false.
1833           if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1834              write (iout,'(a)') 'Conformation rejected.'
1835         endif
1836       endif
1837       return
1838       end subroutine accept_mc
1839 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1840       integer function icialosc(x)
1842       real(kind=8) :: x
1843       if ( then
1844         icialosc=dint(x)-1
1845       else
1846         icialosc=dint(x)
1847       endif
1848       return
1849       end function icialosc
1850 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1851       subroutine entropia(ecur,scur,indecur)
1853       use energy_data, only: max_ene
1854 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1855 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1856 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1857 !      include 'COMMON.MCE'
1858 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1859       real(kind=8) :: ecur,scur,deix,dent
1860       integer :: indecur,it   !???el
1862       indecur=icialosc((ecur-emin)/delte)
1863       if (iabs(indecur).gt.max_ene) then
1864         if ((it/print_freq)* write (iout,'(a,2i5)') &
1865          'Accepting: Index out of range:',indecur
1866         scur=1000.0D0 
1867       else if ( then
1868         scur=entropy(indecur)
1869         if ( .and. (it/print_freq)* &
1870           write (iout,*)'Energy boundary reached',&
1871                   indmaxx,indecur,entropy(indecur)
1872       else
1873         deix=ecur-(emin+indecur*delte)
1874         dent=entropy(indecur+1)-entropy(indecur)
1875         scur=entropy(indecur)+(dent/delte)*deix
1876       endif
1877       return
1878       end subroutine entropia
1879 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880 ! mcm.F
1881 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1882       subroutine mcm_setup
1884       use energy_data
1885 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1886 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1887 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1888 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1889 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1890 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
1891 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
1892 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1893 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1894 !
1895 !!! local variables - el
1896       integer :: i,i1,i2,it1,it2,ngly,mmm,maxwinlen
1898 ! Set up variables used in MC/MCM.
1899 !    
1900 !      allocate(sumpro_bond(0:nres)) !(0:maxres)
1902       write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') 'MCM control parameters:'
1903       write (iout,'(5(a,i7))') 'Maxacc:',maxacc,' MaxTrial:',MaxTrial,&
1904        ' MaxRepm:',MaxRepm,' MaxGen:',MaxGen,' MaxOverlap:',MaxOverlap
1905       write (iout,'(4(a,f8.1)/2(a,i3))') &
1906        'Tmin:',Tmin,' Tmax:',Tmax,' TstepH:',TstepH,&
1907        ' TstepC:',TstepC,'NstepH:',NstepH,' NstepC:',NstepC 
1908       if ( then
1909         write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation windows:'
1910         do i=1,nwindow
1911           i1=winstart(i)
1912           i2=winend(i)
1913           it1=itype(i1)
1914           it2=itype(i2)
1915           write (iout,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3)') restyp(it1),i1,restyp(it2),i2,&
1916                               ' length',winlen(i)
1917         enddo
1918       endif
1919 ! Rbolt=8.3143D-3*2.388459D-01 kcal/(mol*K)
1920       RBol=1.9858D-3
1921 ! Number of "end bonds".
1922       koniecl=0
1923 !     koniecl=nphi
1924       print *,'koniecl=',koniecl
1925       write (iout,'(a)') 'Probabilities of move types:'
1926       write (*,'(a)') 'Probabilities of move types:'
1927       do i=1,MaxMoveType
1928         write (iout,'(a,f10.5)') MovTypID(i),&
1929           sumpro_type(i)-sumpro_type(i-1)
1930         write (*,'(a,f10.5)') MovTypID(i),&
1931           sumpro_type(i)-sumpro_type(i-1)
1932       enddo
1933       write (iout,*) 
1934 ! Maximum length of N-bond segment to be moved
1935 !     nbm=nres-1-(2*koniecl-1)
1936       if ( then
1937         maxwinlen=winlen(1)
1938         do i=2,nwindow
1939           if (winlen(i).gt.maxwinlen) maxwinlen=winlen(i)
1940         enddo
1941         nbm=min0(maxwinlen,6)
1942         write (iout,'(a,i3,a,i3)') 'Nbm=',Nbm,' Maxwinlen=',Maxwinlen
1943       else
1944         nbm=min0(6,nres-2)
1945       endif
1946       sumpro_bond(0)=0.0D0
1947       sumpro_bond(1)=0.0D0 
1948       do i=2,nbm
1949         sumpro_bond(i)=sumpro_bond(i-1)+1.0D0/dfloat(i)
1950       enddo
1951       write (iout,'(a)') 'The SumPro_Bond array:'
1952       write (iout,'(8f10.5)') (sumpro_bond(i),i=1,nbm)
1953       write (*,'(a)') 'The SumPro_Bond array:'
1954       write (*,'(8f10.5)') (sumpro_bond(i),i=1,nbm)
1955 ! Maximum number of side chains moved simultaneously
1956 !     print *,'nnt=',nnt,' nct=',nct
1957       ngly=0
1958       do i=nnt,nct
1959         if (itype(i).eq.10) ngly=ngly+1
1960       enddo
1961       mmm=nct-nnt-ngly+1
1962       if ( then
1963         MaxSideMove=min0((nct-nnt+1)/2,mmm)
1964       endif
1965 !     print *,'MaxSideMove=',MaxSideMove
1966 ! Max. number of generated confs (not used at present).
1967       maxgen=10000
1968 ! Set initial temperature
1969       Tcur=Tmin
1970       betbol=1.0D0/(Rbol*Tcur)
1971       write (iout,'(a,f8.1,a,f10.5)') 'Initial temperature:',Tcur,&
1972           ' BetBol:',betbol
1973       write (iout,*) 'RanFract=',ranfract
1974       return
1975       end subroutine mcm_setup
1976 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1977 #ifndef MPI
1978       subroutine do_mcm(i_orig)
1980       use geometry_data
1981       use energy_data
1982       use MPI_data, only:Whatsup
1983       use control_data, only:refstr,minim,iprint
1984       use io_base
1985       use control, only:tcpu,ovrtim
1986       use regularize_, only:fitsq
1987       use compare
1988       use minimm, only:minimize
1989 ! Monte-Carlo-with-Minimization calculations - serial code.
1990 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
1991 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
1992 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
1993 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
1994 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
1995 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
1996 !      include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
1997 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
1998 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
1999 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
2000 !      include 'COMMON.CACHE'
2001 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM'
2002 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM1'
2003 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
2004       logical :: accepted,over,error,lprint,not_done,my_conf,&
2005               enelower,non_conv !,ovrtim
2006       integer :: MoveType,nbond !,conf_comp
2007       integer,dimension(max_cache) :: ifeed
2008       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia,varold    !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
2009       real(kind=8) :: elowest,eold
2010       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obr(3,3)
2011       real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene)
2012       real(kind=8) :: coord1(6*nres,max_thread2),enetb1(max_threadss) !el
2013 !!! local variables - el
2014       integer :: i,nf,nacc,it,nout,j,i_orig,nfun,Kwita,iretcode,&
2015             noverlap,nstart_grow,irepet,n_thr,ii
2016       real(kind=8) :: etot,frac,rms,co,RandOrPert,&
2017             rms_deform,runtime
2018 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 ! Initialize counters.
2020 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021 ! Total number of generated confs.
2022       ngen=0
2023 ! Total number of moves. In general this won't be equal to the number of
2024 ! attempted moves, because we may want to reject some "bad" confs just by
2025 ! overlap check.
2026       nmove=0
2027 ! Total number of temperature jumps.
2028       ntherm=0
2029 ! Total number of shift (nbond_move(1)), spike, crankshaft, three-bond,...
2030 ! motions.
2031 !      if(.not.allocated(varsave)) allocate(varsave(maxvar,maxsave)) !(maxvar,maxsave)
2032 !      allocate(nbond_move(nres)) !(maxres)
2034       ncache=0
2035       do i=1,nres
2036         nbond_move(i)=0
2037       enddo
2038 ! Initialize total and accepted number of moves of various kind.
2039       do i=0,MaxMoveType
2040         moves(i)=0
2041         moves_acc(i)=0
2042       enddo
2043 ! Total number of energy evaluations.
2044       neneval=0
2045       nfun=0
2046       nsave=0
2048       write (iout,*) 'RanFract=',RanFract
2050       WhatsUp=0
2051       Kwita=0
2053 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2054 ! Compute and print initial energies.
2055 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2056       call intout
2057       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a)') 'Initial energies:'
2058       call chainbuild
2059       nf=0
2061       call etotal(energia)
2062       etot = energia(0)
2063 ! Minimize the energy of the first conformation.
2064       if (minim) then
2065         call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
2066 !       write (iout,*) 'The VARIA array'       
2067 !       write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2068         call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
2069         call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2070         call chainbuild
2071         write (iout,*) 'etot from MINIMIZE:',etot
2072 !       write (iout,*) 'Tha VARIA array'       
2073 !       write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2075         call etotal(energia)
2076         etot=energia(0)
2077         call enerprint(energia)
2078       endif
2079       if (refstr) then
2080         call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),nsup,przes,& !el cref(1,nstart_sup)
2081                    obr,non_conv)
2082         rms=dsqrt(rms)
2083         call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
2084         frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
2085         write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
2086           'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
2087           ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
2088         if (print_stat) &
2089         write (istat,'(i5,17(1pe14.5))') 0,&
2090          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
2091          etot,rms,frac,co
2092       else
2093         if (print_stat) write (istat,'(i5,16(1pe14.5))') 0,&
2094          (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
2095       endif
2096       if (print_stat) close(istat)
2097       neneval=neneval+nfun+1
2098       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') &
2099           'Enter Monte Carlo procedure.'
2100       if (print_int) then
2101         close(igeom)
2102         call briefout(0,etot)
2103       endif
2104       eold=etot
2105       do i=1,nvar
2106         varold(i)=varia(i)
2107       enddo
2108       elowest=etot
2109       call zapis(varia,etot)
2110       nacc=0         ! total # of accepted confs of the current processor.
2111       nacc_tot=0     ! total # of accepted confs of all processors.
2113       not_done = (
2115 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2116 ! Main loop.
2117 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2118       it=0
2119       nout=0
2120       do while (not_done)
2121         it=it+1
2122         write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a,i7)') &
2123                                    'Beginning iteration #',it
2124 ! Initialize local counter.
2125         ntrial=0 ! # of generated non-overlapping confs.
2126         accepted=.false.
2127         do while (.not. accepted)
2129 ! Retrieve the angles of previously accepted conformation
2130           noverlap=0 ! # of overlapping confs.
2131           do j=1,nvar
2132             varia(j)=varold(j)
2133           enddo
2134           call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2135 ! Rebuild the chain.
2136           call chainbuild
2137 ! Heat up the system, if necessary.
2138           call heat(over)
2139 ! If temperature cannot be further increased, stop.
2140           if (over) goto 20
2141           MoveType=0
2142           nbond=0
2143           lprint=.true.
2144 !d        write (iout,'(a)') 'Old variables:'
2145 !d        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2146 ! Decide whether to generate a random conformation or perturb the old one
2147           RandOrPert=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
2148           if ( then
2149             if ( &
2150               write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation-generated conformation.'
2151             call perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,1.0D0)
2152             if (error) goto 20
2153             if ( .or. then
2154               write (iout,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',&
2155                  MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
2156               goto 20
2157             endif
2158             call chainbuild
2159           else
2160             MoveType=0
2161             moves(0)=moves(0)+1
2162             nstart_grow=iran_num(3,nres)
2163             if ( &
2164               write (iout,'(2a,i3)') 'Random-generated conformation',&
2165               ' - chain regrown from residue',nstart_grow
2166             call gen_rand_conf(nstart_grow,*30)
2167           endif
2168           call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
2169 !d        write (iout,'(a)') 'New variables:'
2170 !d        write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2171           ngen=ngen+1
2173           call etotal(energia)
2174           etot=energia(0)
2175 !         call enerprint(energia(0))
2176 !         write (iout,'(2(a,1pe14.5))') 'Etot=',Etot,' Elowest=',Elowest
2177           if ( then
2178             if( &
2179              write (iout,'(a,1pe14.5)') &
2180             'Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
2181             neneval=neneval+1 
2182             accepted=.false.
2183             noverlap=noverlap+1
2184             if ( then
2185               write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many overlapping confs.'
2186               goto 20
2187             endif
2188           else
2189             if (minim) then
2190               call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
2191 !d            write (iout,*) 'etot from MINIMIZE:',etot
2192 !d            write (iout,'(a)') 'Variables after minimization:'
2193 !d            write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2195               call etotal(energia)
2196               etot = energia(0)
2197               neneval=neneval+nfun+2
2198             endif
2199 !           call enerprint(energia(0))
2200             write (iout,'(a,i6,a,1pe16.6)') 'Conformation:',ngen,&
2201             ' energy:',etot
2202 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2203 !... Do Metropolis test
2204 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2205             accepted=.false.
2206             my_conf=.false.
2208             if (WhatsUp.eq.0 .and. Kwita.eq.0) then
2209               call metropolis(nvar,varia,varold,etot,eold,accepted,&
2210                             my_conf,EneLower)
2211             endif
2212             write (iout,*) 'My_Conf=',My_Conf,' EneLower=',EneLower
2213             if (accepted) then
2215               nacc=nacc+1
2216               nacc_tot=nacc_tot+1
2217               if ( elowest=etot
2218               moves_acc(MoveType)=moves_acc(MoveType)+1
2219               if (MoveType.eq.1) then
2220                 nbond_acc(nbond)=nbond_acc(nbond)+1
2221               endif
2222 ! Check against conformation repetitions.
2223               irepet=conf_comp(varia,etot)
2224               if (print_stat) then
2225 #if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
2226               open (istat,file=statname,position='append')
2227 #else
2228                open (istat,file=statname,access='append')
2229 #endif
2230               endif
2231               call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
2232               if (refstr) then
2233                 call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2234                 call chainbuild
2235                 call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,1),&  !el cref(1,nstart_sup)
2236                           nsup,przes,obr,non_conv)
2237                 rms=dsqrt(rms)
2238                 call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
2239                 frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
2240                 write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
2241                 'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
2242                 ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order',co
2243               endif ! refstr
2244               if (My_Conf) then
2245                 nout=nout+1
2246                 write (iout,*) 'Writing new conformation',nout
2247                 if (refstr) then
2248                   write (istat,'(i5,16(1pe14.5))') nout,&
2249                    (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
2250                    etot,rms,frac
2251                 else
2252                   if (print_stat) &
2253                    write (istat,'(i5,17(1pe14.5))') nout,&
2254                     (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
2255                 endif ! refstr
2256                 if (print_stat) close(istat)
2257 ! Print internal coordinates.
2258                 if (print_int) call briefout(nout,etot)
2259 ! Accumulate the newly accepted conf in the coord1 array, if it is different
2260 ! from all confs that are already there.
2261                 call compare_s1(n_thr,max_thread2,etot,varia,ii,&
2262                  enetb1,coord1,rms_deform,.true.,iprint)
2263                 write (iout,*) 'After compare_ss: n_thr=',n_thr
2264                 if (ii.eq.1 .or. ii.eq.3) then
2265                   write (iout,'(8f10.4)') &
2266                       (rad2deg*coord1(i,n_thr),i=1,nvar)
2267                 endif
2268               else
2269                 write (iout,*) 'Conformation from cache, not written.'
2270               endif ! My_Conf 
2272               if ( then
2273                 write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many conformation repetitions.'
2274                 goto 20
2275               endif
2276 ! Store the accepted conf. and its energy.
2277               eold=etot
2278               do i=1,nvar
2279                 varold(i)=varia(i)
2280               enddo
2281               if (irepet.eq.0) call zapis(varia,etot)
2282 ! Lower the temperature, if necessary.
2283               call cool
2285             else
2287               ntrial=ntrial+1
2288             endif ! accepted
2289           endif ! overlap
2291    30     continue
2292         enddo ! accepted
2293 ! Check for time limit.
2294         if (ovrtim()) WhatsUp=-1
2295         not_done = ( .and. (WhatsUp.eq.0) &
2296              .and. (Kwita.eq.0)
2298       enddo ! not_done
2299       goto 21
2300    20 WhatsUp=-3
2302    21 continue
2303       runtime=tcpu()
2304       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
2305       call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
2306       write (iout,'(a)') &
2307        'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
2308       write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
2309       write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
2310       write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
2311       if ( &
2312       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*)/)') 'All iterations done.'
2313         !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
2314       return
2315       end subroutine do_mcm
2316 #endif
2317 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2318 #ifdef MPI
2319       subroutine do_mcm(i_orig)
2321 ! Monte-Carlo-with-Minimization calculations - parallel code.
2322       use MPI_data
2323       use control_data, only:refstr!,tag
2324       use io_base, only:intout,briefout
2325       use control, only:ovrtim,tcpu
2326       use compare, only:contact,contact_fract
2327       use minimm, only:minimize
2328       use regularize_, only:fitsq
2329 !      use contact_, only:contact
2330 !      use minim
2331 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2332 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
2333       include 'mpif.h'
2334 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
2335 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
2336 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
2337 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
2338 !      include 'COMMON.CONTACTS'
2339 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
2340 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
2341 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
2342 !      include 'COMMON.INFO'
2343 !      include 'COMMON.CACHE'
2344 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM'
2345 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM1'
2346 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM2'
2347 !      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
2348 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
2349       logical :: accepted,over,error,lprint,not_done,similar,&
2350               enelower,non_conv,flag,finish     !,ovrtim
2351       integer :: MoveType,nbond !,conf_comp
2352       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x1,varold1,varold,varia !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
2353       real(kind=8) :: elowest,eold
2354       real(kind=8) :: przes(3),obr(3,3)
2355       integer :: iparentx(max_threadss2)
2356       integer :: iparentx1(max_threadss2)
2357       integer :: imtasks(150),imtasks_n
2358       real(kind=8) :: energia(0:n_ene)
2360 !el local variables 
2361       integer :: nfun,nodenum,i_orig,i,nf,nacc,it,nout,j,kkk,is,&
2362             Kwita,iretcode,noverlap,nstart_grow,ierr,iitt,&
2363             ii_grnum_d,ii_ennum_d,ii_hesnum_d,i_grnum_d,i_ennum_d,&
2364             i_hesnum_d,i_minimiz,irepet
2365       real(kind=8) :: etot,frac,eneglobal,RandOrPert,eold1,co,&
2366             runtime,rms
2368 !      if(.not.allocated(varsave)) allocate(varsave(maxvar,maxsave)) !(maxvar,maxsave)
2369       print *,'Master entered DO_MCM'
2370       nodenum = nprocs
2372       finish=.false.
2373       imtasks_n=0
2374       do i=1,nodenum-1
2375        imtasks(i)=0
2376       enddo
2377 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2378 ! Initialize counters.
2379 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2380 ! Total number of generated confs.
2381       ngen=0
2382 ! Total number of moves. In general this won`t be equal to the number of
2383 ! attempted moves, because we may want to reject some "bad" confs just by
2384 ! overlap check.
2385       nmove=0
2386 ! Total number of temperature jumps.
2387       ntherm=0
2388 ! Total number of shift (nbond_move(1)), spike, crankshaft, three-bond,...
2389 ! motions.
2390       allocate(nbond_move(nres)) !(maxres)
2392       ncache=0
2393       do i=1,nres
2394         nbond_move(i)=0
2395       enddo
2396 ! Initialize total and accepted number of moves of various kind.
2397       do i=0,MaxMoveType
2398         moves(i)=0
2399         moves_acc(i)=0
2400       enddo
2401 ! Total number of energy evaluations.
2402       neneval=0
2403       nfun=0
2404       nsave=0
2405 !      write (iout,*) 'RanFract=',RanFract
2406       WhatsUp=0
2407       Kwita=0
2408 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2409 ! Compute and print initial energies.
2410 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2411       call intout
2412       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a)') 'Initial energies:'
2413       call chainbuild
2414       nf=0
2415       call etotal(energia)
2416       etot = energia(0)
2417       call enerprint(energia)
2418 ! Request energy computation from slave processors.
2419       call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
2420 !     write (iout,*) 'The VARIA array'
2421 !     write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2422       call minimize(etot,varia,iretcode,nfun)
2423       call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2424       call chainbuild
2425       write (iout,*) 'etot from MINIMIZE:',etot
2426 !     write (iout,*) 'Tha VARIA array'
2427 !     write (iout,'(8f10.4)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2428       neneval=0
2429       eneglobal=1.0d99
2430       if (print_mc .gt. 0) write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*))') &
2431           'Enter Monte Carlo procedure.'
2432       if (print_mc .gt. 0) write (iout,'(i5,1pe14.5)' ) i_orig,etot
2433       eold=etot
2434       do i=1,nvar
2435         varold(i)=varia(i)
2436       enddo
2437       elowest=etot
2438       call zapis(varia,etot)
2439 ! diagnostics
2440       call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2441       call chainbuild
2442       call etotal(energia)
2443       if ( write (iout,*) 'Initial energy:',etot
2444 ! end diagnostics
2445       nacc=0         ! total # of accepted confs of the current processor.
2446       nacc_tot=0     ! total # of accepted confs of all processors.
2447       not_done=.true.
2448 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2449 ! Main loop.
2450 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2451       it=0
2452       nout=0
2453       LOOP1:do while (not_done)
2454         it=it+1
2455         if ( write (iout,'(80(1h*)/20x,a,i7)') &
2456                                    'Beginning iteration #',it
2457 ! Initialize local counter.
2458         ntrial=0 ! # of generated non-overlapping confs.
2459         noverlap=0 ! # of overlapping confs.
2460         accepted=.false.
2461         LOOP2:do while (.not. accepted)
2463          LOOP3:do while (
2464           do i=1,nodenum-1
2465            if(imtasks(i).eq.0) then
2466             is=i
2467             exit
2468            endif
2469           enddo
2470 ! Retrieve the angles of previously accepted conformation
2471           do j=1,nvar
2472             varia(j)=varold(j)
2473           enddo
2474           call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2475 ! Rebuild the chain.
2476           call chainbuild
2477 ! Heat up the system, if necessary.
2478           call heat(over)
2479 ! If temperature cannot be further increased, stop.
2480           if (over) then 
2481            finish=.true.
2482           endif
2483           MoveType=0
2484           nbond=0
2485 !          write (iout,'(a)') 'Old variables:'
2486 !          write (iout,'(10f8.1)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
2487 ! Decide whether to generate a random conformation or perturb the old one
2488           RandOrPert=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0)
2489           if ( then
2490            if ( &
2491              write (iout,'(a)') 'Perturbation-generated conformation.'
2492            call perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,1.0D0)
2493 !           print *,'after perturb',error,finish
2494            if (error) finish = .true.
2495            if ( .or. then
2496             write (iout,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',&
2497                MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
2498             finish=.true.
2499             write (*,'(/a,i7,a/)') 'Error - unknown MoveType=',&
2500                MoveType,' returned from PERTURB.'
2501            endif
2502            call chainbuild
2503           else
2504            MoveType=0
2505            moves(0)=moves(0)+1
2506            nstart_grow=iran_num(3,nres)
2507            if ( &
2508             write (iout,'(2a,i3)') 'Random-generated conformation',&
2509             ' - chain regrown from residue',nstart_grow
2510            call gen_rand_conf(nstart_grow,*30)
2511           endif
2512           call geom_to_var(nvar,varia)
2513           ngen=ngen+1
2514 !          print *,'finish=',finish
2515           if ( then
2516            if ( write (iout,'(a,1pe14.5)') &
2517           'Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
2518            if( print *,&
2519            'Overlap detected in the current conf.; energy is',etot
2520            neneval=neneval+1 
2521            accepted=.false.
2522            noverlap=noverlap+1
2523            if ( then
2524             write (iout,*) 'Too many overlapping confs.',&
2525             ' etot, elowest, overlap_cut', etot, elowest, overlap_cut
2526             finish=.true.
2527            endif
2528           else if (.not. finish) then
2529 ! Distribute tasks to processors
2530 !           print *,'Master sending order'
2531            call MPI_SEND(12, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2532                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2533 !           write (iout,*) '12: tag=',tag
2534 !           print *,'Master sent order to processor',is
2535            call MPI_SEND(it, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2536                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2537 !           write (iout,*) 'it: tag=',tag
2538            call MPI_SEND(eold, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, is, tag,&
2539                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2540 !           write (iout,*) 'eold: tag=',tag
2541            call MPI_SEND(varia(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
2542                    is, tag,&
2543                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2544 !           write (iout,*) 'varia: tag=',tag
2545            call MPI_SEND(varold(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
2546                    is, tag,&
2547                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2548 !           write (iout,*) 'varold: tag=',tag
2549 #ifdef AIX
2550            call flush_(iout)
2551 #else
2552            call flush(iout)
2553 #endif
2554            imtasks(is)=1
2555            imtasks_n=imtasks_n+1
2556 ! End distribution
2557           endif ! overlap
2558          enddo LOOP3
2560          flag = .false.
2561          LOOP_RECV:do while(.not.flag)
2562           do is=1, nodenum-1
2563            call MPI_IPROBE(is,tag,CG_COMM,flag,status,ierr)
2564            if(flag) then
2565             call MPI_RECV(iitt, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2566                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2567             call MPI_RECV(eold1, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, is, tag,&
2568                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2569             call MPI_RECV(etot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, is, tag,&
2570                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2571             call MPI_RECV(varia(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,is,tag,&
2572                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2573             call MPI_RECV(varold1(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, is, &
2574                     tag, CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2575             call MPI_RECV(ii_grnum_d, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2576                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2577             call MPI_RECV(ii_ennum_d, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2578                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2579             call MPI_RECV(ii_hesnum_d, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2580                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2581             i_grnum_d=i_grnum_d+ii_grnum_d
2582             i_ennum_d=i_ennum_d+ii_ennum_d
2583             neneval = neneval+ii_ennum_d
2584             i_hesnum_d=i_hesnum_d+ii_hesnum_d
2585             i_minimiz=i_minimiz+1
2586             imtasks(is)=0
2587             imtasks_n=imtasks_n-1
2588             exit 
2589            endif
2590           enddo
2591          enddo LOOP_RECV
2593          if( write (iout,'(a,i6,a,i6,a,i6,a,1pe16.6)') &
2594             'From Worker #',is,' iitt',iitt,&
2595            ' Conformation:',ngen,' energy:',etot
2596 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2597 !... Do Metropolis test
2598 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2599          call metropolis(nvar,varia,varold1,etot,eold1,accepted,&
2600                             similar,EneLower)
2601          if( then
2602           call metropolis(nvar,varia,varold,etot,eold,accepted,&
2603                             similar,EneLower)
2604           accepted=enelower
2605          endif
2606          if(
2607 !         if(mod(it,100).eq.0)
2608          write(iout,*)'CHUJOJEB ',neneval,eneglobal
2609          if (accepted) then
2610 ! Write the accepted conformation.
2611            nout=nout+1
2612            if (refstr) then
2613              call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2614              call chainbuild
2615              kkk=1
2616              call fitsq(rms,c(1,nstart_seq),cref(1,nstart_sup,kkk),&
2617                           nsup,przes,obr,non_conv)
2618              rms=dsqrt(rms)
2619              call contact(.false.,ncont,icont,co)
2620              frac=contact_fract(ncont,ncont_ref,icont,icont_ref)
2621              write (iout,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
2622                'RMS deviation from the reference structure:',rms,&
2623                ' % of native contacts:',frac*100,' contact order:',co
2624            endif ! refstr
2625            if ( &
2626             write (iout,*) 'Writing new conformation',nout
2627            if (print_stat) then
2628              call var_to_geom(nvar,varia)
2629 #if defined(AIX) || defined(PGI)
2630              open (istat,file=statname,position='append')
2631 #else
2632              open (istat,file=statname,access='append')
2633 #endif
2634              if (refstr) then
2635                write (istat,'(i5,16(1pe14.5))') nout,&
2636                 (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),&
2637                 etot,rms,frac
2638              else
2639                write (istat,'(i5,16(1pe14.5))') nout,&
2640                 (energia(print_order(i)),i=1,nprint_ene),etot
2641              endif ! refstr
2642              close(istat)
2643            endif ! print_stat
2644 ! Print internal coordinates.
2645            if (print_int) call briefout(nout,etot)
2646            nacc=nacc+1
2647            nacc_tot=nacc_tot+1
2648            if ( elowest=etot
2649            moves_acc(MoveType)=moves_acc(MoveType)+1
2650            if (MoveType.eq.1) then
2651              nbond_acc(nbond)=nbond_acc(nbond)+1
2652            endif
2653 ! Check against conformation repetitions.
2654           irepet=conf_comp(varia,etot)
2655           if ( then
2656            if ( &
2657             write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many conformation repetitions.'
2658             finish=.true.
2659            endif
2660 ! Store the accepted conf. and its energy.
2661            eold=etot
2662            do i=1,nvar
2663             varold(i)=varia(i)
2664            enddo
2665            if (irepet.eq.0) call zapis(varia,etot)
2666 ! Lower the temperature, if necessary.
2667            call cool
2668           else
2669            ntrial=ntrial+1
2670          endif ! accepted
2671    30    continue
2672          if(finish.and.imtasks_n.eq.0)exit LOOP2
2673         enddo LOOP2 ! accepted
2674 ! Check for time limit.
2675         not_done = ( .and. (
2676         if(.not.not_done .or. finish) then
2677          if( then
2678           not_done=.true.
2679          else
2680           not_done=.false.
2681          endif
2682          finish=.true.
2683         endif
2684       enddo LOOP1 ! not_done
2685       runtime=tcpu()
2686       if ( then
2687         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a)') 'Summary run statistics:'
2688         call statprint(nacc,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
2689         write (iout,'(a)') &
2690        'Statistics of multiple-bond motions. Total motions:' 
2691         write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_move(i),i=1,Nbm)
2692         write (iout,'(a)') 'Accepted motions:'
2693         write (iout,'(16i5)') (nbond_acc(i),i=1,Nbm)
2694         if ( &
2695       write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/20x,a/80(1h*)/)') 'All iterations done.'
2696       endif
2697 #ifdef AIX
2698       call flush_(iout)
2699 #else
2700       call flush(iout)
2701 #endif
2702       do is=1,nodenum-1
2703         call MPI_SEND(999, 1, MPI_INTEGER, is, tag,&
2704                    CG_COMM, ierr)
2705       enddo
2706       return
2707       end subroutine do_mcm
2708 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2709       subroutine execute_slave(nodeinfo,iprint)
2711       use MPI_data
2712       use minimm, only:minimize
2713 !      use minim
2714 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2715 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
2716       include 'mpif.h'
2717 !      include 'COMMON.TIME1'
2718 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
2719 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM'
2720 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM1'
2721 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM2'
2722 !      include 'COMMON.LOCAL'
2723 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
2724 !      include 'COMMON.INFO'
2725 !      include 'COMMON.MINIM'
2726       character(len=10) :: nodeinfo 
2727       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x,x1    !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
2728       integer :: nfun,iprint,i_switch,ierr,i_grnum_d,i_ennum_d,&
2729         i_hesnum_d,iitt,iretcode,iminrep
2730       real(kind=8) :: ener,energyx
2732       nodeinfo='chujwdupe'
2733 !      print *,'Processor:',MyID,' Entering execute_slave'
2734       tag=0
2735 !      call MPI_SEND(nodeinfo, 10, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, tag,
2736 !     &              CG_COMM, ierr)
2738 1001  call MPI_RECV(i_switch, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2739                     CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2740 !      write(iout,*)'12: tag=',tag
2741       if( *, MyID,' recv order ',i_switch
2742       if (i_switch.eq.12) then
2743        i_grnum_d=0
2744        i_ennum_d=0
2745        i_hesnum_d=0
2746        call MPI_RECV(iitt, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2747                      CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2748 !      write(iout,*)'12: tag=',tag
2749        call MPI_RECV(ener, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2750                      CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2751 !      write(iout,*)'ener: tag=',tag
2752        call MPI_RECV(x(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2753                      CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2754 !      write(iout,*)'x: tag=',tag
2755        call MPI_RECV(x1(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2756                      CG_COMM, status, ierr)
2757 !      write(iout,*)'x1: tag=',tag
2758 #ifdef AIX
2759        call flush_(iout)
2760 #else
2761        call flush(iout)
2762 #endif
2763 !       print *,'calling minimize'
2764        call minimize(energyx,x,iretcode,nfun)
2765        if( &
2766         write(iout,100)'minimized energy = ',energyx,&
2767           ' # funeval:',nfun,' iret ',iretcode
2768         write(*,100)'minimized energy = ',energyx,&
2769           ' # funeval:',nfun,' iret ',iretcode
2770  100   format(a20,f10.5,a12,i5,a6,i2)
2771        if(iretcode.eq.10) then
2772          do iminrep=2,3
2773           if( &
2774           write(iout,*)' ... not converged - trying again ',iminrep
2775           call minimize(energyx,x,iretcode,nfun)
2776           if( &
2777           write(iout,*)'minimized energy = ',energyx,&
2778            ' # funeval:',nfun,' iret ',iretcode
2779           if( to 812
2780          enddo
2781          if(iretcode.eq.10) then
2782           if( &
2783           write(iout,*)' ... not converged again - giving up'
2784           go to 812
2785          endif
2786        endif
2787 812    continue
2788 !       print *,'Sending results'
2789        call MPI_SEND(iitt, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2790                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2791        call MPI_SEND(ener, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2792                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2793        call MPI_SEND(energyx, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2794                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2795        call MPI_SEND(x(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2796                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2797        call MPI_SEND(x1(1), nvar, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, tag,&
2798                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2799        call MPI_SEND(i_grnum_d, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2800                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2801        call MPI_SEND(nfun, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2802                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2803        call MPI_SEND(i_hesnum_d, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, tag,&
2804                     CG_COMM, ierr)
2805 !       print *,'End sending'
2806        go to 1001
2807       endif
2809       return
2810       end subroutine execute_slave
2811 #endif
2812 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2813       subroutine heat(over)
2815 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2816 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
2817 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
2818 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
2819       logical :: over
2820 ! Check if there`s a need to increase temperature.
2821       if ( then
2822         if ( then
2823           if (dabs(Tcur-TMax).lt.1.0D-7) then
2824             if ( &
2825             write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,f8.3,a/80(1h*))') &
2826             'Upper limit of temperature reached. Terminating.'
2827             over=.true.
2828             Tcur=Tmin
2829           else
2830             Tcur=Tcur*TstepH
2831             if ( Tcur=Tmax
2832             betbol=1.0D0/(Rbol*Tcur)
2833             if ( &
2834             write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,f8.3,a,f10.5/80(1h*))') &
2835             'System heated up to ',Tcur,' K; BetBol:',betbol
2836             ntherm=ntherm+1
2837             ntrial=0
2838             over=.false.
2839           endif
2840         else
2841          if ( &
2842          write (iout,'(a)') &
2843        'Maximum number of trials in a single MCM iteration exceeded.'
2844          over=.true.
2845          Tcur=Tmin
2846         endif
2847       else
2848         over=.false.
2849       endif
2850       return
2851       end subroutine heat
2852 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2853       subroutine cool
2855 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2856 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
2857 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
2858 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
2859       if ( .and. dabs(Tcur-Tmin).gt.1.0D-7) then
2860         Tcur=Tcur/TstepC
2861         if ( Tcur=Tmin
2862         betbol=1.0D0/(Rbol*Tcur)
2863         if ( &
2864         write (iout,'(/80(1h*)/a,f8.3,a,f10.5/80(1h*))') &
2865         'System cooled down up to ',Tcur,' K; BetBol:',betbol
2866       endif
2867       return
2868       end subroutine cool
2869 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2870       subroutine perturb(error,lprint,MoveType,nbond,max_phi)
2872       use geometry
2873       use energy, only:nnt,nct,itype
2874       use md_calc, only:bond_move
2875 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
2876 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
2877       integer,parameter :: MMaxSideMove=100
2878 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
2879 !      include 'COMMON.CHAIN'
2880 !      include 'COMMON.INTERACT'
2881 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
2882 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
2883 !      include 'COMMON.NAMES'
2884 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
2885 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM1'
2886       logical :: error,lprint,fail
2887       integer :: MoveType,nbond,end_select,ind_side(MMaxSideMove)
2888       real(kind=8) :: max_phi
2889       real(kind=8) :: psi!,gen_psi
2890 !el      external iran_num
2891 !el      integer iran_num
2892       integer :: ifour
2894 !!! local variables - el
2895       integer :: itrial,iiwin,iwindow,isctry,i,icount,j,nstart,&
2896             nside_move,inds,indx,ii,iti
2897       real(kind=8) :: bond_prob,theta_new
2899       data ifour /4/
2900       error=.false.
2901       lprint=.false.
2902 ! Perturb the conformation according to a randomly selected move.
2903       call SelectMove(MoveType)
2904 !      write (iout,*) 'MoveType=',MoveType
2905       itrial=0
2906       goto (100,200,300,400,500) MoveType
2907 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2908 ! Backbone N-bond move.
2909 ! Select the number of bonds (length of the segment to perturb).
2910   100 continue
2911       if ( then
2912         write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many attempts at multiple-bond move.'
2913         error=.true.
2914         return
2915       endif
2916       bond_prob=ran_number(0.0D0,sumpro_bond(nbm))
2917 !     print *,'sumpro_bond(nbm)=',sumpro_bond(nbm),
2918 !    & ' Bond_prob=',Bond_Prob
2919       do i=1,nbm-1
2920 !       print *,i,Bond_Prob,sumpro_bond(i),sumpro_bond(i+1)
2921         if ( .and. &
2922                      bond_prob.le.sumpro_bond(i+1)) then
2923           nbond=i+1
2924           goto 10
2925         endif
2926       enddo
2927       write (iout,'(2a)') 'In PERTURB: Error - number of bonds',&
2928                           ' to move out of range.'
2929       error=.true.
2930       return
2931    10 continue
2932       if ( then
2933 ! Select the first residue to perturb
2934         iwindow=iran_num(1,nwindow)
2935         print *,'iwindow=',iwindow
2936         iiwin=1
2937         do while (winlen(iwindow).lt.nbond)
2938           iwindow=iran_num(1,nwindow)
2939           iiwin=iiwin+1
2940           if ( then
2941              write (iout,'(a)') 'Cannot select moveable residues.'
2942              error=.true.
2943              return
2944           endif
2945         enddo 
2946         nstart=iran_num(winstart(iwindow),winend(iwindow))
2947       else
2948         nstart = iran_num(koniecl+2,nres-nbond-koniecl)  
2949 !d      print *,'nres=',nres,' nbond=',nbond,' koniecl=',koniecl,
2950 !d   &        ' nstart=',nstart
2951       endif
2952       psi = gen_psi()
2953       if (psi.eq.0.0) then
2954         error=.true.
2955         return
2956       endif
2957       if ( write (iout,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f8.3)') &
2958        'PERTURB: nbond=',nbond,' nstart=',nstart,' psi=',psi*rad2deg
2959 !d    print *,'nstart=',nstart
2960       call bond_move(nbond,nstart,psi,.false.,error)
2961       if (error) then 
2962         write (iout,'(2a)') &
2963        'Could not define reference system in bond_move, ',&
2964        'choosing ahother segment.'
2965         itrial=itrial+1
2966         goto 100
2967       endif
2968       nbond_move(nbond)=nbond_move(nbond)+1
2969       moves(1)=moves(1)+1
2970       nmove=nmove+1
2971       return
2972 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2973 ! Backbone endmove. Perturb a SINGLE angle of a residue close to the end of
2974 ! the chain.
2975   200 continue
2976       lprint=.true.
2977 !     end_select=iran_num(1,2*koniecl)
2978 !     if ( then
2979 !       end_select=nphi-(end_select-koniecl)
2980 !     else 
2981 !       end_select=koniecl+3
2982 !     endif
2983 !     if ( then
2984 !       iwin=iran_num(1,nwindow)
2985 !       i1=max0(4,winstart(iwin))
2986 !       i2=min0(winend(imin)+2,nres)
2987 !       end_select=iran_num(i1,i2)
2988 !     else
2989 !      iselect = iran_num(1,nmov_var)
2990 !      jj = 0
2991 !      do i=1,nphi
2992 !        if (isearch_tab(i).eq.1) jj = jj+1
2993 !        if ( then
2994 !          end_select=i+3
2995 !          exit
2996 !        endif
2997 !      enddo    
2998 !     endif
2999       end_select = iran_num(4,nres)
3000       psi=max_phi*gen_psi()
3001       if (psi.eq.0.0D0) then
3002         error=.true.
3003         return
3004       endif
3005       phi(end_select)=pinorm(phi(end_select)+psi)
3006       if ( write (iout,'(a,i4,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
3007        'End angle',end_select,' moved by ',psi*rad2deg,' new angle:',&
3008        phi(end_select)*rad2deg   
3009 !     if ( 
3010 !    &   theta(end_select-1)=gen_theta(itype(end_select-2),
3011 !    &                              phi(end_select-1),phi(end_select))
3012 !     if ( 
3013 !    &    theta(end_select)=gen_theta(itype(end_select-1),
3014 !    &                              phi(end_select),phi(end_select+1))
3015 !d    print *,'nres=',nres,' end_select=',end_select
3016 !d    print *,'theta',end_select-1,theta(end_select-1)
3017 !d    print *,'theta',end_select,theta(end_select)
3018       moves(2)=moves(2)+1
3019       nmove=nmove+1
3020       lprint=.false.
3021       return
3022 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3023 ! Side chain move.
3024 ! Select the number of SCs to perturb.
3025   300 isctry=0 
3026   301 nside_move=iran_num(1,MaxSideMove) 
3027 !     print *,'nside_move=',nside_move,' MaxSideMove',MaxSideMove
3028 ! Select the indices.
3029       do i=1,nside_move
3030         icount=0
3031   111   inds=iran_num(nnt,nct) 
3032         icount=icount+1
3033         if ( then
3034           write (iout,'(a)')'Error - cannot select side chains to move.'
3035           error=.true.
3036           return
3037         endif
3038         if (itype(inds).eq.10) goto 111
3039         do j=1,i-1
3040           if (inds.eq.ind_side(j)) goto 111
3041         enddo
3042         do j=1,i-1
3043           if ( then
3044             indx=j
3045             goto 112
3046           endif
3047         enddo
3048         indx=i
3049   112   do j=i,indx+1,-1
3050           ind_side(j)=ind_side(j-1)
3051         enddo 
3052   113   ind_side(indx)=inds
3053       enddo
3054 ! Carry out perturbation.
3055       do i=1,nside_move
3056         ii=ind_side(i)
3057         iti=itype(ii)
3058         call gen_side(iti,theta(ii+1),alph(ii),omeg(ii),fail)
3059         if (fail) then
3060           isctry=isctry+1
3061           if ( then
3062             write (iout,'(a)') 'Too many errors in SC generation.'
3063             error=.true.
3064             return
3065           endif
3066           goto 301 
3067         endif
3068         if ( write (iout,'(2a,i4,a,2f8.3)') &
3069          'Side chain ',restyp(iti),ii,' moved to ',&
3070          alph(ii)*rad2deg,omeg(ii)*rad2deg
3071       enddo
3072       moves(3)=moves(3)+1
3073       nmove=nmove+1
3074       return
3075 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3076 ! THETA move
3077   400 end_select=iran_num(3,nres)
3078       theta_new=gen_theta(itype(end_select),phi(end_select),&
3079                           phi(end_select+1))
3080       if ( write (iout,'(a,i3,a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') &
3081        'Theta ',end_select,' moved from',theta(end_select)*rad2deg,&
3082        ' to ',theta_new*rad2deg
3083       theta(end_select)=theta_new  
3084       moves(4)=moves(4)+1
3085       nmove=nmove+1 
3086       return
3087 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3088 ! Error returned from SelectMove.
3089   500 error=.true.
3090       return
3091       end subroutine perturb
3092 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3093       subroutine SelectMove(MoveType)
3095 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3096 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
3097 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
3098 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3100 !!! local variables - el
3101       integer :: i,MoveType
3102       real(kind=8) :: what_move
3104       what_move=ran_number(0.0D0,sumpro_type(MaxMoveType))
3105       do i=1,MaxMoveType
3106         if ( &
3107          then
3108           MoveType=i
3109           return
3110         endif
3111       enddo
3112       write (iout,'(a)') &
3113        'Fatal error in SelectMoveType: cannot select move.'
3114       MoveType=MaxMoveType+1
3115       return
3116       end subroutine SelectMove
3117 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3118       real(kind=8) function gen_psi()
3120       use geometry_data, only: angmin,pi
3121 !el      implicit none
3122       integer :: i
3123       real(kind=8) :: x !,ran_number
3124 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3125 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3126       x=0.0D0
3127       do i=1,100
3128         x=ran_number(-pi,pi)
3129         if (dabs(x).gt.angmin) then
3130           gen_psi=x
3131           return
3132         endif
3133       enddo
3134       write (iout,'(a)')'From Gen_Psi: Cannot generate angle increment.'
3135       gen_psi=0.0D0
3136       return
3137       end function gen_psi
3138 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3139       subroutine metropolis(n,xcur,xold,ecur,eold,accepted,similar,enelower)
3141 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3142 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
3143 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
3144 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3145 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
3146 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3147 !rc      include 'COMMON.DEFORM'
3148       integer :: n
3149       real(kind=8) :: ecur,eold,xx,bol  !,ran_number
3150       real(kind=8),dimension(n) :: xcur,xold
3151       real(kind=8) :: ecut1 ,ecut2 ,tola
3152       logical :: accepted,similar,not_done,enelower
3153       logical :: lprn
3155 !!! local variables - el
3156       real(kind=8) :: xxh,difene,reldife
3158       data ecut1 /-1.0D-5/,ecut2 /5.0D-3/,tola/5.0D0/
3159 !      ecut1=-5*enedif
3160 !      ecut2=50*enedif
3161 !      tola=5.0d0
3162 ! Set lprn=.true. for debugging.
3163       lprn=.false.
3164       if (lprn) &
3165 !el      write(iout,*)'enedif',enedif,' ecut1',ecut1,' ecut2',ecut2
3166       write(iout,*)' ecut1',ecut1,' ecut2',ecut2
3167       similar=.false.
3168       enelower=.false.
3169       accepted=.false.
3170 ! Check if the conformation is similar.
3171       difene=ecur-eold
3172       reldife=difene/dmax1(dabs(eold),dabs(ecur),1.0D0)
3173       if (lprn) then
3174         write (iout,*) 'Metropolis'
3175         write(iout,*)'ecur,eold,difene,reldife',ecur,eold,difene,reldife
3176       endif
3177 ! If energy went down remarkably, we accept the new conformation 
3178 ! unconditionally.
3179 !jp      if ( then
3180       if ( then
3181         accepted=.true.
3182         EneLower=.true.
3183         if (lprn) write (iout,'(a)') &
3184          'Conformation accepted, because energy has lowered remarkably.'
3185 !      elseif ( .and. dif_ang(nphi,xcur,xold).lt.tola) 
3186 !jp      elseif ( 
3187       elseif ( &
3188        then
3189 ! Reject the conf. if energy has changed insignificantly and there is not 
3190 ! much change in conformation.
3191         if (lprn) &
3192          write (iout,'(2a)') 'Conformation rejected, because it is',&
3193             ' similar to the preceding one.'
3194         accepted=.false.
3195         similar=.true.
3196       else 
3197 ! Else carry out Metropolis test.
3198         EneLower=.false.
3199         xx=ran_number(0.0D0,1.0D0) 
3200         xxh=betbol*difene
3201         if (lprn) &
3202           write (iout,*) 'betbol=',betbol,' difene=',difene,' xxh=',xxh
3203         if ( then
3204           bol=0.0D0
3205         else
3206           bol=exp(-xxh)
3207         endif
3208         if (lprn) write (iout,*) 'bol=',bol,' xx=',xx
3209         if ( then
3210           accepted=.true. 
3211           if (lprn) write (iout,'(a)') &
3212           'Conformation accepted, because it passed Metropolis test.'
3213         else
3214           accepted=.false.
3215           if (lprn) write (iout,'(a)') &
3216        'Conformation rejected, because it did not pass Metropolis test.'
3217         endif
3218       endif
3219 #ifdef AIX
3220       call flush_(iout)
3221 #else
3222       call flush(iout)
3223 #endif
3224       return
3225       end subroutine metropolis
3226 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3227       integer function conf_comp(x,ene)
3229       use geometry_data, only: nphi
3230 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3231 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
3232 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
3233 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
3234 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3235 !      include 'COMMON.GEO' 
3236       real(kind=8) :: etol, angtol 
3237       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: x       !(maxvar) (maxvar=6*maxres)
3238       real(kind=8) :: difa      !dif_ang,
3240 !!! local variables - el
3241       integer :: ii,i
3242       real(kind=8) :: ene
3244       data etol /0.1D0/, angtol /20.0D0/
3245       do ii=nsave,1,-1
3246 !       write (iout,*) 'ii=',ii,'ene=',ene,esave(ii),dabs(ene-esave(ii))
3247         if (dabs(ene-esave(ii)).lt.etol) then
3248           difa=dif_ang(nphi,x,varsave(1,ii))
3249 !         do i=1,nphi
3250 !           write(iout,'(i3,3f8.3)')i,rad2deg*x(i),
3251 !    &          rad2deg*varsave(i,ii)
3252 !         enddo
3253 !         write(iout,*) 'ii=',ii,' difa=',difa,' angtol=',angtol
3254           if (difa.le.angtol) then
3255             if ( then
3256             write (iout,'(a,i5,2(a,1pe15.4))') &
3257             'Current conformation matches #',ii,&
3258             ' in the store array ene=',ene,' esave=',esave(ii)
3259 !           write (*,'(a,i5,a)') 'Current conformation matches #',ii,
3260 !    &      ' in the store array.'
3261             endif !
3262             if ( then
3263             do i=1,nphi
3264               write(iout,'(i3,3f8.3)')i,rad2deg*x(i),&
3265                   rad2deg*varsave(i,ii)
3266             enddo
3267             endif !
3268             nrepm=nrepm+1
3269             conf_comp=ii
3270             return
3271           endif
3272         endif
3273       enddo 
3274       conf_comp=0
3275       return
3276       end function conf_comp
3277 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3278       real(kind=8) function dif_ang(n,x,y)
3280       use geometry_data, only: dwapi
3281 !el      implicit none
3282       integer :: i,n
3283       real(kind=8),dimension(n) :: x,y
3284       real(kind=8) :: w,wa,dif,difa
3285 !el      real(kind=8) :: pinorm 
3286 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3287       wa=0.0D0
3288       difa=0.0D0
3289       do i=1,n
3290         dif=dabs(pinorm(y(i)-x(i)))
3291         if (dabs(dif-dwapi).lt.dif) dif=dabs(dif-dwapi)
3292         w=1.0D0-(2.0D0*(i-1)/(n-1)-1.0D0)**2+1.0D0/n
3293         wa=wa+w
3294         difa=difa+dif*dif*w
3295       enddo 
3296       dif_ang=rad2deg*dsqrt(difa/wa)
3297       return
3298       end function dif_ang
3299 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3300       subroutine add2cache(n1,n2,ncache,nvar,SourceID,CachSrc,ecur,xcur,ecache,xcache)
3302 !      implicit none
3303 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3304 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3305       integer :: n1,n2,ncache,nvar,SourceID,CachSrc(n2)
3306       integer :: i,ii,j
3307       real(kind=8) :: ecur,xcur(nvar),ecache(n2),xcache(n1,n2) 
3308 !d    write (iout,*) 'Enter ADD2CACHE ncache=',ncache ,' ecur',ecur
3309 !d    write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xcur(i),i=1,nvar)
3310 !d    write (iout,*) 'Old CACHE array:'
3311 !d    do i=1,ncache
3312 !d      write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' ecache=',ecache(i),' CachSrc',CachSrc(i)
3313 !d      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xcache(j,i),j=1,nvar)
3314 !d    enddo
3316       i=ncache
3317       do while ( .and.
3318         i=i-1
3319       enddo
3320       i=i+1
3321 !d    write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' ncache=',ncache
3322       if (ncache.eq.n2) then
3323         write (iout,*) 'Cache dimension exceeded',ncache,n2
3324         write (iout,*) 'Highest-energy conformation will be removed.'
3325         ncache=ncache-1
3326       endif
3327       do ii=ncache,i,-1
3328         ecache(ii+1)=ecache(ii)
3329         CachSrc(ii+1)=CachSrc(ii)
3330         do j=1,nvar
3331           xcache(j,ii+1)=xcache(j,ii)
3332         enddo
3333       enddo
3334       ecache(i)=ecur
3335       CachSrc(i)=SourceID
3336       do j=1,nvar
3337         xcache(j,i)=xcur(j)
3338       enddo
3339       ncache=ncache+1
3340 !d    write (iout,*) 'New CACHE array:'
3341 !d    do i=1,ncache
3342 !d      write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' ecache=',ecache(i),' CachSrc',CachSrc(i)
3343 !d      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xcache(j,i),j=1,nvar)
3344 !d    enddo
3345       return
3346       end subroutine add2cache
3347 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3348       subroutine rm_from_cache(i,n1,n2,ncache,nvar,CachSrc,ecache,xcache)
3350 !      implicit none 
3351 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3352 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3353       integer :: n1,n2,ncache,nvar,CachSrc(n2)
3354       integer :: i,ii,j
3355       real(kind=8) :: ecache(n2),xcache(n1,n2) 
3357 !d    write (iout,*) 'Enter RM_FROM_CACHE'
3358 !d    write (iout,*) 'Old CACHE array:'
3359 !d    do ii=1,ncache
3360 !d    write (iout,*)'i=',ii,' ecache=',ecache(ii),' CachSrc',CachSrc(ii)
3361 !d      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xcache(j,ii),j=1,nvar)
3362 !d    enddo
3364       do ii=i+1,ncache
3365         ecache(ii-1)=ecache(ii)
3366         CachSrc(ii-1)=CachSrc(ii)
3367         do j=1,nvar
3368           xcache(j,ii-1)=xcache(j,ii)
3369         enddo
3370       enddo
3371       ncache=ncache-1
3372 !d    write (iout,*) 'New CACHE array:'
3373 !d    do i=1,ncache
3374 !d      write (iout,*) 'i=',i,' ecache=',ecache(i),' CachSrc',CachSrc(i)
3375 !d      write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*xcache(j,i),j=1,nvar)
3376 !d    enddo
3377       return
3378       end subroutine rm_from_cache
3379 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3380 ! mcm.F         io_mcm
3381 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3382       subroutine statprint(it,nfun,iretcode,etot,elowest)
3384       use control_data, only: MaxMoveType,minim
3385       use control, only: tcpu
3386       use mcm_data
3387 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3388 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
3389 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3390 !      include 'COMMON.CONTROL'
3391 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
3392 !el local variables
3393       integer :: it,nfun,iretcode,i
3394       real(kind=8) :: etot,elowest,fr_mov_i
3396       if (minim) then
3397         write (iout,&
3398         '(80(1h*)/a,i5,a,1pe14.5,a,1pe14.5/a,i3,a,i10,a,i5,a,i5)') &
3399         'Finished iteration #',it,' energy is',etot,&
3400         ' lowest energy:',elowest,&
3401         'SUMSL return code:',iretcode,&
3402         ' # of energy evaluations:',neneval,&
3403         '# of temperature jumps:',ntherm,&
3404         ' # of minima repetitions:',nrepm
3405       else
3406         write (iout,'(80(1h*)/a,i8,a,1pe14.5,a,1pe14.5)') &
3407         'Finished iteration #',it,' energy is',etot,&
3408         ' lowest energy:',elowest
3409       endif
3410       write (iout,'(/4a)') &
3411        'Kind of move   ','           total','       accepted',&
3412        '  fraction'
3413       write (iout,'(58(1h-))')
3414       do i=-1,MaxMoveType
3415         if (moves(i).eq.0) then
3416           fr_mov_i=0.0d0
3417         else
3418           fr_mov_i=dfloat(moves_acc(i))/dfloat(moves(i))
3419         endif
3420         write(iout,'(a,2i15,f10.5)')MovTypID(i),moves(i),moves_acc(i),&
3421                fr_mov_i
3422       enddo
3423       write (iout,'(a,2i15,f10.5)') 'total           ',nmove,nacc_tot,&
3424                dfloat(nacc_tot)/dfloat(nmove)
3425       write (iout,'(58(1h-))')
3426       write (iout,'(a,1pe12.4)') 'Elapsed time:',tcpu()
3427       return
3428       end subroutine statprint
3429 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3430       subroutine zapis(varia,etot)
3432       use geometry_data, only: nres,rad2deg,nvar
3433       use mcm_data
3434       use MPI_data
3435 !      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
3436 !      include 'DIMENSIONS'
3437 #ifdef MPI
3438       use MPI_data      !include 'COMMON.INFO'
3439       include 'mpif.h'
3440 #endif
3441 !      include 'COMMON.GEO'
3442 !      include 'COMMON.VAR'
3443 !      include 'COMMON.MCM'
3444 !      include 'COMMON.IOUNITS'
3445       integer,dimension(nsave) :: itemp
3446       real(kind=8),dimension(6*nres) :: varia   !(maxvar)       (maxvar=6*maxres)
3447       logical :: lprint
3448 !el local variables
3449       integer :: j,i,maxvar
3450       real(kind=8) :: etot
3452 !el      allocate(esave(nsave)) !(maxsave)
3454       maxvar=6*nres
3455       lprint=.false.
3456       if (lprint) then
3457       write (iout,'(a,i5,a,i5)') 'Enter ZAPIS NSave=',Nsave,&
3458         ' MaxSave=',MaxSave
3459       write (iout,'(a)') 'Current energy and conformation:'
3460       write (iout,'(1pe14.5)') etot
3461       write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*varia(i),i=1,nvar)
3462       endif
3463 ! Shift the contents of the esave and varsave arrays if filled up.
3464       call add2cache(6*nres,nsave,nsave,nvar,MyID,itemp,&
3465                      etot,varia,esave,varsave)
3466       if (lprint) then
3467       write (iout,'(a)') 'Energies and the VarSave array.'
3468       do i=1,nsave
3469         write (iout,'(i5,1pe14.5)') i,esave(i)
3470         write (iout,'(10f8.3)') (rad2deg*varsave(j,i),j=1,nvar)
3471       enddo
3472       endif
3473       return
3474       end subroutine zapis
3475 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3476 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3477       subroutine alloc_MCM_arrays
3479       use energy_data, only: max_ene
3480       use MPI_data
3481 ! common.mce
3482 !      common /mce/
3483       allocate(entropy(-max_ene-4:max_ene)) !(-max_ene-4:max_ene)
3484       allocate(nhist(-max_ene:max_ene)) !(-max_ene:max_ene)
3485       allocate(nminima(maxsave)) !(maxsave)
3486 !      common /pool/
3487       allocate(xpool(6*nres,max_pool)) !(maxvar,max_pool)(maxvar=6*maxres)
3488       allocate(epool(max_pool)) !(max_pool)
3489 ! commom.mcm
3490 !      common /mcm/
3491       if(.not.allocated(nsave_part)) allocate(nsave_part(nctasks)) !(max_cg_procs)
3492 !      common /move/
3493 ! in io: mcmread
3494 !      real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable :: sumpro_type !(0:MaxMoveType)
3495       allocate(sumpro_bond(0:nres)) !(0:maxres)
3496       allocate(nbond_move(nres),nbond_acc(nres)) !(maxres)
3497       allocate(moves(-1:MaxMoveType+1),moves_acc(-1:MaxMoveType+1)) !(-1:MaxMoveType+1)
3498 !      common /accept_stats/
3499 !      allocate(nacc_part !(0:MaxProcs) !el nie uzywane???
3500 !      common /windows/ in io: mcmread
3501 !      allocate(winstart,winend,winlen !(maxres)
3502 !      common /moveID/
3503 !el      allocate(MovTypID(-1:MaxMoveType+1)) !(-1:MaxMoveType+1)
3504 ! common.var
3505 !      common /oldgeo/
3506       allocate(varsave(nres*6,maxsave))  !(maxvar,maxsave)(maxvar=6*maxres)
3507       allocate(esave(maxsave)) !(maxsave)
3508       allocate(Origin(maxsave)) !(maxsave)
3510       return
3511       end subroutine alloc_MCM_arrays
3512 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3513 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3514       end module mcm_md